putherewhatever you wantyouwant是什么意思?

Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week...
If there is peace in a country or in the world, there
are no wars or violent conflicts going on.
The President spoke of a shared commitment to world peace and economic development.
...the Nobel Peace Prize.
If you disapprove of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, you can use peace to refer to campaigns and other activities intended to reduce their numbers or stop their use.
...two peace campaigners accused of causing damage to an F1-11 nuclear bomber...
He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons.
If you have peace, you are not being disturbed, and you are in calm, quiet surroundings.
All I want is to have some peace and quiet and spend a couple of nice days with my grandchildren...
One more question and I'll leave you in peace.
If you have a feeling of peace, you feel contented and calm and not at all worried. You can also say that you are at peace.
I had a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when I saw my husband...
The peace of the Lord be always with you...
If there is peace among a group of people, they live or work together in a friendly way and do not quarrel. You can also say that people live or work in peace with each other.
...a period of relative peace in the country's industrial relations...
If you can't live in peace with your little brother then get out of the house.
The Peace of a particular place is a treaty or an agreement that was signed there, bringing an end to a war.
The Peace of Ryswick was signed in September 1697.
If you hold or keep your peace, you do not speak, even though there is something you want or ought to say.
...people who knew about this evil man but held their peace...
I felt it politic to keep my peace and play the part of the attentive listener.
If someone in authority, such as the army or the police, keeps the peace, they make sure that people behave and do not fight or quarrel with each other.
...the first UN contingent assigned to help keep the peace in Cambodia...
How did your mother succeed in keeping the peace between these two very different men?
If the law requires you to keep the peace, you must behave well and not cause any trouble in public.
The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.
If you make peace with someone or make your peace with them, you put an end to your quarrel with them, often by apologizing.
The President ought to seize this opportunity to make his peace with political parties and negotiate a speedy return to democracy...
All of a sudden she seemed to want to make peace and patch up our quarrel.
If something gives you peace of mind, it stops you from worrying about a particular problem or difficulty.
The main appeal these bonds hold for individual investors is the safety and peace of mind they offer...
He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine, just for peace of mind.
If you express the wish that a dead person may rest in peace, you are showing respect and sympathy for him or her. 'Rest in peace' is also sometimes written on gravestones.
If you are at peace with yourself or at peace with the world, you feel calm and contented, and you have no emotional conflicts within yourself or with other people.
Once I knew I was forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last...
They make you relax. They make you feel at peace with the world.
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what do you want中文是什么意思
中文翻译你到底想怎样你想要什么你想怎么样什么你要什么&&&&adj. 1.〔疑问〕什么;多少。 W- books h ...&&&&n. 【音乐】(全音阶的)第一音, do 音。 &&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...&&&&vt. 1.(想)要,想望;想得到。 2.需要,必要;必 ...&&&&你想干什么&&&&你长大要做什麽&&&&你想干嘛&&&&做你想做的&&&&不然你想怎样&&&&你要哪样颜色的&&&&晚饭吃什么&&&&你要买什么呀&&&&你要多大号&&&&我能帮你做什么呢&&&&下课以后你想干什么&&&&你毕业后想干什么&&&&您看怎么办好; 我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的250&&&&你知道你想要什么吗; 做你知道你想要什么&&&&你让我做什么都可以&&&&你想从我这里得到什么&&&&你早餐想吃什么&&&&您特别想去什么地方&&&&你们究竟要什么&&&&你要什么码数的鞋子&&&&你想要什么
例句与用法What do you want with me ?你找我有什么事?What do you want with me ?你要我做什么?What do you want ? - i thought you ' d like a drink-你来做什么? -我想请你喝酒- what do you want ? - your husband . is he home-你想要什么? -你丈夫,他在家吗? What do you want to show everyone this season你在本赛季想向每个人展示什么呢? What do you want to be ? i want to be a farmer你想成为什么?我想成为一名农民。 What do you want know ? - you see her every day你想知道什么? -你每天就能见到她What do you want ? - tickets for friday ' s show你们想要什么? -星期五演唱会的票What did l say ? - what do you want me to say-我说什么了? -你想要我说什么? What do you want me to do ? - what trippe does你想我怎么做-学学特里普怎么做的更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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Dave Hill's article makes the right point about the Taylor Report...
