
【图文】Unit3 单词_百度文库
Unit3 单词
你可能喜欢whispered 的中文解释
沪江词库精选whispered 是什么意思、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: adj. 低声的;耳语的
whispering gallery,whispering dome
The leaves whispered in the breeze.
Speak in an urgent whisper
Iin a quiet voice
Her voice trailed to a whisper
The story is being whispered about.
They heard the whisper of leaves.
The story being whispered about the neighbourhood.
The wind whispered in the green pines and verdant cypresses.
His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood.
spoken in soft hushed tones without vibrations of the vocal cords
n. 贫瘠的土壤
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whisper是什么意思 whisper在线翻译 whisper什么意思 whisper的意思 whisper的翻译 whisper的解释 whisper的发音 whisper的同义词 whisper的反义词
whisper英 ['w?sp?(r)] 美 ['hw?sp?,'w?s-] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:whisper 基本解释及物动词私语; 低声说; 密谈,密谋坏事; 私下说不及物动词耳语; 沙沙地响; 密谈名词低语,耳语; 飒飒声; [医]嗫音; 传闻whisper 同义词名词whisper 反义词不及物动词whisper 相关例句及物动词不及物动词1. The wind was whispering in the trees.&&&&风在树林中飒飒作响。2. He is whispering to his neighbor.&&&&他向邻座的人耳语。3. The wind whispered in forest.&&&&风在林中飒飒作响。名词1. They debated it in whispers.&&&&他们低声辩论。2. I've heard a whisper that he has cancer.&&&&我听到他得了癌症的传闻。whisper 网络解释1. 低语:主演玛丽.伊丽莎白.文斯蒂德(Mary Elizabeth Winstead)和<>(Whisper)男主演乔尔.埃哲顿(Joel Edgerton)将加盟环球影业的科幻恐怖片<>(The Th..<>中的伊娃.门德斯 新浪娱乐讯 北京时间2月10日消息,2. whisper的解释2. 耳语:●卡片排列(card sorting)任务范式. 让儿童先按一个维度(如形状)对一系列卡片进行排序,再按另一个不同的维度(如颜色)对同一批卡片进行排序. ●耳语(whisper)任务范式. 要求儿童自愿地低声说出10个卡通形象的名字(王江洋,2003).3. 细语:然而在离开祖宅与琳塔道别时被琳塔的冷漠所拒绝,她回到自己的家庭,一切还将继续沉寂在细语(whisper)中. 在影片的前半部分,即艾格妮丝第一次死亡之前,姐姐琳塔始终是一个以冷峻压抑的形象出现. 她的服装样式极富表现主义色彩,whisper 双语例句1. whisper的近义词1. Cold'.''in a stage whisper that was intended to make them turn the heating up.&&&&冷'。'',意思是要他们把暖气开大点。2. She said in a stage whisper.&&&&她用念台词的声音轻轻地说。3. 3. My wife said she was cold in a stage whisper that was intended to make them turn the heating up.&&&&我妻子用有意让别人能听见的耳语说她很冷,意思是要他们把暖气开大点。4. At the table, the man addressed his friend in a stage whisper.&&&&在餐桌上,那个人用有意让别人听得见的低语对他的朋友讲话。5. whisper是什么意思5. Vocalist/ Guitarist Richard Todd brings slabs of punk and DIY/ post-punk to the party, despite singing like a down-to-earth Ian G Bassist Adam Pillsbury plays his instrument like the bastard child of Bootsy Collins and Charles M double-bassist/ laptop terrorist/ gadget fiddler/ knob twiddler general Jackson Garland adds unobtrusive electronic textures to the music that you may only notice by their absence and while drummer Jon Campbell's hair screams Grateful Dead, his beats can whisper Buddy Rich or wail Bill Ward.&&&&主音吉他Richard Todd给乐队带来了后朋克元素。Jackson Garland演奏低音提琴并用笔记本、效果器给乐队带来了电子音效和小噪音。贝司手Adam Pillsbury有着非凡的演奏能力以及大师风范。鼓手Jon Campbell现场演出时有着惊人的能量,他不仅是一位优秀的鼓手,也是成功的演出策划人。6. I know there will be complaints that my words are not long enough, that I make things too easy to understand, and finally that I lack cautiousness, that I do not whisper low and trip with mincing steps in the sacred mansions of philosophy, looking properly scared as I ought to do.&&&&我知道一定有人会说我所用的字句太过于浅俗,说我写得太容易了解,说我太不谨慎,说我在哲学的尊座前说话不低声下气,走路不步伐整齐,态度不惶恐战兢。7. whisper的意思7. Whether they whisper to each other in swamps about illegitimate frogs&&&&他们是否在草泽里悄声议论那些青蛙私生子8. There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves, they have their whisper of joy in my mind.&&&&这些微,是树叶的簌簌之声呀,它们在我的心里欢跃的微语着。9. These little thoughts are t they have their whisper of joy in my mind.&&&&答案:这些微思,是树叶的簌簌之声;它们在我的心里欢跃的微语着。