
— flyisland @ 12:34 pm
目前在开发Web应用时,一个关键的问题就是选择哪个Web Framework。在Web普及之前,与人进行交互的GUI程序基本上就是普通桌面应用,那个时候并没有这么多界面架构,人们在开发一个桌面应用的时候很少去要考虑选择哪个GUI Framework;转眼到了Web界面应用的年代,从最早的CGI到现在的Rich Web Client,各种Web Framework层出不穷(特别是在Java领域)。要了解这些繁多的Web Framework是一件恼人的事情,Web Framework应该有什么功能,挑选它们的时候又要考虑哪些因素呢?
最近我在阅读一些JSF的资料,在学习JSF的过程中,也将自己一直以来关于Web界面应用开发的想法进行了梳理。我计划从桌面应用开始,逐一谈谈自己对GUI/Web Framework的思考。
一、Desktop Client Application
1. GUI Framework
开发一个桌面应用,第一步就是要选择一个GUI Framework。你可能会觉得疑惑,我刚才不是说不需要考虑么?不需要考虑并不是说不需要选择,只不过这种选择非常自然以至于大部分人都没有感觉。当我们需要在荧屏上显示一个按钮的时候,并不是自己画线条图案将按钮画出来,而是通过某个具体的GUI Framework来显示。当我们用VC、VB、Delphi开发时,自然就选择了其附带的GUI Framework,当使用Java就会选择JFC/Swing,或者某些情况下使用跨平台的。
2. 界面布局
接下来就要根据需求定义界面,输入框多大、放在什么地方,下拉选择框放置在哪里,菜单包含什么项,有哪些按钮等等。主要是要说明界面由GUI Framework的哪些组件组成,组建的组成关系,以及这些组件的属性(包括内容、布局等)。
完成这个工作基本上有两种方式,一种是直接在源代码中编程说明,例如下面这段Java Swing程序,就定义了一个窗体(Frame),并且往其中增加了一个文本说明(Label)。
JFrame frame = new JFrame(“HelloWorldSwing”);
//Add the ubiquitous “Hello World” label.
JLabel label = new JLabel(“Hello World”);
另外一种就是通过IDE进行布局,这种开发环境往往会有相关的布局文件,在其中描述界面。例如Delphi的DFM文件,Visual Basic的FRM文件。这些界面描述文件往往对开发人员是透明的,由IDE负责它们与源代码之间的同步。
3. 组件对象树
在面向对象的GUI Framework中,每个组件都一个对象与其对应,当程序运行起来后,通过把不同的组件按照父子关系形成一个组件树。开发人员可以通过更改组件对象的属性(颜色、大小、内容)影响其外观,一般来说也可以任意一个组件出发,通过getParent()/getChild()等方法遍历整个组件树。
4. 用户事件处理
在定义好界面后,就要编写处理用户操作的程序。这里主要解决两个问题:1)如何捕获用户的操作;2)如何得到用户的输入。现在的GUI Framework都是采用事件(Event)机制传送用户的操作,而程序捕获事件的方式一般有两种:
5. 界面逻辑和业务逻辑
到这里我们可以看到,GUI界面编程最关键的就是面向组件、事件驱动的GUI Framework,它是界面开发的基础。同时面向组件的框架使得开发人员能够自定义组件,设计出复杂的组件并重用。
二、Simple Web Application
所谓的,最基本的三个协议分别是 Uniform Resource Identifier (),HyperText Transfer Protocol ()和 HyperText Markup Language ()。是一个浏览器与服务器之间请求/相应模式的协议,因此Web应用的基本模式是:
2、用户填写HTML Form,点击“提交”按钮;或者直接点击某个连接
为了进行Web应用开发,人们最早发明了CGI()协议,接着一类是CGI的改进,例如NSAPI、ISAPI、Java Servlet等;另外一类是脚本语言,例如PHP、ASP、JSP等。但无论如何,其应用基本模式没有变化。
1. GUI Framework
2. 界面布局
3. 组件对象树
4. 用户事件处理
只有一种事件,就是HTTP请求。事件处理程序通过URL映射来指定,用户的输入值通过解析Query String获得。
5. 界面逻辑和业务逻辑
对于Web应用,与桌面应用最大的不同就不存在一个GUI Framework,因此相比之下Web开发人员的开发模式可以说是非常简陋的,就只是针对HTTP请求——字符串——进行编程。由于没有GUI Framework,开发人员直接面对HTML,也带来了臭名昭著的“代码混淆”问题,就是HTML和程序代码混淆在一起。
1. 请求/响应模式
2. 界面逻辑体现为页面的跳转
三、Struts Like Web Framework
为了更加方便获得用户的输入,Struts提出ActionForm的概念,道理其实很简单,就是HTML Form属性和Java对象的自动转换。这样,在“操作”中,开发人员所处理的参数是不再是恼人的字符串,而是一个真正的Java对象。
3、HTML Form与ActionForm的自动转换
1、同样基于请求/相应模式,但是作了改进,根据配置调用具体的操作,HTML Form的自动转换
在Struts之后,还出现了一系列的Web Framework,例如webwork、Spring-MVC等。主要是因为随着XP的流行,大家对“可测试、可维护”更加重视了。而Struts的Action Class严重依赖HTTPServlet,难以独立测试;再加上使用ActionForms所带来的不便。所以你看到这些Web Frameworks的努力主要有:
2、支持HTML Form与POJO的自动转换
— flyisland @ 6:55 pm
— flyisland @ 11:16 am
&&iframe width=420 height=330 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto src=URL1&&/iframe&
用户在iframe操作后,跳到URL2的页面。&然后用户点击PortletA的提交按钮,或者浏览器的刷新按钮,浏览器都会重新获得“&iframe width=420 height=330 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto src=URL1&&/iframe&”这个语句,也就是重新显示原始页面——URL1。
由于iframe中的内容是在另外一个Web服务器上运行,与Portal服务器实际上是没有关系。iframe无法与其他Portlet共享HTTP Session、Portal Context等属性,因此很难与其他Portlet进行交互。
4)Portlet Render Cache和iframe
一个门户页面包含多个Portlet,当用户在某个Portlet中提交时,其他Portlet的内容也会重新渲染。Portal服务器一般会提供了Portlet Render Cache技术来将Portlet的显示内容缓存起来,避免不必要的执行,从而提高性能。但是iframe集成的内容实际上完全不经过Portal服务器,所以这个选项对它是不起作用的。
a. 页面风格简单,主要以数据为主,很少装饰元素
b. 页面逻辑简单,很少用户交互,可以通过URL参数获得相应的结果
