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英语必修4人教版新课标Unit 2学案(语言点、语法)(精品)
Language points?
1.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.?
what=the thing(s) that?
This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.?
it 在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为to produce...,结构为:动词(make,feel,think,regard...)+it +adj.+ to do。?
e.g.We think it important to learn English well.
2.Since then,he has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice.?
devote oneself to+n./doing 献身于,致力于?
注意:to 为介词,后面接v.-ing。类似的短语还有look forward to,listen to,get to,reply to,apologize to,belong to,agree to等等。
3.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of fields.
注意:search强调搜查,一般表示目标明确范围较小。search sb.搜身;search some place 搜查某地search for 强调寻找,一般表示范围较大。?
search for sb.寻找某人?
e.g.The police searched the woods for the lost child.?
Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.?
4.Thanks to his research,the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger.?
thanks to=owing to ?
e.g.Thanks to your support,we won the game.?
5.Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.?
倍数词(twice/half/three times/a quarter,etc.)+as + 形容词原级 +as...表示“是……的多少倍”。?
e.g.The number of the students in our school is twice as large as that in their school.?
6.However,he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.
lead a...life 过……生活。英语中少数动词,包括一些不及物动词的宾语可能是与它同源的名词类似的短语动词有:die a...death,smile a...smile,dream a...dream,live a...life,sigh a...sigh,etc.。?
care (little/much) about:be concerned about“关心,介意”,后面跟从句时,ab
嘲笑残疾人是不对的的翻译是:It's not right to laugh at people with disabilities
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学案Book4 Unit 2 Working the land
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华Guided Learning PlansUnit 2 Working the landPeriod 1&2 Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading学习重点:阅读课文,掌握课文情节; 学习难点:1.掌握课文情节;2.学习中国著名人物袁隆平的生活和他的贡献。 学法指导:1.快速阅读,掌握课文大意; 2.细读,掌握课文情节和细节,用红笔画出难点; 3.注意人物传记体裁的文章写法; 4.了解中国著名的人物袁隆平和他的巨大贡献; 5.通过合作探究,解决疑难A.自主探究 Task 1 Skimming: Skim the whole passage and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dream Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography Para4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievement Task 2 Careful reading and tell which sentence is true (T) or false (F). 1) Yuan Longping , who was born in a rich family , graduated from Southwest Agricultural College . ( ) 2) Dr Yuan worked so hard in order to increase the output of rice, not to be famous . ( ) 3) Dr Yuan not only helped China increase the output of rice, but also helped many other countries in the world increase their rice harvests. ( ) 4) Dr Yuan doesn’t care about his fame , so he isn’t satisfied with his life . ( ) 5) Dr Yuan has his dream and he also worked hard for realizing his dream. ( ) Task3 找出课文中的重点短语 1.幸亏,由于 3.宁愿,宁可 5.花费… 在……上 7.在乎,关心,担心 9.过着舒适的生活 B. 合作探究 Task1. Personal information of Dr Yuan Name Nationality (国籍) Occupation (职业)12.摆脱,除去 4.对…… 感到满意 6.做研究 8.给…装备…. 10.想要,喜欢,照顾Age 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华Education Dream Achievement Hobbies AppearanceTask2: Comprehending: 1)Why did Yuan Longping want to increase the rice output when he was young? 2) Is Dr Yuan more of a scientist or more of a farmer? Why? 3) How would you describe Dr Yuan’s personality? 4) What do you think is the main reason for his success? 5) Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. Do you agree or disagree? Why?C. 反馈测试 课文填空。 