youarethedaetmeawho are you什么意思思

英语选择Remember to send me a photo of your daughter the next time you ( )to meA.write B.will write C.are writing D.would write这道题应该选哪个?为什么要选那一个?我是初学者,希望能讲得明白些,
A.the next time 后带状语从句用陈述语句就好
是啊 就是A语感。。这题是没多大意思
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音标:[ mi:n, min ]&&发音:&&过去式: meant&&&过去分词: meant&&&现在分词: meaning&&&
中文翻译vt.1.意,有…的意思,意思是…。2.意指,用…意思说;意味着,就是。3.(用语言、绘画等)表示意思,表示。4.预定,计划,图谋;〔作被动用〕企图表现。5.预定(人或东西)作某种用途,弄成…;暗指着说。 What does this word mean? 这个字是什么意思? I mean what I say. 我是说的正经话〔不是开玩笑〕;我是说到就要做到的;我讲的话是算数的。 I meant it for [as] a joke. 我是说着玩的。 You don't mean to say so! 不会吧!你是开玩笑吧!I mean that you are a liar. 我说你是个撒谎的。 What do you mean by that? 你做的[说的]那是什么意思? What do you mean by ‘passion'? 你所说的passion 是什么意思? What do you mean to do? 你打算做什么? I mean you to go. 我打算叫[请]你去。 I did not mean to deceive you. 我并没有打算欺骗你。 My father means me to be a worker. 我父亲打算叫我成为一个工人。 He was meant for [to be] a soldier. 他生来是要成为一个军人的;他父母是要把他培养成一个军人的。 This portrait is meant for me. 这张肖像是要给我的。vi.1.用意。2.具有意义。短语和例子and to mean it 说到做到。 mean a great deal [much] 意味深长;重要。 mean business 认真;算数的。 mean mischief 有恶意,有坏心眼儿;有凶兆。 mean well [ill] by [to, toward] 对…有好意[恶意]。adj.1.下贱的,卑劣的;(身份)低微的,卑贱的;卑鄙的;自私的。 2. 下等的,劣等的;普通的,中等的,平庸的。3.汗颜的,难看的;吝啬的,小气的。4.〔美俚〕害羞的,觉得不好意思的;(马)脾气坏的;讨厌的,麻烦的;没精神的,不大舒服的;〔美俚〕老练的,巧妙的;极好的;可爱的;非常愉快的。短语和例子people of mean birth 出身低微的人。 a mean cottage 简陋的乡下房子。 be mean about [over] 在…方面很小气[吝啬]。 feel mean 〔美俚〕觉得不好意思,害臊。 have a mean opinion of 蔑视,轻视,瞧不起 (He has a mean opinion of himself. 他很自卑)。 no mean 相当的,不差的,很好的(of no mean ability 很有才能)。 of mean understanding 理解力差的,笨的。 the great and the mean 贵贱上下。adj.中间的;中庸的;平均的;中等的;中项的。 the mean deviation 【统计学】平均差。 the mean distance 平均距离。 a mean proportional 【数学】比例中项。 the mean (solar) time [day] 【天文学】平(太阳)时[日]。 the mean sun 【天文学】平太阳。 the mean temperature 平均温度。 the mean velocity 平均速度。 for the mean time 在此期间,暂时。 in the mean time = in the meantime. mean line 等分线。 mean sea level 平均海平面,海拔〔略 MSL, m.s.l.〕。n.1.(两端的)中央,中部,中间;【数学】平均(数、值),中数;【逻辑学】(三段论的)中项;中名辞,媒辞(= mean term);【伦理学】中庸;【音乐】中音部。2.〔pl.〕〔常作单数看待〕方法,手段,工具;媒介。3.〔pl.〕〔常作单数看待〕财产,资力,资产,收入。短语和例子means of production 生产资料;生产手段。 an arithmetic [a geometric] mean 等差[等比]中项。 the mean-square deviation 【统计学】均方差。 There is a mean in all things. 凡事都有一定限度。 a means to an end 达到目的的手段。 a man of means 资本家,财主。 by all (manner of) means 1. 必定,务必;千方百计;不惜一切。 2. 〔回答〕好的,当然当然。 by any means 无论如何;以一切可能的手段。 by fair means or foul 千方百计地,不择手段地。 by means of 用,以,依靠。 by no (manner of) means 决不,无论如何也不,丝毫不,一点也不;并没有(He is by no means a pleasant man to deal with. 他决不是一个好打交道的爽快人)。 by some means (or other) 设法;用某种办法。 by what means 怎么;用什么办法。 live beyond [within] one's means 不按照[按照]收入过日子。 means of living 生活手段。 means test 〔英国〕(发放失业救济金前举行的)生活状况调查。 using every possible means 千方百计。&&&&对…吝啬&&&&决不&&&&是何意; 意思指&&&&意味着……&&&&对……重要&&&&平均的平均; 平均值的平均值&&&&假定平均数&&&&算术平均平均温度&&&&平均的平均法&&&&总平均吃水&&&&可鄙的动机&&&&缺德鬼&&&&累年平均&&&&假定平均&&&&接近设备&&&&有效平均值&&&&平均值的可加性&&&&调整平均数; 调正均数; 蝶平均数; 校正均值&&&&外内比&&&&累年平均; 年平均值&&&&平均逼近&&&&假定中数&&&&算术平均数&&&&算术均数; 算术平均;等差中顶;算术中顶; 算术平均;等差中项;算术中项; 算术平均数; 算术平均值(均值); 算术中项&&&&起作用; 是…的本意; 是说; 意义在于; 有…意&&&&梅阿马岛
例句与用法Let us explore the meaning of this term .让我们解释这个名词的意义。The speech was meant for home consumption .那篇讲话是让本国人听的。Do you mean that it's none of my business ?你以为它跟我毫无关系吗?The word isoquant means "same quantity" .等量的意思是“同一数量”。Leadership means setting an example .领导者的作风意味着要树立榜样。I was indignant at their mean actions .我对他们的卑劣行径感到愤慨。I am quite in a fog as to what you mean .你究竟何所指,我感到茫然。She wants to prove my point, you mean ?你的意思是她想证实我们的话?I don't mean to say anything definite .我并没想说什么意思明确的话。After a long time they get mean .久而久之,他们的心眼儿就都变坏了。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释 "I was caught in the bastardly traffic"同义词:, (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt同义词:, (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative o "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip"同义词:, , , cha "a hateful thing to do"; "in a mean mood"同义词:, having or showing an ignoble lack
"that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund B "taking a mean advantage"; "chok''d with ambition of the meaner sort"- S "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics"同义词:, , approximating the statistical norm or avera "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall"同义词:, marked by povert "a beggarly existence in the slums"; "a mean hut"同义词:,
