you are too prettyso good ,too是错的吗,怎么改

Man:Sir, You are so good.
Thee world is not so bad, you are not so good.
世界没那么坏,自己也没那么好。 。
You have no right to be wicked, you who are so good.
The world is not so bad, you are not so good.
I'm so happy, and at the same time I feel guilty, because you are so good to me.
I think you guys should get a patent preventing all other companies from selling old games with different names because you are so good at it.
You are so good at attracting hatred.
You are so good … perfect liberal.
You are so good at attracting hatred.
Han Jia, you are so good at fooling people.
I bet you are so good with those kids.
You can almost make things happen because you are feeling so good about life.
Benjamin: Honey, you are a good accountant. So I'd better leave that to you, too.
It is good you are so considerate.
So you are in good hands.
Mrs. Thompson is an excellent nurse so you are really in good hands.
It's good that you are so kind.
If you are finished, so far, so good.
Lily, what are you eating? It looks so good.
Bacteria are terribly good for you. So say the promoters of a rapidly growing industry in "probiotic" products.
Jessica: No, you are so wrong. It is a good one. I feel it is a story of my life. I am sympathetic with the young people like us.
If you are a doctor your patients will not feel good if you are so sad.
OK, so are you paying attention? Good. Here's what you do.
No, you are so wrong. It is a good one. I feel it is a story of my life. I am sympathetic with the young people like us.
Besides, you should care much about what you say, because their learning abilities are so good.
Besides, you should care much about what you say, because their learning abilities are so good.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!  Dear,  Thanks for the email and the picture that you send for me, thanks for telling me more about yourself., It is my pleasure to hear from you thanks a lot, how are you doing today? hope you are doing great.... I appreciate your response and i do hope that things will works out for us, we need the basic understanding and we must be honest to each other, and then communicate regularly.   My late father was also an Marine Engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he died on the course of his work in Indian ocean when he went there to repair one of the companies ship, this bad incidence also led to my mother's untimely death, because she collapsed whenthe news was brought to her and she later died after 10days. Since i have been alone. I don’t really keep relative communication for now.  Well to tell you more about my work... i have been working since graduation, my first job was with Schlumberger, a German oil company and i worked the longest time there, finally in 2001, i decided to establish myself as an independent contractor. I normally signed contract with difference Oil Company with various country. I do hire some engineers for assistance during the period of my contract. I Build an oil well on the Sea and then supply them with anti-Marine Chemical after building the Oil well. i will receive payment from the company afterthe work have been completed and i will pay the hired engineers.  I came from Nottingham, I finished my studies here in UK. I studies marine engineering in the university with specialization oil drilling and ship maintenance. My dream is to have a happy home in days of future with someone I love. Feel free to ask me more questions if you feel like. do reply me and have a nice day.  Your Forever,  Patrick Lucas.
楼主发言:11次 发图:0张 | 更多
  Dear,..  Thanks a lot for your email, how are you doing today? hope you are doing great........Well i think that it will be nice for you to know more about my job and what influenced my choice of career, i was really working for a company known as Auto Marine International before i quit my job.   My dad pass away during his assignment in Indian ocean, like i said before... I like reading book, and like watching football sports. I rested only Sunday. I do travel whenever the I needed outside the country. I have traveled almost the whole of European countries. Asian country is the list of my next destination.  Like i have already told you, my present job involves building of an oil well, it is a big contract, so i hired some engineers to help me do the job while i pay them. Building of an oil well involves a lot of machines and installations and risks as well, but everything is done with a limited warranty. So far, i have acquired some machines like Wind turbines, power stations, hydraulic heated machines and others.  My job involves a lot of risk actually, working in the sea where we explore Oil and i also deal with the supply of anti-marine Chemicals. The anti-marine chemical specifically for use on-board ships, marine vessels, and off shore oil and gas platforms. These speciality products are used extensively by fleet operators, marine maintenance and engineering contractors working within the international off shore and shipping industry sectors.  Well, it is my wish to make you understand me better because understanding is very important in building a relationship. Take good care of yourself and reply soon., have a great weekend..,   Your ever,  Patrick Lucas.
  Dear,..  Thanks so much for your email.....I would like to meet you in person, if you don't mind. However i have't get married at my age you and i know that to meet someone who can love for real in life is not easy, I have someone that i love so much in my life before but she broke up with me cos she has get what she wont from me, i will tell you about her when we chat if you want to know why we broke up.  I don't have sisters/brother i am the only child of my late parents, but like i told you on my last email they pass away when i was 18, it was not easy for me when that happen to me because i was a student at that time after everything i got my degree. Then join the company where my dad was working i have my own business that i manage now,  I want to tell you why i really want to have someone from asian country, I work with one chinese guy and he was my best friend he is the one who told me about asian lady all the time, i told him Lee am so happy with you and your wife he really have a happy home, he told me that any time he remember his wife and kids he feel happiness and joy, when i broke up with someone i love so much he give me hope that i can still meet someone to love again that is how he told me about asian, I don't really know how to chat before am new here looking for my life partner, and i hope to see someone soon in my life i really feel so happy with this reply i have got from you,  I want to chat with on yahoo or msn again but i dont really know the best time to get you online cos your day is my night and my day is your night so we will have to make out time to chat so that we can each other know more better, I want to have someone in my life,  I would like to know you more if you dont mind could you pls tell me more about yourself? By telling me what you came here to look for, and also what you like and what you dont like just tell me anything you would like me to know about you.  I believe that love is trust and understanding but is not really easy to see someone who have it to offer so we have to understand each other to make it work out for us. But i dont really know the best time to get you online do to the time differences between us please contact me by e-mail so we can set a time to communicate through via msn. However i would like to speak with you on the phone so pls do me a favor by giving me your number. Here is my number1-357
  I use to spend my weekend by going out to watch football match, how about you? Hope to speak or chat with you soon. my dream???? is to have a great family with asian lady, i need joy and happiness in my heart again, let us move and know each other more better, have a nice and lovely day.,  Your Forever,  Patrick Lucas.
  Dear,..  Thanks so much for your email, everything is fine with me over there., tomorrow morning is going to be a busy day for me, about yours? Xiaoying, would you like to get married with someone who did not have any relative? Would you like to live in another country with your husband? Just tell me anything you would like me to know about yourself, I open small company of my own after working with Auto Marine International. for years, i'm really happy with my life now but i need someone to complete my life as a man,i feel lonely all the time also people thinking that what my boss say to me is true  Please let us make out time to know each other more better, how many white guys have you dated? I have't date an Asian lady befor but is my dreams?? to make family asian lady, i have only dated one Australia and two British in my life. My height is 183cm weight 88, blood type O+ how about you? Call me as soon as you got this email.... How many UK or USA guys have you meet on the Internet before?...Have a nice day, thank for the number.,  Your ever,  Patrick Lucas.