10. A I' How could this beYou' Yo S D And leave my world so coldEveryday I How did love slip awaySomething whisper That you are not aloneFor I Though you' I am here to stayB For I am here with youThough we're far apartYou'r But you are not alone'Lone, ' Why, 'loneJ I thought I Asking me to comeAnd I c Your burdens I But first I Then forever can beginEveryday I How did love slip awaySomething whisper That you are not aloneFor I Though you're far awayI F For I am here with youThough we' You'r F Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'And girl you know that I' I'll be thereY For I Though you're far awayI F For I am here with youThough we' You're always in my heartF For I am here with youThough you' I am here to stayF For I am here with youThough we' You're always in my heartFor you are not alone...&&&&其它天有去我仍然是所有单独怎麼能这是您不在这里以我您从未说再见某人告诉我为什麼您必须去留下我的世界很冷每天我坐和问自己怎麼爱滑动某事耳语在我的耳朵里和认为您不是单独为我在这里以您您虽则是很远我在这里停留但您不是单独为我在这里以您虽然我们是远单独您总是在我的心脏但您不是单独'孤立,'孤立为什麼,'孤立另一夜I 认为我听见您哭泣要求我来拿著您在我能听见您的祷告您的重荷我负的我的胳膊里但我首先需要您的手能永远然后开始每天我坐和问自己怎麼爱滑动某事耳语在我的耳朵里和认为您不是单独为我在这里以您您虽则是很远我在这里停留为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然我们是远单独您是在我的心脏为您总不是单独耳语三个词并且我将来runnin '并且女孩您知道我将是那里我将在那里您不是单独为我在这里以您虽然您是很远我在这里停留为您不是单独为我在这里以您我们虽则是远单独您总是在我的心脏为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然您是很远我在这里停留为您不要是单独为我是这里以您虽然我们是远单独您总是在我的心脏为您不要是单独。。。11. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD11. Whom I may whisper solitude is sweet.&&&&&&相与窃议孤独之乐。12. 12. Light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love.&&&&&&向晚安息的星照亮我的心,让夜晚以爱向我低语。13. And tell it my own thoughts, or whisper, or bath in rain of petals...... Such a life is so beautiful, isn`t it?&&&&&&告诉它自己的心事,或是低声轻唱,抑或是沐浴在花瓣雨中……这样的生活,难道不美吗?14. Medical bills have since wiped out his savings, and the tumor has reduced his voice to a whisper.&&&&&&肖思祖在自己家里差不多有一年没怎么说话了,甚至当地的医生也隐瞒了他的病情。15. Computer designed impeller and diffuser allows a free flow of water for whisper quiet efficient operation.&&&&&&电脑设计的叶轮和扩散,允许自由流动的水为静音高效的运行。16. Spring in the sky, Yan language Whisper, butterflies lightly, kite fly, thick spring to diffuse white clouds, the sweet and the laughter the vast nine days the shuttle.&&&&&&春在天空,燕语呢喃,蝴蝶翩跹,风筝高飞,浓浓春意弥漫洁白的云朵间,甜脆笑声穿梭浩瀚的九天。17. You know love i A whisper, a word, Promises you give.&&&&&&你知道爱是你说的一切一声低语一个言词你给予的承诺18. 18. And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.&&&&&&而在寂静之声中低语着19. Since they will not hear the whisper, they hear at last the thunder, and the experience is not pleasant.&&&&&&因为他们不会倾听和风细雨的温和劝说,所以他们最终听到的是声色俱厉的怒声叱喝,此等经历是多么的令人不快啊!20. We could lose, we could fail In the moment it takes To make plans or mistakes 30 minutes, the blink of an eye 30 minutes to alter our lives 30 minutes to make up my mind 30 minutes to finally decide 30 minutes to whisper your name 30 minutes to shoulder the blame 30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies 30 minutes to finally decide Carousels in the sky That we shape with our ways Under shade silhouettes Casting shame Crying rain Can we fly?&&&&&&我们会输,我们也会赢在那一秒钟决定了成与败 30分钟,眼睛眨了一下 30分钟,改变我们的生活 30分钟,让我思考 30分钟,我决定了 30分钟,让我默念你的名字 30分钟,让我肩负起我的过失 30分钟的祝福,是30各谎言 30分钟,用来做最后的决策蔚蓝的天空那时我们塑造我们的未来在天空的护阴下逃离羞耻伤心的雨我们能飞翔?whisper 词典解释1. 低声说;悄悄说;耳语&&&&When you whisper, you say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your throat, so that only one person can hear you.&&&&e.g. 'Keep your voice down,' I whispered...&&&&&&&&&&&我轻声说:“小声点儿。”&&&&e.g. She sat on Rossi's knee as he whispered in her ear...&&&&&&&&&&&她坐在罗西的膝盖上,听他低声耳语。2. 私下谈论;谣传&&&&If people whisper about a piece of information, they talk about it, although it might not be true or accurate, or might be a secret.&&&&e.g. Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together...&&&&&&&&&&&今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。