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Paint It White
White is your best friend in a small . It reflects light, enhancing the sense of space and making the &recede. When you include white on cabinetry, countertops, walls, and the ceiling, you create a seamless space without edges or boundaries. Use several shades of white, and combine contrasting textures to keep an all-white room from feeling sterile. Recessed-panel
create subtle shadows that add interest, too.
Use a Low-Contrast Color Scheme
Creating a kitchen scheme with little difference between the
of&, countertops, cabinetry, and woodwork makes a space appear larger than it really is. Here, the , trim, and backsplash are close in color value -- a soft gray-green -- so the eye doesn't trip over sudden shifts from dark to light. The effect is serene and expansive.
Replace Cabinet Doors with Glass
One way to make a small kitchen appear larger is to remove some
or replace the solid fronts with glass. This pulls the eye past the cabinet frames, into the depths of the , so the
feel farther away. This trick is most effective if you can keep what's in the cabinets orderly and color- clutter tends to make a room feel crowded.
Welcome the Light
Natural light enlarges any space. You may have no choice about the number or placement of windows in your , but you can maximize the light you do have by keeping
minimal. Here, blinds add a dressy note without blocking the light. If you want privacy, try an opaque shade that allows light in.
Slenderize the Furnishings
dictates small-scale furnishings, but take it a step further by choosing a work island, bar chairs, or stools that are visually lightweight, such as this small industrial island. Clean lines don't distract the eye, and the furniture piece allows you to see the floor and
beyond, making the room feel larger.
Secrets to a Successful Small Kitchen
You may not realize it, but your small kitchen has great&potential for extra space. These smart secrets will&have you cooking up a storm in no time.
Borrow Space
Depending on your home's layout, you may be able to remove part of a wall separating the
from an adjoining living or . It won't increase the square footage of the kitchen, but it can vastly enlarge the sense of space, bringing in more light and a feeling of openness.
Streamline Storage
Small kitchens present tough storage challenges. Countertops often become crowded with appliances, but eliminating clutter can help any space feel larger. Use a corner appliance garage in your kitchen and reclaim lost storage space. The cabinet conceals coffeemakers, toasters, and other , while keeping them easy to access for food prep.
Stretch the Floor Space
Some patterned wall and floor coverings add visual clutter that makes a space feel smaller, but certain patterns have the opposite effect. Oversize diamonds or chevrons create diagonal lines that draw the eyes from one side of the room to the other, making it feel wider than it really is. Combine this technique with low-contrast colors for big results in a small kitchen.
Widen with Stripes
Just as clothing with horizontal stripes can make a person look wider, striped flooring that runs from side to side, rather than following the length of a room, will stretch the apparent floor space. These broad stripes were created by alternating light- and medium-tone laminate . Achieve a similar effect by painting existing wooden or vinyl flooring or by covering the floor with a large striped rug.
Take the Eye High
Giving the eye an vertical path to follow increases the apparent height of the ceiling, thus lifting the lid off a boxy room. Here, molding atop the sleek wood cabinets draws the eye upward. If there is a soffit above your cabinets, framed prints, decorative plates, or large ceramic tiles achieve a similar effect. For the greatest sense of expansiveness, choose objects that harmonize with the background rather than stand out against it.
Mind the Hood
A sleek, wall-mount vent hood over the cooktop trims the visual fat from a wall of cabinets, giving the room a greater feeling of openness. Minimalist vent hoods, like this one, require 30 inches between cabinets, about the same as an undercabinet hood, but give a cleaner, lighter look -- a plus in a small kitchen.
Carve Out Storage Space
Add storage to a small kitchen, without consuming valuable floor space, by recessing a shelving unit into the wall space between studs. These recessed shelves -- trimmed and finished to match the woodwork -- blend with the architecture. If you don't have space within your kitchen, look for a spot near your kitchen, such as a breakfast nook or hallway, to implement recessed shelves.
Eliminate Clutter
Countertops crowded with cookware, cabinets, and collectibles overwhelm a small kitchen and cramp work space. To enlarge the room, clear off counters, windowsills, and cabinet tops, and stash as much as you can behind closed doors. To take decluttering further, opt for minimalist European-style cabinetry with sleek, flat-panel doors.
Stay Light and Bright
Reflective surfaces, such as ceramic tile, marble countertops, and stainless steel, subtly amplify the effects of natural and artificial light, thereby making small kitchens seem larger. Plus, adequate lighting improves functionality. Undercabinet lights come in handy while cooking, and pendant lights add ambiance to meals served at an island or peninsula.
