GWD-29-Q27 不理解 英文为什么选D

Ted suggest______ too many PC games.A me not to play B I shouldn’t play C I not playing D me not play 本题答案是B ,可是我不理解的是为什么不能选D,不是suggest 理解为建议的时候有suggest that (should)do 的用法,should 不是可以省略的,那为什么不能选D,
你的题干似乎应该是 suggests或者suggested,是吗?1.suggest这个词做“建议”的意思时,后面如果加从句需用虚拟语气 结构就跟你写的一样 suggest (that) sb.(should) do 括号里可以省 也就会出现这样的机构 “suggest sb do” 但是一定要记住了:既然这是在从句中省略中得到的,那么这里的sb.是从句的主语也就是说如果是人称代词的话要用主格(I we she he they...)不是宾格哦.例如:They suggested she wait at the hotel.这句话是正确的原因是They suggested (that)she (should)wait at the hotel.但如果有人改成 They suggested her(宾格) wait at the hotel.那就错了,因为这里要做从句的主语所以改用主格.2.如果不接从句 那么 suggest(建议)后面如果加动词的非谓语的话要加动名词,即 suggest doing 如果非要说明主格动作是谁做的可以加逻辑主语 即 suggest sb(宾格 或者 所有格 或者 名词以及代词如somebody nobody的通格) doing [也就是在动名词前面加上逻辑主语一起构成动名词的复合结构来做 suggest 的宾语 才能表示那个动名词的动作是谁做]所以这句话如果你写成 Ted suggests me not playing.../Ted suggests my not playing...(若是在否定句而且是做宾语的话 前面那种更常用) 如果这里不是 “我” 而是名词 就可以变成 Ted suggests the children/Lily/his brother not playing...
18.All the people at the conference are ___a.mathematic teachers c.mathematics teacherb.mathematics teachers d.mathematic’s teachers此题为何选D,不理解,
conference:人数较多的正式学术会议,政论型会议故为复数排除 cab所有格表示错误
选择 a mathematics teacher 数学老师,复数在老师后面加上s
选bmathematics teachers mathematics 本身就是数学的意思D不选因为不用翻成数学的老师直接表达成B这样就行了就象CHEMISTRY TEACHER
(220) GWD-23-Q31 (221) GWD-23-Q37 (222) GWD-23-Q38 (223) GWD-23-Q41 (224) GWD-25-Q4 (225) GWD-25-Q5 (226) GWD-25-Q10 (227) GWD-25-Q16 (228) GWD-25-Q17 (229) GWD-25-Q18 (230) GWD-25-Q20 (231) GWD-25-Q24 (232) GWD-25-Q29 (233) GWD-25-Q31 (234) GWD-25-Q37 (235) GWD-26-Q3 (236) GWD-26-Q5 (237) GWD-26-Q6 (238) GWD-26-Q11 (239) GWD-26-Q12 (240) GWD-26-Q17 (241) GWD-26-Q20 (242) GWD-26-Q23 (243) GWD-26-Q24 (244) GWD-26-Q28 (245) GWD-26-Q37 (246) GWD-26-Q38 (247) GWD-26-Q40 (248) GWD-27-Q7 (249) GWD-27-Q14 (250) GWD-27-Q18 (251) GWD-28-Q1 (252) GWD-28-Q2 (253) GWD-28-Q8 (254) GWD-28-Q10 (255) GWD-28-Q12 (256) GWD-28-Q20 (257) GWD-28-Q21 (258) GWD-28-Q24 (259) GWD-28-Q30 (260) GWD-28-Q37 (261) GWD-28-Q39 (262) GWD-28-Q41 (263) GWD-29-Q1 (264) GWD-29-Q2 (265) GWD-29-Q7
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用例说明: GWD-1-QXX:第一次做错的题目 GWD-1-QXX:第二次做错的题目
GWD-1-QXX:难度比较低的题目 23套和30套有一些重题,保留了30的部分。 124 124 124 125 125 125 126 126 126 127 127 127 128 128 128 128 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 132 132 132 133 133 134 134 134 134 135 135 135 7
(1) GWD-1-Q1: During her presidency of the short-lived Woman?s State Temperance Society (), Elizabeth Cady Stanton, as she was a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in her suggestion that drunkenness should be made sufficient cause for divorce.
A. as she was a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in her suggestion that drunkenness should be B. as she was a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters by her suggestion of drunkenness being C. in being a staunch advocate for liberalized divorce laws, had scandalized many of her most ardent supporters with the suggestion of drunkenness being D. a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, scandalized many of her most ardent supporters by suggesting that drunkenness be E. a staunch advocate of liberalized divorce laws, she scandalized many of her most ardent supporters in suggesting that drunkenness should be
staunch,adj,坚定的 scandalize,v,生反感 A,in her suggestion that不简洁,unidiomatic B,by her suggestion of不简洁 C,in being,with the suggestion of不简洁 D is the best,by suggesting idiomatic,suggest that +虚拟语气省略should(drunkenness be)。 E,最后的should可以省略,scnadzlized前面多了个she Being 一般是错误答案的标志。 思路:首先注意到中间的是插入成分,句子主谓结构和时态选择排除掉C,E选项,再根据suggest的简洁用法,得到D选项。而且ETS比较喜欢同位语的插入用法,简洁。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) GWD-1-Q2:× By merging its two publishing divisions, the company will increase their share of the country?s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging from obscure textbooks to mass-market paperbacks.