  Dear,..  How are you doing today? I hope you are doing great over there... Am very pleased to be hearing from you regularly, i was just reading your emails and i do hope to meet you in the nearest future. However, i perfectly understood that we have a long way to go in this relationship as we strive to make this relationship a success as we are no longer kids. I am not getting any younger, and i want to believe that we can work it out, like i said, distance is not and will never be a barrier between us, currently i am busy down here, but i intend to make out time to visit you in the nearest future so that we can get to know each other better and feel each other.   This is the reason why i quit my job,my father was a marine engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he died on the course of his work in indian ocean when he went there to repair one of the companies ship,after she hard the news of my fathers death he collapsed and fainted and was rushed to a hospital and latter gave up after 10days.  My Dad had a business together with his brother who is not really a nice uncle to me,he took everything my father has after his dismise,life was not really easy for me but i am gratful to day for making me to be alive in the land of the living,however the reason why i quit my job is due to the risky of the job,i have been trying to quit this job for over a long time now but my boss keep on begging me not to do so,i told him about increase in my salary but he refused,infact my colleagues have also find out just like i knew early that he is using us to make a lot of money instead of giving us what is entitiled to us.  He uttered a bad word to me when were having a department meeting,he said that i dont need the money for anything,that i am not suppose to talk when people that has family is talking,infact he told me a lot of things which really made me cried so much,he also told me that my father has only me as son that if i am gone the all i have will be used for charity organisation,after he told me all this things i really thought so much about my life thats why i decided to settle down with a wife and concentrate on my business,he latter apologize and i have forgiven he, although those bad words he uttered to me really open my eyes and made me to understand so much things in life,   I don't look at personalities i'm only telling you my life story for you to know me more better, feel lonely all the time, also people is thinking that what my boss said to me is true.....Dear, all i ask from you is believe, trust and understanding... Have a nice and lovely day,
  Your ever,  Patrick Lucas.
12:00:00  放弃那些不切实际的浪漫想法吧...  ----------------------------  是的,女人容易被蒙蔽就是太不切实际
23:10:00  好巧,我也受到过,几乎一样的内容  -----------------------------  只要内容相似的,百分百骗子了
  斯伦贝谢是个法国公司、不是德国的  so it's obviously a cheat lie.
  @szcenlin 19楼   天那,我现在通信的这个英国男子,他给我的信的内容一模一样的,全部相同  -----------------------------  我也收到了一些信。以下是具体内容:Hello Dearest One,  Thanks for your reply and God bless you I have read with keen interest and concentration your romantic word. I am more than happy of your reply to my mail. How is your day today, My name is Ms Rose Nathan, I am 23 years old, I am single and never been married. I am from Liberia in west Africa, Due to the conflict that took place in my country some years ago, I was taken to Senegal West Africa  where I'm presently residing as a refugee here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago. I lost my both Parents during the war that damaged many innocent Souls in Liberia. My family was  among the first target of the rebels because, My late father Dr Robert Nathan was a Successful businessman and also a politician supporting the present Government, all the members of my family was Murdered in a cold Blood one early morning. I was lucky to escape the death. I am the only one that is alive now and i managed to escape from my country and i will never pray or think to step my legs in that bloody country called Liberia. This refugee camp is headed by a Reverend Pastor,  and i used his office computer to send you this mail, and i only enter his office when he is less busy. Now, I would like to know more about you, your likes and  dislikes, your hobbies and what you are doing presently, I like to meet understanding, loyal, sincere, truthful, kindly and friendly and more to that, a man of vision and truth. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. attached bellow is my pictures, Hoping to hear from you soonest. accept my warm regards  from Ms Rose.
  @红枫叶ABC-18 09:16:11   我也收到了一些信。以下是具体内容:Hello Dearest One,  Thanks for your reply and God bless you I have read with keen interest and concentration your romantic word. I am more than happy of your reply to my mail. How is your day today, My name is Ms Rose Nathan, I am 23 years old, I am single and never been married. I am from Liberia in west Africa, Due to the conflict that took pla......  -----------------------------  并且还附传了一张图片,是个女生。各位一定要小心哟!!
  我也遇到了,內容大致相同。交流了一个月,还通了六七个电话。  本来说要来中国见面的,在临见面前说生意上有些困难和我借钱。  我没借,不过我也表示出了怀疑,他生气了。不接电话不回邮件了。  现在已经一星期没联系了。他还是不接电话,我都还在疑惑到底是  真的还是假的。
  @Cathy_liu2012 5楼   假如有沉迷于国际网恋的人,我希望你们看看仔细的看看这些书信,分辨清楚自己是否会遇到骗子!希望这些书信能帮助到个别被“爱情”迷失了方向的人。  -----------------------------  有些人活该被骗
  我也收到了相似的信,通信了70多天,以为我邮寄包裹为名,中间有马来西亚的电邮说包裹被检出了钱,要收费1142美元。当时没有清醒,被骗了7100元人民币,继续问我要钱,我才彻底清醒。  其实,马来西亚和英国骗子是一伙,也可能就是一个人。大家要注意了。
