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尖勺 汤勺 饭勺 金属勺子
Sharp spoon tablespoon scoop metal spoon
Tsim Sha Tsui scoop tablespoon scoop metal spoon
Sharp bucket soup ladle food bucket metal ladle
Tip spoon spoon scoop metal spoon
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ladle英 ['leɪdl] 美 [ˈledl:] n. 长柄勺 vt. (用勺)舀或盛很多(食物);慷慨地施予某物 钢包; 钢水包; 铁水包; 杓子 复数:ladles 过去式:ladled 过去分词:ladled 现在分词:ladling 第三人称单数:ladles spoon英 [spu:n] 美 [spun] n. 匙,调羹;一匙的量;匙状物,匙桨 vt. 用汤匙舀取;向上击 vi. 轻轻向上击;用匙状假饵钓鱼;痴爱,迷恋 匙; 调羹; 勺子; 汤匙 复数:spoons 过去式:spooned 过去分词:spooned 现在分词:spooning 第三人称单数:spoons 名词 n.1.勺,匙, 调羹 The spoon slipped out of his hand.汤匙从他的手中滑落.2.一匙的量 I sniffed the medicine before taking a spoon of it.我闻了闻药, 然后服了一匙.及物动词 vt.1.用汤匙舀取 He spooned the eggs onto the plate.他将鸡蛋舀入盘中.scoop英 [sku:p] 美 [skup] n. 铲,勺,水舀,铲斗;一勺[铲]之量;穴,凹处;通气(或通水)口 vt. 舀;挖空;掏,抓取;[非正式用语]抢先获得、发布 勺; 杓; 铲斗; 匙 复数:scoops 过去式:scooped 过去分词:scooped 现在分词:scooping 第三人称单数:scoops find英 [faɪnd] 美 [faɪnd] vt. 发现;找到;到达;发觉 n. 发现物;被发现的人(尤指有趣、有价值或有用者) vi. 裁决,判决,下判定;[英国英语][狩猎]发现猎物 找到; 发现; 找; 寻找 过去式:found 过去分词:found 现在分词:finding 第三人称单数:finds (1) 动词发现…的所在 If you find someone or something, you see them or learn where they are.
The police also found a pistol... 警方还发现了一把手枪.They have spent ages looking at the map and can't find a trace of anywhere called Darrowby... 他们对着地图细看了许久也没能找到那个叫达罗比的地方的影踪.I wonder if you could find me a deck of cards? 不知您能否为我找一副纸牌?(2)动词找到;寻得;获得 If you find something that you need or want, you succeed in achieving or obtaining it.
Many people here cannot find work... 这里很多人都找不到工作.So far they have not found a way to fight the virus... 迄今为止,他们还没有找到一种对抗该病毒的方法.He has to apply for a permit and we have to find him a job... 他得申请一个许可证,而我们得给他找份工作.Does this mean that they haven't found a place for him? 这是否意味着他们还没有给他寻着一个职位?(3)被动动词发现…存在(于) If something is found in a particular place or thing, it exists in that place.
Two thousand of France's 4,200 species of flowering plants are found in the park... 法国的 4,200 种开花植物中有 2,000种可见于这个公园.Fibre is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables. 谷类食品、豆类、水果和蔬菜中含有纤维素.(4)动词发现…处于某种状态;遇见;碰见 If you find someone or something in a particular situation, they are in that situation when you see them or come into contact with them. They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach... 他们碰见她独自一人神色忧郁地走在海滩上.She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open... 她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了.Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu. 鸫鸟是受保护的物种,在菜谱上是找不到的.(5)动词(不知不觉中)发现(自己在做某事) If you find yourself doing something, you are doing it without deciding or intending to do it.
It's not the first time that you've found yourself in this situation... 你陷入这种状况已经不是第一次了.I found myself having more fun than I had had in years... 我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过.It all seemed so far away from here that he found himself quite unable to take it in. 这事看起来好像发生在如此遥远的地方,他发现自己思想上一时难以接受.(6)动词(某一时刻或事件)把…置于某种情形中 If a time or event finds you in a particular situation, you are in that situation at the time mentioned or when the event occurs.
