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In Pursuit of Freedom
What made Frederick Douglass a radical abolitionist?
That Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist is beyond debate.
Born a slave, he eventually escaped and became one of the most famous activists to work for emancipation.
Whether working as a stump speaker or editing one abolitionist newspaper after another, Douglass expressed tremendous hope that the slave power would eventually fall.
He once declared, “There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven, that does not know that slavery is wrong for him.”
That Douglass was radical in his anti-slavery speeches and newspaper editorials is somewhat debatable, and would depend on how one defines “radical.”
“Hereditary bondmen!
Know ye not / Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow?”
Frederick Douglass was fond of quoting this line from Lord Byron as it summed up his political activism.
This call to the enslaved to be their own liberators reflected a revolutionary urgency and fervor most would associate with radical measures.
But compared with abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison, Douglass’s one-time mentor and fiery editor of the Liberator (whose masthead read “No Union with Slaveholders”), Frederick Douglass appears measured and sensible.
For example, Douglass once wrote, “My position now is one of reform, not revolution.
I would act for the abolition of slavery through the government&not over its ruins.”
In contrast, Garrison burned a copy of the Constitution in public, calling it “the most bloody and heaven-daring arrangement ever made by men for the continuance and protection of a system of the most atrocious villainy [sic] ever exhibited on earth.”
Most famously, he pronounced the Constitution “a covenant with death,” “an agreement with hell,” and “refuge of lies.”
"Mr. Garrison and his friends tell us that while in the Union we are responsible for slavery. . .
Even more extreme was John Brown, who tried to recruit Douglass for a raid on the federal armory in Harpers Ferry, VA, a doomed venture that exacerbated sectional tensions leading up to the 1860 presidential election.
Brown believed the seizure of the armory would spur local slaves to rise up against their masters and spark a slave rebellion throughout the South.
Douglass shunned the effort.
As historian David Blight observed, “For Douglass, the question of violence was always more a tactical than a moral problem.
He did not relish the prospect, but morally he believed the slaves had the right to rise up and slay their masters.”
Compared with the lawlessness of Garrison and Brown and their disrespect for the Constitution, Douglass’s abolitionism looks less radical, if not tame.
. . . I admit our responsibility for slavery while in the Union, but I deny that going out of the Union would free us from that responsibility. . .
Douglass sought to free the slaves within the confines of the Constitution.
He thought only by keeping the slave states within the American Union could the federal government then be used to rid the nation of slavery.
Douglass came to view the Constitution as a pro-liberty document, thus agreeing with Lincoln “the Great Emancipator” on the principal means of promoting freedom.
Lincoln understood the Founders to expect slavery to wither away in a generation or two by restricting its importation into the new nation (as early as 1808) and preventing its expansion into federal territory (see, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787).
As historian James Oakes writes: “Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass agreed that there was no such thing as a constitutional right to own slaves.
But for Lincoln the Constitution recognized the existence of slavery as a practical necessity, whereas for Douglass the absence of a right to own slaves obliged the federal government to overthrow slavery everywhere.”
. . .The American people in the Northern States have helped to enslave the black people.
Their duty will not have been done till they give them back their plundered rights." &#8212 Frederick Douglass
In sum, what made Frederick Douglass an abolitionist was his experience with slavery firsthand: simply stated, he found it a poor fit for his humanity.
He became a radical abolitionist, calling for the immediate abolition of slavery, because he came to view the U.S. Constitution as a pro-liberty document that could be interpreted to permit Congress to abolish slavery not only from federal territories but also in the states where it already existed.
One might say his aims were radical, while his means, especially after the break from Garrison, were not radical insofar as they remained within the American constitutional context.
Blight, David W. .
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989.
Douglass, Frederick. The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass. 5 vols. Edited by Philip S. Foner. New York: International Publishers, .
Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York: Library of America, 1994.
Myers, Peter C. . Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2008.
Oakes, James. . New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2007.
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&From office confinement all year long, I have come out of town to be free this morning&
2017the confines of a town是什么意思由沪江网提供。Astronomer royal warns robots will WIPE OUT humans | Daily Mail Online
Royal astronomer warns robots will WIPE OUT humans and take over in just a few centuries
Sir Martin Rees thinks machine life will replace humanityAlien life will either be extremely primitive or advanced machine intelligenceHe views organic intelligence as a brief transition before the era of the machinesBy
18:20 BST, 3 April 2017
09:07 BST, 4 April 2017
The robot uprising could be complete in just a few centuries.That's according to royal astronomer, Sir Martin Rees, who believe machine life will eventually replace humanity.He predicts their reign could last billions of years beyond our time on the planet.Scroll down for video
British astronomer royal Sir Martin Rees that all life will evolve into machine intelligence and that any alien life we may come into contact with with either be extremely primitive or will have already shed its organic form (stock image)Life on Earth has already taken billions of years to evolve, from the proteins and nucleic acids that were the building blocks of life through to more complex mammals and homo sapiens.But machine intelligence has developed at such an extreme pace, that Sir Martin believes the likelihood is alien life will also take this form.He sees humanity's time on the planet as an extremely brief transitional phase, between primordial organic life and the era of the machines - what he terms a 'post-human' future.
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The cosmologist argues this could extend for billions of years into the future, particularly if machines are able to explore space free from the confines of needing a planet, it's atmosphere and biosphere to sustain them.And - if we do encounter beings from another planet - it will either take the form of more primitive lifeforms or extremely advanced machine intelligence.Speaking to , Sir Martin said: 'My guess is that if we do detect an alien intelligence, it will be nothing like us. It will be some sort of electronic entity. 'The period of time occupied by organic intelligence is just a thin sliver between early life and the long era of the machines. 'Because such civilisations would develop at different rates, it’s extremely unlikely that we will find intelligent life at the same stage of development as us.'More likely, that life will still be either far simpler, or an already fully electronic intelligence.'
The cosmologist (pictured) argues that the reign of the machines could extend for billions of years into the future, particularly if they are able to explore space free from the confines of needing a planet, it's atmosphere and biosphere to sustain them (stock image)As to the impact of contact with aliens, Sir Martin believes that this is unlikely - at least in our current form.The Cambridge professor emeritus believes that while we may be able to peer further out into space, travelling to distant worlds will remain out of our reach until we enter the post-human era.In his interview with The Conversation, he added: 'The journey times are just too great for mortal minds and bodies. 'If you’re immortal, however, these distances become far less daunting. 'That journey will be made by robots, not us.'
Artificial Intelligence has been described as a threat that could be 'more dangerous than nukes'.Now a group of scientists and entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking, have signed an open letter promising to ensure AI research benefits humanity.The letter warns that without safeguards on intelligent machines, mankind could be heading for a dark future.The document, drafted by the Future of Life Institute, said scientists should seek to head off risks that could wipe out mankind.
The authors say there is a 'broad consensus' that AI research is making good progress and would have a growing impact on society.It highlights speech recognition, image analysis, driverless cars, translation and robot motion as having benefited from the research.'The potential benefits are huge, since everything that civilisation has to offer is a product o we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of disease and poverty are not unfathomable,' the authors write.But it issued a stark warning that research into the rewards of AI had to be matched with an equal effort to avoid the potential damage it could wreak.For instance, in the short term, it claims AI may put millions of people out of work.In the long term, it could have the potential to play out like a fictional dystopias in which intelligence greater than humans could begin acting against their programming.
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