  真倒霉,我也遇到了这样的骗子。今晚给我打电话,说要借钱我才知道遇上骗子了。被骗一个多月,还天天来回邮件,真郁闷啊。有时候他会用英国手机,然后还真煞有其事的用马来西亚手机号码给我打电话。就如楼上所说,应该是跟马来西亚一伙的。估计,都不是欧洲人。连口音都发不正确。。。以下就是信的一部分内容  How are you doing? Hope your doing good over there, it is a thing of joy to hear from you every day, i hope that you are taking g i will come over to your country and meet you in person because i really want to see you in person. i am here in London now hoping to move to my Arabia contract where i have been not really feeling comfortable by staying on the face of computer for so long time writing e-mails and reading. please accept my with good faith and read it with what am trying to let you know about me and our relationship..i will also like to know why your not calling me on phone..???  I want to tell you everything about myself which is very important in a relationship more especially in distance relationship. I signed a contract with one company in Saudi Arabia, to build an oil well on the Sea and then supply them with anti-Marine Chemical after building the Oil well. So far, the engineers I hire have been building the Oil well. Then i will need to supply anti-marine chemical to the company. I had wanted to arrange everything so that i can finish up and then get my payment and embark on my holiday and meet you soonest.  I will be moving back to Saudi Arabia to continue with my contract. Actually it is a very big contract indeed and as it is stated on the contract agreement it will only last for 6 month. I have been working on it for pass few month now, hoping to complete soon.  Actually my contract usually worth at about 7.8million dollars before I can settle my engineers and purchase product for my work. Am confidently telling you in what am made of and all about me in detail. I loan from my Bank to support my financial aspect since the company will not payment me until the work is complete...  Tell me your yearly income, I am open, honest and sincere to you and I hope you will do the same to me, too. I will hide nothing from you as I am very serious about our close relationship both now and in the future. I hope to meet you before lengend doomsday all i want you to know is that i am a man of my words and my words is my bond i must do my best to do what i set to do, i think the hotel is very nice if the location is Ok by i want let you know that i like it and i will stay there with you when comes back from work haha..regarding the booking i will let you know as soon as my project is done i will give notice in advance to make the booking
  网恋骗子多啊~ 尤其还是跨国的。。。  姐妹们擦亮眼睛吧,别一听对方是英国、美国的就不顾一切了。
  @aijunrong 10楼   放弃那些不切实际的浪漫想法吧...  -----------------------------  说白了就是想走捷径,都恨不得找个老外嫁到国外去,就凭注册个国际交友网站幸福生活就来临了?拿老外当白痴啊。现在老外最提防,最不信任的就是中国女人,还没开始和你交往了就怀疑你的目的性,快别自讨苦吃了。
  就在上个星期 4月9日,我收到了著名英国混血骗子从亚洲交友网上发的信。这次,他是英葡混,同样是父母双亡的独子,出身在诺丁汉,伦敦的一家私营业主。这次多了个独吞他家财产的叔叔。他现用名为Howard Garry 。我天生就有很强的第六感。他的3 张相片看上去很年轻,不似45岁, 通常鬼佬看上去都比中国人看上去显老。他是不是怕家人不喜欢亚洲人,所以骗我说家里人都没了呢 ? 在英国伦敦,满街都可以看到中国人,而且他的条件那么优秀,他为什么要选我呢?   我在第一封回信里提到了英国的著名演员和近年来评分高的英国影片,还有今年好莱坞的两部与上帝有关的获奖影片,以及著名的景点。因为他非常喜欢电影 和渡假。我是基督徒,所以也谈了有关信仰的问题。可他的回信是一点也没接上。我接着打壁球......  我开始在网上查他的姓名.......没有合适的。  他的第二封信留了移动电话:32。他希望我与他联系。我回信说我的电话是受限的,打不出去,要打他打。他说等他假期到了就要来看我。我就和几个朋友商量,到时候带他去朋友们家里展览一下,让他们帮我研究研究。  我拼命的查他的号码.......对不上号。  他的第三封信问我什么时候方便接听他的电话,因为他怕我们之间相差7个小时而影响我。我一看就晕了。我和伦敦就隔着一条河,那来的时差呀? 鸡同鸭讲 ? 他还有些内容也重复了。难道他有老年痴呆? 难道他在同时勾引不同的人? 这事诡异了。 我没办法只有回信问他公司的名称。查了又查他的相关资料.......  终于, 在 '查号吧' 里看到了那么多姐妹血泪史。我急忙把他的最新行头在 '查号吧' 上给曝光了。接着,在天涯 的 "英国骗子的书信内容 " 里 ,看到了他的手笔每次都千篇一律 。我想把他的最新版作品留下及时,可是我的新账户不能激活。今天我终于可以留言了。  就前天,他又回了信,这趟是 " My love experiences "。可我问的是他的庙名啊!就昨天他回答了"What are you talking about".好了, 我可要收场了,没时间和这人渣再混了。我这几天可被他折腾够了。Game is over。  感谢上帝,他说掩藏的事没有不显出来的,隐藏的事没有不露出来被人知道的。敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。Hallelujah ! 他让我在那么短的时间内脱离了这恶事,他又借我的手在网上揭露了这恶人。愿还在网上进行沟通的姐妹们不要继续再受骗。欧洲经历着严重的经济危机,很多鬼佬都靠失业金或救济糊口。英国有太多的失业人口,西班牙半数人口都失业。华人都还算是有存款的呢!   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  From:  To:   Subject: Honey,have a nice day!  Date: Tue, 16 Apr :39 +0200  帮我激活.我有重要文章发表.  
My name:lelie2010
Cause i already tried it ,but it did work out.  please be a quick.Cause this information is very importent.After u'll know it what i write about.right!  Thanks a lot !  Soon!  kiss  ? 2013 Microsoft  Gebruiksrechtovereenkomst  Privacy en cookies  Ontwikkelaars  Nederlands
  Oh,My God!  我太急了.请天涯的管理员看到我后面的私人信息后,帮我删掉吧,谢谢了.
  此骗子的相片请点击"情感天地 "
的 "英国骗子最新版本.".
  另一个自称来自英国的新加坡骗子Eric Lewis,实际是个黑人,听不出来是黑人腔。本人英语水来也很高,警惕性也高,没被骗到。公布出来,请大家小心。  邮箱:  他妈妈的邮箱:  电话:92, 66  Skype: eric.lewis4u  使用的帐号信息:  Bank: HSBC  Address: 1 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong  Swift Code: HSBCHKHHHKH  Name: SOH SIEW FONG  A/C no: 108             
  我朋友收到一封类似的信件,贴出来让大家看看  Looking for life partner.?  barister lee  Dear,  How are you doing today? Hope your doing great over there, i must tell you that i am so happy reading your email,well let me introduce myself to you,i started working when i was 18 years old after the passing away of my parents and my uncle took the whole wealth my father has together with him,i have nothing left for me to start a new life that is why i have to start working at that age and i am grateful to god for what i am today for making me a great man in this universe.  Well i started working with Philips Consultant for 7 years before they had a problem with the management of the company which made me to quit the company and join marine company i also work with they for over 14 years which made my total working experience 21 years before i took decision to quit and face my business and contract job's,  this company has really help me a lot and made me what i am today because i am their biggest marine engineering consultant and it really made me traveled many parts of the world.  I told them to look for another consultant who can replace me but i quit, because i really want to marry and settle down with my family so i can have enough time for my business sine i am benefiting from my business so much and can live anywhere in the world to manage my business,so you shouldn't be afraid of where i live, what matters to me is your happiness and i also don't mind living in your country if there is enough security there.  I would also like to know if a foreigner can buy a house in your country?just let me know more about your country maybe i can invest over there in the future, i must tell you that i have prayed so much for God to give me my life partner who can give me a happy family having child or not is a problem to me but i would love to have one or two what really matters to me is love and happiness, i believe the departure of my ex girlfriend brought an open door in my life, God has really blessed me after her depart.  It was the priest in my church that gave me courage to start looking for a wife and i really thank God that i meet you in my life,however the priest me give hope by telling me to believe that i can still meet who is going to be my real wife. I really believe what he told me and am working on it and now God have sent you to complete my life as man  let us trust believe and understand yourself more better there is know need of fighting or angry to each other, for my own thinking understanding is number one think in relationship,
  Yours faithfully.  Kevin.
