
Python datetime to string without microsecond component - Stack Overflow
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I'm adding UTC time strings to Bitbucket API responses that currently only contain Amsterdam (!) time strings. For consistency with the UTC time strings returned elsewhere, the desired format is
11:07:04 (followed by +00:00, but that's not germane).
What's the best way to create such a string (without a microsecond component) from a datetime instance with a microsecond component?
&&& import datetime
&&& print unicode(datetime.datetime.now())
I'll add the best option that's occurred to me as a possible answer, but there may well be a more elegant solution.
Edit: I should mention that I'm not actually printing the current time – I used datetime.now to provide a quick example. So the solution should not assume that any datetime instances it receives will include microsecond components.
&&& datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
' 18:21:26'
&&& import datetime
&&& now = datetime.datetime.now()
&&& print unicode(now.replace(microsecond=0))
Keep the first 19 characters that you wanted via slicing:
&&& str(datetime.datetime.now())[:19]
' 14:37:50'
This is the way I do it. ISO format:
import datetime
# Returns: 'T14:58:07'
You can replace the 'T' if you don't want ISO format:
datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat(' ')
# Returns: ' 15:05:27'
Yet another option:
&&& import time
&&& time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
' 11:31:28'
By default this uses local time, if you need UTC you can use the following:
&&& time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
' 18:32:20'
In Python 3.6:
&&& datetime.now().isoformat(' ', 'seconds')
' 14:41:33'
Since not all datetime.datetime instances have a microsecond component (i.e. when it is zero), you can partition the string on a "." and take only the first item, which will always work:
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.%f")
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blogAbstract:'采用 数据库MYsql ,数据库中一表取名group,结果在其他方面没有问题的情况下报错,数据不能插入,在查找数据时却不会报错
{if x.moveFrom=='wap'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='iphone'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='android'}
{elseif x.moveFrom=='mobile'}
${a.selfIntro|escape}{if great260}${suplement}{/if}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if !!b&&b.length>0}
{list b as y}
{list d as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{list a as x}
{if x_index>4}{break}{/if}
${fn2(x.publishTime,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}
{list a as x}
{if !!(blogDetail.preBlogPermalink)}
{if !!(blogDetail.nextBlogPermalink)}
{list a as x}
{if defined('newslist')&&newslist.length>0}
{list newslist as x}
{if x_index>7}{break}{/if}
{list a as x}
{var first_option =}
{list x.voteDetailList as voteToOption}
{if voteToOption==1}
{if first_option==false},{/if}&&“${b[voteToOption_index]}”&&
{if (x.role!="-1") },“我是${c[x.role]}”&&{/if}
{if x.userName==''}{/if}
{list x.l as y}
{if defined('wl')}
{list wl as x}{/list}From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for . Please help
by . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2009) ()
This animation illustrates the generation of the debris and ejecta clouds after a spherical aluminum projectile impacts a thin aluminum plate at approximately 7 km/s. The frame interval is about 1 microsecond.
A microsecond is an
of time equal to one
(0.000001 or 10-6 or 1/1,000,000) of a . Its symbol is μs. One microsecond is to one second as one second is to 11.574 days.
A microsecond is equal to 1000
or 1/1,000 . Because the next
is 1000 times larger, measurements of 10-5 and 10-4 seconds are typically expressed as tens or hundreds of microseconds. A microsecond of sound signal sample (44.1 kHz, 2 channel, 24 bit, WAV) is typically stored on 4 um of , 2 bits per us per 4 um.
1 microsecond (1 ) – cycle time for
(1 MHz), the inverse unit. This corresponds to radio wavelength
band), as can be calculated by multiplying 1 us by the
(approximately 3.00×108 m/s) to determine the distance travelled.
1 microsecond – the length of time of a high-speed, commercial
flash (see ).
1.8 microseconds – the amount of time subtracted from the
as a result of the .
2 microseconds – the lifetime of a
2.68 microseconds – the amount of time subtracted from the Earth's day as a result of the .
3. microseconds – the time taken by
to travel one
in a vacuum
4.63 microseconds – a fifth (a 60th of a 60th of a 60th of a second)
5.4 microseconds – the time taken by light to travel one
(or radio waves point-to-point in a near vacuum)
8.01 microseconds - the time taken by light to travel one mile in typical
10 microseconds (μs) – cycle time for frequency , radio wavelength
18 microseconds – net amount per year that the length of the day lengthens, largely due to .
20.8 microseconds –
interval for digital audio with 48000 samples/s
22.7 microseconds –
interval for
audio (44100 samples/s)
38 microseconds – discrepancy in
time per day (compensated by clock speed) due to
50 microseconds – cycle time for highest
tone (20 kHz)
50 microseconds to read – the access latency for a modern solid state drive which holds non-volatile computer data
100 microseconds (0.1 ms) – cycle time for frequency
125 microseconds – sampling interval for telephone audio (8000 samples/s)
164 microseconds - half-life of -214
240 microseconds –
250 microseconds – cycle time for highest tone in
audio (4 kHz)[]
277.8 microseconds – a fourth (a 60th of a 60th of a second), used in astronomical calculations by
in 1000 and 1267 AD, respectively.
489.67 microseconds - time for light at a ;nm frequency to travel 100 km in a singlemode fiber optic cable (where speed of light is approximately 200 million meters per second due to internal reflectance).
The average human eye
takes 350,000 microseconds (just over 1/3 of one second).
The average human finger
takes 150,000 microseconds (just over 1/7 of one second).
illuminates for 1000 microseconds.
Standard camera
opens the shutter for 4000 microseconds or 4 milliseconds.
Buis, Alan (January 10, 2005). . NASA 2011.
MacDonald, Fiona. . ScienceAlert.
Richard Pogge. .
(1879). . Translated by Sachau C Edward. . pp. 147–149.  .
(2000) [1928]. . translator: BR Belle. . table facing page 231.  .
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