
  这是海员们的内心独白: 中国论文网 /2/view-6011497.htm  “将来,我要写一本书,书名就叫做《漂》,漂流的漂,漂泊的漂。”   “在海上任凭吃丰盛的海鲜大餐,也比不上在家里倒上一杯老酒,就着花生米一粒粒悠着吃……”   “也曾想过上岸,但总舍不得那片大海,就像军人永远都难以割舍军装的情感一样。”   ……   海员,世界上最为古老的行业之一,也是勇敢者的事业。它散发坚强、豪迈的职业魅力,曾让无数人向往。然而,附在其上的,除了荣光,也伴随着漂泊、孤独以及险阻。这份特殊的职业背后,究竟有着怎样不为人知的艰辛与酸楚?   4月里的一天,几位海员与记者相约在珠江边,讲述他们与大海的故事……   关于艰苦:远离社会 孤独乏味   “最苦的是远离陆地,每天对着一望无边的海洋,想家时回不了,想人时见不着。”衣羊船长是一位有着30多年“海龄”的老船长,上世纪80年代,他被调入集装箱船队,成了第一批高级船员,后来又成为中国为数不多的超级大型集装箱船高级船长,对于饱经岁月磨练的他来说,尽管近些年已经不再跑远洋船,但说起当海员的苦,依然感触很深。   他指出,海员这个职业的特点首先是群体小,一般一艘现代化的船只,即使是万吨级以上的远洋海船,配员一般在17到23名海员。此外,在中国从事海员职业的几乎都是单一的男性,形成了海员这个群体的特殊性。虽然在船上的海员也组成了一个小的社会群体,但是这个群体缺少两性的平衡,缺乏足够的情感交流,导致海员的心理容易产生孤独感;其次是在海上停留的时间长,对于很多远洋海员来说,一次远航出行至少要在大海上飘荡半年,甚至更长的时间,这种长时间脱离社会状态也容易产生漂泊感。   “爱上一个不归家的人……”这首歌的创作初衷绝不是为海员这个特殊群体的,但歌曲描述的却是真真切切海员人生的写照。无论对于所有正在憧憬爱情的年轻海员,还是对于已经建立家室的海员来说,家都是一个只能短暂停靠的港湾。   “思念的苦不是一般人能够体会得到的,年轻的时候想女朋友,成了家,有了孩子后就开始想孩子,再后来,父母年纪大了,又开始担心父母的身体。每个年龄段都有不同的牵挂。人是感情动物,而恰恰最难控制的就是自己的情感。”已经在轮机部有十多年工作经历的老谢表示,面对着孤独、乏味的生活,他每次能够做的,是上船前把家人的照片、书籍、电脑等一切可以缓解思念与孤独的物品带在身边。   “海员的生活单调,这是职业特性决定的,所以调整好自己的心态很重要。”已经毕业工作五年的海员大李坦言,家人的理解及支持是他工作的最大动力,尽管在工作中他习惯对家人报喜不报忧,从不跟他们讲工作有多苦多累,但只要一想到自己的工作能够改善家里经济条件,他就觉得自己所承受的一切都值得。目前已是二管轮的他正在接受培训,积极备考,希望能够顺利晋升为大管轮。他向记者透露,5月份将迎来自己的“人生大事”,他希望通过自己的努力能够为家庭创造更好的经济条件。   关于安全:风浪海盗危险难料   在大多数人的眼里,人在旅途,最有安全感的是在陆路上“脚踏实地”,因为在陆地上遇到火灾,可以“119”,消防车立马赶到救援;身体病痛突发,可以求助“110”,立即赶到医院。但是,在浩瀚无垠的大海上,没有医院,没有救护车,没有消防车,绝大多数时候都要靠自救。   大海恬静时,我们看到的是天堂般壮美的景色,但大海有着她的多变性,当它恼怒时,滔天的巨浪能随时夺走海员的性命。虽然说现在的造船技术和安全性已经可以经得起大风大浪,但在一望无际的大海中,谁也无法够保证百分百安全。因此,海员在航海过程中除了需要坚强的意志面对寂寞枯燥无味的生活外,还要随时面对大自然惊涛骇浪的考验。   “我就经历过一次暴风雨来袭前的船舶事故,回想起来仍觉得惊险。”