may I tuck intothem into bed?是什么意思

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tuck in是什么意思
tuck in是什么意思 tuck in在线翻译 tuck in什么意思 tuck in的意思 tuck in的翻译 tuck in的解释 tuck in的发音 tuck in的同义词 tuck in的反义词
tuck in英 [t?k in] 美 [t?k ?n] tuck in 基本解释尽情吃tuck in 网络解释1. 尽情吃:tuck away 畅饮 | tuck in 尽情吃 | tuck net 小网兜2. 盛宴:tuck 缝摺 | tuck-in 盛宴 | tuck-shop 糖果店3. 把一端塞进;痛快地吃;给......盖好被子:tuck away 藏起来 | tuck in 把一端塞进;痛快地吃;给......盖好被子 | tumble to 恍然大悟4. 拼命吃:Recruit 招募新成员 n.新成员 | Tuck in 拼命吃 | Be off the hook = get off the hook 摆脱危险tuck in 双语例句1. On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tuck s into bed, almost falling asleep.&&&&在日本一座建筑旁,一位妇女蜷缩在床上,快要入睡。2. Tuck up the important place in the book namely come, vertical stroke is inclined fold, form bookmark, so that break up to important place quickly next time.&&&&就是将书中重要的地方折起来,竖斜折,形成书签,以便下次快速翻到重要的地方。3. 911查询·英语单词3. They stand in shallow water, tuck one leg under their bodies, put their heads under their feathers, and go to sleep on one leg like big pink 9puffballs on sticks.&&&&一只只火烈鸟站在浅水中,一条腿蜷缩在身子下面,头伸进羽毛里面,一条腿站着就睡觉了,活像一根根枝条上挑着大个的粉色马勃菌。4. Bout three months ago my cousin Bud, fourteen year old, was riding through the woods on t'other side of the river, and didn't have no weapon with him, which was blame'foolishness, and in a lonesome place he hears a horse a-coming behind him, and sees old Baldy Shepherdson a-linkin'after him with his gun in his hand and his white hair a-flying in the wind; and'stead of jumping off and taking to the brush, Bud'lowed so they had it, nip and tuck, for five mile or more, the old man a-gainin so at last Bud seen it warn't any use, so he stopped and faced around so as to have the bullet holes in front, you know, and the old man he rode up and shot him down.&&&&大概三个月前,我的堂兄弟、十四岁的勃特骑着马,穿过河对面的林子。他身边没有带武器,这真是他妈的再傻也没有了。在一处偏僻的地方,他听得身后有马声。一看,是巴第·歇佛逊老头儿,手里拿着枪正飞快赶来,一头白发迎风乱飘。勃特并没有跳下马来,躲到树丛里,反倒让对方赶上来。于是,两人赛开了,一个在前飞奔,一个在后紧追,足足奔了五英里多路,老头儿越追越近。到最后,勃特眼见自己没有希望了,便勒住了马,转过身来,正面朝着人家,于是一枪打进了胸膛。你知道吧,老头儿赶上前来,把他打倒在地。5. If you tuck it in a closet, you may leave it in a closet, forever.&&&&如果您妥善保存它在一个壁橱,你可以给它一个衣柜,永远。6. Robin took Tuck's staff skills in stride and was only hit by a couple of stray swings.&&&&罗宾对塔克的棍术轻松应战,只有零星几次挥动打中了他。7. Robin took Tuck`s staffskills in stride and was only hit by a couple of stray swings.&&&&罗宾对塔克的棍术轻松应战,只有零星几次挥动打中了他。8. In photocomposition, a backspacing technique whereby one character is tuck ed into another in order to avoid the optical impression of excessive spacing that can arise from the varying shapes of characters and combinations of characters.&&&&照相排版中的一种退格技术,借此可以把一个字符挤入另一个字符所占的空间里,从而避免因字符的形状不同和不同的字符组合而引起的间隙过大所产生的不理想的视觉印象。9. 9. When you go for your treks and campaigns, tuck in a pack of fruit cakes.&&&&当你即将远行时,塞个水果蛋糕的包裹吧。10. 10. Now, listen to me for a minute. Tuck in your shirt, or you're fired.&&&&现在,请再听我说一下,把衬衫扎好,不然你就要被开除了。11. 11. To the sky and white walls, and so on in the background of the picture, if you do not have to light-weight Tuck, the General background will blend in with the newspaper, in particular with other background pictures sorted together, there is no overall will appear.&&&&&&以不小地及不暗墙等为配景的图片,如果必须细线勾边,其配景不离会与报纸格格不入;不入格与其他配景的图片排在一路时,会显得不有有局部感。12. I can carry my children in my arms when they are tired, tuck them into bed, and kiss them goodnight.