Daybreak found us on a cold, clammy ship... 天亮时我们发现自己呆在一条冰冷黏湿的船上.His lunch did not take long to arrive and found him poring over a notepad covered with scrawls. 不久午餐就送来了,当时他正埋头于一本满是潦草字迹的记事簿.(7)动词发觉,认识到(某事属实) If you find that something is the case, you become aware of it or realize that it is the case. The two biologists found, to their surprise, that both groups of birds survived equally well... 这两位生物学家惊奇地发现,两组鸟都很好地存活了下来.At my age I would find it hard to get another job... 到了我这个年纪自己就会发觉很难再找到一份工作了.We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity... 我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感.I've never found my diet a problem. 我从未觉得自己的饮食有问题.(8)动词裁决;判决;判定 When a court or jury decides that a person on trial is guilty or innocent, you say that the person has been found guilty or not guilty.
She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years... 她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,缓刑两年.When they found us guilty, I just went blank. 当他们判定我们有罪时,我的脑子顿时一片空白.(9) 动词觉得;认为 You can use find to express your reaction to someone or something.
I find most of the young men of my own age so boring... 我觉得和我同龄的年轻人大多都很无聊.We're sure you'll find it exciting!... 我们保证你一定会认为这很刺激的!I find it ludicrous that nothing has been done to protect passengers from fire... 乘客没有受到任何防火保护,这让我觉得十分荒唐.But you'd find him a good worker if you showed him what to do. 但是只要教给他怎么做,就会发现他是个不错的员工.(10)动词感受到(愉快、安慰等情感) If you find a feeling such as pleasure or comfort in a particular thing or activity, you experience the feeling mentioned as a result of this thing or activity.
How could anyone find pleasure in hunting and killing this beautiful creature?... 怎么会有人以猎杀这种美丽的动物为乐呢?I was too tired and frightened to find comfort in that familiar promise. 我既疲惫又恐惧,就连那熟悉的承诺都无法让我感到安慰.(11) 动词找出,挤出(时间或金钱) If you find the time or money to do something, you succeed in making or obtaining enough time or money to do it.
I was just finding more time to write music... 我刚刚找到了更多时间来作曲.My sister helped me find the money for a private operation. 姐姐帮我筹集资金开办了一家私人企业.(12)可数名词See also: (有价值的)发现;(有用的)发现物 If you describe someone or something that has been discovered as a find, you mean that they are valuable, interesting, good, or useful. Another of his lucky finds was a pair of candle-holders... 他的另一个幸运发现是一对烛台.His discovery was hailed as the botanical find of the century. 他的发现被誉为本世纪植物学的最重大发现.(13)短语找到正确的路(去某处);成功地到达 If you find your way somewhere, you successfully get there by choosing the right way to go.
He was an expert at finding his way, even in strange surroundings... 他是认路的行家,即使在陌生的环境中也是如此.After a while I pulled myself to my feet and found my way to the street. 过了一会儿我费力地站起身来,找到了那条大街.(14)短语(尤指某物偶然)去到(某处) If something finds its way somewhere, it comes to that place, especially by chance.
It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy... 这是少数几件流传到意大利境外的米开朗琪罗作品之一.The most unlikely objects found their way into his design and look absolutely right where he placed them. 那些最不可能的东西出现于他的设计中,并且在他的安排下显得恰得其所.(15) to find fault with→see:
(16) to find one's feet→see:
(17)短语动词(尤指特意通过努力)发现,找出,查明 If you find something out, you learn something that you did not already know, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so.
It makes you want to watch the next episode to find out what's going to happen... 这让人想要看下一集,弄清紧接着会发生什么事.I was relieved to find out that my problems were due to a genuine disorder... 得知我的问题确实是由于病症引起的,我松了口气.Yesterday, the men's families held a news conference in their campaign to find out the truth... 昨天,这些男子的家人举行了记者招待会,以发起查明真相的运动.As soon as we found this out, we closed the ward... 我们一发现此事就关闭了病房.He began by reading everything he could find out about heroin. 他从阅读所有能找到的有关海洛因的资料开始.(18)短语动词查出…的不轨行为;揭发出 If you find someone out, you discover that they have been doing something dishonest.