If you say that someone has a point, or if you take their point, you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered.
'If he'd already killed once, surely he'd have killed Sarah?' She had a point there...
Oh I take your point, John, about that.
The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest.
'Did I ask you to talk to me?' — 'That's not the point.'...
The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this.
If you ask what the point of something is, or say that there is no point in it, you are indicating that a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful.
What was the point of thinking about him?...
There was no point in staying any longer.
A point is a detail, aspect, or quality of something or someone.
Many of the points in the report are correct...
The most interesting point about the village was its religion...
A point is a particular place or position where something happens.
As a mark of respect the emperor met him at a point several weeks' march from the capital...
The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.
You use point to refer to a particular time, or to a particular stage in the development of something.
We're all going to die at some point...
At one point, around 70,000 members had failed to pay...
The point of something such as a pin, needle, or knife is the thin, sharp end of it.
In spoken English, you use point to refer to the dot or mark in a decimal number that separates the whole numbers from the fractions.
This is FM stereo one oh three point seven...
Inflation at nine point four percent is the worst for eight years.
In some sports, competitions, and games, a point is one of the single marks that are added together to give the total score.
They lost the 1977 World Cup final to Australia by a single point...
Chamberlain scored 50 or more points four times in the season.
The points of the compass are directions such as North, South, East, and West.
Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.
On a railway track, the points are the levers and rails at a place where two tracks join or separate. The points enable a train to move from one track to another.
...the rattle of the wheels across the points.
A point is an electric socket.
...too far away from the nearest electrical point.
If you point at a person or thing, you hold out your finger towards them in order to make someone notice them.
I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me...
He pointed at me with the stem of his pipe...
If you point something at someone, you aim the tip or end of it towards them.
David Khan pointed his finger at Mary...
A man pointed a gun at them and pulled the trigger.
If something points to a place or points in a particular direction, it shows where that place is or it faces in that direction.
An arrow pointed to the toilets...
You can go anywhere and still the compass points north or south...
If something points to a particular situation, it suggests that the situation exists or is likely to occur.
Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm...
Private polls and embassy reports pointed to a no vote.
If you point to something that has happened or that is happening, you are using it as proof that a particular situation exists.
George Fodor points to other weaknesses in the way the campaign has progressed...
Gooch last night pointed to their bowling as the key to World Cup success.
When builders point a wall, they put a substance such as cement into the gaps between the bricks or stones in order to make the wall stronger and seal it.
If you say that something is beside the point, you mean that it is not relevant to the subject that you are discussing.
Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point.
When someone comes to the point or gets to the point, they start talking about the thing that is most important to them.
He came to the point at once. 'You did a splendid job on this case.'...
Was she ever going to get to the point?
If you make your point or prove your point, you prove that something is true, either by arguing about it or by your actions or behaviour.
I think you've made your point, dear...
Dr David McCleland, of Boston University, studied one-hundred people, aged eighteen to sixty, to prove the point...
If you make a point of doing something, you do it in a very deliberate or obvious way.
She made a point of spending as much time as possible away from Osborne House.
If you are on the point of doing something, you are about to do it.
He was on the point of saying something when the phone rang...
She looked on the point of tears.
Something that is to the point is relevant to the subject that you are discussing, or expressed neatly without wasting words or time.
Mr. Baker was smiling and to the point...
The description which he had been given was brief and to the point.
If you say that something is true up to a point, you mean that it is partly but not completely true.
'Was she good?' — 'Mmm. Up to a point.'
It worked up to a point.
