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美国保健标志公司(Caremark Rx) 美国保健标志公司网站: 英文
  保健标志公司是美国最大的药品管理服务公司之一,为1200家公司、政府机构和联合健康计划的约2亿用户提供服务。      Caremark RX是一家通过操作自己的子公司Caremark来运作的保健服务公司。公司的客户主要是健康计划的保证者 (雇主,保险公司,协会, 政府职员团体和健康组织) 以及分布在美国各地的居民。   Caremark在美国拥有并经营着23家专业药房,最近与美国著名的保健服务的公司AdvancePCS合并。公司有能力整合邮件服务和零售药房网络,创新临床服务, 为消费者根据需要定制疾病处理计划和在线健康资讯。
Caremark Rx公司英文简介/美国保健标志公司
Caremark Pharmacy Services, formerly known as Caremark Rx, was founded in 1993 in Birmingham, Alabama as MedPartners, Inc. by HealthSouth Corporation along with Richard Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth, and one time HealthSouth Chief Operating Officer Larry House as a physician practice management (PPM) company. After going public in 1995, MedPartners quickly became the largest PPM company through many acquisitions (see Ross-Loos Medical Group). MedPartners originally acquired Caremark International which was founded as a unit of Baxter International and was spun off from Baxter in 1992 as a publicly traded company. On May 15, 1996, Caremark International announced it would be acquired by MedPartners with MedPartners ending up with Caremark's PPM division and prescription benefit management (PBM) division and disposing of Caremark's rehabilitation hospitals to HealthSouth. It expanded to the distribution of drugs for other conditions, including human growth hormone and multiple sclerosis. In October 1997, PhyCor, the second largest PPM at the time, announced they would be acquiring MedPartners for $8 billion in stock and assumed debt. However the merger agreement was terminated in January 1998. The companies cited significant operational and strategic differences as the reason for the termination of the merger. MedPartners then announced that they would suffer a net loss of $841 million for the 4th quarter of 1997. , President and CEO Larry House
with Richard Scrushy taking over as interim , President and CEO. Scrushy announced that he would not change his role at HealthSouth as a result of him taking over at MedPartners. On March 18, 1998, Scrushy
Edwin "Mac" Crawford to become the new President and CEO of MedPartners. Scrushy remaind as Chairman until November 1998, but remained on the board. After taking over, Mac Crawford announced that MedPartners was exiting its PPM business and refocusing on its PBM business. In 2000, after it had sold all of its PPM practices, MedPartners changed its name to Caremark Rx. In 2001 Scrushy sold his remaining shares in Caremark and left its board to continue as Chairman and CEO of HealthSouth. In 2003, Caremark announced it was moving its corporate headquarters from Birmingham, Alabama to Nashville, Tennessee. Many believe the reason behind the relocation was so the company could hide its HealthSouth past. The announcement came only several months after the HealthSouth scandal broke and was viewed negatively by the Birmingham community after the city had stuck behind Caremark through its own scandal. The move was completed by middle of 2004. In 2003 it merged with AdvancePCS seen as a key move in ensuring the growth and profitability of the company. By retaining key leaders (although no senior management) from the AdvancePCS organization, and adopting many of its key principles, Caremark Rx was able to
its position within the PBM industry. Caremark currently has approximately 16,000 employees. It is the second largest prescription management and pharmaceutical services business in the United States. In March of 2007, Caremark merged with
to create . Today the company is one of the nation's leading pharmacy benefit management (PBM) companies, provides comprehensive prescription benefit management services to over 2,000 health plans, including corporations, managed care organizations, insurance companies, unions and government entities. With net revenue of approximately $37 billion (including approximately $5.8 billion of retail copayments) in 2006, they are also one of the largest PBMs. Caremark operates a national retail pharmacy network with over 60,000 participating pharmacies, as well as 11 mail service pharmacies. Caremark operates over 70 specialty pharmacies.
Ethical and legal issues at Caremark/美国保健标志公司
Allegations and successful actions brought against Caremark include: 1. Caremark and its employees have been
of racial , particularly after its decision to outsource to India in 2003. It is currently facing a federal suit in a racial harassment of its former employee, Tirumalasetti +++On April 23, 2007, Caremark won their case against this former employee. 2. Caremark has been involved in a number of health fraud and Medicare fraud scandals, documented with sources at . 3. The reported on June 17, 1995: "In the second-largest settlement ever for health-care fraud, Caremark International Inc. has agreed to pay $161 million in criminal and civil fines for paying kickbacks to doctors and submitting false billings to the government."
4. Caremark has been accused of reusing returned mail-order medications back into customers orders. 5. Caremark has been accused of forging/falsifying prescription drug changes (brand to a generic drug, non-preferred brand to preferred brand) in its plan participants' mail order drug orders. 6. MSNBC report on
merger, indicating true reason for push to merge with CVS ( to protect current executives): "The Caremark shareholder vote had been delayed twice because of a pension fund shareholder's
that claimed Caremark executives struck a bargain that favored company insiders over regular shareholders. Although the
failed to stop the CVS deal, it revealed documents showing that Crawford negotiated jobs for himself, his son and other executives, won protection for the Caremark board from an ongoing investigation into backdating of stock options and guaranteed at least some Caremark directors would serve on the new company's board."