&&&&e.g. It is whispered that he intended to resign...&&&&&&&&&&&据传他打算辞职。3. 发出低沉而轻微的声音;沙沙(或飒飒)作响&&&&If something whispers, it makes a low quiet sound which can only just be heard.&&&&e.g. The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting...&&&&&&&&&&&冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。&&&&e.g. The car's tires whispered through the puddles.&&&&&&&&&&&穿过水坑时汽车的轮胎发出呜呜声。whisper 单语例句1. Some of the prints are subtle and " whisper " the message such as Good Charlotte's design, which includes a young couple under a red umbrella.2. But the two men thought that they had just found treasure and went into a corner to discuss in a whisper.3. Fluttering in the gentle spring breeze, they seemed to whisper people's grief across the quiet streets and rivers.4. When mobiles first began to be widely used many people seemed to whisper into them, as if embarrassed at being overheard.5. The Internet also has provided a forum for whisper campaigns such as one promoting the false assertion he is Muslim.6. " The creepiest I had was a voice whisper in my ear, " Bond said.7. Toast your love with a glass of Taittinger Rose upon arrival and whisper sweet nothings across a candlelit table for two.8. Then he spoke barely above a whisper into a cluster of microphones inches from his face.9. But I like to whisper in their ear and that works even better.10. I could hear their souls whisper to me to send them home.whisper 英英释义noun1. speaking softly without vibration of the vocal cords&&&&Synonym: 2. a light noise, like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind&&&&Synonym: verb1. speak softly&&&&in a low voicewhisper是什么意思,whisper在线翻译,whisper什么意思,whisper的意思,whisper的翻译,whisper的解释,whisper的发音,whisper的同义词,whisper的反义词,whisper的例句,whisper的相关词组,whisper意思是什么,whisper怎么翻译,单词whisper是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 neighborhood的中文翻译及用法
英音 [ 'neib?hud ] ; 美音 [ 'neib?hud ]
Is there any supermarket in the neighborhood?
His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood.
Soon half the neighborhood had joined me under the apple arbor.
plans to revitalize inner -tried to revitalize a flagging economy.
The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighBorhood were awash.
You know I don't like love stories. What's at the neighborhood movie theater?
In the neighborhood (of)
neighborhood housing.
An upscale neighborhood
A scurvy neighborhood
a surrounding or nearby region
people living near one another
the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in in the region of')
n.(英 neighbour)
1. 邻人,邻居;邻近的人或物,邻国
1.[I][neighbor on sth](与某物)相邻,邻近(某物)
2.[T] 邻接
adj. 邻近的
n. 邻近;四邻,街道
n. 邻居,邻国
n. 尼赫鲁;印度总理
英音 [ 'pitifuli ] ; 美音 [ 'pitifuli ]
ad. 怜悯地同情地可怜地
A pitifully bad performance
The child was pitifully thin.
In reality, the Kuomintang reactionaries are pitifully stupid
She nodded her head and smiled, and he felt, somehow, that her smile was tolerant, pitifully tolerant
The old couple sat reluctantly down, and the husband whispered to the wife, &It is pitifully hard to have to wait
In any case, the students could he pitifully- blind on the one hand and frighteningly perceptive on the other
So pitifully did she plead that the Baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her
I showed him the pawn ticket and he eyed the pitifully small sum scratched on it
They walk up to it and the third princess asks, Why are you crying so pitifully here, you ugly little thing?
to a pitiful degree
ad. 可怜地;卑鄙地; [惨地
a. 可怜的;卑鄙的; [惨的
a. 有髓的,有力的,含蓄的
a. 无髓的;无力的
n. 有力,简洁


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