
聚伞圆锥花序,花小,白色。果近球形青梅 Vatica mangachapoi Blanco是龙脑香科乔木,高达30m,胸径达1.2m。树皮青灰色。幼枝和嫩叶密被星状毛
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王法 基本解释王法[wáng fǎ]词典:[法]王法。词典:[法]依法律观点。王法 汉英大词典王法[wáng fǎ] the law王法 双语例句1. 王法1. 同时西藏地方法制的传承性,使得西藏地方法律呈现出落后性,野蛮性和王法、教法、道德、戒律合一的特点。&&&&The inheritance of the Tibetan legal system enabled the law of Tibet to have many other features, such as backwardness, savagery and the integration of the emperor law, religions, and morality and taboo.<p class="p1:21 看哪、你所倚靠的埃及、是那压伤的苇杖,人若靠这杖、就必刺透他的手,埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人、也是这样。&&&&See, now, you are basing your hope on that broken rod of Egypt, which will go through a mans hand if he makes use for so is Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to all who put their faith in him.<p class="p1:6 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及,是那压伤的苇杖,人若靠这杖,就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人,也是这样。&&&&See, you are basing your hope on that broken rod of Egypt, which will go into a mans hand if he makes use for so is Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to all who put their faith in him.4. 王下18:21看哪、你所倚靠的埃及、是那压伤的苇杖。人若靠这杖、就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人、也是这样。&&&&Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharoah king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.<p class="p1:21 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及是那压伤的苇杖人若靠这杖,就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人也是这样。&&&&Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.6. 他实行了多年的高压政策,并且任用一些贪赃王法只手遮天的宠臣。&&&&He grew more repressive with the years and took on corrupt and grasping advisers.7. 张兴梅;张之一;王法清&&&&ZHANG xing- ZHANG zhi- WANG fa-qing8. 得到这样的惩罚我们到底犯下什么王法。&&&&What had we done To have such a seneschal?9. 9. 这位公子名曰聂铁,貌似文质彬彬,却是当地目无王法,游手好闲之辈。&&&&This young master` name was Nie Tie. He might look like a gentleman. But in fact, he was a local thug, lawless and up-to-no-good.10. 镇江公安既然不顾王法,无视中央和相关主管部门的政策和法律法规,既然孤注一掷的想把冤案办成铁案,想置世界通于死地,想不让我们活,我们已一无所有,就用我们的血肉之躯前往镇江集体作证:世界通公司没有骗过我们!&&&&Zhenjiang, regardless of public security since ignore central and relevant departments of policies, laws and regulations, since the desperate to TieAn, want to buy grievance into world to death, can let us live, we have nothing, with our flesh to testify zhenjiang collective world: no fool us!11. 在镇上,你是王法。进了森林我就是王&&&&&&In town, you are the law, but here it's me.12. 这个国家还有王法呢,你最好管住你那张嘴巴。&&&&&&There's a law in the land still, and you better control that tongue of yours.<p class="p1.03。鉴别,界定和治理的伦理,经济,文化,王法和景况关连的题主意项目职业。&&&&&&Identify, define and address ethical, economic, cultural, legal and environmental issues related to work projects.14. 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及,是那压伤的苇仗,人若靠这仗,就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人,也是这样。&&&&&&Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on E whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust in him.15. 15. 其中,由朝廷直接管理的有30座,避暑山庄内有16座:珠源寺、梅檀林、汇万总春之庙、水月奄、碧峰寺、鹫云寺、斗姥阁、广元宫、永佑寺、同福寺、仙苑昭灵、法林寺、灵泽龙王法、西峪龙王庙、涌翠岩、上帝阁。