英语题 小学英语三年级阅读题急急急

藤本植物导航 &>&&>&&>&正文 英语阅读题急急急在线等One evening two young men were walking in the...III.对错对错对 下个星期一是学校的假期。我朋友们和我将要去新倩公园。公园很大。我们能在那儿做许多事情。我将要和约翰,张鹏一起去放风筝。刘云,爱丽丝和王芳将要在那儿唱歌,跳舞。 我们将要在12点去吃一些水果,果汁和汉堡包。在下午的时... 英语阅读题急急急在线等 我们将要把那些图片在我们的教室里,我们要画一些画——公园一角,挂墙上。我们将要度过愉快地时光。我们能在那儿做许多事情。在下午的时候,然后,爱丽丝和王芳将要在那儿唱歌。我将要和约翰。然后,张鹏一起去放风筝,果汁和汉堡包。刘云.对错对错对 下个星期一是学校的假期。 我们将要在12点去吃一些水果,跳舞。我朋友们和我将要去新倩公园。公园很大III英语阅读题急急急在线等III.对错对错对 下个星期一是学校的假期。我朋友们和我将要去新倩公园。公园很大。我们能在那儿做许多事情。我将要和约翰,张鹏一起去放风筝。刘云,爱丽丝和王芳将要在那儿唱歌,跳舞 英语阅读题急急急在线等One evening two young men were walking in the street together. They tried to find a chance to steal something. The clock struck twelve. Most of the people went to bed. Quickly they came to a house and it seemed that ev... 英语阅读题急急急在线等One evening two young men were walking in the...III.对错对错对 下个星期一是学校的假期。我朋友们和我将要去新倩公园。公园很大。我们能在那儿做许多事情。我将要和约翰,张鹏一起去放风筝。刘云,爱丽丝和王芳将要在那儿唱歌,跳舞。 我们将要在12点去吃一些水果,果汁和汉堡包。在下午的时...阅读题: I was scared I weny into the living room.There were lots o... Christmas Day 2. Santa Claus 3.presents under our Christmas tree BANANA MILK SHAKE (Enough for two big glasses of milk shake) Two ba...The milk shake has two spoons (150g) of ice cream. Four steps are needed to make the banana milk shake. The milk shake has types of ingredients. 这很容易,它需要两分钟来做。 It’s nice and cold with that ice-cream in it…so drink...Under proper conditions, sound waves will be reflected from a hills...参考答案如下: 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 助你愉快学习!(一) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补...6. B) distance to the hill 7. A) a radio detecting and ranging device 8. C) detect German planes on their way to London 9. D) Because they could go through fog and clouds. 10. A) Radar was a practical application of a well-know...One hot night last August, I tried everything I could think of — a ...答案: (1)、B (2)、A (3)、D (4)、E (5)、C 很好的一篇文章,主要讲述未来的。In Britain,just after the main television news programmes, audience...送一个不甚正经,但是意思清楚,还比较中方的版本。 去年八月,某炎炎夏夜,我想方设法地让我的宝宝睡觉。喂热牛奶,唱小夜曲,都试过了,他还是睡不着。由于意识到一整晚大概都甭想睡了,我只好搬了个电视到他房里来消磨时间等待天亮。但我非常...Who Influences Teenagers? “Teenagers” means people from 13 to 19 ye...In Britain,just after the main television news programmes, audience figures rise.It’s weather forecast time.The BBc broadcasts forty-four live forecast a day,433 hours of weather a year,using forecasters from the Meteorological...1、T 2、T 3、F 4、F 5、T 希望你在阅读懂之后,自己能够做出正确判断!!! 这篇阅读理解,讲述的是青少年做决定的影响因素!包括朋友的影响因素、父母的影响因素,以及一些包括电视、广告等外界因素对青少年做决定的影响!给出了几种观点,如...为你解答。 