— flyisland @ 12:15 am
“”这个奇怪的名字,是一个的网名,同时还是一个支持Donew Blog的桌面软件。能够实现blog的发布、管理、备份等功能,真是太好了。Donews上次被攻击的时候,我就很担心自己的blog会消失,即使自己在本地有备份,可是绝对没有那个心情去一篇一篇地重新提交,而且Donews的“写文章”界面也很慢。现在好了,有了这个工具,既能够保存本地备份,也可以跟服务器进行同步,而且还能够在本地写评论,这个比较酷。
1. 目前本地备份目录固定在C盘,不能更改到别的目录。最好是可以由用户自定义本地目录,因为C盘比较危险,虽然可以自己另外复制一份,但总不如自定义目录方便。而且就这个功能而言,的确没有固定目录的必要。
2. 新建或修改文章的时候,在没有保存之前,如果不小心打开了其它文章,就会丢失所有修改。最好能够有自动保存的功能。
2. 编写文章时,能够在一个界面一次设置各种分类,而不必分别点击
3. 能够将文章和评论一同显示,就像通过网页查看一样
4. 在查看某个文章时,最好也能知道文章的实际网址
总的来说,这是个不错的软件,我这篇文章就是通过爱搞搞弄上来的,如果你在用Donews Blog服务,强烈推荐使用!
— flyisland @ 11:43 pm
The list bellowed is the 1000 most common words in English, are you familiar with them all ?
From: /library/vocabulary/bl1000_list1.htm
— flyisland @ 2:39 pm
— flyisland @ 11:39 pm
— flyisland @ 11:09 pmSignMaster Cut is stand alone software for making signs, lettering, logos and decals using a vinyl sign cutter. The software comes in a Basic edition for simple sign design and vinyl cutting, and a Production edition, which includes more advanced tools and features…
Compare the Basic edition of signMaster Cut with the Production edition in a side by side and tool for tool comparison chart…
Making decals and stickers like the one below is easy using SignMaster Cut, and no matter what equipment you have, you’ll find Contour Cutting using SignMaster Cut’s Contour Cutting Wizard will quickly guide you through the whole process for very accurate Contour Cutting…
SignMaster Cut supports the vinyl cutter that was supplied with it, and provides you with a good set of the tools and features for all your Contour Cutting…
SignMaster – OEM Vinyl Cutter Software
V3.0 Released
Download the
Important System Update – Please
SignMaster Cut V2 is stand alone software for designing and making signs, lettering, logos and decals using a vinyl cutter. The software comes in a Basic edition for sign design and vinyl cutting, along with a Production edition which has additional tools and features for advanced contour cutting including ARMS and Auto Contour Generating…. outlined below:
SignMaster Cut V2 – Basic Edition
The Basic edition is for simple vinyl cutting and allows you to produce vinyl signs, lettering, logos, decals, logos and pinstriping etc. SignMaster Cut – Basic edition comes with a basic suite of text, curve and object tools and supports laser pointer cutters for contour cutting.
SignMaster Cut V2 – Basic Edition is dedicated sign software for:
o Designing Simple Text, Curves and Shapes i.e. Vector-Based Artwork, by
o Providing You with a Suite of Basic Design Tools & Features, and
o Easily Laying out Your Artwork and Designs, then
o Sending Your Artwork to your Vinyl Cutter and/or
o Exporting Your Artwork to a .ai, .dxf, .eps, .jpg or .svg file
SignMaster Cut V2 – Production Edition
Along with everything included in the Basic edition, the Production edition has additional tools and features for more advanced contour cutting. These include calibrating the ARMS and Laser pointer offset for pin-point accuracy, vectorizing of images to automatically create a contour cut line at any offset (distance) from the artwork, perforation cutting and scoring for craft and hobby applications, Easy Lift Marks to greatly improve weeding, additional layout and editing tools plus some great extras such as Clipart.