&&&&&&我可以确保我的孩子们是安全的、暖和的、干干爽爽的。13. 13. Some people like to buy TV Bluetooth Dual Sim Card Mobile Phone D89 on Valentine's Tuck-Point-Saw-Blade but I don't go in for that because chocolate makes you fat.&&&&&&一些人喜欢在**节给他们的女人买诺基亚手机,但我却不喜欢,因为诺基亚会使你形成手机依赖性。14. To fit in on the plot tuck required is TIF or EPS format.&&&&&&给想在飞腾洋差图举不静勾边不不安息必定是TIF 或EPS不圆式的图。15. The owner of that store was s tuck up three times in the last six months.&&&&&&那家商店老板在过去6个月中曾3次遭抢劫。16. 16. A: i`ll tuck you in, all safe and sound.&&&&&&我会把你藏起来,保证安全。17. 17. I'll tuck you in special every night.&&&&&&我会每晚给你准备特殊服务的18. 18. I remember when you used to tuck me in that night.&&&&&&我记得那晚你曾给我盖好被子。19. tuck in的解释19. But need to remember to tuck in the tail bone and tummy while doing this exercise.&&&&&&但是需要记住的尾骨和鼻部手术在做这项工作。20. Now tuck in the backside by taking off Soft Selection and starting with the last vertex.&&&&&&藉由用最后一个顶点带走开软的选择和出发在背部中现在打横褶。tuck in 词典解释1. 把…折入;把…塞进;把…掖好&&&&If you tuck in a piece of material, you keep it in position by placing one edge or end of it behind or under something else. For example, if you tuck in your shirt, you place the bottom part of it inside your trousers or skirt.&&&&e.g. 'Probably,' I said, tucking in my shirt...&&&&&&&&&&&“大概吧,”我边说边把衬衫掖了进去。&&&&e.g. Tuck the sheets in firmly.&&&&&&&&&&&掖紧被子。2. 给(孩子)掖好被子;给…盖好被子&&&&If you tuck a child in bed or tuck them in, you make them comfortable by straightening the sheets and blankets and pushing the loose ends under the mattress.&&&&e.g. I read Lili a story and tucked her in her own bed...&&&&&&&&&&&我为莉莉读了个故事,然后给她盖好被子。&&&&e.g. My mother would tuck me in, turn out the lights and tiptoe out.&&&&&&&&&&&母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。tuck in 单语例句1. Tuck the sides in and finish the roll with the edge tucked tightly under.2. Loved ones that you wished you could tuck safely away in a box but can't.3. In the first four bouts, it was nip and tuck but China always had the lead over South Korea.4. Make a small slit in the middle and tuck the prawn tails through.5. Carefully roll up the filo pastry to make a roll, and tuck in the ends.6. When I tuck the children in at night I always take the time to talk to them.7. Put a hiking staff in the side pocket, a snowboard in the rear and tuck your boots into the bottom.8. There are also some small seafood restaurants in nearby streets, where you can tuck into fresh crabs and fish.9. In addition women should wait until they have their last child to have a tummy tuck.10. I was able to tuck the envelope in a pocket as I walked away.danci.911cha.comtuck in 英英释义tuck inverb1. eat up&&&&usually refers to a considerable quantity of food&&&&e.g. My son tucked in a whole pizza&&&&Synonym: tuck in是什么意思,tuck in在线翻译,tuck in什么意思,tuck in的意思,tuck in的翻译,tuck in的解释,tuck in的发音,tuck in的同义词,tuck in的反义词,tuck in的例句,tuck in的相关词组,tuck in意思是什么,tuck in怎么翻译,单词tuck in是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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The only thing on my husband&s description would be the word fun written in big red letters along the top. Although he is a selfless caregiver and provider, our children think of him more as a combination of a jungle gym and bozo and clown.