  收到上封信后,又收到一封,说得前后不一致,大家看看吧  The reason why i quit my job and established my business  barister lee5:52   Hello Dear,  Thanks for the information you offered to me. This is the reason i quit my job,my father was a marine engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he died on the course of his work in Indian ocean when he went there to repair one of the companies ship,after she hard the news of my fathers death he collapsed and fainted and was rushed to a hospital and latter gave up after 10 days.  My Dad had a business together with his brother who is not really a nice uncle to me, he took everything my father has after his dismiss,life was not really easy for me but i am grateful to day for making me to be alive in the land of the living,however the reason why i quit my job is due to the risky of the job,i have been trying to quit this job for over a long time now but my boss keep on begging me not to do so,i told him about increase in my salary but he refused,infarct my colleagues have also find out just like i knew early that he is using us to make a lot of money instead of giving us what is entitled to us.  He uttered a bad word to me when were having a department meeting,he said that i don't need the money for anything,that i am not suppose to talk when people that has family is talking, in fact he told me a lot of things which really made me cried so much,he also told me that my father has only me as son that if i am gone the all i have will be used for charity organisation,after he told me all this things i really thought so much about my life that's why i decided to settle down with a wife and concentrate on my business,he latter apologize and i have forgiven he, although those bad words he uttered to me really open my eyes and made me to understand so much things in life,   I don't look at personalities I'm only telling you my life story for you to know me more better, feel lonely all the time, also people is thinking that what my ex boss said to me is true. I also caught my boss and my ex making love in his office, All i ask from you is believe trust
and understanding........  I work alone in my office here in the UK, but each time that sign contract with oil company in Arab country's buy other engineers to work with me on the ocean,   Have a nice day .  Kevin
  @Cathy_liu2012 8楼
22:44:00  看了那么多被骗的,我坐不住了,虽然我没有被骗,但也和这骗子通信了3个月。路过的请转发,功德无量  -----------------------------  智商无下限的傻逼女人!!!!国内的优秀男人,你不找,  竟想着国外的垃圾!!!!!!被骗活该 活该!!!
  @心怡心心 49楼
16:00:00  收到上封信后,又收到一封,说得前后不一致,大家看看吧  The reason why i quit my job and established my business  barister lee5:52  Hello Dear,  Thanks for the information you offered to me. This is the reason i quit my job,my father was a marine engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he died on the course of his work in Indian ocean when he went there to repair on......  -----------------------------  你应该回他说,他家的祖宗十八代,不是死在印度洋就是太平洋, 或者大西洋。
  My love experiences??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  I really do appreciate all your timely responses,as i do hope you wouldn't mind if i further explain my humble self as regards to my past few relationships.  First, i met my first gir we do kiss (lol) few atimes but as kids, we never went too far to have sex. Everything about the relationship became sour the next year when i was seventeen years old because i lost my dear parents  In few years time, when i am abov i don't need to hide my relationship status from anyone any more, so i met this beautiful girl who cherished me a lot and i really do love her in return: she is a bit older but that was never a problem because love doesn't care about age differences
As a grown gorgeous girl, it is natural that suitors will keep asking for hand in marriage and being that i am not yet ready to settle down with a lady as at that time, i had to let her go and marry, which she did gladly.  I never knew love hurts that much because the thoughts of what we shared before she walked down the aisle with someone else kept hunting me. I became scared of falling in love again but later gave it another shot at the age of twenty- and this time, she is my co-worker.  We had a nice time together and i started picking up the little pieces of myself to love even more again. However, the walls that held the relationship started crumbling down, bit by bit, when co-workers whisper that my girl sleeps around with other men including our the then boss, but who in love would quickly believe such an unconfirmed story without any evidence. It was to my greatest amazement that i caught her with our boss, making out inside the boss office, and it hurts me more because our boss knew that i am in a relationship with this particular lady.  The last was a journalist, a woman any man would desire to be with: we had fun for quite a longer time before tragedy struck at an Arab country where she went to cover some news after 6 days British High Commission in Afghanistan confirmed that she was shot dead by group of bad guys while reporting on street in Afghanistan.I believe we all have stories to tell about l that is why i still believe the lady of my dream is out there somewhere waiting for me to find her so as to make our dreams a reality. Fate may have it that you are the one...  Have a nice day.......  Brendan Cole  我的英語很爛,所以第一次接到他的信的時候非常興奮,因為不可思議。但是我本身是不喜歡外國人的,我這人應該說是適應能力差吧,接受不了太大的差異,但是因為這麼爛的英文都有人願意交流也是一件挺稀奇的事。但是,在他提出我用翻譯軟件的時候我被雷到了,慣犯嘛!而且對我的回信毫無反應,一直自話自說,如果是真情實意會如此自我,兩人之間會沒有互動?除了有車有房,父母雙亡,人家還願意到中國購房,離開英國。才認識幾天呢,哪有那麼深的感情,我都還處於麻木階段。說實話,在我的心裡我一直認為男人被戴綠帽是打死都不承認的,他很輕易的說了出來,他的女朋友被槍殺,那段文字當中我也看不出他的傷感。也許中西文化差異吧,人家外國人不怕帶綠帽,不怕隨口胡謅父母雙亡。真性情的人應該是不願意輕易的自揭傷疤吧,怎麼著也會痛的,更何況是三段那麼刻骨的經歷,描寫的卻雲淡風輕。更可笑的是,紳士的英國人會自曝家產,自吹自擂,既然家產不少,又如此的捨不得打個越洋電話,還叫我給打過去。最好笑的是我查到了他相同的照片以不同的名字出現在網上,難道是雙胞胎?還一個跟父姓一個隨母姓?奇葩啊!
