carry the responsibility梗来历 as a man. 其中as引导的是做什么成分?

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Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2015·安徽名校检测)The new policy only covers such
people _____ have made great contributions during the war. A.who
B.whom C.which 解析:考查定语从句。句意:这项新政策只适用于那些在战 争中做出卓越贡献的人。空处引导定语从句,修饰people, 且people被such修饰,因此只能用as引导定语从句。 D 2.(2015·成都部分高中高三教学质量检测)The city was
attacked by________ terrible weather________few citizens
had ever experienced before.;as;that C.such;that
D.such;as 解析:考查定语从句。第一空,修饰不可数名词用such;第 二空,experienced后缺少宾语,所以用as引导定语从句,并 在从句中作宾语。注意在such...that...结构中,that引导结果 状语从句,that在从句中不充当任何成分。 D 3.—He failed the exam again!What should I do,Miss
Wang? —In my opinion,your son is ________ than stupid. A.quite lazier
B.much lazier C.more lazy
D.lazier rather 解析:答句句意:依我来看,与其说你的儿子笨倒不如说他 懒。more...than“与其说……倒不如说”,符合句意,故C 项正确。 C 4.I heard that your village is ________ beautiful,but I
never thought it was so beautiful. A.frequently
D.severely 解析:考查副词辨析。句意:早就听说过你们村很漂亮,可 是从没想到这么漂亮。frequently时常,经常;similarly同样 地,类似地;extremely非常,极其,极端地;severely严厉 地,艰巨地。 C 5.(2015·西安三校高三联考)After looking over my plan,the
manager hoped I could ____ a better and more practical one. A.end up with
B.catch up with
C.come up with
D.get along with 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:浏览了我的计划后,经理 希望我能想出一个更好更实用的计划。 end up with “以 ……告终/结束”;catch up with“追上,赶上”;come up
with“想出,提出”;get along with “与……相处,取得 进展”。 C [写作素材] 1.我们应充分利用每一次机会来练习英语。
2.这样我们就能逐渐扩大词汇量。 3.就能流利地讲英语并最终掌握好英语。
提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 [连句成篇](将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文。) _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ One possible version:
We should make full use of every opportunity to practise
English,so that we can gradually enrich our vocabulary
and speak fluent English and eventually get a good
command of English. 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放
112页57页71页64页36页46页44页81页58页71页& 托福写作中由as引导的结构
摘要:托福写作中可以运用很多经典的结构来让文章显得更充实更地道,一篇好的托福考试写作文章一定不是只有最基础的单词和最简单的句式构成的,下面的托福写作辅导就为大家介绍一下关于as这个单词引导的结构。  托福写
写作中可以运用很多经典的结构来让文章显得更充实更地道,一篇好的托福考试写作文章一定不是只有最基础的单词和最简单的句式构成的,下面的辅导就为大家介绍一下关于as这个单词引导的结构。  托福写作的比较结构其实比平时同学们所理解的比较结构要复杂多变一些,应用也绝不仅限用来在不同事物之间作比较,在很多时候是借用比较结构这一语法形式,来表达出“非比较”的意味来。例如Tom is no braver than Jack (汤姆和杰克一样胆小)。同学们如能够果深入透彻地了解比较结构的用法,将对于提高托福写作中的语言的多样性大有裨益。现在让我们重温托福考试写作中熟悉而又陌生的比较级结构。  1. as引导比较状语从句的基本结构:as…as…  Eyes are as eloquent as lips (are).  眼睛像嘴唇一样富于表现力。  Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their authors’ minds ages ago.  对伟大的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。那些思想直到今日,仍然和往昔在其创始者的头脑中最初出现时一样新鲜。  注意:为了保持句子结构的平衡,as…as…结构中的从句还可以使用倒装,即“as … as + 助动词 + 主语”,例如:  The computer revolution may well change society as fundamentally as did the Industrial Revolution.  计算机革命对于我们人类社会的改变之深刻,就如同当年的工业革命一样。  2. 常用句型:as + adj./adv. + as  托福写作辅导提到这里的第一个as是副词,而后一个as才是比较状语从句的连词。  Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often as good as, if not better than, an actual performance.  你喜欢听唱片吗?我发现唱片的音响效果与现场演出的效果一样好,甚至可能更好。  3. 常用句型:as + adj. + a/an + 可数名词单数 + as  这里的前一个as作为副词来修饰形容词,而这个形容词同时又修饰一个名词。使用这个结构时要特别注意这里的形容词置于不定冠词之前这一特点。  Rarely has a technological development had as great an impact on so many aspects of social, economic, and cultural development as the growth of electronics.  很少有哪项科技的发展能像电子技术的发展这样,对我们的社会、经济以及文化等诸多方面产生如此重要的影响。  His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.  他的职责与法官相似,必须承担这样的责任:用尽可能明了的方式来展示自己作出的决定的推理过程。  