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Society should not only respect for the scientists, should also respect the sanitation workers
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Not only the society should respect the scientist, also should respect the environmental protection worker
Society should not only respect for scientists, should also respect sanitation workers
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Investigation on Air Bacteria Contamination in Operation Areas of Environmental Health WorKers in Beijing
Health Investigation of Operation Environment for Environmental Health Workers
It was shown that the working environment would bring about certain influence on the health of environmental health workers.
The paper is to report that polluted levels of harmful material in operation environment for environmental health workers.
There are 30 odour-producing component in operation areas. Suggested there are a serious Pollution in operation areis for environmental health workers.
The rate of positive culture was 71.9% infarmers,80.6% in cleaners,and 23.2% in city residentsrespectively.
The rate ofpositive culture of the fungi was 25% in farmers,11.1% in cleaners,and 8.8% in city residents respectively,culture foraerobic was carried out in the samples from conjunctival sacsof 137 eyes.
The results showed that the air bacteria contamination was serious (all>4000/m~3) .
The infection rates of the environment and health care workers and the food service works were 8 11%and 7 37%respectively.
A Health Survey on the Cleaners in Guangzhou
Investigation of Health Conditions in Environmental Health Workers
A Health Survey on the Cleaners in Guangzhou
On Numbber One Worker
A Clever Worker
Management Software on Information Date Bank of Tianjin Environmental Sanitation System
没有找到相关例句 The bacteria distribution on nasal mucous membranes of refuse cleaning workers was examined. There was no significant difference as to the plate count between environmental health workers and the control group. Whereas the detective rate of haemolytic bacteria was significantly higher in the former than in the latter. Pathogenic Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacillus cereus abundantIy existing in ambient environment were also isolated from the nasal mucous membranes of the workers. It was shown that the working... The bacteria distribution on nasal mucous membranes of refuse cleaning workers was examined. There was no significant difference as to the plate count between environmental health workers and the control group. Whereas the detective rate of haemolytic bacteria was significantly higher in the former than in the latter. Pathogenic Streptococcus pneumoniae and Bacillus cereus abundantIy existing in ambient environment were also isolated from the nasal mucous membranes of the workers. It was shown that the working environment would bring about certain influence on the health of environmental health workers.本文检验了垃圾清理工人鼻粘膜含菌分布,与对照人群比较,其中细菌总数相差不显著;溶血菌的检出率环卫工人高于对照人群,相差非常显著;并从环卫工人鼻粘膜分离出了致病的肺炎双球菌和大量存在于外环境中的蜡样芽孢杆菌。表明环卫作业环境对环卫工人的健康带来一定的影响。 In this paper the air bacteria contamination was investigated in various operation areas of environmental health workers,such as refuse transferring field,refuse dumps in hospital,refuse dumps for communities of single-storey houses and buildings of two or more storeys, repair and spare parts workshop for cleaning cars. The results showed that the air bacteria contamination was serious (all>4000/m~3) . Bacteria numbers were the highest in spring in most areas,while in refuse transferring field the bacteria number... In this paper the air bacteria contamination was investigated in various operation areas of environmental health workers,such as refuse transferring field,refuse dumps in hospital,refuse dumps for communities of single-storey houses and buildings of two or more storeys, repair and spare parts workshop for cleaning cars. The results showed that the air bacteria contamination was serious (all>4000/m~3) . Bacteria numbers were the highest in spring in most areas,while in refuse transferring field the bacteria number was the highest in summer. There was no significant seasonal variation in the area of refuse dumps in hospital.本文调查了北京市垃圾转运场、医院内垃圾站、平房居民垃圾站、楼旁居民垃圾站、清洁车辆修配厂等各种环卫工人作业环境的空气细菌污染状况。结果表明环卫工人作业环境的空气细菌污染是严重的(>4000个/m~3)。大多以春季空气细菌数最高,垃圾转运场夏季细菌数最高,医院内垃圾站四季中无明显差异。 