  My daily life????????????????????????????????????????????  My dear, i do hope you are hale and hearth today, as you live your dear life to satisfy your conscience_ Its all good!I do believe you slept well last night before waking up to face to days challenges and work schedules as well... My hunch is always positive.  About me, oh i now manage a little business on my own as an Engineer
it has not been easy because i have to work my ass off (LOL) every now and then from eight o'clock in the morning to around 5 pm in the evening time before calling it a day, and this goes on from Monday to Friday every week.  My place of abode to my place of work should be about thirty_five minutes drive, to be near exact, but that is if their were no traffic jams: with traffic congestion inclusive coupled with other unforeseen circumstances along the road, the minutes might swell up a bit to nearly fifty minutes in the steering doing the driving thing.  In the morning, i normally take a cup of coffee (with burga atimes) or bread and fried egg, then rice with coca-cola will do just fine during afternoon as lunch, which is around 12 noon to 1 pm. I happen to be a good cook at home, because i learnt a lot from my late parents, but i stopped cooking since i broke up with my ex.I cant imagine myself cooking and eating all alone, but my lawyer who visit during the weekend will always ignite me to cook on weekends, and i will oblige such request because i love it whenever i am eating with someone.  I sincerely believe that if fate will have it to favor and usher us love, i will later cook again and eat with you as a happy family. If it pleases you, i will devote some quality time to tutor you on how to prepare some western delicacies and you in-turn will guide me on some of the Asian dishes you know how to prepare.My favorite meal is fried rice and vegetable with chicken and egg. What about you?  I miss you so much...............  Have a lovely day............  Brendan Cole  現在隨便他發吧,反正我才認識他幾天,沒形成收信的習慣,也沒有投入感情,看了一段戲。不過這騙子也太逗了,除了是國籍和我們周圍的男士不一樣,他哪點好了?
  今天花了一天看了这方面有关英国骗子的贴,哎,但是已经晚了,我已经被骗了,就是上面这两张照片,所有的信件都是一模一样。就是这个自称号Brendan Cole的人,同样的照片他还曾以Patrick名在其他交友网站上登记过。  我是这两天才意识到自己是受骗了,于是在网上穷搜这方面的信息,早来到天涯看看就好了。
  月下吟香  如果你现在和他还只是才认识几天,我可以把他和我通信的所有过程都贴上,你有兴趣可以以旁观者的态度看他接下来会怎么演戏。  我和他通信通了两个多月,真的只到前几天才意识到我是被骗了,因为他第二次让我汇钱的态度实在是有点急,让我起了疑心。这几天也在反思当中,其中当然也有我自己的弱点使然。 现在只想让这种骗人的伎俩曝光出来,细节越多越好,最好也能让更多的人知道,提高免疫力。因为现在的骗子真的是太高智商了,整个骗局安排得简直是天衣无缝。  我自认自己还算是个比较冷静,也善于分析问题的人了,还会经常提醒身边的人不要轻易受骗,却没想自己却在这个夏天遭受了生平第一次重重的受骗。哎!只能说(自认为)恋爱中的女人智商真的为零。
  我现在从头来讲一遍这个故事吧,把他的邮件全贴出来,然后从我的信箱里删除,从此结束恶梦。  我是今年5月底的时候才注册百合网的,其实我对网络交友一直都存有戒心,知道里面鱼龙混杂,什么人都有。本来离异后对感情什么的也很失望,只是那段时间正好有些空虚,就抱着观望的态度上去了。  只是观望, 一个月都没正式和什么人交谈过。我其实还是比较小心的。  到了6月底,其实我都准备再过一个月就撤了,因为看看是怎么一回事后就很容易麻木。就在这时,收到了这个叫Brendan Cole的来信。  可能是因为已经有些麻木了,突然收到一个老外的信,觉得有些新奇,觉得都有老外在国外上中国的交友网站,然后也就是抱着能练练英语的私心,就回了,留了个邮箱地址,就开始通信了。这还是注册后第一次留邮箱给别人。  哎,现在想想,还是我不了解这里的游戏规则。所以骗子其实心理学是掌握得很好的,拣新手做为目标骗的成功率也比较高。
  然后就如同上面一些姐妹贴出的邮件一样, 真的是一模一样呀,直到今天看到了才觉得崩溃,本来还一直觉得他蛮用心的在写信呢。因为确实每封信都很长,看一遍下来消化掉还真蛮累的呢!  模式如下:毎封信都有个主题,然后就是很全面地介绍自己。感觉都象是在上EF课一样。  How are you doing? Hope you're doing great over there. Thanks for your response. I am Brendan Cole, Am glad to meet you here. I was born 22/11/1970 in Nottingham United Kingdom. British father and Portuguese mother. I am single, never married and have no kids, I work as an independent contractor.   I have been searching for someone who i can trust not because of personality but someone who is ready to meet her soul mate that have love to offer. To me, distance is nothing and would not been a barrier in my relationship. I'm looking for someone Who understands life and who i intend to build a relationship with. I do not want to grow old alone.