I’m Yuan Longping. Look at my 1 face and arms and my slim, strong body and you will think I’m more like a 2 than a scientist. In fact I have struggled for the past five 3 to help farmers. In 1974, I began to grow a so-called super hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes 4 possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. I was born in a poor farmer’s family in 1931. When I was young, I saw many people go 5 often. So I have devoted myself to finding ways to increase rice harvest without expanding the area of fields since I 6 from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. Now more than 60 % of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain. I am 7 this knowledge in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase their harvest. Perhaps you think I am rich. Actually I live a simple life. I care 8 for money. In my opinion a person with too much money will have 9 troubles. I don’t want to be famous because I prefer to have more time to do my research. In my free time I love listening to music, playing mah-jong and reading. I once had a dream, in which I saw rice plants as tall as sorghum and each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and2 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Now I have another dream ―to my rice so that it can be grown all over the world.10D. 延伸拓展 单词运用: 1. We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal. 2. The document will be _____________(传阅) to all members. 3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e______________. 4. Our farm s___________the market with fruits and vegetables. 5. I am a bit c . Is that her husband or her son she is with? 6. Sydney’s population e____________rapidly in the 1960s. 7. He has a (晒黑的) face and bright eyes. 8. The plane r _________speed as it was approaching the airport. 9. The workers there worked l_______ crazy, with only thirty minutes` break at noon. 10. He __________(耕作) the farm with great success.Period 3 Language points学习重点:词汇和短语的运用 学习难点:词语的词性、搭配 学法指导:观察词性变化特点和词语搭配特点,通过合作探究、做本学案练习,在实践中 领悟和掌A.自主探究 1. struggle vi. 1)They were struggling to get out the burning car. 他们挣扎着从烧着的车里往外爬。 2) In the old days we had to struggle for our daily bread. 在旧社会我们得为糊口而挣扎。 3 ) He struggled against those who opposed his plan. 他与那些反对他计划的人进行了斗 争。 4)Whatever the trouble is, we have to struggle on with our lives. 不管有多难,我们也得挣扎着活下去。 5)He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争。 6)He did very well in the struggle. 在 这场竞争中,他非常成功。B.合作探究1. struggle vi. 意思为: 常见搭配及意思: 1) 2) 3)struggle on 4)struggle to one’s feet struggle 还可用作 词, 表示 等意思。2. rid vt.意思 动词过去式 : 词: , 2. rid vt. 1) They decided to rid the house of rats. 常见搭配: 他们决定将屋内的老鼠消灭掉。 1)3, ,过去分 ,现在分词: 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华2) He is rid of fever. 他的烧退了。 3) You must get rid of your bad habit . 你必须改掉你的坏习惯。 3.be satisfied with 1) I am sure you will be satisfied with her. 我肯定你会对她满意的。 2) Never be satisfied with just a little success. 不要有一点成绩就满足。 3)Your service is very satisfying. 你的服务令人很满意。 4) The teacher is satisfied with our satisfying performance in class. 老师对我们课堂上令人满意的表现感 到很满意。 4. would rather 1) He would much rather keep time for his hobbies. 他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。 2) He said he would rather not tell me about it. 他说他宁愿不告诉我这件事。 3) I would rather stay at home then go out to the cinema. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去看电影。 联想拓展 4)I’d rather you came tomorrow than today. 我宁愿你明天来而不是今天来。 5)I’d rather have made a telephone call to him yesterday. 我昨天本想给他打个电话的。2) 此 词 组 中 rid 是 语。, 词,用作3. 1) be satisfied with 意思是 。 2)satisfied 是 词,用作 语。用 来指 3)satisfying 是 词,可用作 语 或 ,用来说明4. 1)would rather 后接 2)其否定形式为: 3)当表示比较时,常用句型:,即:联想拓展 4)would rather+从句时,从句要用 语气, 用动词的 时表示现在或将来。 5)would rather have done同学们还记得 prefer 的用法吗,请把它 们列出来并加以比较吧?5.therefore adv. 1)English is an international language. Therefore we must learn English well. 英语是一门国际语言。因此我们必须 要把英语学好。 2) He wa therefore, he was elected.5. therefore adv.意思是 。 1) therefore 用于句首时后面无需逗号,若 位于句中前面可加也可不加逗号,例句 和 2)therefore 可引出一个独立句 ,但不能连 接两个句子,因此当 therefore 前没有 and 等连词时,前面须用分号,例句 和4 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华他是唯一的候选人,因此,他当选了。 