注意:as…as…结构在否定句中第一个as可以用so代替。  No other modern nation devotes so small a portion of its wealth to public health as the United States does.  没有一个现代国家像美国这样,只把自己的财富很少一部分投入到公共健康事业中去。  4. 常用句型:as much … as…  很多同学在看到as much as时,很可能将其理解为“和……一样多”,其实不一定。试比较:  I love you as much as he does. 我同他一样爱你。  It is as much as your responsibility as ours. 这是我们的责任,同样也是你的责任。  在第二句中的as much as表示两个事物之间程度的比较,表示在“同等程度上”,可以理解为“和……一样,正如……”。更多例句:  The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as are its soils and the water of its lakes, rivers and oceans.  地球周围的大气层,就如同地球上的泥土及湖泊、河流、海洋中的水一样,都是地球的组成部分。  5. 常用句型:not … so much as  从结构上看,not … so much as有两种具体形式:not A so much as B或者not so much A as B。从意思上看,该句型的基本含义是“与其说A不如说B”,或者“是B,而不是A”。另A和B是两个被比较的平行结构,即A和B应同为介词短语、动词不定式、名词短语或其他平行结构。  The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.  学校教育的伟大作用不在于教会你多少东西,而在于教会你学习的技巧。  The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.  人生的意义不在于你目前身处何方,而在与你心想何方。  The conveniences that Americans desire reflects not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in which even minutes of time are too valuable to be wasted.  美国人所渴望的种种便利措施,与其说是反映了一种休闲的生活方式,倒不如说是反映了一种忙碌的生活方式,正是因为忙碌,所以每分钟都很宝贵而不容浪费。  6. 常用句型: (just) as …, so…  这一句型可用于表示类比,基本意思是“正如……,所以”,so之后可以接倒装结构。  Just as virtue is its own reward, so is vice its own punishment.  善有善报,恶有恶报。  Just as food nourish the body, so do books enrich the mind.  食物滋养身体,书本丰富心灵。  7. 常用句型:A is to B what/as C is to D  此句型用来表达事物之间的类比关系,从字面上理解就是“A与B之间的关系,就类似于C与D之间的关系”。  Personality is to a man what perfume is to a flower.  人的品格,犹如花的芳香。  这一句型有可以改写为“what/as C is to D, so is A to B或A is to B”。  As blood vessel is to a man’s body, (so is) railway is to transportation.  铁路网络对于交通来说,就如同人体的血管对于整个人体一样重要。  通过上面托福写作辅导的介绍相信大家对于as引导的结构又了解了不少吧!托福考试写作需要大家多积累,多运用一些经典句式单词,这样写出的托福写作文章才是最优秀的。
10-20 13:26
01-22 09:22
02-15 14:17
09-24 13:17
07-14 16:54
308人已报名Al-Shabaab extremists storm Mogadishu hotel and take hostages | Daily Mail Online
Massacre as Muslim Al-Shabaab extremists storm Mogadishu hotel
Nine killed as four gunmen storm hotel popular with government officialsEarlier, a suicide bomber detonated explosives-laden car at the hotel gatesPolice surrounded the hotel but came under fire from Al-Shabaab gunmenSomalia's al Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for the attackThere remains an unknown number of hostages trapped inside the buildingBy
17:37 BST, 27 March 2015
18:54 BST, 27 March 2015
A suicide bomber has detonated an explosives-laden car at the gate of a Mogadishu hotel, and at least four gunmen have taken hostages inside the building following a furious shootout with police.At least nine people were killed in the initial blast, while an unknown number of government officials remain trapped inside the building amid sporadic exchanges of gunfire, officials have said.While the hotel, located in Somalia's capital, is popular with government officials, it remains unclear who is being targeted in the attack. However, Islamic extremist group al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility.Scroll down for video
Two locals carry a wounded boy from the scene of the suicide bombing in Mogadishu today
A hotel guest desperately tries to make his way to the roof of the hotel as militants storm the building
Police and security forces stand guard at the scene of the car bombing as they exchange gunfire with militants inside the building
Somali police take aim as they walk outside the Hotel Maka Al-Mukaram, where an unknown number of people are being held hostage