&&&&&&Among them, direct management by the court are 30, there are 16 Summer Resort: Pearl Source Temple, Mei Lin Tan, Department of 10000 total Spring Temple, Suigetsu Um, Bifeng Temple, serpent eagles Cloud Temple, the Big Dipper Basking Court, Guangyuan Palace, Eisuke Temple, with the Temple, Xian Yuan Zhao Ling, French temple, Ling Ze Dragon King France, the West Valley of the Dragon King Temple, Chung Chui Yan, God's House.16. 16. 她和丈夫都抗拒不得,因为那个地主是地方一霸,他的意志就是村里的王法。&&&&&&Neither she nor her husband was able to resist, simply because the landlord was the boss and hence the law in the village.17. 一方面,佛教总是积极向政治靠拢,翼赞王法;另一方面,历史上各个政权也都拉拢不同的宗派作为自己的精神支柱。&&&&&&On the one hand, Buddhism approve to politics actively. On the other hand, the government in history hooked different sects of Buddhism as their own spiritual support.18. 实际上,窦天章代表的却是封建统治集团的利益,促成窦娥雪冤的决定性因素是久违的亲情,而不是失衡的王法。&&&&&&In fact, the sinus-day chapter is representative of the interests of the feudal ruling led to the decisive factor Dou innocence is returning to the family, rather than the imbalance of law.19. 转眼之间你变成王法了,提格先生?&&&&&&Are you the law all of a sudden, mr, teague?20. 你简直没有王法了!&&&&&&Don't you know we've rules in this family?王法是什么意思,王法在线翻译,王法什么意思,王法的意思,王法的翻译,王法的解释,王法的发音,王法的同义词,王法的反义词,王法的例句,王法的相关词组,王法意思是什么,王法怎么翻译,单词王法是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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青莲是什么意思 青莲在线翻译 青莲什么意思 青莲的意思 青莲的翻译 青莲的解释 青莲的发音 青莲的同义词 青莲的反义词 青莲的例句
青莲 基本解释青莲的意思青莲[qīnɡ lián]名青莲 网络解释1. heliotrope:淡白紫 violet ash | 青莲 heliotrope | 深青莲 amaranth purple2. heliotrope:淡白紫 violet ash | 青莲 heliotrope | 雪青 lilac3. SHOUREN:GUREN 红莲 | SHOUREN 青莲 | JIZAI 自在4. 4. amaranth purple:青莲 heliotrope | 青莲 amaranth purple | 雪青 lilac青莲 双语例句1. 青莲的反义词1. 金玫蕾1,莫韫1,刘留1,郭宁1,谢青莲1,林桢1,王星1,李葆明2,赵国屏1,景乃禾3,*,于雷4&&&&JIN Mei-Lei1, MO Yun1, LIU Liu1, GUO Ning1, XIE Qing-Lian1, LIN Zhen1, WANG Xing1, LI Bao-Ming2, ZHAO Guo-Ping1, JING Nai-He3, *, YU Lei42. 金玫蕾;莫韫;刘留;郭宁;谢青莲;林桢;王星;李葆明;赵国屏;景乃禾;于雷&&&&Jin M Mo Y Liu L Guo N Xie Q Lin Z Wang X Li B Zhao G Jing N Yu Lei3. 3. 前一篇:我是佛前的一朵青莲&&&&I didn`t know how to teach until I met you.4. 在她那一双象两朵青莲一样丰满而又柔软的小脚上&&&&Observation on the edge of the wood, but the guards watched steadily5. 5. 我是佛前的一朵青莲,静静的看着人间,一天又一天,看着那么多人一次次的在轮回,重复着前世的故事。&&&&It was a little pretty town away from hustle and bustle, whose outlying fields were covered with a huge mass of golden rape flowers that would dazzle you at first sight during the sunny season.6. 6. 在她那曲线对称、小巧玲珑的双耳上,在她那红润的双手上,在她那一双象两朵青莲一样丰满而又柔软的小脚上,那是锡兰最美丽的珍珠在闪亮,那是各尔贡最珍贵的钻石在发光。&&&&Her narrow and supple waist, which a hand may clasp around, sets forth the outline of her rounded figure and the beauty of her bosom, where youth in its flower displays the wea and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor.7. 就象一颗颗露珠覆盖着半开的石榴花。在她那曲线对称、小巧玲珑的双耳上,在她那红润的双手上,在她那一双象两朵青莲一样丰满而又柔软的小脚上&&&&Her delicately formed ears, her vermillion hands, her little feet, curved and tender as the lotus-bud, glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of Ceylon, the most dazzling diamonds of Golconda.8. 就象一颗颗露珠覆盖着半开的石榴花。在她那曲线对称、小巧玲珑的双耳上,在她那红润的双手上,在她那一双象两朵青莲一样丰满而又柔软的小脚上&&&&Her delicately formed ears, her vermillion hands, her little feet, curved tender as the lotus-bud, glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of Ceylon, the most dazzling diamonds of Golconda.9. 