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whatever是什么意思 whatever在线翻译 whatever什么意思 whatever的意思 whatever的翻译 whatever的解释 whatever的发音 whatever的同义词
whatever英 [w?t'ev?(r)] 美 [w?t'ev?(r)] whatever 基本解释代词无论什么; 任何(事物); 诸如此类; (表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以形容词无论什么…都; 无论怎样…都; 任何…也whatever 相关例句形容词1. Whatever we said, he'd disagree.&&&&无论我们说什么,他都不同意。2. Is there any chance whatever?&&&&还有一点儿可能吗?3. Have you any interest whatever?&&&&你一点儿兴趣也没有吗?代词1. I don't really want to be a poet, dramatist, or whatever.&&&&我并不真想当诗人,剧作家,或其它诸如此类的人。2. Keep calm, whatever happens.&&&&无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。whatever 情景对话Chatting online-(网络聊天)A:Do you chat online often?&&&&&&你经常上网聊天么?danci.911cha.comB:No. do you ?&&&&&&不,你呢?911查询·英语单词A:All the time. we actually use it at work. Out boss thinks it’s a better idea to chat online than to talk on the phones.&&&&&&我一直聊天的,实际上我们在工作中用它,我们的老板认为网上聊天比打电话更好。B:I guess that makes the office a quieter place to work.&&&&&&我想这会使办公室有一个更安静的工作环境。A:Definitely.&&&&&&确实是。B:Do you ever chat with strangers?&&&&&&你曾经与陌生人聊天么?A:Sure. I usually go to some chat rooms in the evening.&&&&&&是的,我经常晚上到聊天室聊天。B:Is it strange talking to strangers?&&&&&&与陌生人聊天觉得奇怪么?whatever的意思A:At first it was, but now I enjoy it. They don’t know me, so I can say whatever I want.&&&&&&起初是,现在我很喜欢。他们不认识我,所以我可以说任何我想说的话。B:Is it dangerous?&&&&&&会不会危险呢?A:What do you mean?&&&&&&你是指什么?B:Could they find out where you live or work?&&&&&&他们会不会发现你在哪里生活或者工作?A:Only if you tell them.&&&&&&除非你告诉他们。B:Do you ever use your real name?&&&&&&你用过你的真名吗?whatever的解释A:Oh, no. I use username.&&&&&&没有,我有用户名。whatever的意思B:What is it?&&&&&&是什么?A:China girl.&&&&&&中国女孩.B:That’s original!&&&&&&很新颖啊!International Trade -Insurance-(国际贸易-保险)B:I'm calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you've requested for your order.&&&&&&我打电话来是想讨论你所要求的订单保险额的级别。A:I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?&&&&&&我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。B:Yes, that's right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.&&&&&&是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。A:We've had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.&&&&&&我们过去有太多货物毁损的困扰。B:I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.&&&&&&我能了解你的考虑。然而,一般这类产品的保险额度是发票总额再加百分之十。A:We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.&&&&&&有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDB:Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.&&&&&&很遗憾,如果你们想增加保险额的话,我们就得向你们收取额外的费用。A:But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.&&&&&&但是保险应该包含在报价里了。B:Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.&&&&&&是的,但是我们向你们报的价是一般比例下的正常保险额。A:I see.&&&&&&我了解。B:We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.&&&&&&不过超出的保险额我们可以再商量。但是我建议你和你们那边的保险代理商联络并比较一下价格。A:You're right. It might be cheaper on this end.&&&&&&你说得没错,在这边可能会比较便宜。911查询·英语单词B:Fax me whatever rates you find there and I'll compare them with what we can offer.&&&&&&不论你那里找到的是那一种价格都传真给我,我会和我们可以提供的价格来做比较。whatever 网络解释1. 1. 什么:我要走了 If you say so 你爱说什么就说什么,但我不一定会照着做 I'm down wi' that 我喜欢它;它很好 I'm out 我不喜欢它;他并不好 Jiggy 酷毙了 Kickin' 酷毙了 Lame 不值得我浪费时间 Late 待会儿见 N-E-wayz 不论什么 (whatever) Phat 酷毙了,whatever 双语例句1. whatever什么意思1. I decided after your last visit, i'm going to keep my nose clean from now on, whatever it takes, I could be out of here in 10 years if I play my cards right.&&&&从上次会面后,我就决定不再惹麻烦。如果表现良好,可能10年就出狱了。2. While in NYC, you can do whatever you want.&&&&而在纽约,你想干嘛干嘛,都能入流。3. There is one parting thought I wish to leave with you: Wherever you go, and whatever you do, act as a true Chinese should, and be very proud of being a Chinese.