Our parenting styles compliment each other. His style is a nonstop adventure where no one has to worry about washing their hands, eating vegetables, or getting cavities. My style is similar to Mussolini. I&m too busy worrying to be fun. Besides, every time I try, I am constantly outdone by my husband.I bought my children bubble gum flavored toothpaste and I taught them how to brush their teeth in tiny circles so they wouldn&t get cavities. They thought it was neat until my husband taught them how to rinse by spitting out water between their two front teeth like a fountain.I took the children on a walk in the woods and, after two hours, I managed to corral a slow ladybug into my son&s insect cage. I was cool until their father came home, spent two minutes in the backyard, and captured a beetle the size of a Chihuahua.
I try to tell myself I am a good parent even if my husband does things I can&t do. I can make sure my children are safe, warm, and dry. I&ll stand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall or be first in line to see the latest Disney movie. But I can&t wire the VCR so my children can watch their favorite video.I can carry my children in my arms when they are tired, tuck them into bed, and kiss them goodnight. But I can&t flip them upside down so they can walk on the ceiling or prop them on my shoulders so they can see the moths flying inside of the light fixture.I can take them to doctor appointments, scout meetings, or field trips to the aquarium, but I&ll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish, and cook it over an open flame on a piece of tin foil.
I&ll even sit in the first row of every Little League game and cheer until my throat is sore and my tonsils are raw, but I&ll never teach my son how to hit a home run or slide into first base.
As a mother I can do a lot of things for my children, but no matter how hard I try--I can never be their father.
Minecraft Xbox - Quest To Tuck People Into Bed
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{description}When the kids start to get fussy or antsy, ask them if they want to do something. You could suggest that they color in, do a project, play a game, make a craft, etc. They say yes and it's time to put your entertaining skills into overdrive!
Play with the children. Take out the thing they want to do. If you are doing a project or coloring and you have messy toddlers, let them help put down newspaper or a plastic mat to protect floors and tables. Have fun and they will be able to tell and enjoy the babysitting time more and will give glowing reports about your engagement with them.
Be patient with the children if they start getting bored or miserable, show them the things they have brought and encourage them to play. If they don't want to do something in particular, find something else for them to do!
Ask the kids what they want to do. Give them options and let them choose and they will be a lot happier. They may have different opinions on what is fun and what's not than you do.
Make a fun bag. In the fun bag you could have candy (if they are allowed), movies (check with parents first as they may only allow their kids to watch a certain age rating), coloring pages, stickers, books, games, and crafts, as well as various things for you when the kids go to sleep. Consider the age of the children you are babysitting, as very young children will appreciate different things from older children.
Try playing games that you think children might find exciting. Ask them what they like playing first- some children may not like things that are suggested to play.
Play fun, age appropriate games. Older children about age 10 may enjoy board games or things that are not as energetic as the games that younger kids may like. Don't do anything that is too old for the kids because you want parents to want you to come back.
When playing with the kids, be sure to not be rough with them, especially when you have a younger age group. This may turn them off and somebody could get hurt.
Musical chairs is a fun game appropriate for all ages. Just make sure the chairs are small enough for the kids.
Play the "Do not laugh" game. Sit the kids down into a semi-circle and make funny faces. Whoever laughs first has to make silly faces with you. The last person not to laugh wins! Give all the kids a small prize, like a colorful band-aid or a half of a cookie.