李白 (701年—762年),汉族,字太白,号青莲居士,身长七尺有余约1.83米)生于安西都护府碎叶城,幼年迁居四川绵川昌隆县(今四川省江油市,唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人。&&&&Li (701-762), the han nationality, words, and constellations QingLian spare (seven feet long standing 1.83 meters) was born in anxi all armor crush phosphatide, youth move house of sichuan county (or rectify sichuan jiangyou city), the great romantic poet in tang dynasty.10. 10. 四种不同版本的《达摩宝传》尽管有相同的情节,但却分属大乘天真圆顿教、青莲教、八卦教和青莲教支派等不同的民间宗教派别。&&&&Although these four ditferent versions of Damo bao zhuan are have the same structure, they belong to different sects of folk religions such as Dacheng tianzhen yuandun school, Qinglian school, Bagua school and so on.11. 七星岩风景区由阆风、玉屏、石室、天柱、蟾蜍、仙掌、阿坡等七座奇峰以及东湖、青莲湖、中心湖、波海湖、内湖等五个大湖组成。&&&&&&Langzhong Qixingyan Scenic Area by the wind, yuping, Shishi, Tianzhu, toads, 仙掌, slope, such as Afghanistan and East Lake 7 Qifeng, Qinglian Lake, Center Lake, Baltic lake, Lake in the composition of the five Great Lakes.12. 12. 考古学家根据大溪文化的特点发现,它与湖北的屈家岭文化,江苏的青莲岗文化和浙江的河姆渡文化、良渚文化,同属长江流域的重要古文化。&&&&&&From the special features of Daxi Culture, archaeologists found that it is of the same importance as Qujialing Culture in Hubei Province, Qingliangang Culture in Jiangsu Province, Hemudu Culture and Liangzu Culture in Zhejiang Province in the Yangtze River Valley.13. 13. 早些年,我碰到周育金和他的妻子金青莲。&&&&&&Earlier this year, I met Zhou Yujin and his wife Jin Qinglian.14. 青莲14. 周育金和他的妻子金青莲将他们的所有的钱花在周的治疗上。&&&&&&Zhou Yujin and his wife Jin Qinglian spent their savings on Zhou's medical care.15. 那您知道我们的校色,就是青莲紫与白色,代表什么意义吗?&&&&&&Do you know what our school colors, violet and white, mean? As our founding father Dr.16. 附带的青莲的行动仍然是一个大课题史学家和宪法学者之间的争论。&&&&&&Parenthetically, the rectitude of that action is still a subject of great debate among historians and constitutional scholars.17. 我还记得那是个夏的下午,我坐在那棵柳树下,娘说那柳树有五百年的年岁了,我知道其实它有八百岁了,它也知道我是佛前的青莲,我每次去的时候,它都会跟我说话,我看着那满池的荷花,静静的,一如我当初微绽时般。&&&&&&I still remember the spare time when I was waiting for my visa.18. 溴化乙锭探针研究劳氏青莲与脱氧核糖核酸的相互作用&&&&&&Studies on the Interaction between Thionine and Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid by Ethidium Bromide Probe19. 青莲什么意思19. 皮革青莲5B合成工艺的研究&&&&&&Study on the Synthetic Technology of Leather Dyestuff Lotus 5B20. 20. 猪线:全自动三点击昏式脑心麻电机,蒸汽烫毛隧道,螺旋式打毛机,自动燎毛炉等,现畅销国内四川高金,四川康绿,浙江青莲,山东乐港,黑龙江哈肉联及朝鲜,越南,俄罗斯,泰国等国家和地区。&&&&&&Pig slaughter equipments: Automatic three-point electric numb machine, steam type scalding tunnel, spiral unhairing machine, automatic singeing oven, etc.青莲是什么意思,青莲在线翻译,青莲什么意思,青莲的意思,青莲的翻译,青莲的解释,青莲的发音,青莲的同义词,青莲的反义词,青莲的例句,青莲的相关词组,青莲意思是什么,青莲怎么翻译,单词青莲是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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清灵是什么意思 清灵在线翻译 清灵什么意思 清灵的意思 清灵的翻译 清灵的解释 清灵的发音 清灵的同义词 清灵的反义词 清灵的例句
