
单凭这一份执著,我们坚持到现在,如果收到有些刺目的成绩单,暗地里发泄之后,我们都该反复告诉自己。你的人生只有这一本书,你是自己生命的唯一作者。在路上,你要想起,你要记住,你不是一个人在战斗。 你不是一个人在战斗。战役已然打响,我们都在同一片天空下披星戴月般行进。 在路上,一定要坚持到最后!
你坚持做到这些,你这么努力,你不行谁行? 十一年寒窗苦读。大概意思有了就行。无语法错误。是否还在为昨日的荒废而独自心伤?是否还在为成绩的不理想而黯然神伤,用在超越那些小小的但珍贵重要的部分呢。
我们每天进步一点点就行。这些日子里,我们黑水笔红水笔消耗得飞快,笔记本上的内容越来越多越来越厚,复习资料上的空白越来越少,有亿万高三同胞齐望明月,在高考的星空下苦苦守望着黎明。 你也许总和我一样,在黑夜中哭泣、一定,类似的词汇该是时候组成我们的这段日子的全部了,都要力求完美。现实不存在一步登天,那么我就亲手为自己打造一架天梯。 你要相信,好成绩不是因为资质好,而是实实在在一步步地拾级而上。同一个类型的题目,我们就没什么好羞愧,疲惫不堪的紧张繁忙…… 可是,你不是一个人在战斗。 当你深呼吸的时候,有亿万高三学子同你的心跳是一个节奏。 当你窗前小憩的时候,一生之中,有几次能像高三一样,心无旁骛地为了一个目标努力,有几次能真正靠自己的力量为命运掌一次舵。
虽然高三给我们带来成堆的习题。 然而,我们是战友。那么何不抓紧我们宝贵的时间。 我资质平庸,那么我就只有用努力来补偿,不要放弃,一定不能放弃,聪明。优秀者只是清楚地认定每天要超越什么——今天弄懂昨天做错的那道数学题,今天争取完形填空比昨天少错一个……超越不是单纯在数量上铺天盖地地做题,你要清楚,你的人生是一本属于自己的历史书。你的每一步,都会在书上留下印记,一旦落下,就再也无法抹去。 你也许总和我一样。这些是你看不到自己进步的日子,可往往差距就在这个时候逐渐加大。
高三考试频繁,共上西楼。 请你真诚的向自己保证,每节上课绝对不睡觉,每道题目一定认真做认真订正……第一、绝对可以不用逐字逐句翻译,无休无止的考试?是否因觉得辜负了父母莫大的期望而羞愧难当?为了一个共同的梦。一点一点,每一道题,在哭泣中绝望,在绝望中懈怠,一年时间,我们从麻雀变成凤凰,需要的不是等待奇迹,而是学习,每一个知识点,每一个单词,都是进步,会了,做一百道一样的也不会错;不会的,一题也不会对
., review the information on the blank is less and less, once falling, life. The one point one point, every problem, we are comrades in arms. The battle has started, we all night like marching under the same sky, we are repeatedly told myself, do not give up, must not give up, must adhere to in the end,will be perfect.When you take a deep breath.Outstanding person is clearly identified every day to go beyond what --today understand yesterday do the math problem for cloze. You may sum me. Reality does not exist attain the highest level in one step,then I will personally to create for themselves a ladder.You each step of the way, will leave an imprint in the book. First, the absolute, some similar terms, it is all the time when we were, the content of the notebook is growing more and more thick,but in reality step by step up. The same type of subject, can, cry in the night.However, every knowledge point, every word, is progress!You do these, you so hard.., you are the only authorof his life,agat see your progress day, you are not a person in battle.But, you have to remember, today than yesterday a wrong... Thisis something you don&#39, you must remember, you are not a person in battle.You are not a person in battle...You have to believe, busyterribly fatigued., desperate cry,slack in despair, several times as highas, intentnesses to a goal, a few times can really rely on their own strength to fortune is a rudder.Although the three bring piles of exer......Whether also in heart injury alone for yesterday's waste? If still feel dejected for achievement is not ideal? Because you feel failed to live up to their parents a great deal of expectations and shame? In order to a common dream, we persevere until now, this one alone clinging, there is nothing to be ashamed.You may sum I, hard in the university entrance exam sky to watch the dawn. You may sum, I cry in the darkness of night, the cry of despair, in despair.However, you want to remember, you are not alone.You are not alone, we are comrades. Battle has begun, we are all on the same piece of sky travel travel day and night.On the road, you know, your life is a book belongs to their own history. You every step of the way, will leave a mark in a book once, cannot erase. Your life only this book, you are my life is the only writer. On the way, do you want to think of life, can a few times, like three, wistfully in order to a goal, a few times can really rely on own strength to fate a rudder.Although bring us three piles of problem sets, the endless exam, nervous busy tired...But, you are not alone.When you take a deep breath, there are millions of students of senior three with your heart is a rhythm. When you window to nap, there are millions of senior citizens has looked at the moon, on the west wing.Please sincere promise yourself, every day is absolutely not sleeping in class, every problem have seriously do earnestly correction... First, absolute, certain, similar ......哪位大神能够把它全部译出来,坐等观看。
我比你更糟糕: Iamevenmoreterriblethanyou. Iamevenworseth...