She does not have to be a princess, but someone with a big heart and sense of humor. I value sincerity, loyalty, courage and honor the most in my life.   Relationships cannot built one day it take time, patience, honesty, passion and ability to compromise and grow! love is by sharing bad and good thinks together. True love is a covenant that we build on a strong foundation and that's why we don't develop it within a day. It takes some time to mature and that's when both sees that they are having the same strong feeling for each other.   I want to inform you that i have instructed the site to deleted my profile from the site because i really want be serious with you and i hoe you will do the same too. Find my pictures attached to this email. I would appreciate if you can send me yours and tell me more about yourself.  That's all for the time being. Hope to hear from you soon and have a nice day,   Best regards............ This site was registered by me with the help of Google translator.  Brendan Cole
  感觉好象蛮诚恳的吧,大道理讲得还一套一套的呢。把爱情涂上了一层理想主义的色彩。当时确实看了还蛮心有感触的呢。 可能是因为在现实社会里,感情处处都被附带着条件去定夺,偶然看到这些言词,就很容易被迷惑。 毕竟,我想大部分女人其实内心还是蛮渴望纯洁的感情的。  我是婚姻里走过一圈的,所以已经不太相信真的有这么没有条件的感情了,所以就回他,反驳他,似乎还想给他洗洗脑子。告诉他不可能那么理想。  但是他没接我的话,继续他的自我介绍。当时是有那么一念闪过的疑惑。  Thanks so much for your email. I would like to meet you in person if you don't mind. However i haven't get married at my age you and i know that to meet someone who can love for real in life is not easy, I have someone that i love so much in my life before but she broke up with me cos she has get what she wont from me, i will tell you more about her when we chat if you want to know why we broke up.  I don't have sisters/brother i am the only child of my late parents, but
they pass away when i was 18, it was not easy for me when that happen to me because i was a student at that time after everything i get my degree from Birmingham city university. Then join the company where my dad was working i have my own business that i manage now,  I want to tell you why i really want to have someone from Asian country, I work with one Chinese guy before and he was my best friend he is the one who told me about Asian lady all the time, i told him Lee i am so happy with you and your wife he really have a happy home, he told me that any time he remember his wife and kids he feel happiness and joy, when i broke up with someone i love so much he give me hope that i can still meet someone to love again that is how he told me about Asian, I don't really know how to chat online i am new here looking for my life partner, and i hope to see someone soon in my life i really feel so happy with this reply i have got from you,  I want to chat with you on yahoo or msn,but i don't really know the best time to get you online cos your day is my night and my day is your night so we will have to make out time to chat so that we can know each other know more better, I want to have someone in my life,thanks so much for sending me your photos  I would like to know you more if you don't mind could you please tell me more about yourself? By telling me what you come here to look for, and also what you like and what you don't like just tell me anything you would like me to know about you.  I believe that love is trust and understanding but is not really easy to see someone who have it to offer so we have to understand each other to make it work out for us. But i don't really know the best time to get you online do to the time differences between us please contact me by e-mail so we can set a time to communicate through via msn. However i would like to speak with you on the phone so please do me a favor by giving me your phone number. Here is my number +22   I use to spend my weekend by going out to watch football, how about you? Hope to speak or chat with you soon. my dreamed is to have a great family with Asian lady, i need joy and happiness in my heart again, let us move and know each other more better,   Have a nice day ..............  Brendan Cole
  这些骗子都是集团操作的  分工明确  照片护照资料视频都是假的  只要用点心就可以看出来  欢迎加入婚恋交流群,群号码: (只限女性)
  骗子行骗的步骤:   一接触就以非常的甜言蜜语来确定婚姻关系, 还会和您一起憧憬美好的未来让你对他的爱深信不疑.   会有一个凄惨的家庭故事, 什么妻子病故、儿子车祸等等, 以博得您的同情. 或让他的小孩和老父老母和您通电话, 让您对他的身份无可怀疑, 其实他们都是一个骗子团伙的.   都会把自己塑造成一个事业有成的绅士, 这样在他们遇到紧急情况下向您要钱或借钱时您就不会起怀疑.   针对的对象普遍是四、五十岁的阅历比较浅的女会员.   以各种理由为借口拒绝视频. 因为放在网上的照片都不是他们的本人照.   骗子行骗的伎俩:   以他小孩的名义向您要钱: 小孩突然生病, 遭车祸或小孩生日等等.   在非洲搞项目做生意, 钱突然被盗或突然生病, 自己的美元在当地无法取出等等. (其实是尼日利亚黑人)   在其它国家为您和他购置婚房, 需要您拿出部分钱一起买房.   准备在中国投资大生意或购房, 需要您经济上给予支持.   有一笔钱要给您, 但在您领取这笔钱之前, 需要付一笔不小的手续费, 为了确保您相信, 他们会给您发一些国外假的银行或律师文件以证实的确有这笔钱要给您.   给您寄了贵重的礼品, 但在海关扣压, 需要您付一笔钱才能拿到礼品.   为您在国外申请签证, 需要您付签证费用, 为了确保您相信, 他们会给您发一些国外假的律师文件以证实的确有能力帮您办签证. (请注意, 在中国办理任何其它国家的签证, 必须您本人在中国用您的护照在中国亲自办理, 任何人在国外都是不能帮您办理的.)   有祖传的名贵药水, 可以让普通的纸变美金, 让您一夜致富, 但药水太贵, 向您借钱一起买药水, 一起发财.   向您发一张近期到中国来看您的假机票, 但生病或被盗, 身处困境, 需要您金钱上的帮助.
  很悲催啊,我是武汉的,也收到这个骗子的email,还回复了两封邮件,得亏群里的一位80后用google搜到这个帖子, 感谢楼主及跟帖的各位。
  MY DEAR.I am very happy to receive your response, How are you today? I have a strong feeling after reading your message, I have a feeling that your a honest person and because of that honesty I choose to have this confidential deal with you. Dear, I want to inquire from you if you can handle a transaction for mutual benefits / life opportunity for you and i. Like i told you earlier, I am the Chief International Relation Foreign Remittance Unit and the chief Auditor to my bank here in United Kingdom I have an Opportunity to the Sum of Fourteen Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$14.500.000.00) to transfer into your bank account in your country, I will provide the full details of this business transaction when once we have known each other as business is done with trust, I personally contacted you and you alone, Because of the love and trust i have bestowed on you, That is why i took some days to know little about you, Now we must solidify our relationship with trust and this trust we must start it now,
i would not like you to betray this trust i have in you, my heart told me that you are the right person for me and that would handle this transaction for both of us, The fund will be shared at the ratio of 58% for me, 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and tax in your bank, We will use the fund there in your country to build companies and for investment which both of us would manage, Please this is an honest request for you and i. please dear, make this transaction a top secret because we do not have to trust anybody unless you and i alone. Please treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information(s) for further application for this transfer. 1. Full Name,2. Address3 Nationality
      MY DEAR FRIEND.  How are you doing
today over there in your country?.  I like to be open, i am a woman that i have seen life, i have been in the social circle for many years, It really does not matter one's age,color or achievement, what matters in our life is nothing but Care and expression...  This is the most important thing in life, to me the most beautiful thing created by God, is never seen, only felt in the heart, I have been hardworking all my life, i must think of something better, to enjoy my life and probably have a family ,maybe relocate and start investing in other things, Anyway i like to tell you little about me, My name is Miss Bella Kolo, age 31 years old, am from France , i was born in France, And i left France at Age of 12 Years, Am working as an Senior Audit/banker in Islamic Bank of Britain Plc United Kingdom, I lost my only daughter at age of 4 years,  I was married but my Ex Husband got married to another woman, which caused our divorce, but is ok, since he accused me of been so busy with my work and the bank and its accounting/auditing, that i was not having time for him, but he refused to understand that i was pursing a goal, i told him that soon i would resign and we will have enough time for each other but he was impatient, But is over between us, I am happy alone because I have everything i need, This is why I think of relocating to yours country to get into investment and maybe own a small Company which i can be able to manage Enough of Myself, would you tell me more about yourself too????