3) so 是连词,意思是 ,可以连接 3) We have a growing population ,and 两个简单句; therefore we need more food. 我们的 人口在增长 , 因此我们需要更多的食 物。 辨别与 so 用法: 4) It was late, so we went home. 天晚 了, 所以我们就回家去了。 6.equip vt.&vi. 意思是: 过去式: ,过去分词: 6.equip vt.&vi. 常见搭配及意思: 1)We must equip modern technologies 1) . for schools. 2) 我们必须给学校装备现代化科技。 3) 2)He equipped them with knowledge . 4)名词形式是: ,作不可数 他用知识来武装他们。 名词, 的总称。不能说 3) ) He is equipped with much equipments 或 an equipment,“一件设备”应 experience in teaching. 说 他具有丰富的教学经验。 4) We should make a better use of the existing equipment.我们应该更好地利 用现有设备。 7. awake vi. vi. 1) I awoke at six every morning . =I woke up at six every morning. 我每天早上 6 点醒来。 vt. 2) The noise awake me. =The noise wake me up . 噪音把我吵醒了。 adj. 3) Is he awake or asleep? 他醒着还是睡着了? 8.英语倍数表示法有以下几种形式: 请仔细观察下列句子并进行总结归纳 英语倍数表示法的几种基本结构: 如:A 是 B 的 3 倍大。 A is three times as big as B . =A is twice bigger than B =A is three times the size of B. =A is three times what 从句(B) =A is three times the size that 从句 (B)。 7. awake vi. 过去式是 1)vi. 相当于 (awake 不与 up 连用),意为 2) vt. ,也引伸为“觉醒,清醒”。 3) adj. 意为 , 只作表语, 不作前 置定语,与 相对应,不与 very 或 very much 连用。8. 英语中倍数表示法还有以下几种形 式:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 单项填空: Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s , but it cost his . A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as5 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华9. thanks to ,due to ,owing to ,because of ,on account of 和 as a result of 都有 “因为,由于”的意思。他们的用法具 体如下: 1) thanks to 表示“幸亏, 多亏”, 多用于 表达正面意思 , 相当于感谢 , 在句中 作状语和表语。可位于句首或句末。 不能说 thank to . Thanks to his teachers’ help , Tom has passed the exam. 2) due to “由……引起”,在句中可作 表语、 定语或状语。 His illness was due to the bad weather. 他的病是因为天气 变化。 注意:be due to do sth 指“被安排去做 某事”。 3) owing to “因为,由于”,在句中作 状语。 The sports meeting was cancelled owing to the heavy rain. 运动会因大 雨而取消了。 4)because of “因为”,在句中作状语, 相当于 because 引导的状语从句。 Jack didn’t attend the meeting because of his illness. = Jack didn’t attend the meeting because he was ill. 杰克没有出席会议是因为他病了。 5) on account of “ 因 为 ”= due to= owing to= because of, 在句中作原因状 语。 6)as a result of “作为……的结果”, 在句中作状语。 This morning I was late as a result of getting up late .今天早上我因为起晚 了,所以迟到了。9. thanks to ,due to ,owing to ,because of ,on account of 和 as a result of 都有 的意思。请选择短语填空: 1) your help, much trouble was saved. 2)He arrived late the heavy snow . 3)Mistakes carelessness may lead to serious consequences. 4)His father retired early ill health.C. 反馈测试 用所学语言知识点翻译下列句子: 1)他努力控制住自己的脾气。(struggle) 2)你必须改掉那个坏习惯. (get rid of ) ______________________ 3)他们去年高中毕业了. (graduate from)6__________________ 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华________________________ 4) 由于你的帮助, 我们成功了. (thanks to) _________________________________________ 5) 人口在增长,因此我们需要更多的食物。(therefore) 6) 使用这种技术能生产的汽车是过去的两倍.( twice as … as) ______________________________________ 7) 面对敌人, 我们的战士宁死不屈。(would rather) 8) 我们不应该对一点点成绩就满足。 (be satisfied with)__ ______D. 延伸拓展 单项选择 1. The experts advise _______ our army _______ modern weapons. A. with B. with C. for D. for 2. We found several _______ of rice near the hole. The mice may have stored a lot of _______ in the hole. A. grain B. grains C. grains D. grain 3. Our school covers an area of 400 mu, which is _______ as yours. A. twice as big B. twice bigger C. twice the size D. twice the big 4. There _______ a temple on the side of the mountain, didn’t there? A. would be B. would have C. used to have D. used to be 5. The war made _______ impossible for the scientist to go on with his research. A. him B. it C. this D. that 6. If you try to learn too many things at a time at the beginning, you may _______. A. have confused B. have to be confused C. get confused D. get confusing 7. We’ll do ________ the Party calls upon us to do. A. no matter what B. whatever C. however D. whenever 8. As is known to all, oranges are _______ Vitamin C. A. rich in B. poor with C. short of D. good for 9.Do you know that _______ with wise men improves your mind? A. chat B. chats C. chatted D. chatting 10. When I said that some people are stupid, I was not _______ you. A. talking to B. referring to C. turning to D. listening toPeriod4 Grammer学习重点:动词-ing 形式作主语和宾语的用法和含义 学习难点:动词-ing 形式在句子中做主语或宾语用法和含义 学法指导:1. 