Let the kids be the babysitter! Have the kids "feed you lunch" by having them give you an already prepared snack, like fruit snacks and a juice box. Then let them decide the game you play next or what their snack is.
Make up a song or a story together. A great game to play is called step one step two. You make up the first part of the song/story, then the next person makes up the second part of the story and so on.
Keep all of the kids active. If you have a lot of children, play freeze tag, or a team game where everyone needs to be involved.
Make cards. Cards can be painted, drawn or made using decoupage, stickers, etc.
Make a bracelet or necklace. Measure the child's neck or wrist. Measure out the string and tape the end of the string to a paper plate. Start beading. When you are finished, remove the string and tie the two ends together.
Make or buy play-dough. If you have a recipe that doesn't involve cooking on the stove, you can have the kids help make it. If you don't have the materials needed for play-dough, you can make something called Oobleck with simply water and cornstarch. This is especially good because it doesn't involve dangerous, hot ovens or sharp objects. Do this outside of course, as it is extremely messy, but that's the fun of it! Oobleck is a solid and a liquid. It is really fun.
Do some basic cooking or food preparation. Kids often love to do things for themselves, especially if it means a snack. Let them pour or stir their own drinks, make their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, or help you make cookies. This helps pass the time while teaching them skills, and they will feel more involved and grown up instead of you taking over everything.
Many things that adults think of as drudgery is fun for young children. Find ways to let them help you and make them feel important. Thank them for helping.
Tell them that they get to pick what they want to eat. Give them options to choose from. They can help prepare too.
If you give the kids snacks, serve them a way that's a little fancier than you'd normally expect.
If you can make play items edible, it's good. Some finger painting and play dough recipes are edible. For example, vanilla yogurt with food coloring can make for interesting, edible paint. And no-bake cookies are delicious and easy!
Take the kids outside. Hide and Seek and Tag are always options! Ride bikes, go to the park, walk the dog, anything outdoors will run their energy out! Make sure to be very careful because the outdoors also has many hazards. Put bug-spray and sunblock on them, and dress them for appropriate weather. Make sure that they don't have any allergies though, whether it's to the sun tan lotion and bug-spray or and allergy to bees or other outdoor things.
Pretend you're on an adventure! Pretend you are lost in the woods, and need food and water, and the children are the heroes.
Read together. Some kids enjoy reading, while others don't. Find a good book or ask the kids what they want you to read to them. Download some nice background music on your iPod. A good website to get this music from . Play the music in the background while reading. This will also work for acting out something or for putting on a talent show. Adding background music will really set the mood!
Teach the kids a song. Old MacDonald had a farm, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Happy Birthday or the ABC song are good. Bring along a kiddie music CD or download some kid music onto your iPod, and play it. Kids love dancing, singing, and music.
Have a dance party. Little kids love to sing and dance, so play some music that's age appropriate and let them jump and sing and dance.
Pick a movie appropriate for the age group you're babysitting. Pop some popcorn and put the popcorn in individual bowls for each child (if they are young). Give each child a ticket awhile before the movie. Be the ticket-taker at the door to the room, and give each child a bowl of popcorn. Then turn off the lights and start the movie!
Make a tent. Use chairs and big blankets. Fill the inside with pillows and blankets. After it's made, you can tell (or read!) stories. If it's possible, make it over a TV, so the TV is inside, and you have a movie theater! If the children are 4 or older (and less likely to make a mess), pop some popcorn to get the great movie atmosphere!
Have a girly activity session. Babysitting all girls can be fun. You can do hair, make-up, nails, tea parties, etc. Be sure to get permission from parents before doing any make-up, nails or anything messy.
If the kids seem shy or scared, ask them about the house. If they still don't do anything, then wait a little and make silly faces. If you can get them to laugh at you, soon they will trust and accept you more.
If a child is afraid of a monster hiding in their closet, make a "monster spray" using water in a spray bottle (bring one with you). Before bedtime, spray the child's room with the monster spray so they won't be afraid of the "monster".