&&&&我有个临别的话要交待你们﹕不管你们到那里,不管你们做甚麼,你们要表现得像个堂堂正正的中国人,并且要以身为中国人为荣。4. Whatever you do is none of my business.&&&&无论你做什么都不关我的事。5. 911查询·英语单词5. It is a counterpoised enquiry into a theory whatever conceive cannot be true, but some concord cannot be ignored.&&&&这是对于一个从很多方面来说不能全信,但又不能被忽视的理论的一场没有偏向的调查。转自Kyle_cn6. 6. The reality is you can do whatever you want to do and set your mind to do.&&&&实际上,你可以做任何想做的,下定决心去做。7. You can accomplish whatever you set your mind to do.&&&&你能做到不管你的心去做。8. I'm a traitor or whatever.&&&&我是一个叛徒或其他什么的。9. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated.&&&&许多青少年诉诸博客作为一个插座,为他们的情绪,有点线上的证据在这里他们可以blurt指出,无论刚才的错误,无论他们或使他们感到扬眉吐气。10. The head of the European Central Bank pledged on Sunday to do whatever it takes to restore confidence to rocky markets, as governments world-wide pour cash into banks and markets hit by the financial storm that has toppled banks in the United States and Europe.&&&&负责欧洲中央银行承诺周日尽一切力量恢复信心,以石市场,政府全世界范围内争取现金存入银行和市场受到金融风暴推翻了银行在美国和欧洲。11. But whatever I do, I will do it right, do it legally and do it by the rules.&&&&&&但是不管我做什么,我都将做正确的事情,做合法的事情,做符合规定的事情。12. I, have become Egyptian pharaoh, and I can give you whatever you want.&&&&&&我已经是埃及的法老,你想要一切,我都可以给你。13. As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilledge to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this muslem country.&&&&&&作为一个难民在这里,我没有任何权利或privilledge到任何东西是金钱或任何违反法律的,因为它是这个穆斯林为主的国家,要回我的研究,因为我只参加了我第一年之前,导致我traggic事件是在这种情况下,现在发生的地方。14. However, I want to first make it known that the bad rap that Yaumcha receives in a lot of fanfiction is undeserving (and I'm talking B/V get togethers - not A/U's - in A/U's you can do whatever p).&&&&&&不过,我首先要说的是,许多fans把乐平说得很坏,其实没必要(我指的是布贝fans的说法而非A/U——如果是A/U你什么也做不了;p)。15. The literary geniuses that come from careless root are barehanded like a flock of fierce forest ace pop-up arena, because cannot find pretty enginery, clutch to forbid the pace that enter the court, be nodded however and became a disorderly band of a gang clamorous, evening of mountain fastness spring became make things done with whatever is avaible almost amuse oneself.&&&&&&来自草根的文艺天才们像一群武林高手赤手空拳跳上擂台,却因为找不到像样的兵器、掐不准上场的步点而成了一帮闹哄哄的乌合之众,山寨春晚几乎成了因陋就简的自娱自乐。16. You're welcome to whatever you need.&&&&&&你想要的话都拿走17. Pay her back if you want. Or not. Whatever.&&&&&&如果你想就还给她,或不还,随便你想怎样。18. It is a characteristic of the culture pattern once launched to demand its own expression at any cost whatever to the environment.&&&&&&这是曾经建立起来的不惜代价,不顾环境地表达自己的文化模式的一个特点19. 19. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure.&&&&&&正如你所知道的,不管你做什么事,总有两种可能的结果:成功或失败。20. 20. Legend says that whomever collects all seven Dragon Balls can call forth the awesome Eternal Dragon, a powerful creature that will grant whatever wish their heart desires!&&&&&&传说集齐了所有七颗龙珠的人就能召唤出伟大的神龙,而这个法力无边的神灵将能实现他们心中所想的任何一个愿望!whatever 词典解释1. 任何…的事物;凡是…的东西&&&&You use whatever to refer to anything or everything of a particular type.&&&&e.g. Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased...&&&&&&&&&&&富兰克林几乎可以做自己喜欢做的任何事情。&&&&e.g. When you're older I think you're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens...&&&&&&&&&&&你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。2. 不管什么;无论什么&&&&You use whatever to say that something is the case in all circumstances.&&&&e.g. We shall love you whatever happens, Diana...&&&&&&&&&&&戴安娜,不管发生什么,我们都爱你。&&&&e.g. People will judge you whatever you do...&&&&&&&&&&&不论你做什么,人们都会品头论足。3. (用于名词词组后,强调否定陈述)任何,丝毫&&&&You use whatever after a noun group in order to emphasize a negative statement.