
&&&surgery methods 在 眼科与耳鼻咽喉科 分类中
&&&&Objective:To study the operating mode and the effects on filtering blebs of the cataract extracapsular extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC
IOL) implantation after glaucoma surgery
Methods:The cataract extracapsular extraction and PC
IOL implantationwith careful selection of candiidates and incision were performed on 60 eyes in patients after glaucoma surgery
Results:45 of the eyes(75%) achieved a uncorrected visual acuity equal to 0
5,the mean preoperative IOP:1
&&&&探讨青光眼术后的白内障摘除及后房型人工晶体 (PC- IOL)植入术的手术方法及对滤过泡影响。 方法 :选择青光眼术后的白内障 6 0眼 ,避开滤过泡选择颞下方角膜缘切口进行白内障摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术。
&&&&This paper is to summarize the advances of the mechanism,surgery methods,scope of clinical appliance of amniotic membrane transplantation.
&&&&· METHODS: A total of 129 aphakic eyes (120 cases) undergone secondary intraocular lens implantation was observed and their surgery methods and complications were analyzed.
&&&&· METHODS: The surgery methods, therapeutic effects and postoperative complications of cataract surgery in 1 132 eyes of 1 089 cases were analyzed in review.
&&&&· RESULTS: Various surgery methods were developed for different cataract categories, and nice therapeutic efficacy and less surgery complications were obtained. There were statistically significant differences in postoperative vision and operative time between the small incision group and conventional ECCE+IOL group (P&0.001), the small incision group having better therapeutic effects. There were no severe complications in both groups.
&&&&Clinical economical evaluation for three surgery methods of angle-closure glaucoma combined cataract
&&&&Effects of the Different Surgery Methods on Cornea Endothelial Cell in Cataract Extractionn
To study the surgery methods of aponeurosis ptosis and obverse the results.
&&&&目的 探讨腱膜性上睑下垂的手术治疗方法及效果。
&&&&Objective:To study the way to add the quantity in the large
scale cataract surgery
Methods:125 cases (142 eyes) underwent cataract operation using the anterior chamber maintainer in 39 hours
Results:The corrected visual acuity of 130 eyes was 0
5 or better after 2 days.
&&&&目的 :研究在大规模白内障手术中如何提高手术数量。 方法 :39小时内完成 12 5例 14 2眼白内障手术 (术中用前房维持器进行配合 )。
To evaluate the organizing and supervision method of large scale sight restoring for cataract blinds and the rehabilitation surgery methods.
&&&&目的 探讨大范围白内障手术复明工作的组织管理和开展复明手术的方法。
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2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725


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