Small-Space Kitchen Island Ideas
Make meal prep faster and more effective in a small kitchen with an innovative kitchen island. Whether it's a mobile cart or repurposed table, a small-space island can amplify surface area and kick up your kitchen's style.
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use kitchen
Arrange berries atop and around each panna cotta and spoon sabayon over berries. If desired, use kitchen blowtorch to lightly brown sabayon and serve immediately.
First get permission to use kitchen equipment and eggs.
Integral ambry not only can use kitchen space effectively, take put article to go to the lavatory , look neat also and beautiful.
Arrange berries atop and around each panna cotta and spoon sabayon over berries. If desired, use kitchen blowtorch to lightly brown sabayon and serve immediately.
(SPEAKING ITALIAN) You've given us an excuseto use the kitchen for the first time.
VOA: standard.other
Ponder this: ever seena 4 star chef use the kitchen knives other than to open a box or pry open a crate.
While waiting for the egg timer or the microwave heating your oatmeal to go off, use the kitchen counter for support, and get going with 20 calf raises and 20 lunges and 20 counter push-ups.
And this is my compost tin and any vegetable peel I use in the kitchen I'll take and just put straight in here.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!7 Affordable Hacks to Make Your Kitchen Look Expensiveby
Kitchen remodels are notoriously expensive, and you may be loathe to invest that much in a space that’s already functional (if not as pretty as you’d like). However, there are some pretty simple hacks you can do to make your kitchen feel fresher and look more spendy without saving up paychecks for months.In fact, if you put together a couple ideas from this list, you could easily do a mini-makeover in your kitchen in a weekend. Think creatively, clear away the clutter, and get a classier kitchen ASAP with these 7 ideas.Replace Dated LightingThe color of this chandelier really makes it feel modern and specialIt’s amazing how much a great new chandelier or pendant fixture can change up a kitchen’s whole feel. Not only will you have a brighter (or softer) light (either extreme is terrible in a kitchen, so make sure your wattage is appropriate), but it serves as a focal piece as well.This contemporary kitchen gets a boost from a modern chandelierChandeliers can work with a wider variety of styles and decor than you might suspect at first, including ultra-modern kitchens.Swap Your Accessories for MonochromeBy keeping the accessories within a range of tones, this kitchen feels freshWhite is the easiest color to go monochrome with, as you can mix all sorts of shades together, from butter to cream to bright white, and they will all blend well, as in this kitchen . Choose simple pieces with interesting shapes, and keep lettering to a minimum to achieve the look of tasteful busyness.Change Up (Just) Your CabinetsImagine another set of cabinet fronts instead of the red here and you’ll realize how much they change the feel of this kitchenIf you replace the fronts of your cabinets, you might not need to redo a whole kitchen at all, and if you pick something bold, like the red drawer faces above, your kitchen will look both more interesting and more luxe at the same time.Add Color and Style with TraysYou can find vintage trays like these on Ebay or Etsy and spray-paint them to coordinateYou can bring color and pattern into a blah kitchen by lining trays against the backsplashes (or using temporary 3M hooks to give them a place to lean on a plain wall). And of course, you can always paint a wall and add trays that are more about shape than color to add interest, like those above.Freshen Your Floors with a Colorful RugThis rug really ties the room togetherUnless you have a very, very busy and messy kitchen, there’s no reason an oriental rug can’t class up this room as it does others.This rug makes a tight kitchen space seem purposeful and cozyIf you aren’t into a vintage-style rug, this option from
that you can adjust to your exact size specifications, would be ideal for a tight spot or oddly shaped area.Art: Go LargeLarge art is unexpected in a kitchenFine art has become a popular kitchen trend, but multiple pieces and a collection of frames don’t run cheap. For greater drama and impact, choose one large piece of art—it will transform the room, whether you go with pop art, an impressionist painting, or a giant portrait.Paint Your Cabinet InteriorsThis bright blue was coordinated with existing colorful dishes for impact and funThis tactic is ideal for cabinets with glass fronts or no fronts (you could consider removing your cabinet fronts and
if you want a new look for a very low cost and just a bit of labor).This romantic sea-green color makes the cream surrounding it look crisper and cleanerPainting cabinet interiors is fresh, pretty, and highlights whatever shapes are placed in front of the color, so get creative with some of the shelves’ contents for dramatic effect.
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