Her face was so grave, I wondered for a moment if she'd found me out. 她的表情如此严肃,我一时怀疑她是不是已经知道了我干的事.discover, find, detect, ascertain这些动词均有“发现”之意.discover: 普通用词,指发现本来存在,但示被认识的事物、真理或情况.find: 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西.强调动作的结果.detect: 正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物. ascertain: 较正式用词,指有意搜寻与发现.1. I didn't find the joke at all amusing. 我认为这笑话一点也不可笑. 2. I like John but I don't find him attractive physically. 我喜欢约翰,不过我认为他长得并不英俊. 3. I can't find a babysitter for tonight. 我找不到人今天晚上帮我看小孩. 4. Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work. 每年夏天都有一批新的学生要找工作. 5. Does he find his new celebrity intruding on his private life? 他是否感觉到他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活? 6. After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow. 手术后你咀嚼和吞咽都会感到困难. 7. Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground. 尽管我们存在分歧,但仍能找到一些共同点. 8. I don't find him very communicative. 我发现他不太爱说话. 9. We had to completely disassemble the engine to find the problem. 我们只好把发动机全部拆开以寻找故障原因. 10. I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. 我发觉在家里工作很难,因为使人分心的事太多. 11. I tried googling but couldn't find anything relevant. 我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息. 12. You would be hard-pressed to find a better secretary. 找一位更好的秘书很难. 13. I feel hopeful that we'll find a suitable house very soon. 我对很快找到合适的房子抱有希望. 14. We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating. 我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大. 15. I find his manner very off-putting. 我觉得他的举止令人颇为厌恶. 16. She needed to find an outlet for her many talents and interests. 她的多才多艺、兴趣广泛需要找个施展的机会. 17. It won't take you long to find your sea legs. 不用多久你就会习惯船上生活. 18. We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink. 我们去找了一个阴凉的地方,喝了一杯. 19. to find work on a short-term contract 找一份短期合同工作 20. Gunmen continued to snipe at people leaving their homes to find food. 枪手不断伏击外出找寻食物的人. 及物动词 vt.1.找到, 发现 I have found the lost book.我已经找到丢失的书了.He found that the method worked.他发现这方法行得通.Please find Mary her bag.请替玛丽找到她的提包.She said she would find an electrician for us.她说她要给我们找一个电工技师.He couldn't find it in his heart abandoning her.他发现他不能忘记她.2.发觉, 感到, 认为 Did you find him what he wanted?你觉得他想要什么?Mary tried several lines of work, but at last found herself as a teacher.玛丽尝试了好几种工作, 最后她认为自己适合当教师.We have found the farm (to) do well.我们感觉到这个农场经营得好.I found my headache coming on.我觉得头开始疼起来了.3.到达; 努力获得; (经寻找、研究或思考)发现, 查明, 找出, 求得 What do you find the total?你要求的总数是多少?4.供给, 供应; 知道…是有的; 现有(可用) I can't find that amount of money.我不能提供那笔款子.5.〈律〉判决, 裁决 The jury found against the plaintiff.陪审团做出不利于原告的判决.6.(意外或偶然地)发现,碰到7.发现(某事属实)8.发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事) 9.事物自然到达;达到10.(在某处)存在,生长 名词 n.1.发现 That old book is quite a find.那本古书是一个重大发现.2.发现物 The new finds have deepened our knowledge of giant ape.新的发现物加深了我们对巨猿的认识.3.发现物,被发现的人(尤指有趣、有价值或有用者) 不及物动词 vi.1.裁决,判决,下判定 The jury found for the accused.陪审团做出有利于被告的裁决.2.[英国英语]【狩猎】发现猎物
spoon例句:Use this spoon to help the gravy。用这只勺子盛肉汁。
美[spʊn]n. 匙,勺子;一杓的量vt. 用匙舀;使成匙状vi. 轻轻向上击
扫描下载二维码[yī tāng chí]
英语中的量词汇总(一) ...
spadeful(s)一铲 ...
A tablespoon
求翻译:smilewining 是什么意思? ...
你今天不忙吗? >> Do you not busy today?
让你的皮肤在阳光下暴晒 >> Let your skin in the sun exposure
一汤匙 >> A tablespoon ...
One tablespoon
求翻译:韩版女大衣上架 是什么意思? ...
常常惹老师的麻烦 Teachers often provoke trouble
一汤匙 One tablespoon
真的吗 我的名字是 Are you sure my name is ...
Blackstrap Molasses
spoonful a spoonful of oil
a spoonful of oil
Fresh Herbs
give me a spoon
tablespoon chopped garlic
Spoon cooking wine preserved pineapples
[yī tāng chí]
We need: chicken, oil – 150 ml, two eggs, one tablespoonful of vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard, greenery – marjoram, rosemary.
“两滴卡米拉油混入一汤匙的清酒就是助你通向更加细滑干净的肌肤所要的全部。” 瓦德拉在《美丽通行证》中写道。
"Two drops of camellia oil mixed with a tablespoon of sake is all it takes for clearer, smoother skin," writes Vadhera in "Passport To Beauty.
Slurp 15 milliliters (about atablespoon) of vinegar daily, perhaps diluting it with milk or soda to make itless acidic and more palatable.
- 来自原声例句


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