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迪士尼放出刘亦菲《花木兰》的宣传照 看完总觉得缺少什么
  迪自从斯尼官方宣布真人版《花木兰》将由刘亦菲主演,网友就被这个消息给吸引住了。花木兰也成了迪士尼公主系列中的第八个公主,也是唯一的中国面孔公主,好莱坞速报也确定了这个消息,花木兰也瞬间登上推特第一。而迪士尼终于放出两张刘亦菲主演真人版《花木兰》的宣传照...蛋蛋看完觉得缺少点英气...      消息一出,刘亦菲的脸在海内外的社交网站都刷屏了。这应该是华人女星在好莱坞能拿到的最好资源了吧,女明星都抢破了头想拿到啊。  花木兰替父从军的故事想必大家早就听的滚瓜烂熟了,而迪士尼的真人电影也是屡屡获得票房成功,这版《花木兰》中,武打戏也会成为非常重的看点。    而《花木兰》的制片人更新脸书表示:能和刘亦菲合作这部电影实在太激动人心,刘亦菲是极富才华的青年女演员,我们等不及看到她在电影中的精彩表现了。      想想迪士尼上一部艾玛·沃森演《美女与野兽》,口碑不怎么样,都进了票房影史前十。更何况是花木兰这样好感度满格的女权英雄,想演砸都很难。    据悉,迪士尼过去一年里在五大洲同时选角,参与试镜的人数接近1000。而要求则是要会武术,会说英语,最重要的是有明星素养。在刘亦菲之前,呼声最高的主演,当然是章子怡了。有部分网友会说迪士尼为什么不找章子怡来演这个角色,因为在国际上章子怡的知名度比刘亦菲要高吧。  很显然,刘亦菲此前出演过动作片,功夫能力不在水准之下;从小就在美国留学并且生活的她说英语的能力自然毋庸置疑。最后,明星素质和流量潜质,也不是短板。  早在2006年的威尼斯电影节上,章子怡就表示可能会出演花木兰。不过这事儿一直没确定下来。直到2010年,BBC、纽约时报等又大篇幅报道章子怡将出演花木兰,导演还是大名鼎鼎执导过《生死时速》的简·德邦特。    导演定了,官方消息也放出来,章子怡就是迟迟差那么一口气,不少粉丝也是纷纷替章子怡惋惜。  那么,刘亦菲是怎么打败06年就说要拍花木兰的章子怡、花木兰通稿漫天飞的张天爱、在好莱坞打了那么多年酱油的景甜、花木兰海报都做好的汤唯、以及1000多位竞争者?  不过,好莱坞似乎从来对亚洲人并不是那么美好,章子怡也说过,自己不会再往好莱坞挤了,但是为什么刘亦菲却能让好莱坞为她度身打造一部IP电影呢?关键还是靠实力啊。
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1. The biggest of them all! The Enchanted Story Book Castle is the tallest, largest and most interactive Disney castle in the world.
1. 最大的城堡!&奇幻童话城堡&是世界上最高、最大、最具互动性的迪士尼城堡。
2. The 963 acre park which cost $5.5billion to build is said to be the cheapest out of all the Disneyland resorts.
2. 这座面积达963英亩的主题公园,造价高达55亿美元。据说是所有迪士尼乐园中造价最低的一个。
3. Shanghai Disneyland&s ticket prices the lowest out of all of the theme parks.
3. 上海迪士尼乐园的票价是所有迪士尼乐园中票价最低的。
Shanghai Disneyland, which will open on June 16, begin selling tickets at 12:01 am on March 28 through several avenues: Its official website (); its official store on Alitrip, the travel site owned by Alibaba Group Holding L and via phone through the Shanghai Disney Resort reservation center.
The theme park offers both regular and peak-priced tickets, with regular pricing set at 370 yuan ($56) and peak pricing for high-demand dates set at 499 yuan.
Pricing during the grand opening period (from June 16 to 30) will be 499 yuan. Reservations for Shanghai Disney Resort hotels can also be made beginning on March 28.
1. Buy Souvenirs in Advance
1. 预先买好纪念品
Disney has infiltrated practically every industry, which makes it easy to find Disney items anywhere, from Walmart, Target, and your local grocery store to department stores and Amazon. You can save a lot of money by purchasing items before your trip at these less-expensive retailers than at Disneyland.
2. Make an Autograph Book
2. 制作一本签名簿
An autograph book is seen as a must-have by many Disneyland enthusiasts and is a memory you can take home with you. These books can cost anywhere from $7.95 to $19.95 at the Disney Store and up to $30 for the latest-and-greatest autograph book at Disneyland, such as the park's 60th anniversary edition.Other options can get the job done for under $5. For example, you can buy a small, cute memo pads or notebooks.
3. Eat Breakfast Before You Arrive
3. 在到达前吃好早餐
Breakfast is almost as pricey as lunch or dinner if you eat inside the Disneyland parks. You can save quite a bit of money by eating breakfast before you go to the park.
4. Bring Your Own Food and Drinks
4. 自带食物和饮料
While Disney's official policy says it does not allow outside food or drinks, Disneyland does allow most food items. Take snacks for throughout the day or pack a lunch to enjoy in the picnic area just outside the main entrance of the park.