I like to know you better, what you really do and your position in your work, your marital status and your country of origin  I love to hear from you soon  Bella
  呵呵,各位好!  你们大多遇到的是男骗子,而我遇到的是个女骗子,或者说是以女人面孔出现的骗子。还好我百度了一下,而且好看到了天涯这篇揭露骗子的帖子,谢谢大家的跟帖。  上面的是她(他)的第二封信,下面的是她(他)的第一封信。  下面是我给她(他)的中文回信(本人不懂英文):  尊敬的贝拉小姐:  你好!  首先很高兴通过**人才网认识你。作为中国公民,我和我的家人非常欢迎你到中国发展!  很感谢你温情而且直爽的表白,但我已经有一个幸福地家庭,有一个恩爱的妻子和可爱的儿子。所以,在感情方面可能会令你失望,但我很愿意结交你这位来自异国他乡的朋友,并在个人能力范围之内,尽可能地为你提供一些哪怕是微不足道地帮助。  最后,真诚地希望你在中国有更好地发展,并忘却不愉快的过去,在中国找到属于你自己的幸福。  我出生在古老文明的***,生活在具有悠久历史文化的***。现在正是********,适逢第三十三届****,香港歌星***演唱会于*********举办,籍此,我们全家欢迎你来做客。  祝一切顺利!  宛城老君  手机***********
22:07:00  收到传说中的英国骗子来信,附照片。说辞大概一样。建议大家上骗子照片  -----------------------  最新骗子,美国人,生活在芝加哥,数据管理,
  @我是小人鱼-25 14:45:00  @浅夏深春
22:07:00  收到传说中的英国骗子来信,附照片。说辞大概一样。建议大家上骗子照片  -----------------------  最新骗子,美国人,生...  -------第一封信----------------  Thank you for your reply and e-mail.  I am a very quiet person- I do not drink (only one very special occasion) and I do not smoke. I do not care if my partner drinks or smokes –as long as she is happy. I want to bring happiness to a woman, to give her pleasure and hopefully bring her a good life in America. I do like to read, take long walks in the woods and on the beach (I live close to Lake Michigan) and quiet times at home with a loved one (BUT I have NO loved one – so I seek her on the internet). Please reply soon.  Andrew
  @我是小人鱼-25 14:48:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:45:00  @浅夏深春
22:07:00  收到传说中的英国骗子来信,附照片。说辞大概一样。建议大家上骗子照片  ---...  --------第二封信,看完这封信就确定是骗子了,因为我周五早上8点40收到信,而芝加哥还是周四晚上八点左右,-哪里来的阳光烂灿呢,还hand -in hand,外国人不说这个的,这是明显中国思维,还手拉手!搞笑-------------  Good Morning,  The weather in Chicago was finally nice – but sunny. I was able to exercise outside. The park I ran around I saw people walking dogs, couples walking hand in hand – as I dreams that you and I would, someday, be walking together hand in hand.  What do you do on weekends ?  Do you have to work weekends ?  Well please reply, I kiss you and hug you  Andrew
  @我是小人鱼-25 14:54:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:48:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:45:00  @浅夏深春
22:07:00  收到传说中的...  -----------------------  可惜不能贴新的骗子信了,就2封,我己把他拉黑了,感觉骗子也在进步,开始不用模板了,注重和你的互动,但还是会露出马脚,最显著特征就是太快热情,太浪漫,英美的白种人一般较冷漠,说话带距离感,不喜欢主动讲自己的事。
  @我是小人鱼-25 15:03:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:54:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:48:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:45:00  @...  -----------------------  我同时还拉黑了另一个人,我觉得也是骗子,爱尔兰都伯林人,建筑工程,为什么这么说呢,这个人和那个美国人前后脚给我写信,一上来就留邮箱,他46岁,确留下个78年的outlook邮箱,怪异,我又发现他曾经有三个登陆地址,分别是马来西亚吉隆坡,都伯林,新西兰奥克兰!骗子无疑,我看他资料写着女方不允许带孩子,我有个孩子,我就问他了,他马上把资料改为可以带孩子,还和我说爱和有没有孩子无关!是不是很让人感动呢?骗子为了骗人上钩,太敬业了。
  @我是小人鱼-25 15:20:00  @我是小人鱼-25 15:03:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:54:00  @我是小人鱼-25 14:48:00  @...  -----------------------  骗子的邮箱,他说他48岁,那应该是66年生的,怎么邮箱是54年呢,所以骗子总是在各个细节暴露出问题,爱尔兰都伯林骗子还问有没有微博,viber,明显专门针对中国女性行骗。
  现在骗子无孔不入的  大家一定要提高警惕  国内急于征婚的姐妹们一点要谨慎  姐妹们创建了一个情感交流群 QQ: 欢迎加入(注明:天涯)
  我朋友也遇到了,哈哈,赶紧曝光。  名字Edward Frank              怎么让这些骗子绳之以法哈,亲们。
  继续上照片,就不知是否本人。此人名clifford jean据称是北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特人。    
  来看看另一个骗子的嘴脸,大家警惕性高点!  On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM, dante manilo && wrote:  Hi Baby,   I know you are with the family and you are having fun and sometimes when you tell me you go out with your sister.. you see the parents.. I dont feel bad or jealous.. just sometimes a little but frustrated that I missed out on that part of life.. maybe that is why I am more family oriented now because I want to have that back.. I want to have people that I feel responsible for and people who would love me and take care of me too... when I am old.. I lost that part of life because my father would not make up with my mother and he argued and fought over the silliest of reasons... maybe at that time I would not understand but I think he was chauvinistic and always wanted to be the boss... forgetting that a though a man is the head of the home... a woman is the neck.. without the neck, the head is useless and wont function... I never really got to understand the reasons why.. maybe because I was too young back then... but for the fact that he refused to attend the funeral and also convincing my brothers to stay away... that means he was not generally a nice man...and thats is why I am not sad that I do not have him in my life... I am only frustrated...I do not feel empty... I feel full.. I think it is better to leave people who wont be there for you out of your life, so I have nothing there but I am ok with it... I would build my own family with you and my kids would be able to tell great stories to their boyfriends and their girlfriends when they grow up...My mothers family on the other hand are mainly in Mexico.. My mother left Mexico at the age of 19 to live in the states and do some work while she studied.. I know she introduced me to one or two of her cousins here in the states.. she has only one brother whom I had also paid to fly in from Mexico for my mothers funeral but his son became seriously ill during that week and so he could not make it.. My mother tried a lot for us.. we lived a happy life... or should I say I was comfortable.. I used to sell cup cakes when I was a lot younger too after school just to see if I could assist because she only had basic education and she worked two jobs just to make sure I had good education and I am glad that I did.. I am also happy that she was able to at least live a comfortable and pleasurable life before she died... I knew she liked to travel often although she did not travel as much as she had hoped she will... she still visited China, Nepal and some cities in Europe before she passed away.... Her death was a shock to me because I was in Stockholm when they called me as her next of kin that she had been found dead in the house...she apparently had congestive heart failure and it was not properly treated largely because she kept it from me.. I was totally devastated because she was my friend and confidant and she was very very funny... she never missed any opportunity to make jokes at me and to tease me... so when she died it really hit me because there is no coming back from that...after the funeral, I had to move on and that was when I got my tattoo which reads "life is a stage".