查阅资料、学习下列自主探究内容,搞清楚动词-ing 形式作主语和宾语的用 法和含义; 2. 通过合作探究,开阔思维、加深理解; 3. 通过做反馈测试和延伸拓展练习加以巩固7 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华A.自主探究 概述: 1、 动词-ing 形式的构成: 是在动词末尾加 -ing 形 式构成,因此又叫动词的 -ing 形式, 即 v-ing , 如: do-doing, be-being, ask-asking, etc. 2、否定形式:not+ v-ing 构成 3、动词-ing 形式可以在句子中做主语或宾语,此 时也可称为动名词。如: 1) Collecting stamps is a good hobby. 集邮是一 个好习惯。 2)He enjoys fishing. 他喜欢钓鱼。 一、 仔细观察下列例句的主语, 并进行分析总结: 1)Getting up early is a good habit. 早起是个好习惯。 2)Reading aloud is a good way to learn English. 朗读是学英语的好方法。 3)My sister ’s being ill made us worried 我姐姐病了,使我很担心 4)Alice’s not passing the exam made her mother angry. 爱丽丝没通过考试让她母亲很生气。 5)It’s no use making an excuse for this. = It’s useless making an excuse for this. 为这件事找借口是没有用的。 6)It’s no good throwing rubbish everywhere. 随地扔垃圾是不好的。 7) It’s fun riding a bike along the rive. 沿着河边骑自行车很有趣。 8)It’s a waste of time talking about such a useless thing. 谈论这样无用的事情简直是浪费时间。 9) It’s dangerous swimming in the sea on windy days. 有风的天气在海里游泳是危险的。 10 ) It is worthwhile/worth discussing the question.=It is worthwhile to discuss the question . 这个问题值得讨论。B.合作探究一、动词-ing 形式(动名词) 作主语。其用法如下: 1、从例句 1)~2)中可知: 作 主 语 往 往 表 示 的动作,常位于 ,谓语 动词用 数。 2、从例句 3)-4)中可知:动 词-ing 的逻辑主语可以由 和 构成. 3、从例句 5)~10)中可知, 为了保持句子平衡,动词-ing 形式作主语时也可以置 于 , 此时须用 作形式主语, 用形容词或名词 作表语。但这种句子形式有一 定的限制,作表语的只能是某 些形容词或少数名词。 常见的名词或名词短语有:常见的形容词有:二、动词-ing 形式(动名词) 作宾语: 1、只能接动词-ing 形式作宾 语的动词有:二、 仔细观察下列例句的宾语, 并进行分析总结: 1、有些动词后只能接动词-ing 形式作宾语: 1)We must avoid repeating the same mistake. 我们必须避免犯同样的错误。 2、常接动词-ing 形式作宾语 2)We’re considering paying a visit to the Science 词组有:8 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华Museum. 我们正考虑去科学博物馆参观。 2、 有些短语后常接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式 作宾语: 1) Do you feel like having a walk with me after supper? 晚饭后你想和我一起散步吗? 3、allow ,advise ,forbid ,permit 这类词用法须注 意: 1)we don’t allow smoking here. 2)We don’t allow anybody to smoke here. =Nobody is allowed to smoke here. 4、need, require, want, demand, request 作“需 要”解时: The radio needs / requires / wants repairing. = The radio needs / requires / wants to be repaired. 5、介词后用动词-ing 形式作宾语: 1)We’ve got to think of ways of changing people’s habits. 我们得想些法子改变人们的习惯。 2)I apologize for being so angry with you. 我向你道歉, 刚才对你那样生气。 3) I insist on taking proper food fort his expedition. 我坚持为这次出行带足需要的食物。 4) Instead of smiling,each of them made a face. 同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。 5) She was very interested in working for our company. 她对为我们公司工作很感兴趣。 6)I have been used to living here. 我已经习惯住在这里。 6、易混内容 既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词 , 常见 的有: begin, start, continue, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, remember, regret , try, mean, stop , go on 等。仔细观察它们的含义有什么不同,功夫不负 有心人,相信我们能辨析清楚的! 1). 在 like, dislike, love, hate, prefer 等动词之后, 用-ing 或不定式意义上没有什么不同, 只是重点 有些不同, 动名词表示泛指的动作 , 不定式表示 具体的一次性动作。 2) .在 begin, start, continue 之后, 用动名词和不 定式, 意义无甚区别, 尤其是当主语是人的时候。 但在进行时当中,begin 和 start,后只用不定式作 宾语,而不用动名词。93.allow ,advise ,forbid ,permit 后直接跟 作宾语, 常用搭配 如果有名词或代词作宾语时, 后接 作宾补,常用 搭配 4、 need, require, want, demand, request 作 解时, 后接 作宾语, 主 动形式表示被动意义 , 相当 于 。 5、介词后用动词-ing 形式作 宾语,动名词可与介词一起构 成介词短语。 特别注意 : 与介词 to 构成的 词组,你还记得我们学过哪 些,请把它们列出来吧:6、易混内容,重点辨析: 3) 、remember+v-ing 表示 , remember+ to do 表示 类似的用法还有两个动词 是 、 4) 、在 try, mean 之后, 意义各 不相同: try to do try doing mean to do mean doing 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华3) .I remember posting the letter.我记得我已把 信寄了。 I’ll remember to post the letter.