If a child feels unwell, and the parents aren't available, consider the situation. Do they have a slight tummy ache or are they bleeding? If they are bleeding or anything as bad, take them to A&E, whereas, if they have a slight tummy ache, tuck them into bed and read them stories, or draw with them.
Deal with naughtiness with care and consideration. Treat the kids with respect. Expect good behavior and ignore minor misbehavior, which ought to be enough to make it stop.
Keep the kids entertained by offering reward for good behavior and help. Make them feel good by rewarding, but not too much. (Bring a little prize or treat for the end. If the kids were well behaved, then they can have the treat.)
Use time out as a last resort, only if the children are really misbehaving. It can be useful if they are being a danger to themselves or someone else. However, it is normally to be avoided because that is what they will remember the most from your visit and might be reluctant in wanting you to return.
Aim to make ensuring the kids have a good time your ultimate goal. That way, you'll get a great review and you'll be asked back.
Clean up most of the house after the kids have gone to bed. The parents will really appreciate it. But don't reorganize things a different way, or change something completely. This might make the parents confused or mad if they can't find something.
How do you get ready for a babysitting job?
wikiHow Contributor
Change in to nice, comfortable clothes, like jeans and a t-shirt. If you have a phone, then bring it. Also bring a jacket. Wear comfortable outside shoes in case the kid/s want to go outside. If you wish, you could also bring some toys for the kid/s to play with.
What do I do with shy children to help them come out of their shell?
wikiHow Contributor
Get to know them and tell them more about yourself, so they can feel more comfortable around you.
Then you can play games, etc. that you know they will enjoy and participate in.
What do you do when the kid wants his or her mom or dad?
wikiHow Contributor
Tell the kid that their mom or dad will be home soon, and if that doesn't help, show them a toy or craft you brought. For example, say: "Hey I brought some play dough for you! Would you like to make something?" It doesn't hurt the child to learn to wait for parents while in the good care of a babysitter and it's an important skill for you to learn to distract a kid demanding its parents, if you intend on doing a lot of babysitting.
What should I do if the kids don't listen to anything I say or do?
wikiHow Contributor
Tell them gently that if they don't do whatever they're supposed to do/don't, or stop doing something they shouldn't be doing, you may have to talk to their parents/guardian about it. Don' just ask them if they would act this way for their parents/guardian. Let them know that at the moment, you're in charge, it's supposed to be a fun time, and it's hard to make it fun when they're misbehaving.
Would board games be a good idea, and how would I entertain a four year old?
wikiHow Contributor
Young children love to play board games. Good board games would include: Candy Land, Operation, Go Fish, Uno, and Twister. You could entertain a four year old by playing board games, play outside, read books, color, etc.
Can I let the kids use an iPad?
wikiHow Contributor
You can, but why not let them do something more interactive or creative? You can bring a board game, some cards, or even a coloring book and some crayons. You can also read to them, watch a cartoon with them, or play with them outside in the park or garden.
What if the kid won't listen even if I tell him?
wikiHow Contributor
Bring a small box of toys. Tell the child that if he listens to you, he will get a prize from the toy box. You can keep a chart so every time the child does something cooperatively, he can put a sticker on the chart. When the child fills up the chart, he earns a prize.
What if the kid hits me?
wikiHow Contributor
Do NOT hit them back, it will make it worse.
Depending on the age, you can put them in time out or take away an electronic device.
Notify the parents when they return.
What crafts could I do with a 3-year-old boy? How should I entertain him?
wikiHow Contributor
Most little boys are doers. Take him outside to look for bugs, to water plants, or to dig in the dirt. Or take him inside to color with crayons, to cook a treat, or to build a fort. Once you're sufficiently worn out, pop a kids movie into the DVD player and take a break.
How can I entertain a baby?
wikiHow Contributor
Play patty-cake, move their hands, or tickle them.
What games can I play while babysitting a six year old girl.
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Here's how to babysit a child and keep the stimuli coming.
Keep in mind that the parents might ask the kids if you were fun, nice, or cool to be around. Always keep the kids occupied and happy!