衣羊船长回忆说,那时船舶刚航行到日本大隅海峡时,主机的扫气箱突然发生燃爆,虽然火势很快被制服了,但主机需要拆检修复才能启动续航。而此时的气象传真图显示,未来24小时内,船舶所在位置将遭受大风浪的侵袭。这艘没有动力的船肯定抵御不了如此巨大的风浪,不少船员开始恐慌起来。作为船长的他,一方面快速组织人员抢修主机,一方面根据海域的海情拟定了最佳脱险路线。十几个小时后,主机终于修复了。他迅速改变航向驶向了鹿儿岛内的港湾。当船舶进港抛锚后,大家才发现原来的漂泊点已是巨浪滔天,“倘若当时临场失措指挥不力的话,后果就是灭顶之灾。”   不要以为海盗只是电影里的片段,海员工作中与海盗抗争的经历并不鲜见。“在船员的航海生涯中,只要往欧洲方向航行,几乎每个航次都会跟海盗过招,在我所认识的远洋船长里,没有谁不曾被海盗堵截过。”衣羊船长表示,十几年前的一场经历至今仍历历在目。   那一次,他带领一艘货船前往欧洲,在北非某国的港口中转卸货。当时他的船刚刚抛锚候泊。此时,一艘快艇在夜幕的掩映下,悄悄向他们接近。由于抛锚的船失去了机动能力,这帮人很快强行登上了货船。他们手持各式武器,直接冲向了船长的房间和驾驶台,随后控制了通信设备,切断了与外界的一切联系。其中一个首领拔出手枪,恶狠狠地对准船长的脑袋:“船长,把保险箱打开。告诉你的船员把现金、首饰和香烟、葡萄酒都拿来,不准对外联系。”   头顶枪口的衣羊船长强迫自己镇静下来,因为他知道一旦处置不当,就会威胁到船员们的生命。他用英语说:“OK,No problem. But don’t hurt my crew any one! Here is safe key!” (没问题,但是不要伤害我的船员,这是保险箱钥匙!)   看到船长神情自若,这个头目知道遇到了一个有经验的船长,肯定不会蛮干。于是他也松开了枪:“我要的只是钱和酒。只要你配合,我不伤害你们。”全副武装的海盗们在船上随意翻动一番,带走了现金和烟酒,方才离去。船上无一人伤亡。此时,作为船长的他悬着的心才放了下来。
  或许这种遭遇不像电影里英雄与海盗的殊死搏斗那么精彩,但是能在视人命如草芥的海盗们的包围下,还能镇静如常,已经是一种莫大的勇气。另外,船员不能与海盗进行正面冲突,这也是国际海事组织的忠告。   关于乐趣:周游列国 风光无限   在远洋海员中,流行这样一个段子:   到了非洲才知道春天无法寻找,   到了欧洲才知道夏天上班人少,   到了美洲才知道秋天风光最好,   到了澳洲才知道冬天热得发烧,   到了赤道才知道温度不是太高,   到了西经才知道日子又往回倒,   到了中东才知道逢人难见微笑,   到了西非才知道举目遍地枪炮,   到了北美才知道自己包里钱少,   到了南亚才知道阿拉也是富豪。   无论是调侃还是自嘲,不可否认的是,当一名海员最大的福利便是“免费周游列国,历尽各国风土人情”。   远洋轮船在国外码头靠岸后,当地的接货公司为海员办理代理证后,海员们便可以上岸欣赏异国风情,购买自己喜欢的物品,品尝一下异国的美食。“我们有时候去到印度、澳大利亚等国家的一些港口,当地海员管理部门还会派车来免费接送,让海员能够在当地游历、购物。”海员大伟表示,尽管当海员的时间不算很长,但是到过的国家已经有十多个。当然,海员在国外必须遵守当地的法律法规,遵守船上的规章制度。不管在国内还是在国外,海员晚上12点之前必须回船。   当船舶靠港和抛锚时,钓鱼也是海员们的一大乐趣。“在船上钓鱼不用渔竿,也不用鱼饵,只要把鱼钩扔到海里,鱼就会自动上钩,而且钓上来的鱼应有尽有,石斑鱼、金枪鱼、鲨鱼、鱿鱼,甚至大龙虾也有。”说到船上的乐趣,大伟露出一脸的豪迈。   大海的壮阔也塑造了海员宽广的心胸。