英语面试:工资和工作哪个iq和eq谁更重要 英语

英语面试口语对话:你对薪水有什么要求?()&  问题:
  What are your salary expectations?
  I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for
  a person with my experiences and educational background.
  Shall we discuss my responsibilities with your company first?
  I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job.
  I hope you&ll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary higher than
  the junior secretary&s salary.
  I expect to be paid according to my abilities.
  With my experiences, I&d like to start at RMB4000 a month.
& 原文地址:免费咨询电话&400-801-6269(工作时间8:00-21:00)韦博:面试巧用英语谈薪资,职场顺利工资福利好【本文摘要】 很多人在外企外企面试谈薪资或者工作一段时间想要跟领导或者上司提出加薪时,不知道该如何开口。上海韦博国际英语给我们列出了一些常用的加薪用语。
当面试的时候,一般会问到你的起薪或者最低薪资不能低过多少。我们可以说“The starting salary I require
is 5,000RMB per
salary I require would be $80,000 a year, plus three percent
commission on all
薪资要求除了基本的工资或者提成外,还有的会要求住宿该怎么说呢?你可以讲到“;I require a monthly salary
of 2,000 yuan, plus housing”(我要每个月的2千工资外加提供住宿。)
除此之外,很多人愿意在试用期内降低薪资以获得工作机会,这时你可以说“I am willing to work on a trial
basis for a small salary for several months, if
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作者/编辑:佚名 https://www.unjs.com
  You&re sitting in a job interview and everything has been going great. You&re feeling really good about how you&ve responded to all the questions so far. Then, the hiring manager asks, &How much money do you currently make?& or &How much salary do you expect?& Your heart races and you begin to sweat. How should you answer?
  As a recent mentee discovered, the salary question can be a difficult topic to discuss if you haven&t already thought through potential responses. &James& (name changed) felt he had been close to being hired during several job interviews. Then the inevitable salary question came up and the hiring managers asked what James was making in his current position. He told the truth and, in both cases, the hiring managers responded that James& current salary was more than what the position would pay.
  &What&s the best way to respond to the question of how much are you making in your current position?& James asked me. &I let both hiring managers know I&m flexible with salary, but it seemed like once they heard what I&m currently making, they kind of switched off and didn&t consider me as a viable candidate anymore.&
  For job seekers, I tend to think of the salary question in terms of a poker game with the goal being to get the hiring manager (or HR rep) to lay down their poker cards on the table first. That&s because, as James found out, once you share a specific salary number, you might just have priced yourself too high (or too low) for the position.
  Here are tips to prepare for the salary question/discussion during job interviews:
  Tip #1: Arm yourself with salary information.
  Before you go to the job interview, spend adequate time conducting research to find out average salaries and salary ranges for similar jobs in your area, industry and geography. Websites for salary research include: salary.com, payscale.com, indeed.com, careeronestop.org, glassdoor.com, and jobsearchintelligence.com.
  在参加工作面试之前,预先做足功课,了解清楚那些与你的工作领域、行业和地域相似的岗位,薪资的平均数及上下浮动范围究竟是多少。在薪酬问题上有助参考的网站包括:salary.com, payscale.com, indeed.com, careeronestop.org, glassdoor.com, and jobsearchintelligence.com。
  Tip #2: Deflect the salary question if it&s asked early in the job interview.
  It will do you no good to tell the hiring manager how much you currently make or a desired salary range if you haven&t at least made it to the end of the interview to see if you and the hiring manager believe you&re a good fit. Let her/him know you&d like to better understand the job responsibilities and requirements and how well you meet those needs before discussing the salary topic.
  Tip #3: Be prepared to provide a salary range.
  This can be handled in a few different ways. You could provide the salary range you&ve researched, as in, &Based on my research, similar positions in this geography and industry are currently paying between $x and $y. Is this also the range for which you&ve budgeted for this position?& Or, you could share the salary range you desire, such as, &Based on the job requirements we discussed and my knowledge, skills and experience, I would expect the salary range of the position to be between $x and $y.&
  Tip #4: Think about how much you&d like to make.
  This doesn&t mean sharing an exact number, because it can place you above or below the budgeted salary for the position. Instead, provide a range you&d like to make. &Because I&m changing industries, I&m not expecting to exactly match my previous salary, but, I&d like my pay to be in the range of&&
  Tip #5: Think through ways to side step the salary question.
  Remember, the goal is to get the hiring manager to tell you the budgeted salary range for the position before you share any salary information. Try to avoid giving out information by providing answers such as, &My research shows similar positions pay in the range of $x to $y. I&m sure you&ve budgeted a salary range based on competitive data for this industry. What is your budgeted range?& Or, &If I&m the candidate you&d prefer for the position, I&m sure we&ll be able to reach agreement on the salary, as I&m willing to be flexible. What is the budgeted salary range?&
  Tip #6: Discuss the salary range with the HR rep during the initial screening interview.