SignMaster Cut – Production Edition is dedicated sign software for:
o Designing Simple Text, Curves and Shapes i.e. Vector-Based Artwork, by
o Providing You with a Suite of Basic Design Tools & Features, and
o A suite of advanced tools for Contour and Perforation cutting, and
o Easily Laying out Your Artwork and Designs, then
o Sending Your Artwork to your Vinyl Cutter with ARMS or a Laser Pointer and/or
o Exporting Your Artwork to a .ai, .dxf, .eps, .jpg or .svg file
The SignMaster Cut V2 – User Interface
Click on the image (above) to see it full size…
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Contour Cutting with SignMaster
Making decals and stickers is easy using SignMaster Cutcut是什么意思_cut在线翻译_cut什么意思_cut的意思_cut的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
cut是什么意思 cut在线翻译 cut什么意思 cut的意思 cut的翻译 cut的解释 cut的发音 cut的同义词 cut的反义词 cut的例句 cut的相关词组
cut英 [k?t] 美 [k?t] 第三人称单数:现在分词:cut 基本解释及物/不及物动词将(某物)切开(或分割)及物动词削减; 切成; 剪切; 删剪不及物动词电影; (为决定谁先出牌等)切牌; 可被切割; 可用于切割名词削减; 切口; 剪裁; 切片cut 同义词形容词动词名词cut 反义词及物动词cut 相关词组1.
: 停止;2.
: 切碎, 抨击, 摧毁, 使伤心, 胡闹;3.
: 砍倒;4.
: 高于...一等, 胜于;5.
: 急忙跟随;6.
: 抄近路通过;7.
: 卖弄;8.
: 乱砍, 变更, 使精练;9.
: 发怒;10.
: 插嘴;11.
: 猛砍;12.
: 急忙逃走;13.
: (使)分开, 割断...的联系, (使)独自谋生, (被)抛弃;14.
: 修剪;15.
: 肉搏战;16.
: 办成事, 停止胡闹;17.
: 抄近路走过, 刺穿;18.
: 留下大笔遗产;19.
: 卖得比...便宜;20.
: 打断;21.
: 乱砍, 乱跑;22.
: 打断, 缩减;23.
: 适合于, 天生是...的料子;24.
: 很快向前走;25.
: 砍掉;cut 相关例句及物动词1. The last scene has been cut from the film.&&&&最后一个场景已从影片中剪去。2. Cut it !He is after you.&&&&快走!他在追你。3. 3. Was your salary cut?&&&&你的薪水减少了吗?名词1. The workers had to take a cut in pay.&&&&工人们只得同意削减工资。cut 情景对话在理发店A:Do you cut both men’s and women’s hair?&&&&&&你们男女活都做吗?C:Yes, we have various styles, such as hair bobbed and shoulder length hair. How do you want it?&&&&&&是的,我们可以做各种各样的发型,如剪短发,齐肩发。你们想要什么服务?A:I want a haircut and a shave, please.&&&&&&我想理发和修面。B:I would like a shampoo and my hair dyed.&&&&&&我想洗洗头发,染染发。C:What shampoo do you prefer? And what color do you prefer?&&&&&&夫人,您喜欢什么染发剂?要染什么颜色?C:How would you like your hair cut, sir?&&&&&&先生,你喜欢什么发式?A:I want to keep the same fashion.&&&&&&我想保持原来的发式。B:I want my hair dyed black.&&&&&&我想染成黑色。cutC:All right. Will you please sit over here?&&&&&&好的,请您坐到这里。男士剪发A:Good afternoon, sir. Please sit here.&&&&&&下午好,先生。请您坐这儿。cut的反义词B:A haircut and a shave, please.&&&&&&请给我理发和修面。A:How would you like your hair cut, sir?&&&&&&先生,您喜欢什么发式?B:Short on both sides. Not so much off at the back.&&&&&&两边剪短些,后面少剪点儿。A:Very well, sir. Do you want me to trim your beard?&&&&&&好的,先生。要不要修一下胡子?B:Yes, please.&&&&&&要的。A:Now have a look, please. Is it all right?&&&&&&现在请您看看理得怎么样?\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDB:Well, I would like my hair cut shorter on the temples.&&&&&&两边的鬓角请再剪短一点儿。A:Is that satisfactory?&&&&&&可以了吗?B:Yes, thanks.&&&&&&好了,谢谢。A:Do you want conditioner?&&&&&&您搽护发剂吗?B:No, thanks, but I'd like a face massage.&&&&&&谢谢,不必了。但你可以给我按摩一下脸部。A:Yes, sir.&&&&&&是,先生。B:Now where should I pay the money?&&&&&&现在我该到哪儿付款呢?A:You should go to the counter, just over there.&&&&&&到结帐台,就在那边。在理发店A:Are you being served, sir?&&&&&&先生,有人招呼您吗?B:No, not yet. I just want a haircut.&&&&&&还没有。我只想理发。A:Will you sit here, please? How would you like it cut?&&&&&&请您坐这儿好吗?想理什么样的?B:I want it short.&&&&&&剪短些就行。A:But it’s short already, sir.&&&&&&可您的头发已经很短了。B:I mean very short, shorter than it is now.&&&&&&我的意思是很短,比现在再短些。A:Shall I just trim it?&&&&&&那就修修好吧?cutB:No, You can cut quite a bit off. I like it to be very short all over. Do you see what I mean?&&&&&&不,请多剪些。我想把上上下下都剪得短短的。你明白我的意思吗?A:Oh, I see. You like the Chinese style, don’t you?&&&&&&噢,明白了,您喜欢中国式的。B:Yes, in the Chinese style.&&&&&&是的。要中国式的。A:Would you like to have a shampoo, sir?&&&&&&先生,先洗洗头吗?cut的翻译B:No, thank you.&&&&&&不用了,谢谢。A:How about oil or spray?&&&&&&要不要抹点发膏或喷点香水?B:No, nothing of the kind.&&&&&&不,什么也不用。A:There! How is that?&&&&&&好了,您看行吗?B:That’s very good!&&&&&&很好。cut 网络解释1. 切入:●切入(Cut)与切入行动(Cut-in)※表示機動戰士鋼彈SEED中登場的持有相轉移裝甲(phase shift armor)的機體.2. 