I love you, but I'we ve been hit翻译the past, so I'll take

英语播客中级版I'm Sorry I Love You V
M: Hello English learners! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.
E: And I&m Erica.
M: And we&re gonna be looking at our fifth episode of our famous love story.
E: Yes, I&m sorry I love you.
M: I&m sorry I love you.
E: Part five.
M: Okay. Hehe. Part five. So if you haven&t listened to the first four I suggest you go do that first, because&
E: You&re gonna be ??? [00m:22s] lost.
M: But it&s getting really good.
E: Yeah, and so so good that I don&t think we can even say what&
M: What&s gonna happen next. Hehe.
E: No, we can&t say what the key language is.
M: Oh, yeah, we can&t preview anything because it&s& we want to surprise you.
M: But we can tell you this, wha& what&s going on?
E: Last time we saw Veronica and Steven, um, they broke up, right?
E: And Veronica was with her friend and feeling really terrible and then Steven suddenly came to sing a beautiful song.
M: So this is continuing on that.
M: Okay. So let&s listen to the dialogue and then we&ll come back and talk about some of the difficult vocabulary you might find.
M: Alright, so more drama in our love story.
E: Oh my god.
M: Thing were going well and now more bad news.
E: Yeah, or good news.
M: Or good news.
M: We&re not sure yet.
M: Okay, let&s take a look at the vocabulary first in &language takeaway&.
Voice: Language takeaway.
E: Well, we&re gonna looking four words now, um, the firs one, blaze.
E: So this noun is, um, another word for a fire, right?
M: For a big fire.
E: A really big fire.
M: Uhu, the blaze.
M: So basically it&s like a flame of the fire.
E: Yes, this one is a little bit difficult, so I think we can use some examples to show us how to use this word.
Voice: Example one.
A: The blaze is spreading quickly, we need to evacuate these people.
Voice: Example two.
B: We have to go in there and save those people from the blaze.
M: Okay, so, it&s clear now, blaze.
M: Let&s look at our next word, conceived.
E: Conceived.
M: The past of conceive.
E: Right, conceive.
M: Conceive is a nice fancy word.
E: Yes, and what does it mean, Marco?
M: To create.
E: Oh, like how your ??? [04m:14s]
M: So, it means to create. You can conceive a baby.
M: You can conceive an idea.
M: So, it basically means to create.
E: Yes, um, most commonly with the baby, ??? [04m:25s]
M: Yeah, yeah, conceive. So, after the baby was conceived.
M: We have a due date.
M: We all know that it&s nine mounts later.
M: Approximately.
E: Yep, due date.
M: So, the due date is the date of birth, basically.
E: It&s the doctor&s guess when the birth would be.
M: Would be.
E: When you go to the doctor and say when will my baby be born, he&ll& he&ll say, well, your due date is& bla-bla-bla.
M: Nine mounts latter.
M: Okay. And our last word in language takeaway, accurate.
E: Accurate.
M: Accurate.
E: Accurate.
M: Now, the due dates aren&t accurate.
M: That means they&re not one hundred percent sure.
M: Or precise.
E: Yes. So, when something is accurate it&s absolutely certain.
M: Absolutely precise.
M: One hundred percent. Okay, so, accurate. Let&s listen to some more examples of how we can use accurate.
Voice: Example one.
A: A blood test is the most accurate way of finding out if you&re pregnant.
Voice: Example two.
B: These reports are not accurate, John. We checked and discovered a lot of mistakes.
Voice: Example three.
C: This new software helps us calculate costs in a very accurate way.
M: With those examples I think we&re ready to listen to this dialogue again. This time we&re gonna slow it down, right?
E: Yeah, in case you, um, were so shocked by what happened that you couldn&t follow.
M: Alright, so continuing on without drama, let&s take a look at some interesting phrases in &fluency builder&.
Voice: Fluency builder.
E: Well, we&ve got three phrases for you, um, the first one is the middle of nowhere.
M: Middle of nowhere.
E: Middle of nowhere.
M: Middle of nowhere.
E: This is, ah, kind of a funny one, but, um, I think if we listen to some examples, it will help us to understand the meaning of this phrase.
Voice: Example one.
A: We are in the middle of nowhere. How can we find our way back home?
Voice: Example two.
B: I was in the middle of nowhere, so I couldn&t even use my mobile phone.
Voice: Example three.
C: It takes me two hours to drive to your house. It&s in the middle of nowhere!
M: Alright, so middle of nowhere, it means that you&re lost.
E: Yeah, you&re in a& in a place with no cities or people or anything nearby.
M: Okay, so& just imagine yourself in the dessert. That would be the middle of nowhere.
E: Yes, or, ah, in Canada.
M: In Canada. Hehe.
E: That would be the middle of nowhere.
M: Alright, let&s take a look at our next phrase, first thing in the morning.
E: First thing in the morning.
M: First thing in the morning.
E: First thing in the morning.
M: So, when we talk about the first thing it means&
E: Really really early in the morning.
M: Really early.
M: So. I can change it a little bit and say, first thing in the afternoon.
E: Early in the afternoon.
M: Or first thing tomorrow morning.
E: So, really early tomorrow.
M: Okay. So, it&s a very common way of referring to very early.
E: Yeah, it&s not like& first thing in the morning is like six o&clock in the morning, right?
E: But if you say, okay, I&ll take care of that first thing in the morning, you&ll do it right away in the morning.
M: Right away.
M: Right when you get to the office ??? [09m:57s].
M: Okay. Let&s look at our last phrase, seems to be in order.
E: Seems to be in order.
M: Everything seems to be in order.
E: Uhu, so, everything is okay, everything&s normal.
M: Everything seems to be normal.
M: Everything looks okay.
M: So, this is a very common phrase when& people check your documents&
E: Aha, yeah, that&s true.
M: Or the reports.
M: Ah, they&ll say, okay, all the papers seem to be in order.
M: Very common.
E: Yes, good news when you pregnant that everything seems to be in order.
M: Exactly.
M: Everything is normal. Alright, so let&s listen to this dramatic dialogue one more time and we&ll come back and talk some more.
E: Well, Marco, um, what do you think about the situation? Wha& what would you do if you were this guy?
M: It&s complicated.
E: I know.
M: Ah, I don&t know what I would do. It seems like something, ah, very typical of soap operas.
M: Hehe. Well, I don&t know because she didn&t really deny it&
M: In the end. She didn&t say, no, right away.
E: Yeah, and& but she didn&t say like& oh.
M: Yeah, she didn&t really accept it.
M: So, it still a little bit difficult to see if maybe she cheated on him.
M: Or something.
E: Hey, guys, what do you think? Do you think Veronica cheated on Steven?
M: Do you think is his baby? Maybe it&s not. Maybe the doctor is wrong.
E: Maybe it&s the doctor&s baby.
M: Maybe it&s& Hehe.
M: Anything could happen here at EnglishPod, so send us your ideas and tell us what you think happens next& Ah, come to
where you can leave your questions, your comments.
E: Yeah, and Marco and I are always around to, ah, answer your questions, respond your comments.
M: Exactly and we want to know what you think will happen next.
M: Alright guys, so until next time& Bye!
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