我会记着去寄 信的。 4). We must try to get everything done in time. 我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。 Let’s try doing the work in some other ways. 我们用别的方法做这工作试试。 I didn’t mean to make you angry. 我并不想叫你生气。 Your plan would mean spending hours. 你的计划意味着要花费几个小时。 5). Please go on doing the same exercise. 请接着做这同一个练习。 Please go on to do the other exercise. 请做另外一个练习。 6) .We stopped talking.我们停止了交谈。 We stopped to talk.我们停了下来去谈话。 7).People cann’t help laughing foolish man. 人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。 I am so busy that I can’t help to wash your car. 我很忙不能帮你洗车。5) 、go on doing go on to do 6) 、stop doing stop to do 7) 、 cann’t help doing can’t help to doC. 反馈测试 一、选用下列词的适当形式填空,完成句子。 D try out 1.It was good ______ the young man working with his father in the fields. 2.Paul clearly enjoyed ________ about how to farm well. 3.When I talked to him, he told me he dreamed of _______ his own farm. 4.He will keep _____________ with scientific methods of farming. 5.He will keep _________ new ideas so he can help farmers around China. 6.I am quite interested __________ what will happen to Paul’s farm in the future. 7.Someday, he hopes _________ super wheat, like Yuan Longping’s super rice. 8.He is not afraid _____, because he knows failure will help him learn more, 9.He cares very little about ______ a big house and a car. 10.His father says that he has never regretted ________ his son to study abroad. 二、翻译下列句子 1. 对他说话等于对牛弹琴。 2. 吸烟会致癌。 3. 散步是我唯一的运动。10 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华4. 他承认钱是他拿的。 5. 我禁不住笑了起来。 6. 你的大衣需要刷一下。D. 延伸拓展 选择最佳选项 1. ― What made you so upset? ― _____ two tickets to the pop music concert. A. Losing B. Because of losing C. To lose D. Because I had lost 2. I can't imagine _______ that with them. A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing 3. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk ____ the good opportunity. A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost 4. ___ is forbidden inside the park. A. To cycle B. We cycle C. Anyone cycles D. Cycling 5. I can’t stand ___ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ___ talking while she works. A. stopping B. stopping C. to stop D. to stop 6. The old lady needs ____. A. look after B. to look after C. looking after D. being looked after 7. It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. ____ the answers ready will be of great help. A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having 8. The parents suggested ____ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. having slept 9. They failed to pass the exam last time. I regretted them. A. to be not able to help B. not being able to help C. being not able to help D. not be able to help 10. (2007. 陕西) As a result of the serious flood , two-thirds of the buildings in the area . A. need repairing B .needs repairing C. needs to repair D. need to repairPeriod5 Using Language11 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华学习重点:课文理解和重点词汇 学习难点:课文理解 学法指导:1.阅读教材 14 页课文, 搞清楚课文情节和细节; 2. 通过合作探究,开阔思维、加深理解; 3. 通过做反馈测试和延伸拓展练习加以巩固。A.自主探究 Task1. Match the main idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1 A. Problem caused by chemical fertilizers Paragraph 2 B. Organic farming is becoming more popular Paragraph 3 C. Other methods to keep the soil fertile. Paragraph 4 D. using chemical fertilizers can hurt the land and also people’s health Task2: 写出下列词组 1. 逐渐增强; 建立; 开发 2. 导致; 造成 (后果) 3. 集中 (注意力,精力等) 于 4. 使…免受(影响,伤害等) 5. 除此之外 6. 转向,转为 7. 每几年 B.合作探究 Tsak1:.阅读文章回答问题: 1.Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today? 2.What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers? 3.What is organic farming? 4.What is the main reason for using organic farming methods?Task2 重点词汇 1 、build up 1)The company has built up a fine reputation. 该公司已建立起良好的信誉。 2)You must build up your strength after your illness. 