钻石切工:据有关专家介绍,钻石切工(Cut)是体现钻石品质的最终标准,是影响钻石价格的唯一的人为因素,钻石切工比净度、色级更能显示它璀璨夺目的火彩,优良切工使钻石光芒尽显,而劣质切工钻石则木然无光,因为钻石在切割成型前都是八面体、十二面体的毛坯状,3. cut: 采伐4. cut:chemnitz univers 德国开姆尼茨工业大学5. cut是什么意思5. cut: 待测电容cut 双语例句1. O seven apples on a with's tree With seven seeds to plant inside of me In springtime I grew a magic song Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone I looked at the world through apple eyes And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie I danced with the peanut butterflies Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye A thousand sugar stars Oh put then in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf insede a girl, you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling round the world I met a golden swan upon the road Who was a handsome prince, so I was told I asked it the way to yesterday Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away Bluebird seas I sailed With mermaids riding whales Oh whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go down Winder Way Oh whistling round the world Through apple eyes Oh there are rose-coloured skylines Where flying silver spoons Eat melting marmalade moons Through apple eyes I see for millions of miles The sun's a diamond shining In the nighttime of a summer day A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world&&&&o七个苹果,就同的树七种子植物里面的我在春天,我成长的一个魔术歌然后跳到沿线,哦i唱这首歌给大家我一看,在世界通过苹果电脑眼和削减自己一片阳光馅饼动作与花生蝴蝶直到时间一天天过去,并告诉我说,你好,但波再见 1000糖颗星哦付诸表决,然后在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼insede一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去,从6至5月哦吹口哨环游世界我遇见了一名金色天鹅后,道一位英俊的王子,所以有人告诉我我问它的方式,以昨日那么,我是一个水手,并通过我每天航行距离蓝鸟公海航行i 与mermaids骑鲸哦哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会走络筒机方式哦吹口哨环游世界通过苹果电脑的眼睛哦,还有玫瑰有色skylines 如飞行银汤匙吃熔化果酱的月亮通过苹果电脑的眼睛我看到数百万英里太阳的一颗钻石闪耀在夜间的一个夏天,一天 1000糖颗星哦,他们在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去哦吹口哨环游世界让的哨子环游世界哨子环游世界2. The tape is where I will be making the cut.&&&&录音带是哪里,我会作出削减。3. Just before making a cut in the materials, I saw my father's hands before me.&&&&我刚想切开燃料,却看见父亲的双手在我面前。4. There are many other good ideas to cut costs making the rounds.&&&&还有许多其他好的削减开支的意见在各地传开。5. So making the cut as a Superdog has little to do with pedigree and a lot to do with personality.&&&&因此,决策削减作为一个superdog几乎没有与谱系和大量的工作要做与人格。6. From making the first cut to applying the finish, this comprehensive reference details every aspect of woodcarving.&&&&作出的首次下调应用完成,这个全面的参考资料,木雕的每一个细节方面。7. This may affect their future lives, making them incompetent to survive the cut throat competitions they will be facing in their careers.&&&&这可能影响他们将来的生活,使他们无能无力幸存在自己的生涯中所面对的卡脖子的竞争。8. Lincoln: We need to make a decision on who gets cut.&&&&我们得决定把谁剔出去。9. 9. It is very applicable to die cut free paper adhesive tape, Dacron film trademark and laser anti-false trademark.&&&&它是非常适用于模切无纸胶带,涤纶薄膜商标及镭射防伪商标。10. In recent years, Fengning paper-cut in the traditional way on reform and innovation, the level of art to a new level, nearly 10 million annual sales.&&&&近年来,丰宁剪纸在传统手法上进行改革创新,将艺术水平推向了一个新的层次,年销量近千万件。11. 11. I cut off my bone up to escape them.&&&&&&鬼子用老虎凳夹断了我的骨头!12. At present, as the severe domestic competition in India market and the quickly rising of China market, more and more Indian software companies are heading to China to set up their subsidiaries, aiming to share a piece of cut in this world's largest cake.&&&&&&目前随着印度国内竞争的加剧及中国市场的强劲崛起,印度软件公司也都纷纷挥师中国,希望在这个世界最大、未来最有潜力的市场中抢占一块份额。13. Cografts point in general there are two: vertical tool grinder mill out of an arc- horizontal grinder mill out of cografts is straight, this kind of edge angle can be adapted at any time to replace a variety of hard and soft materials are cut.&&&&&&刃角凡是环境下有两栽:用立式磨刀机磨不入的曲线型刃角;用卧式磨床磨不入的刃角为屈线型,此栽刃角可适答随时调换各栽软硬材质的被切物。14. 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Minimum Width of Cut Strap: 2 Voltage: 380V/220V; Machine Measurement: 2700 x 750 x 1400mm.&&&&&&布料电机功率:0.75KW 最小切条宽度:2mm。电压:380V/220V可选机器尺寸:х1400mm。16. In London, the Japanese financial group Nomura says it will cut up to 1, 000 jobs in its British operation.&&&&&&日本金融集团野村表示,公司将削减多达1千个设在英国的职位。17. It holds that the poetics of the revolutionists is the result at the turning stage in modern times of China. It has a clear-cut object for criticism——the feudal Qing Dynasty and the retrograde schools in the poetics. moreover, the poetics is aweapon for criticism of the critics with political colou...