hewasplayedbasketball和he played basketball 有什么区别

he played soccer
Mr. Frog loved playing sports. He played soccer, baseball, and basketball. Baseball is his favorite sports.
At noon, he played soccer with Pete.
Banner's team played in the NCAA division two tournament all three years he was on the soccer team.
VOA: special.
He played soccer in the fall and spring, and basketball in the winter.
For now, Rafiq reminisces about a man that he played soccer with and shared meals with after Friday prayers.
He played soccer and was on the ski team.
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Unit4He said I was hard-working
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Unit4He said I was hard-working
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阅读理解。 Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn,
阅读理解。&&&&Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn, New&York. He didn't like to talk to other people about himself. He was very short. He didn't play very well&when he joined the basketball team in his high school at first. But the next year things changed greatly for&him as he grew much taller.&&&&Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina.&Michael used his speed and strength (力量) to reach the basket. He played so well that people called&him"Air Jordan".&&&&After college, Michael became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls. The NBA was very&surprised at this high-flying player. He was named"Rookie (新秀)"of the year in 1985 and "Most Valuable&(价值的) Player" in 1987. He once set a record (创纪录) by getting 63 points in one game.1. Jordan is a basketball superstar in _____.&&&A. England&&&B. America&&&C. Canada&&&D. Japan2. When he joined the basketball team in his high school, he _____ at first.&&&A. didn't play very well&&&B. played very well&&&C. grew much taller&&&D. set a record3. He began to become famous in _____.&&&A. the university basketball team&&&B. the NBA&&&C. his high school at first&&&D. the Chicago Bulls4. He is often called"_____".&&&A. Rookie&&&B. the NBA&&&C. Air Jordan&&&D. Most Valuable Player5. The NBA was very surprised at the superstar when _____.&&&A. he was young&&&B. he joined the basketball team in his high school&&&C. he joined the university basketball team&&&D. he joined the Chicago Bulls
确认密码:阅读理解 阅读下面短文.根据短文内容.在回答所提问题的句子中填上恰当的词.每空一词. For 14 years, Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls. He won “Most Valuable Player five times. His nickname is “Air Jordanbecause he jumps high in 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
  For 14 years, Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls. He won “Most Valuable Player” five times. His nickname (绰号) is “Air” Jordanbecause he jumps high into the air!
  He was born on February 17th, 1963. He has two brothers and two sisters. When he was a child, Michael played baseball. Later, he played basketball for his school. He grew very tall1.98 metres. At university, they did not put him in the basketball team. He was determined (有决心的) to do better. He practised hour after hour. He thought about seeing his name on the list of players. At last, they chose him for the team.
  In 1984, he was college player of the year. He also won a Gold Medal in the 1984 Summer Olympics.
  After that, he joined the Chicago Bulls. They weren't a very good team then. But Michael became captain of his team, and they won the National Basketball Association championships in , , 1997 and 1998.
  He started a training camp where young people learn basketball. They have to work very hard, but they become very good at the game. Now he also gives a lot of time and money to charties (慈善机构) for children. He is a very famous man in America.
1.Why is he called “Air”?
Because he ________ ________ into the air.
2.How did he get better at basketball at university?
He practised ________ ________ of hours.
3.What's the training camp?
It's a place where to ________ ________ for young people.
1.jumps, 2.a, 3.learn, basketball
  New rules and behaviour standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March.  1  .The best students won't only have high marks.They will also be kids who don't dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink.The following are some of the new rules.
    2  .Have you ever copied someone else's work on an exam? Don't do it again! That's not something an honest student should do.  3  .
  Do more at school.Good students love animals and care for other people.April is Bird-Loving Month in our country.Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them.When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone.Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger.  4  .Try to think of others, not only yourself.
  Be open to new ideas.Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Perhaps you'll discover Earth II someday.Don't look down on new ideas.Everyone's ideas are important.You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.
  Protect yourself.Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you.  70  .
