deepin linux下怎么安装使用deepin teamviewerr

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为了让广大童鞋方便安装 Linux Deepin,我们整理了这一套系列教程(适用最新版本),详细介绍每个步骤,让大家轻松安装体验 Linux Deepin。虽然 Wiki 上都有详细的图文教程,但参阅 wiki 并不是很流行。这里的图文教程内容主要参考 wiki 安装部分进行整理。
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参与本评论即表明您已经阅读并接受上述条款This article applies to TeamViewer 12 for Linux &in all&.
Graphical installation
For installing TeamViewer, we recommend using the graphical installer. The graphical installer can be invoked by double-clicking the downloaded package.
If this is not the case, and for example the Archive Manager opens up, open the context menu instead (right-click on the downloaded package). Depending on your distribution you will get different possibilities to install the package, e.g. “Open
with software installation”, “Open with GDebi package installer”, “Open with Ubuntu Software Center”, or “Open with QApt package installer”.
RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, SUSE
You need the &package.
For installing TeamViewer, we recommend using the&, as described above.
Installation via command line
If you prefer to use the command line, or if there is no graphical installer available, you can use one of these commands as an administrator:
yum install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm
Note: This command is recommended, as it will install missing dependencies
zypper install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm
rpm -i teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm
Download public key
In case “yum” is asking for a missing public key, you can &&and import the key by using the following command as an administrator:
rpm --import TeamViewer_Linux_PubKey.asc
After importing the public key, please execute the “yum”-command again to install the TeamViewer rpm.
Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu…
For modern DEB-systems (32/64-bit) you need the&&package.
For installing TeamViewer, we recommend using the , as described above.
Installation via command line
If you prefer to use the command line, or if there is no graphical installer available, you can use one of these commands as an administrator:&
apt install teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx_i386.deb
Older systems (Ubuntu 14.04, Debian 7 and below)
Run this command:
dpkg -i teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx_i386.deb
In case dpkg indicates missing dependencies, complete the installation by executing the following command:
apt-get install -f
Older 64-bit DEB-systems without Multiarch (Ubuntu 12.03, Debian 6 and below)
Download the
To install, use dpkg and apt-get as described above.
Notes on Multiarch: On newer 64-bit DEB-systems with Multiarch-support (Debian 7), teamviewer_linux_x64.deb cannot be installed because the package ia32-libs is not available anymore on these systems. In
this case you can use
In case you get the error “wrong architecture i386” you have to execute the following command lines as an administrator:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
For further information:
Other platforms
TeamViewer can also run on a lot of other distributions, although not officially supported.&
You can use our tar.gz package which will only create files in the directory where you extract it to. The tar.gz package works, if the libraries that TeamViewer depends on are installed which is often the case.&
On Mandriva/Mageia TeamViewer can be installed using the following command as an administrator:&
urpmi --force --allow-nodeps teamviewer_12.0.xxxxx.i686.rpm
On PCLinuxOS TeamViewer can be installed from the repository. The package is provided by the PCLinuxOS team.&
If you'll get an error message:&
The TeamViewer daemon is not running!&
Please start the daemon (needs root permissions) before running TeamViewer “teamviewer&–daemon start”&
Open a Terminal Window and enter the following command (possibly needs root permissions):&
cp /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service /etc/init.d/teamviewerd service teamviewerd start
If you need the daemon to be started automatically, please use the command:
update-rc.d teamviewerd defaults
Run TeamViewer without installation
The tar.gz package can be run without installation and doesn’t even need root permissions.
After downloading the tar.gz package, you need to extract it to the directory you want to run it from. Simply click on “teamviewer” to start a TeamViewer instance.
The tar.gz package works, if the libraries TeamViewer depends on are installed which is often the case.
You can identify missing libraries by running the command as an administrator:
tv-setup checklibs
报错:'Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package. It can now be installed ' +
I have a few kegs of the same package in /usr/local/Cellar/libfoo like /usr/local/Cell...
Scanning errors (1):
1 Could not read pom.xml
刚开始装的teamviewer 12时可能选的是商业版,没有选个人版,导致试用期结束后就不能用了,把teamviewer完全卸载了再重新安装也不管用,后来找到了解决试用版到期的方法。如下:
对 Linux 新手非常有用的 20 个命令
ls命令是列出目录内容(List Directory Contents)的意思。运行它就是列出文件夹里的内容,可能是文件也...
5 Removing Oracle SoftwareThis chapter describes how to completely
remove all software from an Oracle home directory.
If you want to remove an individual product, refer to the
product-specific documentation for requirements and restrictions.
5.1 Removing Oracl


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