机油 英语盖子用英语怎么说

【机油】的英文单词:lubrication oil,eo,engine oil
机油的拼音jī yóu
机油jī yóu
★「机油」在《汉语大词典》第6393页 第4卷 1325
1.底下的一道防止机油飞溅到缸筒从而窜入燃烧室的环叫做油环。2.还满载着汽油和机油的“维米号”好不容易才升到更高的高度。3.激光标刻及激光旋转标刻广泛适用于发动机油嘴、花塞、感器、表盘面板、响面板、车瓦等精密快速打标。4.离合器片表面沾机油、黄油或离合器液压油。5.内燃机油烟的恶臭;6.那些姑娘看上去邋邋遢遢,脸上沾着机油和灰尘,穿着单薄难看的布衣,脚上的鞋子不同程度地磨损了。7.汽门举杆的机油道8.润滑系统中的油泵把机油从油中抽上来,送到发动机的各个活动部件。机油再流下来回到油盘。9.水箱情况很好,可是您大概缺少—夸特的机油.10.我把它浸在一桶机油里了。11.稀薄而凛到的空气把燠热的座舱里的香烟烟雾和隔宿的机油气味吹掉了。12.修整或清除后主盖机油底壳垫圈凹槽中过多的密封剂薄膜。切勿清除在后主盖槽中的密封剂。13.在发动机里,机油被供应到旋转在其支承轴内的曲轴和凸轮轴轴颈上。14.早期的控制系统,就是人们所知道的“开式”系统,因为它的加机油管盖是开式的,或者说因其与大气连通。15.这些气体包括窜缸气体,沉积物,酸,机油和其它杂质的气体。>当前位置: &
英文翻译oil change&&&& trade&&&& machine oil&&&&i need an oil change&&&&transfer to flight&&&& electric engine oil&&&&steering gear oil&&&&aircraft oil&&&&used oil&&&&red machine oil&&&& oilpump&&&& oil rule&&&& oil pr oilpassage&&&&oil pipe&&&&engine oil tank&&&&machine oil pot&&&&oil strainer&&&& oil pan&&&&oil gun&&&&oil pressure sensor&&&&sump&&&&grease mark&&&&green machine oil&&&&light machine oil&&&&engine distillate&&&&heavy engine oil
例句与用法So , let ' s get on the oil change diy fun那麽,让我们开始来享受自己动手换机油的乐趣吧Chance to poke around the engine , maybe change the oil有机会可以检查一下引擎换换机油If you don ' t change the motor oil , your car engine will wear out very quickly如果你不换机油,你车子的引擎会耗损的非常快。 I need an oil change我要换机油。 This is the exact reason why i came up with the topic so that readers will know it is really easy and convenient to diy这就是我找出这个主题的原因,这样能让读者了解自己换机油是件容易的事情A body is like a car : you have to refuel it , you have to polish it , you have to wash it , and you have to change the oil and add gasoline now and then and check the engine periodically so that it runs well多数疾病都与我们本身的业障有关,此外也是因为自己没把身体照顾好。身体就像一部车,必须补充燃料擦亮清洗换机油加油,定期检查引擎,这样它才跑得顺畅。 It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not helping enough with the housework ( a claim that i find dubious anyway , because the definition of
" housework
" rarely includes cleaning the gutters , changing the oil in the car or other jobs typically done by men ) or when they die看起来似乎父亲惟一值得人们提及的时候是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候(我怀疑这一说法的可靠性,因为“家务”的定义中很少包括打扫屋顶的雨水沟、给汽车换机油或其它一些典型地由男人们做的事) ,或者是在他们去世的时候。 &&
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