&&&&&&认为革命派诗论是近代中国社会转折时期的产物,具有明确的批判对象——封建清王朝和守旧的诗派,同时,它又是政治诗论家们的批判武器,故其诗论深具政论特质,武器色彩之浓为文学史上前所未有。18. Airlines have already cut the number of flights ferrying workers to and from the Gulf.&&&&&&航空公司也已经削减了往返海湾的航班数量。19. Tzu-gong replied, If is said in the Book of Poetry, 'As you cut and then file, as you carve and then polish.&&&&&&慈济宫回答说:如果说在诗经,'当你切断,然后文件,如你雕刻,然后波兰。20. To cut by mechanical cutting stock jumped as a method of machining as a technique.&&&&&&使切割由机械下料跃为机械加工的一种工艺方法。cut 词典解释The form cut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. cut的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。1. 切;割;剪;砍;割破;划破&&&&If you cut something, you use a knife or a similar tool to divide it into pieces, or to mark it or damage it. If you cut a shape or a hole in something, you make the shape or hole by using a knife or similar tool.&&&&e.g. Mrs. Haines stood nearby, holding scissors to cut a ribbon...&&&&&&&&&&&海恩斯夫人站在旁边,手持剪刀准备剪彩。&&&&e.g. Cut the tomatoes in half vertically...&&&&&&&&&&&把西红柿纵向切成两半。2. 割伤,划伤(自己)&&&&If you cut yourself or cut a part of your body, you accidentally injure yourself on a sharp object so that you bleed.&&&&e.g. Johnson cut himself shaving...&&&&&&&&&&&约翰逊刮胡子时刮伤了自己。&&&&e.g. I started to cry because I cut my finger...&&&&&&&&&&&我因为割破手指哭了起来。3. 修剪;剪短&&&&If you cut something such as grass, your hair, or your fingernails, you shorten them using scissors or another tool.&&&&e.g. The most recent tenants hadn't even cut the grass...&&&&&&&&&&&上一拨房客连草都没有修剪。&&&&e.g. You have to learn not to cut your toenails in the living room...&&&&&&&&&&&你要知道不可以在起居室里剪脚趾甲。4. 剪裁(服装)&&&&The way that clothes are cut is the way they are designed and made.&&&&e.g. ...badly cut blue suits.&&&&&&&&&&&剪裁得很差劲的蓝色套装5. 轻松地穿过(或通过)&&&&To cut through something means to move or pass through it easily.&&&&e.g. I could see long canoes cutting through the waves.&&&&&&&&&&&我看见长长的独木舟破浪而行。6. 抄近路&&&&If you cut across or through a place, you go through it because it is the shortest route to another place.&&&&e.g. He decided to cut across the Heath, through Greenwich Park.&&&&&&&&&&&他决定抄近路走格林尼治公园穿过希思区。7. 消减;缩减;裁减&&&&If you cut something, you reduce it.&&&&e.g. The first priority is to cut costs...&&&&&&&&&&&当务之急是降低成本。&&&&e.g. The UN force is to be cut by 90%.&&&&&&&&&&&联合国部队将裁减90%。8. 缩减;删减;删节&&&&If you cut a text, broadcast, or performance, you shorten it. If you cut a part of a text, broadcast, or performance, you do not publish, broadcast, or perform that part.&&&&e.g. Branagh has cut the play judiciously...&&&&&&&&&&&布拉纳对这部剧进行了高明的删改。&&&&e.g. The audience wants more music and less drama, so we've cut some scenes.&&&&&&&&&&&观众想要多一些音乐,少一些表演,所以我们删掉了一些场景。9. 停止,切断(供应)&&&&To cut a supply of something means to stop providing it or stop it being provided.&&&&e.g. They used pressure tactics to force them to return, including cutting food and water supplies.&&&&&&&&&&&他们采用施加压力的策略迫使他们回来,包括切断食物和水的供应。10. 切(牌);倒(牌)&&&&&&If you cut a pack of playing cards, you divide it into two.&&&&&&e.g. Place the cards face down on the table and cut them.&&&&&&&&&&&&&把纸牌正面朝下放在桌子上,然后切牌。11. 停(电影导演要求停止拍摄时的用语)&&&&&&When the director of a film says 'cut', they want the actors and the camera crew to stop filming.12. 灌制(唱片);制作(激光唱片)&&&&&&When a singer or band cuts a CD, they make a recording of their music.&&&&&&e.g. She eventually cut her own album.&&&&&&&&&&&&&她终于录制了自己的专辑。13. 开始长(新牙)&&&&&&When a child cuts a tooth, a new tooth starts to grow through the gum.&&&&&&e.g. Many infants do not cut their first tooth until they are a year old.&&&&&&&&&&&&&很多婴儿到一岁大时才开始长牙。14. 旷(课);逃(学)&&&&&&If a child cuts classes or cuts school, they do not go to classes or to school when they are supposed to.&&&&&&e.g. Cutting school more than once in three months is a sign of trouble.&&&&&&&&&&&&&3个月内旷课次数超过一次就可能有麻烦了。15. (不耐烦地让人停止做某事)别…,不要…&&&&&&If you tell someone to cut something, you are telling them in an irritated way to stop it.&&&&&&e.g. 'Cut the euphemisms, Daniel,' Brenda snapped...&&&&&&&&&&&&&“丹尼尔,别绕弯子了,”布伦达厉声说道。&&&&&&e.g. Why don't you just cut the crap and open the door.&&&&&&&&&&&&&你为什么不能停止废话去把门打开。