  Use the Internet carefully.The Internet can be very useful for your studies.But some things on the Internet aren't for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you.You can use the Web for fun or homework.Can't you find any good Web sites for children? Here are some:
阅读下面的文字,完成小题。针挑土(芳菲)从湘西回来,和朋友们说起黑妮;说起在凤凰的偶遇,说起跟她去苗寨跑了一天,看她做的种种事,感慨得很;说想起一句记不全的俗语,“什么什么像针挑土,什么什么像水推沙”,黑妮就是在针挑土;黑妮!黑妮……一说起黑妮,脑子里一边浮现她朴素清瘦的样子,不知为什么有隐隐的心疼。凤凰是她的故乡,但和我们这些外人在一起,倒是她有几分害羞腼腆。黑妮如今工作、居住在意大利,做湘西扶贫工作的时间不短了。最初是一帮一地助学,先后帮了几十个孩子。前些年申请到一笔经费,设计了“湘援游”这个项目。如今每年都会回来几趟,带来游人,带来捐款;关键是,耐心地、苦口婆心地,教苗族妇女如何保存她们优美的刺绣艺术。“负责任的旅游”,听黑妮说,这一旅游概念正在欧洲兴起,它强调旅行者对目的地生存和文化的责任,在旅游资费中,捐出一部分作为扶持当地可持续发展的基金。黑妮就在其中做穿针引线的工作。她在大山里找出苗族传统文化仍保持良好的村寨,从房屋构造、村寨形态、人伦礼仪……最后落实到妇女们的苗绣——这是可以直接带来经济效益的活计。传统苗绣缤纷五彩,灵动有情,但如今在慢慢地退化、消失,机器绣品在泛滥。黑妮,就要跟她们一遍遍地讲,什么是好,什么是不好,不要跟着外面转,要相信你们的祖母和母亲,看着眼前的山水,怀着美好的心愿,做自己创造性的苗绣。那天,我们上午去的是老家寨,一路颠簸,开了一个多小时,我已经在揪着心开始晕车了。最后步行20分钟进寨。在山间步行其实是美好的,暖暖的冬阳,弯弯曲曲镶嵌在田野中的蛮石路,清新的空气,收割干净的田野……老家寨的妇女已得知黑妮要来,身着节日服装的她们已经聚集等候,先用快乐的迎客歌在院子里欢迎,然后进屋拿出各自的绣品,等黑妮来评判。看样子情况不乐观。黑妮没有面露喜色,也没有愠色。她还是那么一字一句、认真地批评她们:“这个不好,一看就是跟机器学的。”“这个线不好,要用棉线。我们这次带了些来。”……黑妮,你这是在做什么?我站在院子里看着这一幕情景,有点发懵。她从那么远跑来,又跑了这么久的山路,就是想通过几句温和的话塑造她们对美和丑的观念吗?堂屋壁板上贴满各种画片,是这个家的装饰墙,也好似所有外来影响的象征:正中一张有些陈旧的毛主席像,把一个更陈旧的大红双喜字贴去了一大半,左边是海南风光照,右边是明星李小龙的赤身拳照,两个胖娃娃图片,一幅小小的西洋画《泉》。下午去另一个苗寨,又是近两小时车程。“这一个绣得比较好,就是村寨的形态不如老家寨,建了些新房。”黑妮对一个个目的地都很了解。等到回程,太阳已经有倦容了。晚上我们在沱江边吉夫开的咖啡馆休息聊天。吉夫是湘援游志愿者,今天一路一直是他提着大包的棉线。黑妮的湘援游,就是靠这些当地的志愿者,不取一毫地付出,才运作起来。今天开车的“李万通”,也有自己的公司。咖啡馆的壁挂上有一个插页,取下一看,是凤凰手绘地图,封面图案取自传统苗绣,那五彩灵动的喜鹊,我看得呆了一下,原来这样好。地图10元一份,买下可算对湘援游的支持,还可得一枚徽章作奖励。我想了想,红着脸买了四份,说回去送朋友。素静的黑妮眼睛亮了。老天!这有什么用!我心里说。有没有用,真不知道,但我忘不掉他们。我查了针挑土的俗语,原来是这样说的:“成家好似针挑土,败家好似水推沙”,“赚钱好似针挑土,花钱好似水推沙”,一下把我的心挑亮了!既然世世代代,要成就一件事都这样难,从来就这样难,那么,以难易成败来衡量黑妮们的行为,有什么意义呢?且写下这一短文,送上对她的祝福吧。(有删改)【小题1】“黑妮就在其中做穿针引线的工作”一句单独成段,联系全文,谈谈作者这样写的用意,以及你对这句话的理解。(6分)【小题2】解释下列两句话在文中的含义。(4分)(1) 等到回程,太阳已经有倦容了。(2) 素静的黑妮眼睛亮了。【小题3】文中反复出现的“针挑土”有哪些丰富的内涵?(6分)【小题4】面对黑妮的“针挑土”行为,“我”表现出怎样复杂的情感态度?以“我”的见闻和感慨组织文章,有哪些作用?(6分)
阅读理解。&&&& Failure is what often happens. It is everywhere in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and players may fail in competitions. (A) Although failure happens to everyone, but different people's attitudes (态度) towards failure are different. &&&& Some people don't think that their failure is an important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the (B)______ failure later. Some people think they themselves are fools and lose their hearts in everything after they get a failure. Then they (C)______ their time and energy on useless things. At last, they may really be fools as they have thought. (D)Other people are quite different from these two kinds of people mentioned above. Instead of being hopeless and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. (E) they, after, will,hard, in, work, be, the, successful, end. So we should draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. 1. (A)处句中有一处错误,请找出并改正。(可用文字叙述)&&&&_________________________________________________&2. 在(B )、(C )处的横线上分别填上一个单词(B)_______ (C) _______3. 将(D)处句子译成汉语: __________4. 将(E)处的单词连成句子:&&& _________________________________________________&5. 请从下面的选项中给短文选个标题,将答案标号填在此横线上:_______ ?A. Draw a lesson from every failure B. The attitudes towards failure C. Failure is everywhere in our life D. Failure is very important
Sandy:&&& &I am going to have a ChristmasParty next weekend. Are you coming?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&From&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Grace
