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编辑:陶祥飞 (人民网)
Some 75 Chinese universities have unveiled their 2017 annual budget, which topped 350 billion RMB. Tsinghua University received the largest budget of 23.3-billion-RMB, making it the only university with a budget over 20 billion RMB.中国约75所高校已经公布了2017学年预算,总额超过了3500亿人民币。其中清华大学预算最多,达233亿人民币,是全中国唯一预算超过200亿的大学。A total of eight universities received a budget of more than 10 billion RMB. Peking University and Zhejiang University ranked second and third on the budget list, with 19.3 billion RMB and 15 billion RMB, respectively, Beijing News reported.据《新京报》报道,总共有8所大学预算超过了100亿人民币,北大(193亿)和浙大(150亿)分别名列二三。Of the 75 universities, about 51 of them had a budget of less than 5 billion RMB. Three art colleges – the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Central Conservatory of Music, and The Central Academy of Drama – were at the bottom of the list, each receiving less than 1 billion RMB.在75所高校中,约51所高校预算少于50亿。中央美术学院、中央音乐学院、中央戏剧学院等三所艺术院校预算最少,均不足10亿人民币。According to Beijing News, Zhejiang University was the only university in the top ten of highest budgets that saw a slight decrease compared to last year. At least eight universities reported an increase of over 2 billion RMB. The budget increase could be attributed to greater financial support from the government, as China vowed in 2016 to speed up the construction of world-class universities and first-class majors.据《新京报》报道,在预算最多的前十名高校中,浙大是唯一一所同比去年略有下降的大学。据报道,至少8所大学预算增加超过了20亿人民币。增加的预算来自于政府更大的财政支持——中国曾在2016年承诺加快建设世界级大学和一流专业。
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