16. (从动物躯体上)割下的一块肉&&&&&&A cut of meat is a piece or type of meat which is cut in a particular way from the animal, or from a particular part of it.&&&&&&e.g. Use a cheap cut such as spare rib chops.&&&&&&&&&&&&&用一块便宜点的肉,比如肋排肉。17. (尤指通过不诚实手段获得的)份,份额&&&&&&Someone's cut of the profits or winnings from something, especially ones that have been obtained dishonestly, is their share.&&&&&&e.g. The lawyers, of course, take their cut of the little guy's winnings.&&&&&&&&&&&&&律师们自然从那个小家伙赢得的钱中分到了他们的一份。18. (在山中开凿的公路或铁路)通道,路堑&&&&&&A cut is a narrow valley which has been cut through a hill so that a road or railroad track can pass through.danci.911cha.comin BRIT, use 英国英语用 cutting19. see also: 20. 优于;比…高一等;胜…一筹&&&&&&If you say that someone or something is a cut above other people or things of the same kind, you mean they are better than them.&&&&&&e.g. Joan Smith's detective stories are a cut above the rest.&&&&&&&&&&&&&琼·史密斯的侦探小说比其他侦探小说都要出色。21. 假装没看见;不理睬&&&&&&If you see someone you know and cut them dead, you ignore them.22. 已成定局的;板上钉钉的&&&&&&If you say that a situation or solution is cut and dried, you mean that it is clear and definite.&&&&&&e.g. Unfortunately, things cannot be as cut and dried as many people would like...&&&&&&&&&&&&&不幸的是,事情并不像很多人希望的那样确定。&&&&&&e.g. We are aiming for guidelines, not cut-and-dried answers.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我们想要的是指导原则,不是固定的答案。23. (使)摆脱影响;(使)摆脱束缚&&&&&&If a person or an organization cuts loose or is cut loose, they become free from the influence or authority of other people.&&&&&&e.g. He's cut loose from this business except, possibly, where James is concerned...&&&&&&&&&&&&&可能除了詹姆斯外,公司里都没人能管得了他。&&&&&&e.g. It's about to be cut loose from the state on which it has so long depended.&&&&&&&&&&&&&它将脱离长期依附的国家,实现独立自主。24. 急忙逃走;撒腿就跑&&&&&&If someone cuts and runs in a difficult situation, they try to escape from it quickly and gain an advantage for themselves, rather than deal with the situation in a responsible way.cut的意思&&&&&&e.g. ...his cowardly decision to cut and run.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他作出逃跑的懦弱决定25. 完成(任务);应付(局势)&&&&&&If you say that someone can't cut it, you mean that they do not have the qualities needed to do a task or cope with a situation.&&&&&&e.g. He doesn't think English-born players can cut it abroad.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他认为出生于英格兰的选手在国外不会取得好成绩。26. 精彩片断;激情时刻&&&&&&If you talk about the cut and thrust of an activity, you are talking about the aspects of it that make it exciting and challenging.&&&&&&e.g. ...cut-and-thrust debate between two declared adversaries.&&&&&&&&&&&&&公然对立的两个对手之间的激烈辩论27. 有利有弊;两面都行得通&&&&&&If you say that something cuts both ways, you mean that it can have two opposite effects, or can have both good and bad effects.&&&&&&e.g. This publicity cuts both ways. It focuses on us as well as on them.&&&&&&&&&&&&&这种宣传有利也有弊。它使得人们关注我们,同样也关注了他们。28. to cut something to the bone -> see &&&&&&to cut corners -> see &&&&&&to cut a particular figure -> see &&&&&&to cut the mustard -> see &&&&&&to cut someone to the quick -> see &&&&&&to cut someone down to size -> see &&&&&&to cut a long story short -> see &&&&&&to cut your teeth on something -> see 29. 停止,中断(供给)&&&&&&To cut off a supply of something means to stop providing it or stop it being provided.&&&&&&e.g. The rebels have cut off electricity from the capital...&&&&&&&&&&&&&叛军已经切断了来自首都的供电。&&&&&&e.g. His company is preparing to shut down in the event that their water supply is cut off...&&&&&&&&&&&&&假如供水被切断,他所在的公司就准备关闭。30. 切断,中断(通话)&&&&&&If you get cut off when you are on the telephone, the line is suddenly disconnected and you can no longer speak to the other person.&&&&&&e.g. When you do get through, you've got to say your piece quickly before you get cut off...&&&&&&&&&&&&&电话接通后,你最好在断线之前尽快把话说完。&&&&&&e.g. I'm going to cut you off now because we've got lots of callers waiting.&&&&&&&&&&&&&就谈到这里好吗,因为我们还有很多打来电话的人在等着呢。31. 打断(讲话)&&&&&&If you cut someone off when they are speaking, you interrupt them and stop them from speaking.&&&&&&e.g. 'But, sir, I'm under orders to —' Clark cut him off. 'Don't argue with me.'&&&&&&&&&&&&&“但是,先生,我是奉命——”克拉克打断他说道:“别跟我争辩。”