我有一双大眼睛我写成:i have an applebig eyes 会扣分吗

[Big Eyes]_Lana Del Rey在线试听,Big Eyes无损,Big Eyes无损音乐,flac,ape,hifi的无损下载就在酷我音乐
Lana Del Rey歌榜
戳一下,我给你跳舞!big eyes small mouth
Travel is not working 旅行是不工作 big eyes small mouth 大眼睛的小嘴 A number with a repeating decimal expansion is an irrational number 一些重复的十进制扩展是一个无理数 ..
nullstellung chronograph >> 复位计时 big eyes small mouth >> 大眼小口 FROM THE HEADPHONES THE BRAIN CAN REACH A STATE OF UNKNOWN ECSTASY >> 从耳机的脑部能达到一个国家不明的翻译公司 ..
I have big eyes, small mouth and a small nose.
Number 1:My friend has short black hair. She has big eyes and small mouth.
She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!大眼睛(Big Eyes)_英文电影_VOA英语学习网
五十年代可是段大好时光如果你是个男人 The '50s were a grand time, if you were a man.我叫迪克诺兰我靠写东西维持生计我是个记者 I'm Dick Nolan. I make things up for a living. I'm a re
画给你 Here we are.-画给你-谢谢 -Here you go. -Thank you.谢谢 Oh, thank you.你赚些零钱太屈才了你不该卖这么便宜 You're better than spare change. You shouldn't sell yourself s
比例夸张 They're way out of proportion.眼睛是我表达自己情感的方式 Well, eyes are how I express my emotions.我总是把它们画成这样 I've always drawn them like that.我小的时候动过手术结果失
-我不是天真-嗯 -I'm not naive. -Hm...我是天真了点不过我可没胡乱嫁人 I am naive. But I know who I married.沃尔特这事是急了点不过他经济条件好 Walter can be rash, but he's a good provider.
现在回到美国定居正想找个呃 Now I've relocated to the States and I'm looking for, um...展览场所 an exhibition venue.我喜欢我店现在的样子 I like my club the way it is.生意正红火呢可不
那么沃尔特跟我说说你的作品吧 So, Walter, tell me about your work.-过去我还在巴黎时-哦不不是讲那些 -When I was in Paris... -Oh, no, Jesus, not those.我指的是那些流浪儿 I mean the littl
我把这幅画赠与旧金山市长 I present this painting to the mayor of San Francisco!外面有人通知我 My man on the street tells me苏联大使正在来访 that the Soviet ambassador's in to
哦那幅啊 Oh, that! Yeah.我的脑子里总是有 Yeah, it's like a jumble of ideas各种点子钻来钻去(难免说错话) rattling around in my brain.那你的点子都是从哪来的 So where do you get your ide
基恩先生 Mr. Keane!非常感谢 Thank you so much.谢谢 Thank you.基恩先生 Mr. Keane.-今天卖了多少-就这群人会卖得出去 -How many sales today? -Sales? None with this crowd.这些都是凑热闹的
简过来带她参观下你的房间 Janie, come. Come, show her the kids' room.然后你们就自娱自乐吧 And then you girls can join the fun.嘿沃尔特你从没告诉我你还有个女儿 Walter, you never told me y
饶了我吧那些是沃尔特的朋友他经常带人来 Please. Those are Walter's friends. He brings people by.-海滩男孩来过这-哇 -The Beach Boys came by. -Wow.海滩男孩摇滚乐队-你饿不饿-有点渴 -Are you
给你个忠告水溶性的颜料涂在哪都是废的 A piece of advice, never use water-based over an oil.我一刮就掉了 It'll just fleck right off.你尽说什么疯话啊看在上帝的份上你见过我画画 You sound crazy! Fo
玛格丽特是被困在了自己添砖加瓦造成的谎言里 Margaret was trapped in a lie that she'd helped create.试图掩盖只会徒增罪孽罢了 And now the cover-up was worse than the crime.为什么你要跟他们允诺这
就好象赤身裸体的面对世人 naked for the whole world to see!哪来的情感这水准就是烂大街的印刷品 What emotions? It's synthetic hack work.你的大作有无数的基恩 Your masterpiece has an infini
末世必有危险的日子来到 In the last clays, critical times hard to deal with will be here.因为那时人要专顾自己 For men will be lovers of themselves.听起来像我前夫 Sounds l
不过幸运的是我有强大的凯内特新闻集团做我的后盾 But I'm lucky I have the mighty Gannett News company watching my back.我预计整个案子中午就会被驳回 I expect this whole trial dismissed by
也是销售和推广的天才 And you are a genius at sales and promotion.听上去你好像描述得是两个人啊 Hm! It sounds like you've described two different men.一个是可怕的魔鬼 One a sadistic
I miei occhi grandi
希望同学们玩得愉快 >> Hope that the students have a good time 我有一双大眼睛 >> I miei occhi grandi 我已经放假了 >> I have summer vacation ..
I have a piar of big eyes
已解决问题 ... I have long hair and two small ears.我有很长的头发个一对小耳朵 I have a piar of big eyes.我有一双大眼睛 And I have a small nose and a small mouth.我的嘴和鼻子很小 ...
Ho occhi grandi
求翻译:milligram 是什么意思? ... 目前预订已满 >> The current reservation has expired 房间里的钟响了 >> The clock in the room 我有一双大眼睛 >> Ho occhi grandi ...
I have beautiful eyes and my hair is very long and black.
I am a very handsome, very intelligent boy. I have big eyes, an aquiline nose and a big mouth.
I am a very handsome, very intelligent boy. I have big eyes, an aquiline nose and a big mouth. My hobbies are playing football and running.
- 来自原声例句


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