we can't believe everything he told us.里边的everything可以用anything but you代替么

34.He told us everything was all right;he was wrong,_________.A.thoughB.tooC.yetD.for example - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:34.He told us everything was all right;he was wrong,_________.A.thoughB.tooC.yetD.for example34.He told us everything was all right;he was wrong,_________.A.thoughB.tooC.yetD.for example科目:最佳答案A解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心114网址导航Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything
HOW is a philosophical framework for the changing role of behavior, governance, culture and leadership in contemporary society.
It's a way of thinking about individual and organizational behavior in a world that has fast become global, complex, interconnected and interdependent.
Dov Seidman
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of LRN and Author of HOW: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything
Organizations that succeed in today's reshaped world are those that are purpose-inspired, values-based, and led with moral authority. Getting there requires a new set of metrics.
&My friend Dov Seidman has dedicated his life's work to studying how people conduct their business and their lives. Our mission must be to create a global community of shared responsibilities, shared benefits, and shared values. This new focus will require all of us to think about the HOW.&
President Bill Clinton
&Dov Seidman's HOW is a brilliant social-ethical study. It simplifies for the reader the complexity of vital challenges facing humanity today. Students and teachers alike will profit from reading this book.&
Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Laureate
&Dov Seidman basically argues that in our hyperconnected and transparent world, how you do things matters more than ever, because so many more people can now see how you do things, be affected by how you do things, and tell others how you do things on the Internet anytime.&
Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times columnistPingback: ()
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