Sandy: &&&&& I found a new brand (品牌)of dog food. My Tim just likesit. Would you get some for your&Luckey? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Wu
Sandy:&&&&&&The Fugitive is on now at Present Theater. Want to see it?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Yours&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Chris
Sandy:&&&&&&&Ring me up, please&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Steve
Mrs. Sandy:&&&&&&&Mr. Brown said your car is OK.And now you can go and getit from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sandy: &&&&& Buy some bread on your way&home. Thanks.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &Sue
1. When is Grace going to have a party?
A: This weekend B: This Friday C: Next weekend D: Next month
2. What is The Fugitive?
A: A book B: A movieC: A song D: A ball game
3. What did Mr. Brown do for Sandy?
A: He examined her car. B: he wanted to buy her car. C: He prepared dinner for her. D: He found a new brand of dog food.
4. What are Tim and Luckey?
A: A man and a dog.B: a man and a woman. C: Two kinds of food. D: Wu's and Sandy's dogs.
5. Who of the following persons is probably a member in Sandy's family?
A: Grace. B: Wu. C: Sue. D: Steve
请输入手机号A Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn,New York. He was very short,so he didn't play very well when he was in his high school at first. But the nex 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
A Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in the world. He was born in Brooklyn,New York. He was very short,so he didn't play very well when he was in his high school at first. But the next year things changed as he grew much taller.Michael Jordan became famous when he joined the university basketball team in North Carolina. He played so well that people called him "Air Jor?dan". After college (大学) ,he became a basketball team member in the Chicago Bulls.&The NBA was very surprised at this high-flying player.&He was named "Rookie (新秀) ”of the year in 1985 and "Most Valuable Player" in 1987. He once set a re?cord (纪录) by getting 63&points in one game.( & ) 21. Jordan&is&a&basketball&superstar in&&&A. England&&&B. America&&&C. Canada&&&D. Japan( & ) 22. When he was in his high school,he at first.&&&A. didn't play very well&&&B. played very well&&&C. grew much taller&&&D. set a record( & ) 23. He&began&to&become&famous in&&&A. the Chicago Bulls&&&B. the NBA&&&C. the university basketball team&&&D. Air Jordan( & ) 24. He was often called " ”.&&&A. Rookie&&&B. the NBA&&&C. Most Valuable Player&&&D. Air Jordan( & ) 25. The NBA was very surprised at the su?perstar when .&&&A. he was young&&&B. he joined the basketball team in his high school&&&C. he joined the university basketball&&&D. he joined the Chicago Bulls
& 21-25 BACDD
题目来源: &
根据以下提示,用英语写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍你的好朋友李梅过去的生活。1. 李梅现在是我的好朋友,我们是同班同学。2. 三年前,因为父母外出打工挣钱,她在广西一个小村庄和爷爷奶奶生活在一起。3. 李梅在一所农村小学上学,她学习刻苦,对人友善,我们大家都喜欢她。
4. What was Betty's house like?
5. I'm h& & &&&now. I'd like some food.
& notice,little,hungry,decide,knock2. ― Who threw the ball to you just now? ―Mike,a& & && boy.&
5. Our first school was very old and small. (对画线部分提问)& & &&was your first school& & &&?
38. Li Ming's friend lived in a v& & &&&in Hebei Province.
( & ) 7.&The light (灯) is still& & && . Please turn it off (关上) .&&&A. in&&&B. on&&&C. off&&&D. up
45. The students look forward to & & &&(go) back home on Friday.


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