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中文翻译卡梅亚梅亚卡美哈美哈一世&&&&卡美哈梅哈大帝; 卡美哈梅哈一世&&&&卡美哈美哈国王日&&&&龟八郎&&&&龟彦&&&&龟八&&&&龟井; 龟居; 瓶井&&&&龟口&&&&龟井久兴&&&&龟吾郎; 龟五郎; 瓮五郎&&&&龟井正夫&&&&龟吾; 龟五; 瓮五
例句与用法Kamehameha i was a very successful king and ruled in peace卡美哈美哈一世是一位非常成功的国王,采用和平手段治国。 As you play , you will uncover greater challenges including the skeleton fish of kamehameha . lead on kahuna . your quest awaits感谢包括的关卡编辑器,当你玩时,你将发现更多挑战包括骷髅鱼kamehameha ,领导巫师。 Designed for king kamehameha i in the early 1800 ' s , the flag ' s resemblance to the union jack symbolizes king kamehameha ' s friendship with the british旗帜于19世纪专为卡美哈美哈国王一世设计,旗帜与英国国旗的相似处代表了卡美哈美哈国王与英国的友好关系。 While driving along kamehameha [ 1 ] highway , keep an eye out for the colorful haleiwa sign directing you to food , gas , shops and beaches驱车在卡米哈米哈公路上行进时,记得留心一下车窗外哈莱伊瓦小镇五颜六色的标识牌,它们会告诉你饭馆、加油站、商店和海滩的方向。 Kamehameha was a strong and able king , but his successors were not as strong as him and ultimately were not able to resist european efforts to control the islands卡米哈米哈是一位强壮又能干的国王,但他的后继者并没有他的聪明才智,因而最后仍由欧洲取得夏威夷群岛的控制权。 Then , a city tour will be conducted which included visiting the state building , the washington place , and the national memorial of the pacific , chinatown , iolani palace and king kamehameha i s statue接著转往市区,参观夏威夷州政府州长官邸太平洋国家军人公墓唐人街伊奥拉尼皇宫国王铜像等。 After visiting the pearl harbor , a city tour will be conducted which included visiting the state building , the washington place , and the national memorial of the pacific , and the national memorial of the pacific , chinatown , iolani palace and king kamehameha i s statue参观市区名胜:原是旧火山口的太平洋国家军人公墓,传说灵魂女神曾在此跳舞,同时并参观伊奥拉尼皇宫州政府州长官邸卡玛哈玛哈国王铜像中国城等。 &&
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