6、D 7、B 8、C 9、C 10、A 种植经验最新 种植经验推荐 & 6种植网 版权所有 渝ICP备号-23所有问题分类&&&&&话题页 回应/阅读:25/442 英语题,求各位帮忙,急急急! TA们刚刚顶过 15:16:46.0 15:23:16.0 15:25:42.0 17:48:25.0 从后面的答案中选一个 11:02:35.0 c喔!,因為happily是adverb),用來形容Mary唱歌時的心情,而happy是adjective用來形容Mary平常生活的快樂性格 23:54:44.0 15:27:10.0 15:30:40.0 也是c.much後一定跟著more,文法規律,the後貼着most,even貼着though,如果只是單一生字就在後面+er或前面more然後在生字文後+than 00:04:55.0 谢谢你好厉害哦 08:56:57.0 15:33:46.0 wearing blown 00:00:39.0 08:57:22.0 15:38:29.0 the biggest因為最大的我們會用the+est,比較大會用more+er 23:59:13.0 15:44:07.0 15:45:45.0 Did my aunt go to Beijing last weekend?否定句如果是現在式如She &always &does well就用Does she always do well不懂再問我 00:09:40.0 余下的明天再教 00:11:25.0 15:49:36.0 15:52:45.0 15:56:53.0 16:02:48.0 16:07:52.0 11:06:06.0 19:39:24.0 回应/阅读:25/442 使用签名档 没有多多号? I am a bee!Don't hurt Liyifeng! 醇儿:世界上有一种爱,它没有花前月下的意境,没有白头偕老的约定,更没有海誓山盟的誓言,但能爱着你的爱 永远做夜空中最亮的星 不欲佳丽不欲权,只欲寒锋一剑,逆命战苍天 来年相思花落尽,是否会有再开时? 努力让魔圈达到每日500+扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 下载作业帮安装包 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 英语练习题,急急急一.找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词.( B.look C.school D.cook (划线的是OO)( C.sea D. meat (划线的是ea)( A.arrive B.Mary C.carry D.far (划线的是ar)( B.how C.brown D.now (划线的是ow)( )5.like A.eraser B.Mike C.very D.desk (划线的是e)二. 在上下两框中各取一词构成一个新的单词后写在下边的横线上.上框的单词: photo week 下框的单词:thing 2.________ 6._____7.______ 8._________ 10_________三.改错.将错处用圆圈圈出,并将正确答案写在题后横线上.1.How heavyer ____________________2.Peter’s shoes is under the bed .________________3.Look! The monkeys are eat bananas. _________________4.What does your mother go to work ,by car of by bus ._________________5.Where is the rain come from? ______________ 扫二维码下载作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案,一键查看所有搜题记录 一.找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词.(C )1.food A.good B.look C.school D.cook (划线的是OO)( A )2.heavy A.sweater B.great C.sea D.meat (划线的是ea)( D )3.hard A.arrive B.Mary C.carry D.far (划线的是ar)( A )4.show A.yellow B.how C.brown D.now (划线的是ow)( B )5.like A.eraser B.Mike C.very D.desk (划线的是e)二.在上下两框中各取一词构成一个新的单词后写在下边的横线上.上框的单词:photo grand some class four home foot super air week 下框的单词:thing end mate work market port daughter graph ball teen 1.__photograph_____ 2.__granddaughter______ 3.__fourteen___ 4.___homework___ 5.__football____ 6.__classmate___7.___airport___ 8.__weekend_______ 9.__supermarket____ 10__something_______三.改错.将错处用圆圈圈出,并将正确答案写在题后横线上.1.How (heavyer) are you?_________heavy___________2.Peter’s shoes (is) under the bed .________are________3.Look!The monkeys are (eat) bananas.______eating___________4.(What) does your mother go to work ,by car of by bus .________How_________5.Where (is) the rain come from?_____does_________ 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 1.c(其他为/u/,C为/u:/ ) 2.A(A为/&/,其他为/i:/) 3.D(A为/ə/,BC为/&/,D为/a:/) 4.A (A:/əu/,BCD:/au/) 5.B (e不发音 其他都发)1.photograph2.granddaughter3.something


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