清灵 基本解释清灵网络网络清灵 双语例句1. 生活的清灵需要自己寻找,奥柯美卫浴换气功能就如同生活的清泉,滋养一方清新净土。&&&&Freshness in life is to be found. Aokemei ventilating unit presents you the freshness you want.2. 母亲在大片阴影的衬托下,更显得清灵美丽,温柔娇怡,仿佛唐朝画师绣在深色锦上的浅色花,丽而不媚艳。&&&&Mother in the backdrop of a large shadow, even more beautiful and pure and flexible, gentle Jiao Yi, as if Kam Tang painter embroidered on a light in the dark flowers, Li Mei-yan instead.3. 然后是三个小盆友的新儿童联唱,那甜润清灵的声音不喊一点杂质,孩子的声音总是最纯净,纯净得能穿过心灵。&&&&Followed by three children, Lian Chang Xiaopen new friends, that sweet voice of the Qing Ling impurities do not cry a little child's voice is always the most pure, pure soul was able to pass through.4. 在人们经历了春的清灵,领略了夏的爽朗之后,秋雨如一层薄幕,把天地收笼了起来,田里的庄稼像是听到了军令般的,都争先恐后地落地成熟,真是熬得天开见月明,秋雨,你又是多么的让人骄傲,为你自豪,为了丰收的今日,我们已付出了太多,承受得太重,你来得太晚,盼得太久。&&&&After people has experienced the clearness of spring, the brightness of summer, the autumn rain, just like a layer of misty curtain, folded up the whole earth and sky. The plants in the field, like hearing army orders, become mature one after another. Bearing so long, we at last see the openness of the sky and brightness of moonlight. Autumn rain, I am proud of you, for today`s harvest, we have spent too much, endured too heavily. As we have expected you so long, you come eventually.5. 咳清灵对小儿急性支气管炎痰热壅肺证有较好的治疗作用,且临床应用比较安全。&&&&Keqingling possesses better effects and clinical reliability in treating lung phlegm heat syndrome in children with acute bronchitis.6. 用药经验:治疗变态反应性鼻炎,应寒热并用,同时用药时应轻清灵动,注重顾护胃气。&&&&Medicine experience: treatment of allergic rhinitis, should use cold and hot at the same time, and should be light clear clever, to pay attention to regard protecting the physiological function of stomach. 4.7. 7. 绿清灵即2%十八烷基三甲基氯化铵可溶性粉剂,对蔬菜蚜虫具有较好的防治效果。&&&&The tests on2% octadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride showed good result against the cabbage aphids.8. 夜里的清风把悬于深邃夜幕上的月儿牵来,撩动着疏疏的雾气也润涤着自己的周身,我仿佛变得通体清灵起来。&&&&The breeze at night hanging deep into the night on the pull on children, the flipping of the fog is also the Shu Shu Run Polyester with his whole body, I seem to have become quintana Qing Ling up.9. 脑清灵汤治疗抽动秽语综合征的作用及机理研究从《内经》的心身医学观谈抽动秽语综合征的发病机制&&&&Study on Function and Mechanism of Nao Qingling Tang (Nao Qingling Decoction) for the Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome10. 脑清灵口服液治疗抽动秽语综合征110例&&&&Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome by " Naoqingling Fluid " in 110 Cases11. 用音乐营造清灵的生活环境&&&&&&Creating Clear and Comfortable Living Environment by Music12. 对香芸火绒草浸膏香气作了香型评定,其为清灵花香。&&&&&&And aroma type of the plant has also been identified, as Qinglinghua aroma.13. 清灵13. 脑清灵口服液治疗抽动秽语综合征110例&&&&&&Treatment of Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome by " Naoqingling Fluid " in 110 Cases14. 绿清灵即2%十八烷基三甲基氯化铵可溶性粉剂,对蔬菜蚜虫具有较好的防治效果。&&&&&&The tests on2 % octadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride showed good result against the cabbage aphids.15. 而在有山有水的地方生活的人们由于山水的陶冶,也便多了一份清灵之气,多了一份淡泊和祥和。&&&&&&In the mountains where there is water of life of people because of the mould landscapes, it also has a multi-ling of the gas, a more indifferent and harmony.16. 境内山川秀丽,物产丰富,有秀甲西部的尧人山国家森林公园,柔美清灵的都柳江。&&&&&&There are a lot of places of interest and fantastic views, such as Yaoren Mountain National Forest Park, and Duliu River Scene.清灵是什么意思,清灵在线翻译,清灵什么意思,清灵的意思,清灵的翻译,清灵的解释,清灵的发音,清灵的同义词,清灵的反义词,清灵的例句,清灵的相关词组,清灵意思是什么,清灵怎么翻译,单词清灵是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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