如何写APAweb referencess

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第一步. 打开Office2010之后,导入自己的Essay
第二步. 在菜单栏上找到Reference一栏
第三步. 单击Reference之后,选择Citation and Bibliography那一栏
第四步. 点击Inert Citation,选择Add New Source
第五步. 单击之后会弹出一个对话框,在弹出的对话框里选择你的Reference种类,在左下角的Show All Fields一栏可以填写更多信息,然后大家hi发现很多有红色标记的栏目,这些都非常重要,推荐大家最好填写。填写完成后点击OK。
第六步. 如果你Source很多的话,还是可以选择继续添加。
第七步. 单击Reference Style选择需要的格式,这时候大家应该就可以非常省事的选择需要的一种参考文献格式,怎么样,是不是自己动手一个标点一个字母的那样去写要省事很多呢?
第八步. 上面这些步骤完成之后,再看自己的Essay,把文字输入光标移动到你需要插入Reference的地方,点击Bibliography,选择Bibliography那一块(其实这一块已经完成体啦,只需要点击输入到自己的Essay当中去)。
第九步. 点击之后出现的就是你的Reference,这时候只需要将上面的Bibliography换成Reference然后改下字体和颜色就大功告成咯。
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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:论文格式 Paper format登出时间:编辑:lena ding点击率:3978
论文字数:1038论文编号:org282321语种:中文论文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文
Title of the Paper in Full Goes HereStudent Name HereJLU UniversityDate Here&Title of the PaperThis is your introduction.& Your introduction shoul you should start broad and work your way down to the
sentence.& An introduction has several jobs.& First, the introduction will contain your “hook” and will server to introduce your topics.& The introduction presents the topic of the research paper. It discusses the main idea with the use of facts and data to get your audience hooked. The thesis statement is also presented in this part. It is usually located at the end of the introduction to make the public aware of your opinion on the topic and to serve as a transition into your body.& The introduction is usually shorter than the body and it should be approximately 130 to 150 words in length.& Do not reformat this template.& The total word count of this introduction is 142 words.&
Level 1 HeadThis is the beginning of the body of your paper and will be short, only one paragraph of about 100 words.& This section serves as the transition between the introduction and your three main ideas.& Follow the SEES principle throughout your paper.& The acronym SEES stands for:& S = Short sentence that states the main idea. E = Explanation of the main idea in more detail. E = Example or quotation given to illustrate the main idea. S = Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph.& This paragraph is 101 words in length.& This section is optional for students.
Level 2 HeadThis section contains your first main point.& Remember, in an academic paper, you will place your main points in order of importance.& Your first main point, this one, is your LEAST important point.& The third main idea will include your most important point.& You should have no more than three to four main points in your paper.& Each main point will follow under a Level 2 Heading like the one in bold at the beginning of this section.& Also, an academic paper is not to be written in second person.& So you cannot use the following pronouns:& I, me, you, yours, mine, us, we, etc.& The length of each of your Level 2 Headings should be approximately 200 words and contain a minimum of two paragraphs.& Each paragraph should follow the SEES principle:& The acronym SEES stands for:& S = Short sentence that states the main idea. E = Explanation of the main idea in more detail. E = Example or quotation given to illustrate the main idea. S = Sum up the main idea in a way that leads on to the next paragraph.& Remember, your last sentence in each paragraph should serve as a transition into the next paragraph.& This Level 2 Heading is 209 words long.
Another Level 2 HeadThis section contains your second main point.& Remember in an academic paper, you will place your main points in order of importance.& In typing your paper, you will give each of the L本由提供整理,提供,,,,,,相关核心关键词搜索。
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一. Reference的三种类型: 从书上引用,从杂志里的文章中引用,从网站引用 1, 从书上引用的ref,格式:
作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).出版社地址: 出版社名 Example:
Davidson, M. and Cooper, C. (1992). Shattering The Glass Ceiling: The Woman Manger. London: Paul Chapman.
2, 从杂志里的文章中引用的ref,格式:
作者名字.年代.文章名. 杂志名(斜体): 第几期, 页数
Pringle, J. (2004). Women Senior Managers: Successful Individuals Or Markers Of
Collective Change. Women’s Studies Journal
3,从网站引用的ref, 格式
作者名字.年代.书名(斜体).Retrieved on年月日. from:网站
Adler, M. (2005). Women's Employment Concentrated In Service Industries. Retrieved on 20th
September, 2005 from:
: 网站另起一行)
二, reference 的注意事项:
1, 如果 reference有两行或两行以上, 从第二行起,向内缩进五到七个字符 Example:
Rosener, J. (1995). America’s competitive secret: Utilizing women as a management strategy.
USA: Oxford University Press.
2, reference与reference中间要隔一行
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