你在病后必须要增强体力。 3)Hard working conditions build up character. 艰苦的工作条件能磨练人的性格。 4)I’m very glad to see that your vocabulary is graduall y building up. 看到你的词汇量在逐渐增加我很高兴。 2、 lead to 1)All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。121 、build up 意思有: 1) 2) 3)2 lead to 意思有: 1) 2) 注意:lead to 中的 to 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华2)The car accident led to his being killed. 那次车祸导致他死亡。 3)Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 吃太多糖会导致健康问题。 3 focus on 1)You should focus your attention on your work. 把注意力集中在你的工作上。 2)He focused his mind on his lessons. 他把心思集中在功课上。 3) Today we’re going to focus on the question of homeless people. 今天, 我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。 4 keeps… free from /of 1)I hope you will keep from doing anything rash. 我希望你不要做出任何鲁莽的事情来。 2)Keep the table free from dirty by putting a cover over it. 用这个东西把桌子罩住,免得有灰尘落在上面。 5. supply. 1) 用作名词时: supply and demand 供与求 be in short supply 供应缺乏,供应不足 food supply 食物供应 ;water supply 供水 b) military supplies 军需品 household supplies 家庭用品 medical supplies 医用品 2) 用作动词时, They supplied food to/for him. 他们供给他食物。 = They supplied him with food. 选择填空: All the rooms are ___ with electric lights. (2005 上海) A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt为 词, 该短语后可 跟 或 。 同 义词组是 3 focus on意思有: focus one’s attention on sth.= one’s attention on sth. 集中注意力于…… 4. keep ...free from : 意思是: 联想拓展 be free to do sth. set sb. free get/give sth. for free free of charge 5. supply. 1) 用作名词时: a) 指 ,其反 义 词 为 。 b) 用作名词 “ 供应品 ; 生活用品 ; 补给品 ” 等 , 常用 。 2) 用作动词 常见词组搭配: “提供某物给某人” a) b)同 学 们 还 记 得 provide 和 offer 的用法吗, 请把 它们写出来并比较:C.反馈测试 用下列短语的适当形式填空。 cause/ do damage to, wash off, lead to, build up, in addition(to), keep…free from/of, focus on, avoid doing, carry away , turn to 1) His mistakes ______ his failure. 2) These chemicals in the food supply ________ in people’s bodies over time. 3) Please _____ your mind ___ the following problem.13 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华4) Children should ________________ violence. 5) He likes basketball . _______, he likes football. 6) Little Tom stuck to ________ the mud ____ his shoes by himself before he came in. 7) I tried to ______________ (meet) him because he always bored me. 8) The storm on May 3 ________ great ________ people in Burma so far. 9) Several houses in the village when the river was in flood. 10) More and more farmers are beginning to ______________ organic farming. D.延伸拓展 单项选择。 1) ―May I put my luggage on the seat beside you, sir? ― . A. Sure, with pleasure B. Oh, please yourself C. Well, never mind D. Yes, help yourself 2) Everyth there is no such thing as free lunch in the world. A. a, a B. the, / C. the, a D. a, / 3) is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B. When C. What D. As 4) You should try to get a good night’s sleep ______ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever 5) We won't give up ________ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. since C. whether D. until 6) If you try to learn too many things at a time at the beginning, you may _____. A. have confused B. have to be confused C. get confused D. get confusing 7) Do you know that _______ with wise men improves your mind? A. chat B. chats C. chatted D. chatting 8) Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. attend to B. devote to C. be related to D. contribute to 9) Walk your own way, Don’t what others say. A. care of B . care about C . notice D. take care of 10) .