
Flash AS3基础教程:物理基础之速度向量(Velocity)
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摘要 : 本例为Flash AS3基础教程,主要讲解物理基础中的速度向量(Velocity)的概念及表现形式和注意事项,并通过实例详细讲解了速度向量的演示效果,希望能给朋友们带来帮助~~
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&本例为Flash AS3代码基础实例教程,主要讲解工具的运用、颜色的运用和补间形状的制作,代码部分未作讲解,希望能给朋友们带来帮助~~
单轴速度向量 首先,把速度(向量)只放在一个轴上:x 轴(水平轴)。让物体从屏幕的左侧到右侧,移动速度就是物体每一帧移动的像素值。因此,如果说速度向量在 x 轴上为5,就意味着物体在每一帧都会向右移动5个像素。同样,如果速度向量在 x 轴上为 -5,那么物体每一帧就会向左移动5个像素。
我们刚刚提到了向量长度等于负值,科学地讲,速度向量实际上应该为5,而方向应为180度。同理, y 轴正半轴上的速度向量应为90度(垂直向下),而负 y 轴负半轴上的速度向量应为270或90度(垂直向上)。
事实上,当计算 x,y 速度向量的分量时,通常可以记作正数或负数,比如& x 速度向量为 -5&。在 x 轴上把减号看成&向左&的指示符,在 y 轴上则是&向上&的指示符。用 vx 表示 x 轴的速度向量,用 vy 表示 y 轴的速度向量。 vx 为正数表示向右移动,为负数表示向左移动, vy 为正数表示向下, vy 为负数表示向上。
var vx:Number = 5;addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterFrame);function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {& & & & ball.x +=}
在这个例子中,首先设置一个 x 轴速度向量(vx)等于5。记住是指每一帧5像素,所以,在每一帧中, vx 都会被加到 ball 的 x 属性中。并为 enterFrame 设置事件处理函数。每走一帧,小球都会在前一帧的位置基础上向右移动5个像素。
使用两个轴对物体进行移动也非常简单,只需要定义 vx 和 vy,并在每一帧将 vx 加到 x 属性上, vy 加到 y 属性上。下面一个示例:
1--4 步同上,输入代码:
var vx:Number = 5;var vy:Number = 5;addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterFrame);function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {& & & & ball.x +=& & & & ball.y +=}
假如想让物体以每帧3像素的速度向45度的位置移动,这里要用到三角学。 已知角度为45度,斜边长为3像素,就可以使用 Math.cos 和 Math.sin 求出 vx 和 vy 的长度。 角的邻边长度为 vx,因为角的余弦值等于邻边/斜边。也可以说,邻边等于角的余弦值乘以斜边。同样,对边长为 vy 的边,因为角的正弦值等于对边/斜边,或是对边等于正弦乘以斜边。
实际使用的代码:vx = Math.cos(angle) * vy = Math.sin(angle) * 示例代码:
var angle:Number = 45;var speed:Number = 3;addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterFrame);function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {& & & & var radians:Number=angle * Math.PI / 180;& & & & var vx:Number=Math.cos(angle) *& & & & var vy:Number=Math.sin(angle) *& & & & ball.x +=& & & & ball.y +=}
与前面 vx,vy 主要不同的地方是变成了 angle 和 speed,计算出的速度向量作为局部变量被使用。当然,由于是一个简单的示例,角度(angle)和速度(speed)都不变,那么完全可以只计算一次,然后保存在类中作为变量。而对于更高级的运动来说,角度和速度应是不断变化的,所以 vx 和 vy 的值也是变化的。只需要改变角度(angle)与速度(speed),就可以改变物体运动的速度及角度。
1、新建FLA文档 2、新建影片剪辑元件,绘制一个箭头。
var speed:Number = 5;addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterFrame);function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {& & & & var dx:Number = mouseX - arrow.x;& & & & var dy:Number = mouseY - arrow.y;& & & & var angle:Number = Math.atan2(dy, dx);& & & & arrow.rotation = angle * 180 / Math.PI;& & & & var vx:Number = Math.cos(angle) *& & & & var vy:Number = Math.sin(angle) *& & & & arrow.x +=& & & & arrow.y +=}
先计算出箭头与鼠标的 x 距离和 y 距离,并使用 Math.atan2 计算出它们的夹角。然后使用这个角度使箭头旋转,再使用 Math.cos 和 Math.sin 与速度相乘计算出 x,y 速度向量,最后将它们加到箭头的坐标上。
下面是文档类的两个as文件,copy到同一目录下,创建一个FLA文件,文档类:输入FollowMouse 就可运行。
Arrow类(绘制箭头)package {& & & & import flash.display.S& & & & public class Arrow extends Sprite {& & & & & & & & public function Arrow() {& & & & & & & & & & & & init();& & & & & & & & }& & & & & & & & public function init():void {& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineStyle(1,0,1);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.beginFill(0xff0000);//填充& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.moveTo(-50,-25);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(0,-25);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(0,-50);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(50,0);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(0,50);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(0,25);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(-50,25);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.lineTo(-50,-25);& & & & & & & & & & & & graphics.endFill();& & & & & & & & }& & & & }}