32. see also: &&&&&&to cut off your nose to spite your face -> see 相关词组:cut 单语例句1. For big companies, outsourcing part of their manufacturing business can help cut costs and improve efficiency.2. Many Chinese business people often go to the " customs clearance companies " in Russia to cut costs and to improve efficiency.3. He said the visit was cut short after officials realized the man was trying to pursue " very personal " business with Fritzl.4. The strengthening comes amid persistent calls for China to act to cut its massive trade surpluses.5. But Citigroup had trouble generating new business during the quarter as low trading volumes cut into its securities and banking operations.6. To extend the payroll tax cut for the middle class is a major part of Obama's job act announced in early September this year.7. Bremer said a separate act of sabotage at the weekend had cut off part of the Kirkuk oilfields from the pipeline.8. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.9. Butler keyed the rally with nine points, and Sasha Vujacic had eight as Los Angeles cut into the Memphis lead.10. Tender sponges are cut into petit fours and piled high with fluffy butter cream sculpted into intricate flowers and animals.cut 英英释义noun1. an unexcused absence from class&&&&e.g. he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class2. the act of reducing the amount or number&&&&e.g. the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget3. the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends&&&&e.g. the barber gave him a good cut&&&&Synonym: 4. the act of cutting something into parts&&&&e.g. his cuts were skillful&&&&&&&&&&&his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess&&&&Synonym: 5. the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge&&&&e.g. his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels&&&&Synonym: 6. the division of a deck of cards before dealing&&&&e.g. he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal&&&&&&&&&&&the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual&&&&Synonym: 7. (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball&&&&e.g. cuts do not bother a good tennis player&&&&Synonym: 8. in baseball&&&&a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball&&&&e.g. he took a vicious cut at the ball&&&&Synonym: 9. a refusal to recognize someone you know&&&&e.g. the snub was clearly intentional&&&&Synonym: 10. a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation&&&&Synonym: 11. a canal made by erosion or excavation12. the style in which a garment is cut&&&&&&e.g. a dress of traditional cut13. the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage&&&&&&e.g. an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors&&&&&&&&&&&&&both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause&&&&&&Synonym: 14. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc&&&&&&e.g. he played the first cut on the cd&&&&&&&&&&&&&the title track of the album&&&&&&Synonym: 15. (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next&&&&&&e.g. the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt16. a remark capable of wounding mentally&&&&&&e.g. the unkindest cut of all&&&&&&Synonym: 17. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass&&&&&&Synonym: 18. a share of the profits&&&&&&e.g. everyone got a cut of the earnings19. a wound made by cutting&&&&&&e.g. he put a bandage over the cut&&&&&&Synonym: 20. a step on some scale&&&&&&e.g. he is a cut above the restverb1. cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)&&&&e.g. the vet gelded the young horse&&&&Synonym: 2. grow through the gums&&&&e.g. The new tooth is cutting3. have grow through the gums&&&&e.g. The baby cut a tooth4. cut and assemble the components of&&&&e.g. edit film&&&&&&&&&&&cut recording tape&&&&Synonym: 5. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture&&&&e.g. cut bourbon&&&&Synonym: 6. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements&&&&e.g. The manuscript must be shortened&&&&Synonym: 7. cease, stop&&&&e.g. cut the noise&&&&&&&&&&&We had to cut short the conversation&&&&Synonym: 8. cut down on&&&&make a reduction in&&&&e.g. reduce your daily fat intake&&&&&&&&&&&The employer wants to cut back health benefits&&&&Synonym: 9. have a reducing effect&&&&e.g. This cuts into my earnings10. dissolve by breaking down the fat of&&&&e.g. soap cuts grease11. weed out unwanted or unnecessary things&&&&&&e.g. We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet&&&&&&Synonym: 12. shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of&&&&&&e.g. cut my hair13. refuse to acknowledge&&&&&&e.g. She cut him dead at the meeting&&&&&&Synonym: 14. make out and issue&&&&&&e.g. write out a check&&&&&&&&&&&&&cut a ticket&&&&&&&&&&&&&Please make the check out to me&&&&&&Synonym: 15. penetrate injuriously&&&&&&e.g. The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead16. fell by sawing&&&&&&hew&&&&&&e.g. The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia17. reap or harvest&&&&&&e.g. cut grain18. hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction&&&&&&e.g. cut a Ping-Pong ball19. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch&&&&&&e.g. Turn off the stereo, please&&&&&&&&&&&&&cut the engine&&&&&&&&&&&&&turn out the lights&&&&&&Synonym: 20. separate with or as if with an instrument&&&&&&e.g. Cut the rope21. divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult&&&&&&e.g. Wayne cut&&&&&&&&&&&&&She cut the deck for a long time22. make an incision or separation&&&&&&e.g. cut along the dotted line23. allow incision or separation&&&&&&e.g. This bread cuts easily24. function as a cutting instrument&&&&&&e.g. This knife cuts well25. style and tailor in a certain fashion&&&&&&e.g. cut a dress&&&&&&Synonym: 26. perform or carry out&&&&&&e.g. cut a caper27. form or shape by cutting or incising&&&&&&e.g. cut paper dolls28. form by probing, penetrating, or digging&&&&&&e.g. cut a hole&&&&&&&&&&&&&cut trenches&&&&&&&&&&&&&The sweat cut little rivulets into her face29. create by duplicating data&&&&&&e.g. cut a disk&&&&&&&&&&&&&burn a CD&&&&&&Synonym: 30. record a performance on (a medium)&&&&&&e.g. cut a record31. make a recording of&&&&&&e.g. cut the songs&&&&&&&&&&&&&She cut all of her major titles again32. stop filming&&&&&&e.g. cut a movie scene33. make an abrupt change of image or sound&&&&&&e.g. cut from one scene to another34. pass through or across&&&&&&e.g. The boat cut the water35. pass directly and often in haste&&&&&&e.g. We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner36. turn sharply&&&&&&change direction abruptly&&&&&&e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection&&&&&&&&&&&&&The motorbike veered to the right&&&&&&Synonym: 37. move (one's fist)&&&&&&e.g. his opponent cut upward toward his chin38. give the appearance or impression of&&&&&&e.g. cut a nice figure39. discharge from a group&&&&&&e.g. The coach cut two players from the team40. be able to manage or manage successfully&&&&&&e.g. I can't hack it anymore&&&&&&&&&&&&&she could not cut the long days in the office&&&&&&Synonym: 41. intentionally fail to attend&&&&&&e.g. cut class&&&&&&Synonym: adj1. with parts removed&&&&e.g. the drastically cut film&&&&Synonym: 2. separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument&&&&e.g. the cut surface was mottled&&&&&&&&&&&cut tobacco&&&&&&&&&&&blood from his cut forehead&&&&&&&&&&&bandages on her cut wrists3. (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit&&&&e.g. the cut pages of the book4. fashioned or shaped by cutting&&&&e.g. a well-cut suit&&&&&&&&&&&cut diamonds&&&&&&&&&&&cut velvet5. mixed with water&&&&e.g. sold cut whiskey&&&&&&&&&&&a cup of thinned soup&&&&Synonym: 6. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply&&&&e.g. the slashed prices attracted buyers&&&&Synonym: 7. (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine&&&&e.g. the smell of newly mown hay&&&&Synonym: 8. (of a male animal) having the testicles removed&&&&e.g. a cut horse&&&&Synonym: 9. made neat and tidy by trimming&&&&e.g. his neatly trimmed hair&&&&Synonym: cut是什么意思,cut在线翻译,cut什么意思,cut的意思,cut的翻译,cut的解释,cut的发音,cut的同义词,cut的反义词,cut的例句,cut的相关词组,cut意思是什么,cut怎么翻译,单词cut是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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