&&&&e.g. There is no evidence whatever that competition in broadcasting has ever reduced costs...&&&&&&&&&&&没有任何证据表明,广播业的竞争使成本有所降低。&&&&e.g. I have nothing whatever to say.&&&&&&&&&&&我无话可说。4. (强调询问语气)究竟,到底&&&&You use whatever to ask in an emphatic way about something which you are very surprised about.&&&&e.g. Whatever can you mean?...&&&&&&&&&&&你到底是什么意思?&&&&e.g. Whatever is the matter with you both?&&&&&&&&&&&你们俩究竟怎么回事?5. (用于表示不清楚刚才所提到事物的准确特征、含义、价值等)不管什么,随便怎样&&&&You use whatever when you are indicating that you do not know the precise identity, meaning, or value of the thing just mentioned.&&&&e.g. I thought that my upbringing was 'normal', whatever that is...&&&&&&&&&&&我认为我的成长过程甭管怎么说还算“正常”。&&&&e.g. 'I love you,' he said. — 'Whatever that means,' she said.&&&&&&&&&&&他说:“我爱你。”—— 她说:“你懂什么是爱吗?”6. 诸如此类&&&&You say or whatever to refer generally to something else of the same kind as the thing or things that you have just mentioned.&&&&e.g. You may like a Malt whisky that is peatier, or smokier, or sweeter, or whatever.&&&&&&&&&&&你可能想来一杯麦芽威士忌,炭香味重些的、烟熏味重些的或者更甘甜些的,或者什么别的口味的。7. (表示勉强接受)随便你怎么说&&&&You say 'whatever you say' to indicate that you accept what someone has said, even though you do not really believe them or do not think it is a good idea.&&&&e.g. 'We'll go in your car, Billy.'—'Whatever you say.'&&&&&&&&&&&“比利,我们要坐你的车。”——“随便。”8. (用于提出建议或警告)不管做什么,无论怎样&&&&You say whatever you do when giving advice or warning someone about something.&&&&e.g. Whatever you do, don't look for a pay increase when you know the company is going through some difficulty...&&&&&&&&&&&不管怎样,在知道公司遭遇困境时不要指望加薪。&&&&e.g. Whatever you do, don't upset the women.&&&&&&&&&&&不管你做什么,不要让女士们感到不安。whatever 单语例句1. Whatever Ang Lee brews is not for quenching thirst, but for savouring.2. Indulge yourself by all means but don't forget to eat cheerfully when you are eating whatever takes your fancy.3. By whatever means, their sole purpose is to cover the truth and eliminate any potentially unfavourable reporting.4. But by whatever definition one chooses, the mainland is not in the early stages of stagflation.5. He can by no means conceal the separatist nature of his activities no matter what by whatever disguise and whatever florid rhetoric he may use.6. I was just so inspired by that movie, for whatever reason.7. Fiscal prudence must remain the guiding principle in whatever action the government may take to narrow the wealth gap.8. People like Wang did whatever they could including camping out in line to have a chance to receive applications.9. Openness and candor are essential for building and enhancing public trust and for dispelling whatever misgivings there may be about what the government is doing.10. " We need to be prepared for whatever surprises this capricious new virus delivers next, " she adds.whatever 英英释义adj1. one or some or every or all without specification&&&&e.g. give me any peaches you don't want&&&&&&&&&&&not any milk is left&&&&&&&&&&&any child would know that&&&&&&&&&&&pick any card&&&&&&&&&&&any day now&&&&&&&&&&&cars can be rented at almost any airport&&&&&&&&&&&at twilight or any other time&&&&&&&&&&&beyond any doubt&&&&&&&&&&&need any help we can get&&&&&&&&&&&give me whatever peaches you don't want&&&&&&&&&&&no milk whatsoever is left&&&&Synonym: any(a)whatever是什么意思,whatever在线翻译,whatever什么意思,whatever的意思,whatever的翻译,whatever的解释,whatever的发音,whatever的同义词,whatever的反义词,whatever的例句,whatever的相关词组,whatever意思是什么,whatever怎么翻译,单词whatever是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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