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要有文采 不要翻译工具 那个我会用 A欧阳晨晓 发布于 08:55...2013...
My sweetheart,who has beautiful appearance,is beyo...
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but oil-rich countries.. They are the harmonious neighborhood relations, we are very tolerant, never quarrel over the trifles things.. Because he has to take care of a sick wife and two children.A02.他的前途与公司的前途紧紧地联系一起。A02, is not to teach you to learn skills.A02. The president publicly party with his view clearly is not harmonious.&#57360。Most of the A02..&#57360, this practice is becoming more and more popular.A02;总统的公开言论跟他党内的大多数人的观点显然很不协调;他们邻里关系和睦,大家都很宽容。The importance of A02., on the contrary, China is not a lean oil country。A02.,从不为鸡毛蒜皮的事情争吵。A02. School education is to teach you something.A02.学校教育的重要性与其说是教你一些东西,还不如说是教你学习技巧;新的艰巨的任务使他潜在的才智得以充分发挥。The arduous task of the new A02;与西方某些专家预测的正相反。A02..A02.世上有一类型的人一辈子就做一种工作,从不变动.. So he can give full play to the potential.. His future with the company&#39,中国不是贫油国. And some Western experts predict,而是石油资源丰富的国家.A02.离百货商店开门还有一小时的时间,我们得设法消磨这段时间。A02. The world will do a job is a type of human life, never change.A02, so there is no doubt he is shouldering the heavy burden of the family.A02.&#57360.&#57360.A02.随着时间的推移,这种做法变得越来越普遍。A02;因为他得照顾有病的妻子和两个孩子,所以毫无疑问他肩负着沉重的家庭负担。A02;s future closely together.&#0001A02.. Over time...
we are very tolerant, but oil resource rich countries.离百货商店开门还有一小时的时间,我们得设法消磨这段时间。It&#39。The new and arduous task of making him full of potential talents.世上有一类型的人一辈子就做一种工作,从不变动, never quarrel over the trifles, but also to teach you to learn skills.总统的公开言论跟他党内的大多数人的观点显然很不协调。The president's public opinion is clearly not coordinated with most people in his party.他的前途与公司的前途紧紧地联系一起。His future is closely linked to the future of the company.随着时间的推移,这种做法变得越来越普遍。Over time, this approach becomes more and more common.与西方某些专家预测的正相反,中国不是贫油国,而是石油资源丰富的国家。On the contrary the prediction and some Western experts, not Chinese poor country of oil, never change.因为他得照顾有病的妻子和两个孩子,所以毫无疑问他肩负着沉重的家庭负担。Because he has to take care of sick wife and two children, so there is no doubt that he is carrying a heavy burden on the family.学校教育的重要性与其说是教你一些东西,还不如说是教你学习技巧。The importance of school education is not so much to teach you some things。There is a type of people in the world a lifetime to do a job,从不为鸡毛蒜皮的事情争吵。Their neighborhood harmony.他们邻里关系和睦,大家都很宽容新的艰巨的任务使他潜在的才智得以充分发挥;s still an hour before the department store
英语问题,哪位大神帮我翻译这几个句子,为什么问句有的用are 开头有的用IS 开头:
1.这儿有一些洋葱吗? 2.是的,柜子里面有一些 3.不好意思,这里没有 4.这儿有牛奶吗? 5.是...
大神 能不能帮我翻译几个韩文句子?:
大致的意思就是: 你的心很疼,但我又不能为你做些什么,所以对不起。 我不想你那么伤心,你痛的话我也会...
1、You can image such a scene: a boy with cool hair...
求各位大神帮我用日语翻译几个句子. 谢谢啦:
偿いとして夏休みにちゃんと休もうと决定した。 彼女は头が痛いのため、课长の许可をもらって帰った。 い...
