dream as a horse,everywhereif i can dreambe habitat这句英文什么意思

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Habitat homeowner. We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home.
To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.
By working with us from beginning to end, we can help prospective individuals prepare for the various responsibilities of homeownership, including learning about personal finances, mortgages, maintenance and upkeep of homes, and much more.
Habitat’s path to homeownership is an important and in-depth process, requiring hard work, time and dedication. But this helps to ensure the long-term success of Habitat homeowners.
How to qualify for a Habitat home
Habitat homeowners must be active participants in building a better home and future for themselves and their families. Every Habitat home is an investment. For us, it is one answer to a critical need, and we believe that stronger homes will create stronger communities.
Prospective Habitat homeowners must demonstrate a need for safe, affordable housing. Need will vary from community to community.
Once selected, Habitat homeowners must partner with us throughout the process. This partnership includes performing “,” or helping to build their own home or the homes of others in our homeownership program. Sweat equity can also include taking homeownership classes or performing volunteer work in a Habitat ReStore.
Homeowners must also be able and willing to pay an affordable mortgage. Mortgage payments are cycled back into the community to help build additional Habitat houses.
How to apply for a Habitat home
Habitat’s homeowner selection is managed at the local level, through our hundreds of local Habitat for Humanity locations all over the U.S. and around the world. For more information and to learn how you can participate or apply, please contact , or call 800-422-4828.
Can anyone apply to be a Habitat homeowner?
Yes. Habitat follows a nondiscriminatory policy of homebuyer selection. Neither race nor religion is a factor.
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In every Habitat home, you'll find the work and dedication of many people, all working with a common goal: helping a family build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.
At Habitat, sweat equity is a new homeowner investing in their home or one for another family. It’s not a form of payment, but an opportunity to work alongside volunteers to bring to life a family’s dream of owning a home.
Future Habitat homeowners participate in financial education classes, often before the building process even begins.
Learn more about the qualifications for Habitat homeownership and view our infographic with even more information.
Every donation makes a difference.
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以梦为马翻译过来到底是take dream as horse还是run with the dream?
这里 马 并非实指,而是一种象征,所以不用把马翻译出来 run with the dream 就可以了. 祝你成功又快乐!
可是单看run with the dream 不会让人想到以梦为马的吧,只会觉得是 追梦 之类的。。
以梦为马 呢。
这就是翻译中文化差异的问题了,汉语中 有 以梦为马 这个成语,意思是把自己的梦想作为前进的方向和动力。中国人一般都会想到这个。
第一个是直译,第二个是寓意。 但是如果用take dream as horse估计没有外国人能明白。也就是说直译这个是错误的吗。可是总觉得run with the dream翻过去缺了点什么啊。其实这个以梦为马是什么意思啊?要不你把前后文都打出来吧,这样才能更好的翻译。很多时候不能要求英文翻译过来有中文的丰富多彩呀!中文很婉转,表达丰富,可是英文讲究直接的。非常感谢!麻烦看下私信里追问了...


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