l believe l can flymake it英语作文

& I Believe I can Fly_1200字
I Believe I can Fly_1200字
  是的,到了一个适婚的年龄。空间每天都能看到曾经最熟悉的人也穿上了西装,披上了婚纱。真美,真幸福,也祝福他们永远这样幸福。高中时候,学校不允许学生谈恋爱,而其中的数学老师却反其道并不明确反对,还对我们说,如果他教的学生能有终成眷属的,他会包双份红包做礼金。听过后,我对女友约定,就算奔着他的双份礼金也要爱到终老。很可惜,曾经说过的话也随时间慢慢冲淡,十一月的光棍节还是照常过了,很痛,六年的感情就这样结束。虽说许久未联,但还是祝她幸福。套用最近最火的一首歌的歌词:&如果再见不能红着眼,是否还能红着脸。&再也不见,18岁天,再也不见,互不亏欠的爱恋。一个多月没跟家人联系,不是不想念,只是不想他们看见这样狼狈的自己。十月的一天凌晨接到爸爸电话,打开,却没有声音,当时心里从未有的恐惧后背都凉了,爸爸平时从来不会主动打给我。颤抖的手指又重回过去,爸爸接到说没有打给我,可能是刚看时间没关好。说过晚安后,再也无法入眠,那时的脆弱不争气的让枕头被泪打湿。很幸福,他们都很好;他们都很好,很幸福。想说的很多,想表达的更多。最后就说一句吧;经历了,长大了,懂得了,也就更珍惜了。&&&&高三:董瑞阳作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载
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急求一篇英语作文题目为I believe I can fly
I believe I can flyThere are many trouble in my life .They that are like huge ruck are too heavy.I want to be a successful people ,but my classmatessaid I couldn't be .One day ,I saw a bird ,its wings hurt.And I brouhgt it to my home.These day ,I took care of it carefully.But I still worried about it couldn't fly again.An early morning,the bird stood in front of the window,saw the sky.And then,it flew!I was very surprised.After that ,I know nothing is impossible.I believe I can be successful.I believe I can fly .额.那啥,我不知道要围绕什么内容好,所以随便写了一篇,用上了定语从句,我才初三.写得不好别打我.
扫描下载二维码作文:I Believe-作文-小荷作文网:记叙文I Believe昭通师范高等专科学校外语系09英语教育C班   The present failure doesn’t mean that I am a failure, it just means that I ha and it doesn’t mean I am inferior to others, but means I am not so perfect that I must work harder.
  I Believe     09英教C班:熊海龙     I have the moment which I feel unfairly treated or fail in something. Faced with the unfairly treatment and failure, I have my own difficulties. I know the prize of a game is staying at the end of the journey, but not near the end. And I deeply realize it is not my task to make everything perfect, but my own challenges.     Recently, I am suffering something unexpected. And I struggled for them, but they turned out the fact that I go in a wrong way. Fortunately, I am cheered up soon with the help of my friends. They are my wealth forever.     In order to reach my goals, I do not know how many steps I must experience. On the way to success, I probabl and sometimes, success is likely to be around the corner. At this moment, unless I turn the corner, or I never know where success is.     I am going to keep these unforgettable and unhappy experiences in mind forever. It makes me understand clearly what the friends and enemies are, and I am aware of that I could make differences in my future life. So that I feel I have had a supernatural power to make me believe myself.     Yesterday has gone by, t while today is here. What I should do is cherishing my present life. I believe I am able to make my future better, and take hold of it tensely. From now on, I choose to lead a wonderful life, and not make myself emotional. I am going to face everything which makes effects on me bravely. I believe I can.     The present failure doesn’t mean that I am a failure, it just means that I ha and it doesn’t mean I am inferior to others, but means I am not so perfect that I must work harder.     Success belongs to the one whom always preparing for it. I believe I can achieve my goals, I believe I can become a successful man.&&位置:发表区 & 年级:2 关键字,英语来源: 字数:1452 投稿日期: 20:41:00 点击:次&
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&&& I know a very good sentence ,that is “I believe I can”. It tells me that we should believe we can do everything, no matter how baffling it is. &&& One day, I was doing homework,suddenly a baffling problem came out in front of me. At first, I wanted to read the answer, but I remembered my teacher said: “If you read the answer, you benefit nothing from it.” So, I thought it by myself. At last, I did it very well. I was so happy.&&& Please remember, “I believe I can”! So long as we believe ourselves, even if it’s a big baffling problem, we also can get over it. Of course, trying is very important, too.
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大学英语演讲:我相信我的梦想 I believe my dream
作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间:
hello good evening everyone! my name is ....
I'm so happy that I can be admitted by my dreamed school. the new campus gives me a new start so I have a dream that the future me can rise out this small world and hold a place of myself, after several years' experience .
in order to make this dream come true, I ask myself not only focus my attention on studies ,because I should face all the society not only my textbooks or my classmates.
I think college is also a small society where I can improve myself. for example I should learn how to get along with other though I may dislike them ,or how to deal with things that I used regard as worthless and so on..
then I sincerely hope i can find my true friends so that we can struggle for our dreams together!
although every thing is unforeseeable, i believe my dream will come true as long as I stick to them and never give up!
finally , I'd like to conclude by thanking everyone who has worked so hard to make this address possible. thank you!
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