
用英文写篇关于办公室禁止吸烟的短文提纲是:假设你是一家公司的总经理,发现在办公室吸烟现象已经成为普遍严重的问题,用英文写一篇通知来警告员工不能再在办公室吸烟并且宣布惩罚措施。标题为“Warning----No smoking in offices”汗,我是要写篇英文作文,叫作业用的。。。
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&作者:英语四级题库 来源:www.qzjyj.net/4clas/
导读禁止吸烟的英文,有些企业现在可以说,没有人在他们的办公室吸烟任何香烟。有些政府已经禁止在所有公共场所吸烟。这是一个好主意,但它带走了我们的一些自由。 我们都知道,吸烟不仅有害健康,而且对我们的环境
&&&&& 我们都知道,吸烟不仅有害健康,而且对我们的环境。吸烟可能会导致许多疾病,如肺癌。吸烟会影响非吸烟者比吸烟者它。获得被动的吸烟者患病率比吸烟者为高。所以,很多不吸烟的危害吸烟。
&&&&& 在公共场所吸烟的危害更大。这是与另一个吸烟的效果。那就是,吸烟所产生的大量污染到空气中有毒气体小康环境。
&&&&& 因此,政府禁止吸烟是非常必要和重要。这是一个措施来保护我们的健康和环境。因此,许多人,尤其是不吸烟的IOR的瓷砖政策。
&&&&& 有人说这会剥夺我们的自由一些。我认为这是一种片面的看法。如果你想抽烟,他可能会在私人场合抽烟,而不是在公共场所。实际上,烟民仍然有吸烟的自由。
&&&&& 但是,我认为,最好放弃吸烟不仅在私人地方吸烟,而且在公共场所,随处可见。这将有利于我们大家。论坛精彩内容
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来源:互联网 发表时间: 2:06:16 责任编辑:鲁晓倩字体:
为了帮助网友解决“有关吸烟的英语写作题目谁会写啊”相关的问题,学网通过互联网对“有关吸烟的英语写作题目谁会写啊”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:Write a passage entitled Smoking of at least 100 words.You should write it like these:In the first paragraph, state the smokers& idea.In the second paragraph, state the non-smoker&s idea.In the third paragraph, state your idea and your supportive details.,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1: nowadays a lot of people around the globe smokes. some of they take smoking as a pleasure while others ease themselves by smoking.smokers hold the view that they blend in the society by means of smoking. however,non-smokers keep off smoking ,thinking that smoking is bad to their health,their lung and other organs. in my opinion ,smoking is a bad habit, one everyone should avoid.it can only harm your body. so we should never smoke 解决方案2:Most smokers find it very difficult to quit smoking because the act of smoking can develop into a routine over time. Like many repetitive habits, it can be very hard to break. When a smoker tries to cut back or quit, he experiences mental and physical withdrawal symptoms that are very upsetting and unendurable. Experts are convinced that there&s overwhelming evidence that shows that secondhand smoke is dangerous and they recommend that non-smokers limit their exposure to it as much as possible. Non-smokers prefer a cleaner instead of nasty smoky air in every public site.It has been a widely social concern for an obviously long period that smoking can lead to many deadly diseases. In my view, besides legislation, we need to help and show your care to those heavy smokers instead of blames. 解决方案3:吸烟对人的健康有一定危害,对青少年来说,危害性就更大了。那我们下面来看看吸烟到底有什么危害。 字串9 It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people&s health. Scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.   Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually becomes ahabitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given up.Another reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.   Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere.And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.World &No Tobacco Day& is observed every year as the biggest compaign against smoking. 解决方案4: nowadays a lot of people around the globe smokes. some of they take smoking as a pleasure while others ease themselves by smoking.smokers hold the view that they blend in the society by means of smoking. however,non-smokers keep off smoking ,thinking that smoking is bad to their health,their lung and other organs. in my opinion ,smoking is a bad habit, one everyone should avoid.it can only harm your body. so we should never smoke
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