5. Arrange Your Trip Around the Off-Season Times
5. 将你的行期定在旅游淡季
Lots of things, from airfare to souvenirs, can get more expensive during Disneyland's busier times of the year. To make the most of your money, plan your trip during the park's off-season. The months of September through March -- excluding December -- are not as crowded at the parks, and even hotels can be less expensive during these months.
1. The biggest of them all! The Enchanted Story Book Castle is the tallest, largest and most interactive Disney castle in the world.最大的城堡!&奇幻童话城堡&是世界上最高、最大、最具互动性的迪士尼城堡。
2. The 963 acre park which cost $5.5billion to build is said to be the cheapest out of all the Disneyland resorts.这座面积达963英亩的主题公园,造价高达55亿美元。据说是所有迪士尼乐园中造价最低的一个。
3. Shanghai Disneyland&s ticket prices the lowest out of all of the theme parks.上海迪士尼乐园的票价是所有迪士尼乐园中票价最低的。
Shanghai Disneyland, which will open on June 16, begin selling tickets at 12:01 am on March 28 through several avenues: Its official website (); its official store on Alitrip, the travel site owned by Alibaba Group Holding L and via phone through the Shanghai Disney Resort reservation center.将于6月16日开园的上海迪斯尼乐园,3月28日中午12:01开始通过以下几种渠道售票:迪斯尼乐园官方网站(),阿里巴巴旗下阿里旅游官网或拨打上海迪斯尼预定中心电话预定。
The theme park offers both regular and peak-priced tickets, with regular pricing set at 370 yuan ($56) and peak pricing for high-demand dates set at 499 yuan.主题公园提供两种门票,370元的常规门票和499元的节假日高峰期门票。
Pricing during the grand opening period (from June 16 to 30) will be 499 yuan. Reservations for Shanghai Disney Resort hotels can also be made beginning on March 28.迪斯尼盛大开园期间(6.16~30)的售价为499元,同时,从3月28日起,上海迪斯尼渡假酒店也可以开始预订。
1. Buy Souvenirs in Advance预先买好纪念品
Disney has infiltrated practically every industry, which makes it easy to find Disney items anywhere, from Walmart, Target, and your local grocery store to department stores and Amazon. You can save a lot of money by purchasing items before your trip at these less-expensive retailers than at Disneyland.迪士尼的品牌已经渗透到几乎所有行业,因而你随处都可以买到迪士尼品牌的纪念品,从沃尔玛到塔吉特,再到你家附近的杂货店、百货公司以及亚马逊购物网。这些地方零售的迪士尼纪念品比迪士尼乐园便宜得多,如果你在出发之前买好这些东西,就能省下一大笔钱。
2. Make an Autograph Book制作一本签名簿
An autograph book is seen as a must-have by many Disneyland enthusiasts and is a memory you can take home with you. These books can cost anywhere from $7.95 to $19.95 at the Disney Store and up to $30 for the latest-and-greatest autograph book at Disneyland, such as the park's 60th anniversary edition.Other options can get the job done for under $5. For example, you can buy a small, cute memo pads or notebooks.对于那些迪士尼乐园的铁杆粉丝来说,签名簿是必不可少的东西,这是一种有形的纪念,能带回家收藏起来。这类签名簿在迪士尼专卖店里出售的价格从7.95美元到19.95美元不等,在迪士尼乐园里,一本最新、最精美的签名簿可以卖到30美元(例如迪士尼乐园的60周年纪念特别版签名簿)。但你还有另一种选择,只需要花费不到5美元。比如,你可以在附近的文具店买一本小小的随便什么牌子的相册、可爱的便签簿或者笔记本。
3. Eat Breakfast Before You Arrive在到达前吃好早餐
Breakfast is almost as pricey as lunch or dinner if you eat inside the Disneyland parks. You can save quite a bit of money by eating breakfast before you go to the park.如果你在迪士尼乐园里吃早餐,你会发现早餐的价格和中餐、晚餐一样贵。如果你在抵达之前吃好早饭,你就能省下许多钱。
4. Bring Your Own Food and Drinks自带食物和饮料
While Disney's official policy says it does not allow outside food or drinks, Disneyland does allow most food items. Take snacks for throughout the day or pack a lunch to enjoy in the picnic area just outside the main entrance of the park.迪士尼乐园的官方规定是不允许游客自带外食,尽管如此,大多数的食品是可以带入园区的。准备点零食,这样逛完整个园区都不怕肚子饿了,或者带上午餐,可以在主干道旁边的野餐区享用。
5. Arrange Your Trip Around the Off-Season Times将你的行期定在旅游淡季
Lots of things, from airfare to souvenirs, can get more expensive during Disneyland's busier times of the year. To make the most of your money, plan your trip during the park's off-season. The months of September through March -- excluding December -- are not as crowded at the parks, and even hotels can be less expensive during these months.在一年之中迪士尼乐园的游园旺季,机票、纪念品等许多东西的价格会上涨。为了能最合理的消费,可以将行期定在游园的淡季。从9月到来年3月(包括12月),园内的游客都比较少,在这几个月份里就连周边的旅馆房价都会较为便宜。


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