FollowMouse类(鼠标跟随)package {& & & & import flash.display.S& & & & import & & & public class FollowMouse extends Sprite {& & & & & & & & private var arrow:A& & & & & & & & private var speed:Number = 5;& & & & & & & & public function FollowMouse() {& & & & & & & & & & & & init();& & & & & & & & }& & & & & & & & private function init():void {& & & & & & & & & & & & arrow = new Arrow();& & & & & & & & & & & & addChild(arrow);& & & & & & & & & & & & addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);& & & & & & & & }& & & & & & & & private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {& & & & & & & & & & & & var dx:Number = mouseX - arrow.x;& & & & & & & & & & & & var dy:Number = mouseY - arrow.y;& & & & & & & & & & & & var angle:Number = Math.atan2(dy, dx);& & & & & & & & & & & & arrow.rotation = angle * 180 / Math.PI;& & & & & & & & & & & & var vx:Number = Math.cos(angle) *& & & & & & & & & & & & var vy:Number = Math.sin(angle) *& & & & & & & & & & & & arrow.x +=& & & & & & & & & & & & arrow.y +=& & & & & & & & }& & & & }}
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Section A Multiple Choice
A cylindrical block of wood has a cross-sectional area A and weight W. It is totally immersed in water with its axis vertical. The block experiences pressures pt and pb at its top and bottom surfaces respectively.
Which of the following expressions is equal to the upthrust on the block?
pb - pt A + W
pb - pt A - W
The vector diagram shows three coplanar forces acting on an object at P. 02s
The magnitude of the resultant of these three forces is 1 N.
What is the direction of this resultant?
A ↓ B K C L D J
A submarine descends vertically at constant velocity. The three forces acting on the submarine are viscous drag, upthrust and weight. 02s
Which relationship between their magnitudes is correct?
A ruler of length 0.30mis pivoted at its centre. Equal and opposite forces of magnitude 2.0N are applied to the ends of the ruler, creating a couple as shown.
What is the magnitude of the torque of the couple on the ruler when it is in the position shown 02s
A 0.23Nm B 0.39Nm C 0.46Nm D 0.60Nm
The diagram shows two vectors X and Y. 02s
In which vector triangle does the vector Z show the magnitude and direction of vector X ? Y?
uniform metre rule of mass 100 g is supported by a knife-edge at the 40 cm mark and a string at the 100 cm mark. The string passes round a
frictionless pulley and carries a mass of 20 g as shown in the diagram. 02w
At which mark on the rule must a 50 g mass be suspended so that the rule balances?
A 4 cm B 36 cm C 44 cm D 96 cm
The diagrams represent systems of coplanar forces acting at a point. The lengths of the force vectors represent the magnitudes of the forces. 02w
Which system of forces is in equilibrium?
