mionix naos 8200驱动7000不含线重量

磨刀不误砍柴工 说说鼠标和鼠标垫的选择
来源:NGA作者:toWish发布时间: 16:34
  本人主玩麦克雷闪光,鼠标对于手长要求很重要 千万别随便模仿别人,先参考手长 卧姿习惯
  鼠标历程:G400S----G402----G502----MIONIX CASTOR----ECA1----MIONIX NAOS7000----MIONIX AVIOR7000----ZA12
  垫子:疾风乙XSOFT M---疾风乙SOFT L---疾风乙XSOFT L---G-SR
  G400S:这款鼠标对于76 这种跟枪来说 真的是我用过最稳的一款鼠标,甩枪则一般般,因为太老了所以用了一个月就换掉了,不过玩屁股手感确实不错
  G402:个人觉得垃圾中的渣渣 玩FPS还是MOBA手感都极为诡异,鼠标很笨重,跟枪卧姿不顺手,甩枪甩不起来。
  MIONIX CASTOR:说实话MIONIX是我用过鼠标里触感最好的,这款玩根基很完美,灵活,握感最舒服没有之一,缺点是手长大于18.5的麦克雷选手请不要尝试,鼠标不够长,导致手过长的人无法趴握。人体工程会让你的手腕疯狂摩擦鼠标垫 严重影响Y轴跟枪精确度。
  ECA1:说实话我应该买A2来试用,不过ECA1真的 你没手汗滑的没法拿,无名指和小指根本没法很好的卡住鼠标,居然要靠汗来增加摩擦力?什么狗屁人体工程,多学学MIONIX才是真的,不过鼠标真的很轻,但是A1太笨,太大,不利于微调,我用A1的时候基本靠键盘微调,甩枪还不错。推荐20CM的手再用。
  MIONIX NAOS7000:看评测说是趴鼠神器,我TM信了,事实也是确实是趴的很爽。不过趴下去就TM起不来了,抬鼠抬的你想死,这么极端的趴鼠我服~ 非常不推荐NAOS这款玩OW。
  MIONIX AVIOR7000:鼠标90G没记错的话,头比较宽 身体扁平 对称鼠标,说实话玩麦克雷和狙手感不错,不过甩枪比较累,稳定性很好,定位很准,缺点是鼠标头太大 小指分这么开我好累,不过也是这几个月用的最久的一款。握感没有CASTOR好,不过比CASTOR适合狙位。(真心觉得人体工程鼠标玩狙位准确度远不如对称的手感)关键还是CASTOR太小了
  ZA12:好了,我最后停留的鼠标,趴握刚好 很轻 便于操控 鼠标高度够不会摩擦垫子,手感饱满 宽度舒适,比AVIOR瘦,手感更饱满舒适。AVIOR是兄贵全身肌肉线条倒三角,ZA12是丰满模特,拿鼠绝对不存在滑动 也不像A2这么小,19-19.5手完美趴鼠。不过鼠标太轻,可以考虑适当降低DPI来提高准确性。
  疾风乙:手感很好 控制力我用过最好的一款垫子 XSOFT。 但是SOFT比较滑,比GSR要滑,所以我推荐玩OW要买疾风乙的选择 XSOFT,控制力最强没有之一
  3:没包边 割手割鼠标线(推荐买个鼠标夹线器 很好用,买一般30左右的就行)
  G-SR:我现在用这款,因为上面的3个原因,疾风乙被我封存了。急停不如疾风乙 不过适当调节DPI我觉得没影响,但是价格便宜80 耐用度也大大提高了。
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Mionix发布NAOS 7000游戏鼠标
& & & &Mionix是一家总部位于瑞典的游戏外设厂商,成立没多久,产品发布的也并不多,但个个都是实打实的精品,每款外设一上市都赚足了眼球,而且备受圈内电竞游戏玩家喜欢,是继瑞典酷倍达之后又一股新势力,不出意外的话目前该品牌会在接下来抢占不少市场,尤其在欧美市场更是人气爆棚!