“当海上风平浪静的时候,整个海面就像一面镜子一样,头顶蓝天,一望无际,这个时候,就会觉得自己特别渺小,又好像和大海融为一体,心境莫名地平静,一切的劳累仿佛都化成了云烟。”大伟说。   关于感情:大海已经融入了血液   “大海就像是另一个家,永远都不会感觉自己离开了。”回忆起几十年的风风雨雨,衣羊船长表示,海员这份职业是艰苦的,但艰苦中也有浪漫。他告诉记者,至今他还记得考高级船长的英文试题中的一道翻译题所描述的内容:   The reasons a ship is called a“She”:There is always a great deal of bustle about her, there is usually a gang of men around her. She has waists and stays. She takes of paint to keep her looking good. She shows her topsides, hides her bottom, and when coming into port always heads for the buoys(boy).(翻译:称船舶为“她”的原因是:她总是处于忙忙碌碌之中;经常有一帮子男人围绕在她的身边。她打扮得非常优雅、漂亮。她展示了她傲人的优美、玲珑的曲线和身姿,连她的臀部都富有性感的吸引力,很耐看。当她远航归来进入港口时总是对着浮筒航行。)   “在我们海员的心里,船就像是萦绕在脑海的梦中情人。我年轻时也曾经尝试上岸离开海员队伍,但仅仅是离开了十个月,我就又回来了,从那时起,再也找不到离开的理由。”衣羊船长说,身边很多同学、朋友都当了企业老总或者公务员,但自己从来不羡慕,因为他相信,这一切都是上苍的安排。   在海上漂泊了31年的老船长老朱同样表示,尽管海员这个职业没有以前风光,但是他从没有后悔过选择这个行业,“尽管我把一生中最美好的时光都留在了海上,但是我无怨无悔,我也多次问自己,假如重来一次我会怎么选择,我想来想去还是希望当一名平凡的海员。”
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免签证计划(Visa Waiver Program,&VWP&)允许成员国的公民可以在没有签证的情况下在美国停留90天以内。
在出发旅行之前,这些游客必须确认有资格使用VWP,并持有一个有效的旅游许可电子系统(Electronic System for Travel Authorization,&ESTA&&)。游客的入境目的必须被一个访客(B)签证允许(例如,旅游或者各种商业目的)。游客必须搭乘被批准的航班或者邮轮,且游客必须购买往返票暗示游客所属国籍是VWP的一个成员国。目前,VWP的成员一共有38个国家。
一个案例(911事件之前)或许将说明签证的难题。VWP的一艘船舶的一名高级船员被指定在一个美国港口到该船上参与工作。他在几周之前就接收了该工作任务,并决定在参与工作之前顺道去美国旅行一次。在完成他的两周美国旅行之后,他如期加入了这艘船舶。该船的美国移民官员得知了他的到来并及时通知船长如果这名新到高级船员因任何理由上岸的话可能会遭受民事处罚。不久之后,我正在华盛顿出席一个重要航运会议。在对美国移民及归化局(Immigration and Naturalization Service,&INS&)副首席顾问的问答环节中,该案例相关的一家航运公司的高级代表提问为什么这名高级船员在进行的2周美国旅行期间未面临任何的处罚威胁,但是一当他登上船参与工作时,就立即面临了处罚威胁。INS代表回到说,他作为游客和船员在美国完全是两回事。
-----本文属ISSC独家编译 转载须署名来源国际海员服务中心网!