A. their share of the country?s $21 billion book market from 6 percent to 10 percent, a market ranging B. from 6 percent to 10 percent its share of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges C. to 10 percent from 6 percent in their share of the $21 billion book market in the country, a market ranging D. in its share, from 6 percent to 10 percent, of the $21 billion book market in the country, which ranges E. to 10 percent from 6 percent its share of the country?s $21 billion book market, which ranges
obscure,adj,朦胧的,灰暗的 paperback,n,平装本 E[B],据说GWD给的是B A、C,their与the company单复数不一致 B、D,which修饰对象不准确,就近原则是修饰country,或是主语,应该是market E,to..from有些别扭 CD对BE有争论, 焦点在which修饰market是否清晰. /dispbbs.asp?boardid=23&star=3&replyid=619252&id=57840&skin=0&page=1
8 思路:代词指代本题应该用its,排除掉A,C选项;根据which的修饰对象问题确定答案E。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) GWD-1-Q7: A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO?s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980.
A. that CEO?s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times B. that, on average, CEO?s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times C. that, on average, CEO?s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio D. CEO?s who now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio E. CEO?s now earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared to the ratio of 42 times
A,compare to的前后不匹配,CEO和a ratio B is the best,a ratio that ...用ratio指代前面经常是ETS正确答案的标志 C,their指代不清 D、E,缺that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4) GWD-1-Q8: The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods.
A. include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is B. include the animal known as the killer whale, growing as big as 30 feet long and C. include the animal known as the killer whale, growing up to 30 feet long and being D. include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow as big as 30 feet long and is E. include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and it is grow as big as 30 feet long不合逻辑而且罗嗦.A更简洁.grow to be 和grow to 都对.
A is the best, grow to be 30 feet long B、C,growing修饰对象与主语不一致 D,grow as big as 30 feet long不合用法(?) 一是及物动词:主要含义是:使生长;培养;使(东西)依自然进程而发展或增加: 二是不及物动词:生长,成长:自然进程中体积的增加 由此可见,作及物动词主要是指“培养”,而不及物动词主要指“生长”。所以,在本句中,明显是不及物动词“生长”。由此排除grow是系动词的可能性。因此,grow as big as..中,不能用big这个形容词来修饰grow,所以D错. E,and it is,多了it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5) GWD-1-Q16: Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was in any previous election.
A. a greater proportion than it was
9 B. a greater proportion than C. a greater proportion than they have been D. which is greater than was so E. which is greater than it has been
soaring,adj,高飞的,翱翔的 account for,说明,占,解决,得分 A,it指代不清 B is the best C,部分人认为C对,但they不能指代proportion,且时态没必要使用完成时 D, which指代不正确 E ,which指代不正确,it指代不清,时态不好 同位语是ETS比较优选的结构。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6) GWD-1-Q19: Recently physicians have determined that stomach ulcers are not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but a bacterium that dwells in the mucous lining of the stomach.
A. not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but B. not caused by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but are by C. caused not by stress, alcohol, or rich foods, but by D. caused not by stress, alcohol, and rich foods, but E. caused not by stress, alcohol, and rich foods, but are by
ulcer,n,溃疡 mucous, adj. 黏液的, 黏液似的 C is the best,caused not by ... but by ...平行 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (7) GWD-1-Q20:× Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of the Maya as an achievement, the army of terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi Huang, China?s first emperor, in his afterlife is more than 2,000 years old and took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete them.
A. took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete them B. took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete it C. took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete D. 700,000 artisans took more than 36 years to complete E. to complete them too 700,000 artisans more than 36 years
rival,v,竞争,对抗 the army of terra-cotta warriors,兵马俑 B[C] 还是应该选C,这点在GWD18-17题得到验证。 A,them与army单复数不一致 答案争论B、C,支持C的多一些,认为从Longman上查到类似例句:The building took two years to complete.所以complete后面应该省略it /dispbbs.asp?boardID=23&ID=56917&page=1
10 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、行业资料、高等教育、专业论文、应用写作文书、外语学习资料、中学教育、GWD_SC部分_题目详解31等内容。 
 GWD-TN-24 GMAT 第24套 完全解答版 使用说明。最新/最全 排版最好/最完善的...因为最后三套的题目只有阅读/逻辑是新的, 语法题目大部分 来自 Prep1 (SC ...  GWD(XY 版)争议题解析 ( 1、写在前面的话 a. ...现在,我们回头看文中的红 色部分,说参加的人犯罪...GWD_SC_大全 96页 1下载券©2014 Baidu 使用百度...  GWD_SC_大全_其它考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 GWD_SC_大全_其它考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。Gmat 逻辑和语法宝典...  GWD24 SC 句子改错解析_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区。GWD24模考套题句子改错部分解析GWD-SC 大全答案分析汇总 题型汇编 by jinni 批注 by prayer GWD-SC 答案分...  gwd补充 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 gwd补充。GWD,你们懂的...GWD_SC部分_题目详解 136页 免费 GWD阅读 39页 免费 GWD 31汇总 668页 免费...  gwd抢救法_日语学习_外语学习_教育专区。GWD 越做越错抢救攻略大全 有人在做套...GWD_SC部分_题目详解 136页 免费 GWD阅读 39页 免费 GWD 31汇总 668页 免费...  3. GWD-TN-24 的具体说明: 虽然有 24 套题, 我更愿意把它分成 24=21+3. 因为最后三套的题目只有阅读/逻辑是新的, 语法题目大部分来自 Prep1 (SC 题目...  2014年陕西省公务员考试申论真题答案及解析_公务员考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。...这则资料的题目和3个部分的小 四川中公教育官方网站:/ ...


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