& & & &今天Mionix推出了新的NAOS 7000高性能游戏鼠标!造型设计很拉风,我很喜欢右侧裙的无名指停靠设计,可以说Naos 7000是我们见过人体工学设计最好的鼠标之一,很适合长时间用来游戏的专业游戏玩家选择。由于Naos 7000是转为右手而设计的,因此左撇子玩家并不适应,这点大家要注意下。
& & & &此外,Naos 7000还搭载有强大的硬件,ADNS-3310游戏级光学传感器性能不可小觑,可在任何表面运行,加速度、跟踪和精确度都非常强悍,平滑跟踪≥5.45m/sec,最大速度( ≥215 IPS),最高7000DPI任由你在游戏中驰骋!此外配合Mionix Naos 7000 LOD和SQAT能帮助您智能识别鼠标和垫子,优化帮助您调节至最佳状态!
 粤ICP备号-1 |帖子很冷清,卤煮很失落!求安慰
4766浏览 / 7回复
PMW3310芯片是一颗不错的芯片,虽然是光学芯片,但是有比A3090更高的DPI,可以满足更高分辨率的显示器和游戏需求,同时有A3050的良好兼容性,但是因为成本问题,要普及还有待时间,目前可以选择的3310鼠标如下,根据网上的报道信息整理如下,感谢那些分享的人。已确认以下都的确是原相PMW3310鼠标价格(X东或某猫)赛睿RIVAL279海盗船M45345达尔优S100198卓威FK1379冰豹KONE PURE军规569有爱的可以参考下,有兴趣的朋友可以补充。
,感觉性价比可以,补充2个8K optical
虎猫G200 也是这个芯片!
其他第三方号登录加入体征传感器:Mionix NAOS QG 智能鼠标 开启众筹_资讯中心_什么值得买
来自瑞典的外设品牌Mionix,和ROCCAT(冰豹)一样喜欢钻研外设前沿科技。近日在上带来首款智能鼠标NAOS QG,基于旗舰NAOS&8200打造,在内部设计了心率传感器和皮肤电反应探测器,通过记录和分析玩家体征数据,从而更好的提升玩家游戏技能。
为什么选择鼠标?因为它是电脑用户接触时间最长的设备,尤其在游戏中对鼠标依赖更加明显。NAOS QG会实时记录玩家在游戏过程中心率和紧张程度数据,并实时反应在游戏画面一侧,提醒你保持冷静。此外它还能将队友们的数据放在一起对比峰值,并结合游戏画面进度,方便赛后分析每个队员的心里状态。
很显然NAOS QG借鉴了专业运动穿戴的理念,主要面向重度游戏玩家,尤其是团体战队人群。不过在外设中加入传感器的意义不仅如此,此前就有传闻索尼计划在PS4手柄中加入传感器探知玩家紧张程度,使得游戏场景、难易程度都会相应做出调整,带来更真实的虚拟场景体验,听起来非常带感。相信有了NAOS QG的启发,将来游戏外设也会有新的发展方向。
Mionix&NAOS QG智能鼠标参考售价:129美元(约合794元)购买链接:,新手们可参考我站值友最新贡献的《》哦
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扫一下,分享更方便,购买更轻松Mionix Avior 7000 and Naos 7000 Review – Same, But Different
by J.D. Kane on March 12, 2014 in Mionix sent us two of its latest mice, the Avior 7000 and the near-identically equipped Naos 7000.
They share basically the same design and the biggest difference is in form factor.