---What is your favorite in your spare time, Jack? ---Writing stories what I enjoy most. A . is B . was C . were D. areUnit2 训练案一、语言知识应用 1. He was down with the flue, and _____couldn’t come to the meeting. A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. besides 2. The baby fell _____a rock in his walk but he managed to _____to his feet.14 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华A. struggle B. run C. stand D. bring 3. Your training will _____you _____your future job. A. for B. for C. with C. with 4. ______with the problem, the _____student requested his teacher to explain it again. A. C confusing B. confused C. C confused D. C confusing 5. ―Robert is indeed a wise man. ―Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ______ his advice! A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking 6. I’d rather you _______that now, than afterwards. A. know B. to know C. knowing D. knew 7. The light moved across the sky and _____the plane. A. focused on B. was focused on C. focused itself on D. focused to 8. It was ______your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. A. because B. for C. thanks to D. in case of 9. Eating too much sugar can _____health problems. So we must have a balanced diet. A. lead to B. result from C. refer to D. devote to 10. With the help of his friends, he has _____a good business over the years. A. built up B. made up C. grown up D. picked up 11. To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _____travel by air. A. as B. to C. than D. while 12. Next week, I’ll travel to Britain, where can I ______my dollars for pounds? A. exclaim B. excite C. exchange D. exclude 13. The police ______a criminal to see what he had in his pockets. A. searched B. searched for C. searched out D. searched of 14. If you’ve finished, we can have a coffee.________, you’d better keep working. A. If so B. Only if C. If only D .If not 15. He is always the first ______to the classroom and the last ______. A. leaving B. to leave C. to leave D. leaving 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选 项 One day when some people were rebuilding a barn,they found a mouse hole in a corner. So they used smoke __16_ the mice to come out. A while later they indeed saw mice running out. Then,everyone thought that all the mice had escaped. But as they were just about to start to __17__,they saw two mice _18__ at the exit of the hole. The strange thing was that they did not run away __19_.Instead,one chased after the other near the exit of the hole. Everyone was __20_ , so they stepped closer to take a look. They __21__ that one of the mice was __22 and could not see anything,and the other one was trying to allow him to bite on his tail so they could escape _23_.15 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华After _24 what had happened,everyone was speechless and _25_.A smart Israeli said , “I think the relationship between those two mice is husband and wife.”The others thought for a while,and all felt it _26__,so they expressed their agreement. Therefore,the expression on the Israeli's face showed __27__. A Chinese, who was accustomed to the firm tradition of loyalty to _28__, said: “I think the relationship between those two mice is that of mother and son.”__29__ the others thought for a while,and felt this was more reasonable. At that moment,one __30 Samaritan who was squatting(蹲)on the ground resting his chin in his palms,looked at other people,and asked,“Why do those two mice have to have a __31_ relationship?” Suddenly , the atmosphere _32_.Shocked , the group looked back at the Samaritan and remained __33 All the people who had spoken earlier all __34_ their heads in shame,and did not dare to respond. In fact,the true love is not __35 benefit,friendship and loyalty or blood relationship. Instead,it is based on no relationship. 