The Treatment of Foreign Seafarers
The United States effectively treats foreign seafarers more harshly than any other group that enters the country without breaking the law.
The general rule is that all persons who are not U.S. nationals or permanent residents must have a visa to enter the United States.&
Persons desiring to become U.S. citizens or permanent residents must obtain an immigrant visa.& Most other persons desiring to enter the United States for a limited period of time must obtain a nonimmigrant visa.& To obtain a nonimmigrant visa, one must have a valid passport and complete the Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 and submit it and a photograph (head shot) to the relevant U.S. embassy or consulate.&
The applicant must then schedule an interview, but the interview is generally required only for persons between the ages of 14 and 79.&
An application fee of $160 must be paid prior to the interview.& In many cases, there is also a visa issuance fee.& But some nationalities may be eligible for more favorable treatment.
The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens from participating countries to travel to the United States without a visa for stays of 90 days or less.&
Such travelers must be eligible to use the VWP and have a valid Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) approval prior to travel.& The traveler&s purpose must be permitted by a Visitor (B) Visa (e.g., tourism or various business purposes).& Travel must be performed on an approved air or sea carrier and the traveler must have a round trip ticket indicating return passage to a country outside the United States that is a participant in the VWP.& Currently, there are 38 participating VWP countries.
These countries include all the EU and EEA members, plus Australia, Brunei, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.&
Citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require visas to enter the United States for visit, tourism and temporary business travel purposes. Also, citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require visas to enter the United States for purposes of travel as a crewmember.& Citizens and permanent residents of Mexico generally must have a nonimmigrant visa or a Border Crossing Card (also known as a &Laser Visa&).& For ease of travel, the B-1/B-2 visa and the Border Crossing Card have been combined into one document (DSP-150).&
A Crewmember Visa (D-1) must be obtained by persons working on board vessels or international airlines entering the United States if the individual intends to depart the vessel or airliner (even for short periods) while it is in the United States.& The process for obtaining a Crewmember Visa includes all the requirements for obtaining a regular nonimmigrant visa.& In addition, the applicant for a Crewmember Visa must provide evidence of the purpose of the trip the intent to depart the United States after the trip, and the ability to pay all costs of the trip if applicable.&
&Evidence of family ties in the applicant&s home country may suffice for showing the intent to depart.& The Visa Waiver Program is not applicable to entry as a crewmember, but (as noted above) citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require visas to enter the United States for purposes of travel as a crewmember.&
Commercial airlines have scheduled routes.& In addition, airline crewmembers tend to stay with the same airline for extended periods.& Therefore, crewmembers on foreign airlines that call at U.S. airports know with certainty that they will need Crewmember Visas.& The same cannot be said of most merchant vessels.& They have no scheduled routes in most cases and sometimes change destinations en route.& Many merchant mariners are employed by the same maritime employer for onl long-term employment contracts are the exception rather than the rule on the marine sector.& A merchant mariner on a foreign vessel, in most cases, has no idea whether the vessel will call in a U.S. port during the six-month period during which a Crewmember Visa is valid.& Therefore, most merchant mariners do not go through the time and expense required to obtain such a visa.&
An example (from the pre-9/11 era) may illustrate the visa conundrum.& A ship&s officer from a visa waiver country was assigned to join his ship in a U.S. port.& He received the assignment several weeks in advance and decided to visit the United States as a tourist during the period before he was to join the ship.& After two weeks of touring the U.S., he joined the ship as scheduled.& The U.S. immigration officer for the ship noted his arrival and promptly informed the master that a civil penalty would be assessed if this particular ship&s officer went ashore for any reason.& I was attending a major shipping conference in Washington, DC shortly thereafter.& During a Q&A with the Deputy Chief Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), a senior representative of the shipping company involved related the above and asked why this individual presented no threat to the United States during the two weeks that he toured the country, but was suddenly a threat when he boarded his ship.& The INS representative&s reply was that tourism and crewmember issues were entirely separate programs.& In other words, common sense was and is not applicable.&