As you might imagine, we’re taking a close look at both to try to see how good they stack up to each other, and the competition. I tested both the Avior 7000 and the Naos 7000 under various conditions, using them in gaming and non-gaming roles. The primary focus of the performance review will be on both mice’s ergonomics and functionality as well as some comments on their perceived quality of construction. I’ll also have some words about both mice’s aesthetics.Ergonomically, both Mionix mice are quite superb. Although they are quite different from each other in this particular aspect – the Avior 7000 being a symmetrical, ambidextrous mouse, while the Naos 7000 is definitely just for right-handers – both are among the very best mice in terms of comfort. Both of them feel as if they were designed to fit my hand specifically. I know that that’s not the case, but Mionix’s engineers have set a very high standard for both ambidextrous and right-handed mouse designs. Even through hours of testing and use, my hand never felt tired or strained. Moreover, button placement felt perfect, particularly for the Avior 7000. Accessing the two right-flank buttons didn’t require any unusual shifts in grip. Also, the rubberized coating, while not exactly tacky and grippy, made holding the mice a pleasant experience. I personally would prefer a slightly grippy coating, but Mionix’s solution is still effective.Speaking just for myself, because I’ve become accustomed to having an ambidextrous mouse (even though I am right-handed), the Avior 7000 is the better mouse for me. I particularly love the two extra buttons on the right flank. I use these to scroll up and down web pages, so not having this functionality is quite noticeable. On the other hand, some right-handed users just cannot adapt to anything other than a true right-handed mouse. For such users, the Naos 7000 is an excellent option. Except for the fact it’s short two buttons compared to the Avior, as well as the right-handed shape, the Naos 7000 is identical to its ambidextrous twin sister. Southpaws who use their left hand for their mouse, though, have no option but to buy the Avior 7000.In terms of functionality, both mice were also quite good to use no matter what the usage scenario. Of course, both are designed for gaming, so I used them in a number of games. Whether if it’s for shooters such as Crysis 2/3, Battlefield 3, or any one of the myriad Call of Duty titles, or games such as Grand Theft Auto IV, both Mionix mice were a joy to use. The software’s ease of use and tight integration with both mice makes making adjustments easy. Mionix definitely meets the highest standard for gaming software as set by the likes of Logitech’s LGS.My only nit to pick, though, is that the software doesn’t appear to be a “universal” software like the LGS. The LGS’ “one software to rule them all” approach is, by far, the best solution that is also flawlessly executed. On the flipside, though, Mionix’s software is likewise as flawless in use as any that I’ve used. Having separate software packages for each piece of hardware is a small price to pay. I mean, normal users will likely own o no one will need to install both mice onto their PCs. So, looking at things from that perspective, Mionix’s decision to have one piece of software for each piece of hardware is really not that big of a deal. (I guess I’m just that enamoured with the LGS!)Other people might criticize Mionix for not incorporating side-scrolling with both of these mice. As I had said before, I personally don’t use side- however, I think it would be entirely fair if other people feel put-off by the fact neither the Avior nor the Naos does side-scrolling.Moving on to perceived build quality, both Mionix mice exude an aura of fine yet robust design. I wouldn’t say both the Avior and the Naos feel indestructible like miniatur that might suggest that they are hardened yet clumsy devices. If anything, both are somewhat lighter than one might expect. However, the lack of weight is a great thing. Both feel agile, very easy to move. Also, every button actuates with a very satisfying click. Not only that, button action is not very long at all, particularly for the left- and right-click.Aesthetically, I love the styling of both mice. Mionix keeps things simple, really. From the matte black finish to the tasteful size of the Mionix logo on both mice’s rump to the almost sensuous sculpting on the side surfaces (particularly on the Naos 7000), both of these mice will appeal to users who appreciate subtlety and austerity. Users who just crave bling-tastic LEDs aren’t left in the dark, either. Heck, as much as I prefer simple, understated designs, I’ve left the LEDs on the Avior 7000.Yep, it’s now plugged into my primary machine.I strongly suspect this guy’s going to be a keeper.Truth be told, if I’d been more attuned to a strictly right-handed mouse, I suspect that I’d feel just as strongly about the Naos 7000. After all, under the skin they are pretty much the same mouse. Only the physical packaging is different.Mionix really did a great job with the initial underlying design of both of these mice. Beginning with the ADNS-3310 optical sensor and the 32MHz ARM processor, allied with the elegant and effective software, both the Avior 7000 and the Naos 7000 have very few weaknesses and a good list of considerable strengths. Both mice are comfortable to
more than that, they are fun to use as well. Both exude superb quality of construction. And both are integrated with one of the best examples of configuration software around.Both the Avior 7000 and the Naos 7000 have a MSRP of $79.99, so the choice as to which one you choose comes down to whether you prefer an ambidextrous design or a strictly right-handed one. Choosing the Avior 7000 also buys you an extra pair of fully-programmable buttons, however, even with the “disadvantage” of having two fewer buttons, the Naos 7000 is still a superb buy if what you’re looking for is a superb gaming right-handed mouse. It’s not as if you’d want the extra pair of buttons anyway if you’re used to a true right-handed mouse. I suspect it’d be hard to push the extra two buttons and maintain a comfortable grip on the mouse, anyway.The bottom line is, both of these Mionix mice are winners. They’re different, but they’re the same as well.The Mionix wonder twins, the Avior 7000 and the Naos 7000, both deserve Techgage’s Editor’s Choice award.Mionix Avior 7000 and Naos 7000 Gaming Mice
3. Testing & Final Thoughts


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