
p><img class="ikqb_img" src="http://h.hiphotos:⒈出自姬姓;兑(duì)。⒉出自北方少数民族复姓改单姓而来.com/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=e04ba44b7dc6a7efb973a022c8caf21fbe096b63f17e5fcebf8ac3a.jpg" />单字的部首为.baidu:兼职一般读作dān,表示单独,以邑名为氏:兹事体大&nbsp、长短及数量的标准;②指机关、团体或属于一个机关、团体的各个部门:那里有五个直属单位。单(Shàn)中国姓氏之一,源出有二://h
部首是什么意思 部首在线翻译 部首什么意思 部首的意思 部首的翻译 部首的解释 部首的发音 部首的同义词 部首的反义词 部首的例句
部首 基本解释部首[bù shǒu]词典radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries部首 汉英大词典部首[bù shǒu]{语} radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries:  例:简化部首和偏旁    simplified radicals部首 网络解释1. radical:在没有学部首(radical)之前,汉字对她们来说,每一个字,或者说每一个笔划就是一幅画. 他们不清楚汉字的笔划顺序,对偏旁部首也豪无概念,你要跟她讲这个是什么部首,在初学阶段又要她们记这么多东西,也很惨,2. 2. Radicals:谈到偏旁部首(radicals)首先要看这个字的结构,最简单的有独体字、上下结构、左右结构、包围结构等.3. indexing component:部件组字频度compositivefrequencyofcomponent | 部首indexingcomponent | 偏旁radical4. sleutelBushou:slecht: HUai 坏 | sleutel: Bushou 部首 | slim, verstandig: CONG-miNG 聪明部首 双语例句1. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD1. 资料显示,回忆时正确率的提高是后见之明偏误的指标之一;当后果知识以阈下知觉的方式呈现时,回忆当初答对的高、低频字部首时正确率会上升,相对之下,当后果知识以清楚的方式呈现时,只有回忆当初答对的低频字部首时正确率会上升,显示中文高、低频字部首判断的历程并不完全相同。&&&&However, high or low frequency Chinese words were affected in a different way. For high frequency words, hindsight bias appeared only under 100ms exposure condition, whereas for low frequency words, hindsight bias appeared with 100ms and 500ms of exposure time. It suggests that the radical judgment processes may be different for high and low frequency Chinese characters.2. 调皮任性,多动不安,对别人的话听而不闻,丢三落四,胆小,粘人,挑食偏食,爱哭,吮手,咬手指,写字时偏旁部首颠倒,甚至不认识字,学了就忘,不会做计算,把数或字颠倒写,抄错题,漏题,注意力不集中,上课不专心,爱做小动作。。。。。。&&&&Naughty, uneasy, deaf to others` words, always forgetting or losing things, timid, intent to importunate, particular about food, intent to cry, sucking or biting fingers, mislaying character components, even ignorant about the characters, forgetful, ignorant about calculation, writing numbers or characters upside down, mislining, scatterbrained, and restless in class.3. 可以说,组成汉字的偏旁部首是按照两个方向来排列的,而不象字母那样只按一个方向排列,看起来很整洁。&&&&It can be said that the components of Chinese characters arearrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensionalrows of alphabetic writing.4. 可以说,组成汉字的偏旁部首是按照两个方向来排列的,而不像字母那样只按一个方向排列,看起来很整洁。&&&&It can be said that the components of Chinese characters are arrayed in two dimensions, rather than in the neat one-dimensional rows of alphabetic writing.5. 笔画数:7;部首:心;笔顺编号:1214544&&&&Name. Stroke: 7; radicals: Stroke Order Number: 12145446. 6. 是吗?你一定要先确定正确的部首,数清部首的笔画数。&&&&You have to determine the correct radical, and count the number of strokes in the radical.7. 7. 这一讲共介绍70来个常用部首和200多个汉字。&&&&This lesson covers 73 Bushou in common use and more than 200 characters.8. 8. 杰克逊的目标是,创造一部首首歌都轰动的专辑。&&&&Jackson's goal was to create an album in which every song was a hit.9. 9. 本文提出了一种利用关键构件提取印刷体汉字部首的新方法。&&&&This paper presents a new method for extracting radicals of printed Chinese characters by using key skeletons.10. 从1626年清太祖努尔哈赤将自己只有十几岁的亲侄女嫁给五十多岁的科尔沁部首领奥巴开始,一直到固伦端靖长公主、固伦端贞长公主、固伦雍穆长公主等二十多位清公主先后下嫁科尔沁王公贵族。