The paper is to report that polluted levels of harmful material in operation environment for environmental health workers. The results showed that refuse component in each resident areas is different. Inbalable particles concentration butanoic acid concertration and bacteria number in each resident aresas respectively were higher than those in control areas ( P<0.01 ) . There are 30 odour-producing component in operation areas. Suggested there are a serious Pollution in operation areis for environmental health... The paper is to report that polluted levels of harmful material in operation environment for environmental health workers. The results showed that refuse component in each resident areas is different. Inbalable particles concentration butanoic acid concertration and bacteria number in each resident aresas respectively were higher than those in control areas ( P<0.01 ) . There are 30 odour-producing component in operation areas. Suggested there are a serious Pollution in operation areis for environmental health workers.本文报导了环卫工人作业环境中有害物的污染水平。结果指出,每个居民区的垃圾成分是不同的。每个居民区空气中的可吸入尘浓度、丁酸浓度(臭味物质)和细菌数分别高于对照组(P<0.01)。在工人操作地点,还存在着30种产生臭味的物质,这些物质都提示环卫工人的作业环境存在着严重的污染。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
当楼主还沉浸在猜测这位大爷是真是假的时候,他竟然和选手开始用英文交流了,说得还挺地道的,而且绝对不是简单的hallo,how are you之类的简单句子,说任何一句话他都能及时翻译成英语,还用英语唱了一首我爱北京天安门,当时楼主就惊呆了,真是真人不露相啊!他说他在北京南锣鼓巷地铁站工作,因为经常会遇到外国人,他都能跟人家对答如流,老外见到这样一位普通的环卫工人说那么地道的英语肯定也惊呆了吧!真心佩服这位老大爷,做的了环卫工人,说的了流利英语,真是不一般,很值得人敬佩,给跪了!
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或英文天天写: 环卫工人的不易_沪江英语学习网
英文天天写: 环卫工人的不易
For today&#39;stopic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts^^:
1.Why city
workers do not earn the respect from the society in China? Please share your thinking.
2.What some good suggestions you could make in order to improve this cruel situation?
3.Open question: what happened to those people who throw garbage casually and behave mean to city
Each time I feel very emotional after reading the news about bad or unfair treatment towards city hygiene workers. On one hand, they have to suffer the poor on the other hand, they do not earn the respect from the society or public. It is a very sad fact in China, which is a wake-up call for us to face the situation in good manner. In my opinion, the education background differences outweigh other factors. People who are not well educated do not see the hardwork and uneasy life of those city beauty workers. All they care is their own feelings and interest. Moreover, if we do not appreciate or cherish others&#39; devotion to the city, the city as a mirror will reflect its bad side towards ourselves. Therefore, the public need to learn to respect and behave properly such as not throw about the garbage. In addition, the government should also make its efforts to improve the treatment of those sanitation workers as well as set up a good example in the public.
To be a sanitation worker can never be considered as a decent job in people&#39;s eyes, especially in China. A story of Sanmao, a Taiwanese author, described that she wanted to be a garbabge collector and she wrote this in her homework in her elementary school but teasing and objection came from her teacher and classmates. There is nothing wrong about a childish girl&#39;s idea, and she thought that job could provide the most freedom. But this reflect the obvious discrimination. However, there is a dustman in my department. Everyone says hello, chats, jokes, and respects him as respect any other professors and students because people don&#39;t see differences between jobs.
  Pay as you throw (also PAYT) is a system in which households are charged for collection of non-recyclable rubbish, and that the amount they pay is based on the quantity and weight of the rubbish they want collected. The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste, with the principle therefore being that 'the more you recycle, the less you pay'。
  Pay as you throw(垃圾按量收费,缩写为PAYT)制度指每个家庭都要为不可回收垃圾的处理支付费用,而费用的多少则根据垃圾的数量和重量来计算。在该制度内,可回收垃圾的处理是免费的,也就是说该制度遵循的是&多循环,少交费&原则。
  Pay-as-you-throw schemes are already operational in many parts of the United States, where they are largely considered a cost-effective way to manage waste and encourage recycling。
  Under the pay-as-you-throw system, payments for refuse collection would not be a fixed fee incorporated into local government taxes, but dealt with separately in what is now being referred to as a (dust) bin tax, calculated for individual households. Councils would maximize the opportunities for recycling by providing at least five different types of bins for collection of glass, paper, plastic, cardboard and (waste) food。
  在垃圾按量收费制度中,垃圾处理的费用并没有作为一项固定收费被归入当地政府的税收项目,而是单独作为一项收费来处理,也就是所谓的dustbin tax(垃圾箱税),每个家庭单独计算。各地议会至少会提供五个分类垃圾桶来收集玻璃、纸张、塑料、纸板以及食物废料等不同类别的垃圾,以便将垃圾废品的循环再利用率最大化。


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