What is meant by the weight of an object 02w
A the gravitational field acting on the object
B the gravitational force acting on the object
正在加载中,请稍后...P3的第一题具有固定的实验思路,当然也有统一标准的答题模式,按照题目的思路,首先应该是用某一种测量仪器测量,记录第一组数据,请你注意,在你写下第一个数据的同时,也向阅卷人宣告了自己所用仪器的误差或精确度,在你之后的所有对相同物理量的测量时,精确度必须保持一致。例如你在用米尺测量长度,那你可以写为325px,因为我们的米尺误差就是2.5px,可如果你写成325px,325px的样子,那你可蠢到家了!写完第一组数据后,接下来就是改变自变量,分别得到六组因变量数据,然后做表格,画图(90%+是直线),求斜率,求截距,给定方程求常量,大致也就这几个步骤了。CIE官方给出的学习指导:&Paper 3 Tips:Practical Test1、Do not panic if the context of the practical experiment appears unfamiliar. Where appropriate the question paper will tell you exactly what to do and how to do it.&按照试卷的要求进行傻瓜操作就可以了,不用多想!2、If you find yourself in real difficulty setting up your practical equipment you may ask your supervisor for help, you will only lose one or more marks for this.请老师帮忙也要付出代价的哦!但如果你真的不会连或者找不到电路中的错误又能缠着老师帮你到底的话,几分也是值得的吧?3、There are a number of things that you can do to save time: Draw a single table for your results in advance of taking any readings and enter your readings in the table as you take them (so that you do not waste time having to copy them up later).先思考需要记录的物理量,共有多少个?分别是什么?表格应该有几行几列?This is also important because you must record all your raw readings before you calculate and record any average readings.真很简单吧?不解释!If the number of readings that you need to take is indicated in the question paper do not waste time by exceeding this number. Repeat your readings, but remember that it is only necessary to repeat them once (so that you have two sets of values) - do not waste time repeating them more than once.4、All the raw readings(记得是测量数据哦,可不是计算得值) of a particular quantity should be recorded to the same number of decimal places which should in turn be consistent with the uncertainty in the readings.一句话,同一个物理量测六次,精确度必须相同,不解释!5、The uncertainty in a measurement can sometimes be larger than the smallest interval that can be measured by the measuring equipment. For example, a stopwatch can measure time to a hundredth of a second, but human reaction times will mean that the uncertainty in the reading given by a stopwatch is (typically) 0.1s to 0.4s.&建议各位把各种测量仪器的使用方法及误差在考前做一个总结,事半功倍!6、Each column heading in your table must contain both a quantity and its unit. For instance if you have measured time “t” in seconds, your column heading would be written as “t/s” (“t in s” or “t(s)” would also be acceptable). The quantity or unit or both may also be written in words rather than symbols.&这就是传说中的表头了,这可是阅卷人评阅表格的第一项,第一印象的重要性就不要我重复了吧。7、The number of significant figures used in a derived quantity that you calculate from your raw readings should be equal in number to (or possibly one more than) the number of significant figures in the raw readings.&这个没有理由,convention,就和丈夫不能出轨一样的道理,出轨了后果自负吧!For example, if you measure potential difference and current to 2 and 3 sig figs respectively, then the corresponding value of resistance calculated from them should be given to 2 or 3 sig figs, but not 1 or 4. If both were measured to 3 significant figures, then the resistance could be given to 3 (or 4) sig figs.&从这里也可以看出,同一竖向列里的数据,有可能小数点后的位数会不同,但并不影响结果。9、When drawing your graph, do not forget to label each axis with the appropriate quantity and unit,(和表头一样重要,您自己掂量,是不是应该在选取分度值之前先把他们给标上呢) using the same format for expressing column headings in a table. Choose a scale such that the plotted points occupy at least half the graph grid in both the x and y directions.(此处有技巧,减减除除约约,完事)&The x-axis scale should increase positively to the right and the y-axis scale should increase positively upwards. Use a convenient scale such as 1, 2 or 5 units to a 50px square (建议您就用这个吧,别弄个3,4,6的,搬了石头砸自己的脚,好疼的)as you will then be less likely to make a mistake with the position of your plotted points and it will be easier for you to read off points from your graph if you are calculating the gradient or finding an intercept. Similarly, it is good practice to mark values on at least every other 50px square.10、All your plotted points s points in the white margin area will be ignored. Plot all your observations and ensure that they are accurate to half a small square. A fine cross (or an encircled dot) drawn with a sharp pencil is acceptable, but be careful not to obscure the position of your points by your line of best fit or other working.&铅笔削细,描点画叉,做线细又直,千万别把点给盖了!11、When drawing your line of best fit, ensure you have an even balance of points about the line along its whole length. If it is a straight line, use a clear plastic rule so that you can see points on both sides of the line as it is being drawn.&尽量多的过点,不在线上的点均匀分布在直线两侧。Show all your working when calculating a gradient. It is helpful to draw the triangle(做好虚线的直角三角形) used to calculate the gradient on the graph and to clearly label the coordinates of the vertices(标好您所选择的用来计算斜率的两个点的坐标) (accurate to half a small square). These values can then be used in the gradient calculation. The length of the hypotenuse of the triangle should be greater than half the length of the graph line.&选点选两头,不要选表格中的点,以免引起误会解释不清。12、If you are required to give a value for the y-intercept, it may be possible to directly read it off from your graph(如果直线与y轴有交点,太好了,直接读取) from an axis where x=0. If this is not possible you can instead calculate the y-intercept by using the equation of a straight line. (如果没有与y轴相交,那就把算斜率的点带进直线方程去求吧)In this case you should substitute into this equation a pair of x and y values from your line of best fit along with your calculated value of gradient.小伙伴儿们,A-level学习群,真题视频讲解,老师答疑,你值得拥有!小伙伴儿们如有任何疑问请戳“阅读原文”哦~~~↓↓↓&Alevel真题网(alevelztw) 
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