最近更新时间: 13:47:56
萌分割线 (*≧▽≦) 回答提问者1.卫食健字在2003年7月以后就变成国食健字了,也就是说你看到卫食健字G2004及以后的就是假货,厂商不会犯这种低级错误2.在国家食品药品监督管理总局网上查不到的都是假冒伪劣产品3我不知道你说的保健器械是什么,如果有效果质量比较好的话没必要查生产许可证,很差的产品也可以有4.用APP即可解决,食品药品保健品都可以用扫一扫查,可以查询价格,查不到商品基本就是假冒伪劣产品或者没有审批申报,注意!进口商品查不到,还有药品要扫商品条码不是电子药品监管码!建议:对于老人多一些关注,多打电话发微信问候,自己给老人买药品或者保健品,就说你不要再去买假货,你以前买的都是假货,只吃我买的。最重要的是让他们有事干,不要没事就是听什么讲座,十个讲座十个骗!
对制药企业的尿性!药品和保健品的差别,普通消费者如何辨别,进口与国产的价格和质量的差别做个代表性曝光(以钙片为典型例子,不要跟我说以钙片代表保健品以偏概全,也没辣么多时间去一一写,我想说的是这行业差不多一个尿性,一般人不了解!我家人从事相关行业,我相对一般比较了解,不要说我乱讲!吃个冰激凌我们开始写钙片原因是现在广告动不动让老年人,青少年补钙!而且保健品药品都有!销量大!(不建议大家网购药品,如果非要买,一定要找可靠的药店网!可靠店铺!可靠代购)*说之前先说说药品和保健品区别 通俗说药品对适应症或功能主治、用法用量,不良反应都有明确要求和临床实验。药品是以预防治疗诊断疾病为目的,保健品通俗讲是有保健功能的食品!食品!拿钙片来说药品无论从生产工艺,药效,质量比保健好很多,监管销售也是!(我建议大家缺钙买药品,不缺钙也就不需要保健品,非常任性的话当然你可以吃。)*如何辨别药品保健品最简单的外包装上面写的国药准字的就是药品,注意国药准字B是保健药品(不同于保健品),国药准字J是进口药,有国食健字的为保健品1.美国进口迪巧(药品)淘宝店铺,120片价格在98RMB左右,60片在45RMB左右,在医药公司(非制药公司,这是制药厂家和医院,诊所,药店的中间商)进货价都在50元左右,所以大家在药店买到比较贵也正常。(中间商要赚一部分,加上物流成本合理,可能有人要说为什么不省去这一部分,因为药店诊所进的药物医疗器材都必须采用医药公司专用的正规发票!专用的!几乎没有造假可能,风险很大!用量小不能从制药厂商采购。中药材的相比就差很多,有的药店,诊所一部分用医药公司的,一部分用中药市场,药材贩子采购的,甚至有的中医院也是!这里面水分很大,掺假质量很差的药就在中药,质量价格差别巨大!省……)2美国进口(保健品)价格在335左右一瓶(360粒),这是保健品3.澳洲进口(保健品)某宝代购,150粒价格在90元左右4挪威进口(保健品)100粒1580RMB看到这里什么感觉?是不是鱼目混珠?然而美国澳洲代购的钙片大都是保健品,而且价格溢价很多,还卖的很火。。。而真正的进口药品很多人不知道,价格合理却无人问津?接下来说说国产钙片,说说制药厂商的尿性。1国产钙片钙尔奇(药品)60606价格多少淘宝60片价格在63元左右2国产金钙尔奇(保健品,和上面的都是惠氏制药有限公司生产的)他们进行捆绑销售,3瓶,4瓶一块买。(原因呵呵),3瓶淘宝价格119元左右,每瓶60片。和美国进口钙片一样,保健品比药品热销,甚至像这家企业呵呵,药品不热销,我弄个保健品出来捆绑销售,多赚钱,对消费者就是忽悠欺骗为主。在钙尔奇前面加个金字,呵呵哒。给你们看看淘宝商家怎么说的这纯粹是忽悠,钙尔奇(药品)成分只有碳酸钙和维生素D3,还说有铜锰重金属。。(这里是吓唬老百姓,有重金属啊!学过初中化学的都知道铜锰是人体所需微量元素!)药品必须标注服用禁忌和不良反应,但不是说吃了一定会有不良反应,相反几率很小(我单只药品钙片的不良反应)。相反他们家的金钙尔奇(保健品)自相矛盾。有人说,那我买金钙尔奇不就行了,成分还多。我要说的是他这一瓶单价在40元左右,钙尔奇60元左右,成分多还便宜,反正我就呵呵。这保健品的利润比药品多许多,这个惠氏制药有限公司在网上主要卖保健品。我这里说一下,不是这家制药厂商的保健品,属于食品生产企业的保健品钙片,在前几年药店进货价在10元左右,销售50元左右,厂商生产价格就三四块钱。这TM根本没什么研发成本好吗再看看其他品牌几年前广告满天飞的保健品新盖中盖无人问津,销量惨淡,还有这种国产保健品,非要弄个英文上去,还叫博士。。大家看到保健品行业的乱象了,保健品大多数就是为了赚钱,不要被他们忽悠了。假冒伪劣的保健品以糖淀粉各种添加剂等等这些为原料,吃不死就行了,你还觉得甜,好吃,好喝。总结:如果有缺钙,骨质疏松等,就吃药品钙片。没有缺钙就不需要吃任何钙片,不要被商家忽悠要养生,要保健,预防骨质疏松。要预防我还是推荐药品。本人不是宣传哪个药品,我是学生,不能从中直接或间接获取到任何利益!如果要购买我推荐美国进口迪巧或者是国产钙尔奇(注意是钙尔奇不是金钙尔奇,粉色包装),都是药品而且价格不贵。最后不要找我推荐吃什么药!生病赶快就医!不要耽搁延误!=====================
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