A Somali man stands next to the wreckage of a car a suicide bomber used to kill at least nine people
Two men badly injured in the bomb blast are helped by a local amid the chaos of the attackThe attack started when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden car at the gate of the hotel today. Gunmen then quickly moved in.Police captain Mohamed Hussein said he had counted at least nine bodies at the scene, and the death toll is likely to rise.
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Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab has issued a statement taking responsibility for the blitz.'We are behind the Hotel Maka Al Mukaram attack, and fighting is still going on inside,' the group's military spokesman Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab said.Police surrounded the Hotel Maka Al Mukaram, but heavy gunfire from militants prevented them from mounting a rescue operation. The remains of two destroyed cars could be seen at the gates of the building.'The hotel is now fully under the control of the militants,' Major Ismail Olow, a Mogadishu police officer at the scene, said. 'Al Shabaab fighters are on the top of the building and inside the hotel. It is not easy for us to go in.'
Two policemen take up positions near the hotel during their shootout with al-Shabaab extremists
Police officials peer into the hotel complex after a suicide bomber destroyed its gates earlier today
Al Qaeda-linked group al Shabaab regularly carries out attacks in the Somali capital in a bid to unseat the country's Western-backed government
Two police officers take cover behind a wall of the hotel's exterior during the standoff with the militants
Locals lower a man onto a stretcher after he was injured in the deadly bomb last which killed nine
Soldiers and policemen carry a woman from the scene amid a hail of gunfireAl-Shabaab routinely carries out suicide bombings, drive-by shootings and other attacks in Mogadishu, the seat of Somalia's Western-backed government.The militants have continued to launch attacks in Mogadishu despite being ousted from their bases in the seaside city in 2011.Al Shabaab was pushed out of the capital by African peacekeeping forces, but have waged a series of gun and grenade attacks, looking to overthrow the government and impose its strict version of sharia law on the country.An offensive launched last year by African Union forces along with the Somali army has driven the group out of its strongholds in central and southern Somalia, while a series of U.S. drone strikes have killed some of its top leaders.Despite the military campaign, al Shabaab has continued to strike back with often devastating effect using hit-and-run bomb and gun attacks in the capital Mogadishu and other towns.It has also struck out at countries supporting the African Union mission.
Security forces discuss how best to tackle the hostage situation which broke out earlier this afternoon
A soldier walks past the gate of the hotel, which is left mangled after a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-laden car
Two men carry an injured boy from the scene of the attack, for which al Shabaab have claimed responsibility
Gunfire erupted between security forces and the militants after they stormed the hotel. Pictured is a policeman running into position
Soldiers armed with assault rifles take position of the area devastated by a suicide bomber
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