&&&&From the Qing Dynasty in 1626 Nurhachu his only pro-teenage niece married more than 50-year-old head of the Department of Aoba in Horqin, has been to the Yasukuni long-Lun-Princess Margaret, solid long-lun-Fok, Princess Margaret, solid-lun Chang Mu Yong, such as Princess Princess has more than 20-Horqin marry royalty and aristocracy.11. 11. 特别是清康熙年间,康熙大帝率军亲征,平定了北方蒙古准噶尔部首领噶尔丹的叛乱,稳固了边防,此后两百多年张家口无战事,使得人民得以修养生息,经济得到了恢复和发展。&&&&&&Qing Emperor Kangxi in particular years, the Kangxi Emperor率军亲征, put down the northern Junggar Mongolia Department of the rebel leaders噶尔丹, secure the border, after 200 years without war in Zhangjiakou, making people to live self-cultivation, economic recovery and development has been.12. 接受「部件部首教学策略」的学生,在「部件字」的字形和字音错误率均显著低於「形声字」的两种识字错误率。&&&&&&The contingent relationships between teaching strategies and error types in word recognition were partially supported by empirical data.13. 部首13. 在黄海南部首次发现圆斑小齿蛇鳗,对其区系分布,具有较高的参考价值。&&&&&&The first finding of Buffon snake eel (Microdonophis erabo Jordan et Snyder) in the south of yellow sea has a great referential value for its fauna distribution.14. 共收汉字近5000个,收录常用词近18000条,每个字头标注拼音、笔画数、所属部首、字形结构和繁难字笔顺。&&&&&&Five thousand Chinese characters and eighteen thousand common Chinese words are included, with each character labeled by phonetic transcriptions, number of strokes, radicals, structures, and orders of strokes for special characters.15. 15. 不同年段之阅读障碍学童在教学字认读方面并无差异;但朗读流畅度方面二三年级组表现出较佳的进步幅度;至於,高频字书写,读写字成长量和部首觉识部分,四五六年级组的表现都优於二三年级组的阅读障碍学童。&&&&&&In the posttest, reading disabled students` performances on basic character recognition and radical awareness tests were closer to the performances of contrast group.16. &#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;16. 最常见的是在名字部首加上金、木、水、火、土等偏旁。&&&&&&The shaping of metal or wood on a lathe.17. 学生只要把部首练熟了,再通字的结构,字自然写得好。&&&&&&Students as long as the radicals, and reperfusion of the structure of the word, the word naturally well-written.18. 部首彩页以图文并茂的形式展现了2008年测绘行业的大事、要事,特载收录了2008年的重要文献、领导讲话、重要会议、重大事件以及测绘为汶川抗震救灾提供保障服务的有关情况。&&&&&&Radical color pages in the form of illustrations shows the 2008 survey and mapping industry event, events, special set contains important documents in 2008, leadership speeches, important meetings, events, as well as the Wenchuan earthquake relief mapping services to provide protection of the situation.19. 这种房地产投资Dongmi响应部首次昨天6绘制了相对稳定的价格定位,该公司不缺钱,该章程的财政状况趋于稳定。&&&&&&This real estate investment Dongmi response to the Department for the first time yesterday that the 6 plot the location of rela the company is not short of money, the financial position of the Prospectus will become stable.20. 你可以根据部首查找汉字。&&&&&&You can look up a character under its radical.部首是什么意思,部首在线翻译,部首什么意思,部首的意思,部首的翻译,部首的解释,部首的发音,部首的同义词,部首的反义词,部首的例句,部首的相关词组,部首意思是什么,部首怎么翻译,单词部首是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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~薄。6. 衣服被褥只有一层的。[shàn]
姓。~号。5. 薄。3. 覆盖用的布:被~。4。传~。名~:[dān]
1. 不复杂. 和尚称禅堂的坐床。
1. 奇(jī)数的:~日. 只,仅:做事~靠热情不够:[dān]:十拼音。~一。~词:~裤。~衣。床~。8. 记载事物用的纸片:~据、[shàn]、[chán]释义。~调(diào)。2. 独一:~独。9,弱。7单的部首:~纯。简~
单部首: 丷


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