"famous for a mean backhand"have
"I mean no harm"; "I only meant to help you"; "She didn''t think to harm me"; "We thought to return early that night"同义词:, , destine or designate f "These flowers were meant for you" "I''m thinking of good food when I talk about France"; "Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!"同义词:, ,
"`maison'' means `house'' in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means"同义词:, , , mean or intend
"You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?"同义词:, have as a "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"同义词:, , have a specified
"My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n同义词:,
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—— Daddy,can you buy me a new MP3 when you go to Beijing?---- You ___ get one if you are admitted to a key middle school.A.could B.shall C.may D.can请问答案是什么,我选的是A,C,为什么?错了错了,B 不是 C 不好意思。为什么是 shall
有些时候,多参考一下权威辞典是有好处的.下面是格林斯辞典对shall的一个解释:You use shall,usually with `‘you',when you are telling someone that they will be able to do or have something they want.(shall通常和you连用表示你正在告诉某人他将会做成某事或者得到他想要的东西)这道题目MP3显然是something the son want,所以父亲用you shall这个结构来强调.
结合整句,may有些将来的意味。 这是语感判断了。
may 是可以可能你被重点学校录取是有可能的而你用COULD就表示虚拟了意思是。你不可能被录取也就不可能得到新MP3
shall 这里表示允诺详见:shall即是助动词也是情态动词,具体用法如下:1.助动词shall和will的用法shall和will作为助动词可以与动词原形一起构成一般将来时,例如:
I shall study harder at English.
He will go to Shanghai.
A grammar school's success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university...
If you measure a quantity that can be expressed in numbers, such as the length of something, you discover it using a particular instrument or device, for example a ruler.
Measure the length and width of the gap...
He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone.
If something measures a particular length, width, or amount, that is its size or intensity, expressed in numbers.
The house is more than twenty metres long and measures six metres in width...
This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across...
A measure of a particular quality, feeling, or activity is a fairly large amount of it.
With the exception of Juan, each attained a measure of success...
The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.
If you say that one aspect of a situation is a measure of that situation, you mean that it shows that the situation is very serious or has developed to a very great
It is a measure of their plight that few of them have anywhere to go to...
That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank.
When someone, usually a government or other authority, takes measures to do something, they carry out particular actions in order to achieve a particular result.
The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble...
He said stern measures would be taken against the killers...
A measure of a strong alcoholic drink such as brandy or whisky is an amount of it in a glass. In pubs and bars, a measure is an official standard amount.
He poured himself another generous measure of malt.
...a pub measure of spirits.
In music, a measure is one of the several short parts of the same length into which a piece of music is divided.
If you say that something has changed or that it has affected you beyond measure, you are emphasizing that it has done this to a great extent.
Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increased beyond measure...
She irritated him beyond measure.
If you say that something is done for good measure, you mean that it is done in addition to a number of other things.
I repeated my question for good measure...
For good measure, a few details of hotels were included.
If you get or take the measure of someone or something, you discover what they are like, so that you are able to control them or deal with them. If you have the measure of someone or something, you have succeeded in doing this.
The governments of the industrialized world had failed to get the measure of the crisis...
Has he taken the measure of us and concluded that we're not willing to risk a life?...
If something is true in some measure or in large measure, it is partly or mostly true.
Power is in some measure an act of will...
In Britain, we have so far escaped, in large measure, either of these afflictions.
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