Imagine growing up and struggling with your mother and never getting to tell her goodbye just before she left... well thats how it is.. you win some.. you lose some.. so though that battle was lost.. I still felt like I won it because I gave her 90% of the things she desired... and always tried my best to make her happy and so I feel a fulfilled... although I would have loved her to meet you..since she was always keen on me settling down...
  @Cathy_liu-15 22:33:00  Dear,..  Thanks so much for your email, everything is fine with me over there., tomorrow morning is going to be a busy day for me, about yours? Xiaoying, would you like to get married with someone who did not have any relative? Would you like to live in another country with your husband? Just tell me anything you would like me to know about yourself, I open small company of my own after......  -----------------------------  我最近也遇到一个自称英国人服装设计与销售的商人一个人带着女儿,说是要来中国投资,以前去过上海和北京,我说那里做生意还不错,然后我说我在深圳,他就认定深圳,他说深圳也很适合他做生意,一直都聊的挺好的。经常发来他给女儿做的好吃的,还有公司的照片给我。而且说来深圳之后要给他女儿找最好的英语学校,如果深圳学校不行就送到美国去读书,我觉得这个父亲还真是个负责任的人。来之前去了趟尼日利亚拉各斯,说是采购一些蕾丝,去这个国家之前他采购了很多的东西,都发了照片给我看。他说他第一次去这个国家,到了之后他说拉各期又乱又病多又落后,而且他女儿不适应那里的生活,本来打算待半个月的,他三天就加速完成了采购,然后说他订了来深圳的机票,把机票的信息发给我了,机票订的是一个星期之后的。我在想东西都弄好了,女儿又不适应怎么还订的一个星期之后的。他说要把货先发回英国,然后把他的银行帐号和密码都给我,问我在中国能不能登陆,我说可以登陆,但是我进去发现就简单的几个窗口,有卡号和余额还有他本人的照片,但是转帐记录和交易记录都没有选项,我觉得这个网址有可能是他自己做的。他说那个国家太落后了,网站登陆不上去又不能网银又不能刷卡,只能现金,现在急着要我西联汇款3970美元的货运费,要不然船运公司要他把货弄走,他到深圳就还2万英镑给我。我说不用你给我钱,我可以用你的银行卡在中国帮你转到船运公司,你把验证码我给。他说让我填我自己的卡,我说为什么要填我的卡号,他说人家只收现金,没有帐号。然后我说那你找你住的洒店或者找个大超市套现(我在网上查了拉各斯也算大城市在尼日利亚,而且那里很多人做生意),我相信他只要去弄,卡里有钱肯定能搞定没有问题的。聊的时候,我看他有点急,我一个劲的给他出主意,他说就因为这么一点点钱,我就看低他,就因为这么一个小小的问题,这么点钱,我那时候也在想是不是真只能要现金啊,是不是真的遇到困难?心里有点动摇,但是凭借自己做事的态度,我觉得他没有尽力去做这件事,最后他实在受不了,他说那你给我汇700美元,给他女儿买东西吃。我说你一向这么谨慎办事,怎么会没想到这个,他说第一次来这个国家,没想到。当他说到这里的时候我就有点怀疑了,我说不是说只有船运费吗,怎么又没钱吃饭了,最后他说你借不借,我说不借。然后他礼貌的说了声谢谢,就没说话了。说实话我心里那个难受啊,下午我出去的时候点了一份餐,看着自己又是饭又是菜又是甜点,我想人家要是真的没有现金吃饭,也太怜了。然后我就问我一个英文老师,因为我看他的黑人,白人朋友都挺多,就问问他尼日利亚的情况。然后他也教了我一些方法,反正就是卡里有钱,肯定不会有问题的。  我心里一直没放下这些事,一直在查资料,上午他给我的银行网址,我再也登陆不上去了,网页显示找不到,这下我心里好受一些了,我敢肯定这都是他做的一个简单的网页。到了下午,他又来找我了,我问他问题解决了没有?他说他买的那些货都不要了,现在是他的女儿快不行了,发了照片给我看,嘴角有血流出,身上贴满了线,我看的心里七上八下的,但是照片看起来有点不像他女儿,因为是躺着也看不清楚,把医院的报告也拍照片给我了。让我赶紧汇钱给他,救救他女儿,我说上午不是好好的吗?怎么突然这么严重了!他说那里蚊子太多,他女儿得了疟疾,吐了好多的血。我赶紧上网查了一下,疟疾也没有说会吐血啊!我说那你赶紧找一个当地你们的英国大使馆,我说你找他们肯定比找我好。我说怎么突然这些事都找上你了,我说是不是如果我给了你船运费,你还会问我要食物费,然后又是孩子生病费,我说遇到这么多的问题,我是帮不了你的,你最好马上去大使馆,让他们给你换现金。然后他就说我脑子有问题,让他跑那么远去找大使馆,然后就开始诅咒我的家人,我一看就把他删除了。  我也不知道是不是真的,心里很难受。如果是真的,那小女孩确实挺可爱的。但是我不相信一个那么有钱的人,会因为这事而难倒,如果是我的话,什么都不要,直接回到英国先把小孩的病治好再说。总是心里七上八下,以后再也不想跟外国人聊天了


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