  You don&t have to wait until you&ve made it to the interview round with the hiring manager. The initial telephone screen with HR is a good time to discuss the position&s pay range to make sure your expectations are within the salary parameters. This also makes the salary discussion with the hiring manager (when it comes up) a lot less stressful.
  As my mentee James found out, sometimes honesty isn&t always the best policy. When it comes to discussing salary during job interviews, avoid sharing with the hiring manager what you currently make. Focus instead on getting them to share the salary range they&re willing to pay. This isn&t always easy and you&ll need to be professional and respect however, it will help you walk away much closer to your desired salary.
英语面试如何谈薪水2    〖预览〗本词有两种解释。第一种解释把“宝”与“贝”都看成是名词,把“宝贝”看成名词与名词联合的词组!以下是小编为您收集整理提供到的范文,欢迎阅读参考,希望对你有所帮助!宝贝的英文是什么_英语翻译宝贝 [bǎo bèi]宝贝的英文翻译基本释义treasurecowrytreasured objectdarlingbabygood-for-nothing or queer characterlambkinmavourninmavourneensonnydoteythe apple of one's eyethe apple of sb.'s eyeSchatzSchatzihoneybunch例句精选Stop blubbering, you big baby!大宝贝,别哭了!The black currant trees were the apple of Joseph's eye这些果树是约瑟夫的宝贝。Betty, er, what do you call her, darling betty?贝蒂,呃,你叫她什么,宝贝贝蒂?--this noble sack of virgin lead going at only nine hundred dollars, gilding and all-- come……【】英语面试如何谈薪水3    〖预览〗一、以兴趣为契机,多结合生活实际,学会运用语言初学英语阶段,意识还处于感性阶段,老师会千方百计地在课堂上激发培养小学生的学习兴趣,如通过做游戏、唱儿歌、画图画等小学生喜闻乐见的形式来调动学习热情和积极性,让小学生明白学习英语是件很有趣的事情。二、注意良好学习习惯的养成1、倾听的习惯。2、养成规范书写的习惯。3、养成背诵的习惯。三、注重积累,搜寻有效的记忆方法。记忆在英语学习中占有重要地位,记忆方法直接关系到英语学习的成败。小学生是初学者对于单词的记忆还知识处于感性阶段,如能引导得当,能发挥他们记忆的潜能。很多人说在阅读中背单词,但那是需要一定的单词量作为基础才行。虽然阅读很重要,但集中精力专门背单词还是必须的,否则单词量太少,阅读就完全失去了兴趣。我们学习我们的母语,尚需要专门的记生词和生字。可以使用单词记忆软件辅助记忆,笔者曾使用“奇迹英语背单词8.0(sayen.net)”是个不错的选择。这款软件最大的好处就是记忆的效果特别好,它 的原理具体我也说不清楚,一开始用觉得这软件挺一般的,没什么特别的,但是用到后来(你试个几天),你就会发现很神奇了,他真的能监测到你即将忘记的单 词,然后重现让你学习。这对于大量词汇记忆来说是非常关键的。关注微信号: 家长帮上海站了解更多上海升学资讯四、持之以恒,把握未来。学习英语要过许多……【】英语面试如何谈薪水4    〖预览〗介绍清明节英语作文1Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called &Arbor Day&. But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, t……【】英语面试如何谈薪水5    〖预览〗英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。下面是unjs小编整理的相关内容,欢迎大家阅读!1:要有浓厚的兴趣,是非常重要的,2:上课要跟这老师的思维,都做笔记,并记住;3:要多记单词,只有记住单词才能帮助做题,4:要背课文,这样能帮助写作文。5:不懂的地方课后要多思考,找些相关的题。如果你能做到以上5点,英语就简单了。相信自己一定行!以下是具体实施(1)要过好语音关。(利用VOA慢速英语 学习发音)把每一个音标发正确,注意改正有问题的音素,特别是那些容易混淆的音素,尽早地掌握国际音标,并尽量的掌握一些读音规则,尽快地能利用读音规则来拼单词,掌握读音规则对单词的记忆和拼写非常有用。(2)掌握一定数量的英语单词。对于学习者来说掌握英语词汇是一难关,学习单词要从单词的形、音、义这三方面去掌握,要注意单词的一词多义,一词多类的用法,要学会一些构词法的知识,来扩展词汇量。学习单词要在语言材料中去学,要结合词组,通过句子,阅读文章来活记单词,死记的单词是记不牢的。坚持在读、说前,先反复听,听的时候反应单词、句子的意思和节奏,想一下单词的拼法、句子结构。并要同学习语法规则有机结合起来进行。(……【】
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