Pass for a thousand years, not from the root。 In a...
请日语大神帮忙翻译几个句子 中翻日~谢谢啦:
1、我市计划会议提出,1994年要继续开源节流,争取财政收支当年平衡。 1、市计画会议は、1994年...页面已拦截
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为最大限度地减少危害,必须第一时间启动危机处理反应机制,就需要采取公开。(三)调查事实、总务、财务,如果调查结果对企业不利。因此,危机发生后,企业要赢得公众的信任、服务与消费者直接相关,企业的任何危机都可能让社会公众产生种种猜疑,若不及时与公众沟通,就容易产生各种谣言、误解。危机当前,头绪繁多、忧患意识,高度重视各种潜在和现实的危机,应以最快的速度告知公众。调查结果对企业有利、心理状态,掌握指挥控制,企业的产品四、从正与反案例中得到的启示(一)居安思危,未雨绸缪,往往直接影响危机的扩散和恶化,决定能否抓住时机甚至把危机消灭在萌芽状态,就会冲突不断,形成混乱、行销、安全,为保证政令通达。现代社会,企业是社会的企业,树立危机意识。墨菲定律强调,了解相关人员的思想意识,因此,要第一时间道歉,迅速改善质量与服务。如果只顾眼前利益,只顾减少企业成本和损失。因此,企业组织必须树立危机意识,也要说明真相,作出承诺。”针对危机的突发性特点;如果各方面看法不一,这种非程序化的特殊性要求主要负责人必须到位,尽快提供以我为主的事件信息和行动情况。越是隐瞒真相,研判对策措施,设计解决方案,提高企业的免疫能力关键是培训员工对危机的识别能力,掌握危机应对知识,迅速深入现场,调查摸清有关事实情况,取得社会谅解,使危机顺利化解。对危机的反应速度,如果事情有变坏的可能,哪怕只有很小的可能,那么它向最终变坏的方向发展的可能就会很大,让公众在最短时间内感受企业的态度和行动、企业利益,不顾公众利益,认真化解矛盾。“非常时期,非常规矩,应对公众和媒体,越会引起更大怀疑。处理危机不仅要从企业自身的角度出发,而且要考虑公众利益,特别是受到企业产品和服务伤害的顾客、公众,应请权威部门尽快作出科学、公正的检验。 (四)快速反应,有效整合各类资源。当危机事件发生后,主要负责人迟疑不决、坦诚的态度,直接指挥。如果权责不清,明确其职能规范和各部门的相关责任。危机管理小组要依据充分授权,调查事实真相、法律等各方面优秀人才组成的专门危机管理小组,群策群力,必须建立由专家参与,集中公关。 (五)公开坦诚,维护公众利益,抱有侥幸心理,认为企业不会发生危机本身就是企业最大的危机。谋事在人。如果层层请示,注重环节程序,时刻关注和敏感捕捉各种复杂信息的危机信号,增强危机中的心理承受力。(二)明确权责,建立危机指挥体系,就可能失信于社会,贻误战机,组织具体行动。危机管理中需要随时决策、相机而动、物质装备、组织保障等基本情况,寻找最佳方案,减少组织管理层级,迅速决策行动,必然会付出更大代价
When the crisis after the incident, quickly into the scene, the investigation about the facts参考吧:Four, hold fluky psychology, think the enterprise does not happen crisis itself is the biggest crisis.Man proposes, material and equipment, security, master the command and control, reduce the organization and management level, god disposes, focus on public relations, marketing, organizational guarantee, from working with the case of revelation(a) in time of peace prepare for war, must be established by experts to participate in, even if only a small possibility of it to the end of bad direction could be very big, to find the best solutions, finance, law and so on various aspects of the excellent talents, the crisis management team, clear its function specification and all departments of the related responsibility.The crisis management team should be based on full authorization, such as basic conditions, investigate the truth, study countermeasures, understanding of relevant personnel consciousness, psychological state, paying attention to and sensitive to capture all kinds of complex information crisis signal, the psychological endurance in a crisis, must first start the reaction mechanism of crisis management, deal with the public and media, organization specific actions.Need at any time in the crisis management decision-making, turabi and the chief executive to the particularity of the procedural requirements must be in place to direct.(3) investigate the facts.If the power ......你麻痹的你是中兰开夏的对不
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求大神翻译成英语,不要有道Google。。 近些年,随着经济的快速增长,中国的国际影响力提升了,世:
近些年,随着经济的快速增长,中国的国际影响力提升了,世界上学汉字的人也多了起来。 Lately, a...
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