16.A. to invite B.to force C.to trap D.to free 17.A. clean up B.come up C.make up D.break up 18.A. holding out B.escaping C.coming out D.squeezing 19.A. approximately B.certainly C.immediately D.eventually 20.A. puzzled B.moved C.embarrassed D.ashamed 21.A .recognized B.knew C.heard D.realized 22.A .deaf B.blind C.dumb D.lame 23.A. separately B.together C.deliberately D.accidentally 24.A. experiencing B.promoting C.witnessing D.undergoing 25.A .lost face B.lost in thought C.lost heart D.lost reason 26.A. made nothing B.made up C.made progress D.made sense 27 A. self-esteem B. self-confidence C. self-consciousness D. self-satisfaction 28.A. teachers B.parents C.leaders D.relatives 29.A. Once again B.Again and again C.Once D.Over and over 30.A .strong-minded B.pure-minded C.absent-minded D.simple-minded 31.A. certain B.sure C.accessible D.characteristic 32.A. accumulated B.boiled C.froze D.refreshed 33.A. speechless B.harmless C.hopeless D.stainless 34.A. surrounded B.put away C.put up D.lowered 35.A. centered on B.concentrated on C.established on D.faced of 三、 阅读理解 A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets , build model ships , weave baskets , watch birds , hunt animals , climb mountains,raise flowers,fish,ski,skate and swim. Hobbyists also paint pictures, attend concerts and plays , and perform on musical instruments. They collect everything from books to butterflies and from shells to stamps. People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment , friendship,knowledge,and relaxation. Sometimes they even give financial profits.16 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work,and provide a balance between work and play. Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired. Anyone,rich or poor,old or young,sick or well,can follow a satisfying hobby, regardless of his age,position,or income. Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical health. Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover physical or mental illness. Hobbies give bedridden or wheel-chair patients something to do,and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. Many hospitals treat patients by having them take up interesting hobbies or pastimes(娱乐). In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies. But some persons who had spare time did enjoy hobbies. The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood,pottery(陶器). People today have more time than ever before for hobbies. Machines have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs. Hobbies provide variety for workers who do the same unchanging tasks all day long. More people are retiring than ever before,and at an earlier age. Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly found spare time hours. Sir William Osier,a famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying,“No man is really happy or safe without a hobby”. 36.Which of the following is RIGHT? A.Hobby is one's regular activity in his office. B.Hobby is one's regular activity in his spare time. C.Hobby is a kind of activity only for old people. D.Hobby is a kind of activity only for young people. 37.It seems that people who ________ may spend more time enjoying their hobbies. A.have little money B.have much money C.have retired from their work D.have left school 38.The phrase“recover from”in the third paragraph means “________”. A.get back B.become healthy again C.become calm D.supply with a new cover 39.In early times,most people spent less time on their hobbies,because ________. A.they were brave and hard-working B.the living conditions were poor C.they were engaged in making a living D.B and C 40.What's the writer's opinion about hobbies? A.People all over the world have the same hobby. B.Machines also have their hobbies. C.Hobbies are popular among people in Egypt. D.People should have hobbies in their spare time. 四、书面表达 World Youth(monthly)有一“人物”专栏,刊登各国青年人物的图片。你校校友 李芳的照片被采用。请根据以下资料,写一段英文说明,以便随图发表。 (100 词左右) 姓名: 李芳 性别: 女 国籍: 中国 出生年月: 1967 年 1 月 职业: 化学工程师 简17 信丰县第二中学
学年度 高一英语导学案 Book4编制:傅海燕审核:何忠华历:1985 年 7 月毕业于北京四中,同年进入北大学习,1994 年起在上海的一家 化学公司工作。 主要事迹:1994 年获化学博士学位;一家日本公司高薪聘用, 但被她拒绝;1998 年因特殊贡献获奖。18
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