When cargo (merchandise) from outside the United States is bound for unlading in the U.S., advance notice of the particulars concerning the cargo is transmitted to the U.S. Government.& Every cargo is screened.& If the cargo is deemed suspicious, it undergoes scanning and possibly other individualized examination.& Less than 10% of cargo coming to the United States is subjected to this enhanced examination.& In other words, more than 90% of the cargo coming to the U.S. is deemed to not present a security threat and is admitted through routine processing, based largely upon the paperwork related to cargo.&
The U.S. Government is also provided advance notice of all crewmembers on all ships bound for a U.S. port.& The advance notice of arrival must include, for each crewmember, the individual&s full name, date of birth, nationality, passport or mariner document number, position or duties on the vessel, and where the crewmember embarked.& This information is then compared against an extensive database of known and suspected terrorists and similar undesirables.& If the individual is determined to be a severe threat, the vessel can be barred from entry into U.S. waters while the individual remains on board.& If the threat is deemed less serious, the vessel must hire armed guards to keep the individual from departing while the vessel is in U.S. waters.& Even if a crewmember presents no known threat, he or she may not depart the vessel (generally may not even come down the gangway to check draft marks or to make a telephone call from a landline) unless that individual has a U.S. Crewmember Visa.& In other words, unlike with cargo where a particular piece of cargo is deemed unthreatening unless shown otherwise, a crewmember without a U.S. Crewmember Visa is deemed a threat to the security of the United States if he or she steps ashore even for a moment.& A passport (even from a country that participates in the Visa Waiver Program) is insufficient.& Likewise, possession of a seafarers& identity document issued in accordance with the ILO Seafarers& Identity Documents Convention will not suffice.&
For all practical purposes, the United States treats foreign seafarers as threats to the security of the U.S. unless and until that seafarer has jumped through various bureaucratic hoops.& Those hoops are effectively impossible for most foreign seafarers to negotiate.& Thus, foreign seafarers are substantially denied the ability to take liberty or shore leave when their ships call in U.S. ports.& It is ironic that the United States Government allows these same seafarers to navigate large vessels loaded with oftentimes hazardous cargoes through U.S. waterways and to call at and unlade/lade in U.S. ports.& The threat potentially presented by these ships and their cargoes appears far greater than that presented by an individual crewmember without a U.S. Crewmember Visa, but I am unfortunately getting logical.
There are a variety of means by which a terrorist might enter the United States to wreak havoc.& The 9/11 terrorists all obtained tourist visas and then flew to the U.S. on commercial airliners.& A terrorist could join the numerous economic migrants who successfully cross the southwest border each year.& Alternatively, a terrorist could walk across the unguarded border with Canada.& If a terrorist opted to try to enter the United States as a foreign crewmember, the process becomes more complex and uncertain.& The individual would have to undergo at least rudimentary training so as to qualify as a seafarer.& Failure to have some basic skills will generally prevent one from getting hired.& If hired, being unskilled will likely lead to quick dismissal.& Assuming that the terrorist demonstrates the requisite skills and gets hired on an ocean-going merchant vessel, the individual must wait for the vessel to make a U.S. port call, which is certainly a long-shot within the six-to-12 month period on a particular vessel.& No self-respecting terrorist or terrorist organization would select the maritime option as an efficient means of getting a malefactor into the United States.
Approximately 90% of goods imported to the United States from overseas arrives by ship and, of that, over 95% arrives on foreign-flagged ships manned by foreign crewmembers.& If imported cargoes were treated like foreign crewmembers, the U.S. economy would grind to a halt.& Fortunately, there is a strong lobby in Washington, DC to ensure that foreign trade is expedited.& There is no such lobby in Washington for foreign seafarers.
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