Make sure you let the kid go to the bathroom before bedtime so they don't wet the bed!
Ask the parents questions about what their children enjoy doing.
Get the kids to bed by the time the parents asked you to.
Make sure you ask the parent what TV shows they can watch.
If the kids are scared of monsters, use a spray bottle and spray the room so they can be safe, so they will trust you!
Let them do what they want to do. If you are always choosing the activity, they might feel bored and become cranky.
Try not to do things that you don't have to be involved in. Use a DVD as a last resort if nothing else works. Many parents consider it poor form to plop a child off in front of the TV and still expect to be paid.
If it's your first time babysitting at a new house, consider playing hide and go seek (of course without playing in inappropriate places like the parents bedroom, laundry, office, etc). This will give you a better layout of the house, while offering lots of fun to the kids!
Come prepared. For example, it'll go smoother if you bring the ingredients for the cookies. That won't have the parents wondering (once they're home) "Where's the sugar?" This also shows the parents that you are responsible and are prepared for whatever flows your way.
Be sure to ask the parents if the kids have any special needs or problems that you should be aware of.
Let the kid(s give you a tour of the house. Point some things that seem important out. It makes them open up to you a little more and it makes you know where everything is in the house.
Give them all your attention. Do not go on your phone or do homework, as there is a risk of the child wandering off and getting hurt, or simply getting bored.
Never put yourself above the kid. Let them feel like you are friends but, be firm if needed.
Do a scavenger hunt.
Try to play games with the kids.
Don't leave the children alone at any time (of course the toilet is fine) as they could get into big trouble and could possibly get hurt.
If you need to put the child to bed make sure you have at least 30 minutes of "calm down time" so the child will be ready for bed.
Keep eye on the children at all times, and do not let strangers in without calling the parents first!
Be professional, ask questions before taking the job. For your own safety don't post your name or phone number on the internet, on a pole, or in the newspaper. Ask a family you know or if your friend is a babysitter but can't accept a job tell her/him to mention your name.
Don't play hide and seek in someone else's house. The parents may have areas they don't want you to go into.
When coloring, or if a child gets permanent marker on themselves or furniture (table top) use hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol to get it off!
Take them out of the house. Take the kids to the lake or a park. It really helps them burn off energy before nap time for the younger kids.
If the child is potty training and it's a boy try putting a floating object such as a cork, in the toilet and tell them to aim for it make potty training a game.
Show them that you notice them and do something that notices each child individually.
Watch what the kids eat. Know of any possible allergies and police vigilantly.
Always make sure you know emergency numbers (EX:Neighbor, 911, trusted adult, ect.)
Hide any knives, poisonous materials, and/or super glue. Better still, ask parents if this has been done before you
it's their house and the onus should be on them.
Be careful playing hiding games. They might run and hide too far, not come out of their hiding spot and you may not be able to find them. Kids always try to be funny when they do something wrong. They don't even know it.
Don't let the kids use sharp objects or permanent markers. They could hurt themselves or other children. And permanent markers can damage furniture or the house permanently.
Be careful not to let the kids get hurt. Make sure all activities are safe for small children.
Keep kids, especially young ones, away from electrical outlets. Watch them so they don't stick their fingers or anything else in the sockets as it is extremely dangerous.
If you're in the kitchen try to not use the oven or stove because the kids might get hurt.
If you're going to play with toy guns, don't do it by a window, a neighbor might think you're a burglar or killer and call the police.
Never leave the kids alone. They might draw on walls or get into something they shouldn't be in. Keep them occupied and bring lots of fun games.
Toys and games
Coloring things
Crafts you can do together (For young kids have most of the stuff cut out if you think they will need a lot of your help.)
Movies (age appropriate)
Cell Phone in case of emergencies only
Snacks (know the children's allergies)
An iPod or other music-playing device (for kids to dance or sing)
Stuff to make easy crafts: pom poms, popsicle sticks, glue sticks, etc.
Picture books for the kids to look at
Prizes if the kids are good (not food)
Monster spray
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