what is your addressfavourite book?

What is your favourite book?
(showing 1-20 of 20)
So other than discussing our group read, let's talk about other things related to books, such as the usual question people would ask you when you tell them that you like reading: What is your favourite book?
my favorite book is a tie between the eye of the world by robert jordan and the way of kings by brandon sanderson!
My favorite book is the Yellow Crocus. Based on a true story, which makes me love it that much more!
Wow I've never heard of those two books before Stephanie! What's it about?And speaking of which, what are your favourite genres?
it's hard to say what they're about to be honest because they're both so huge and they're the first in gigantic series (eye of the world is the 1st in a 14 book series, way of kings in what will one be a 10 book series lol). eye of the world is basically a "boy finds out he must save world" kind of thing, way of kings is kind of the same. They're both amazing books. My favorite genre is high fantasy!
My favourite book (series) is Harry Potter, of course! But
are two of my favourites!
Wow I've heard a lot about Song of Achilles, is it really that good? If so, I think I'll give it a try! Or maybe we can have it as next month's group read?
It is an amazing book! We should, should I nominate it?
Yes, you definitely should!
i loved the night circus, the secret history, + the song of achilles. i don't know if i could choose!!! & then series is a whole other talk ~~
I've always wanted to read The Secret History too! Maybe nominate it for next month's group read? And I agree about series, Chai, there are so many series that I love so much...
I love The Awakening, The Bell Jar, The Art of Racing in the Rain, A Man Called Ove, This is How You Lose Her, The Kite Runner, and 1984 (just to name a few hahaha).
The Kite Runner is amazing!!! And we read The Bell Jar for a group read a few months ago, I really liked it :)
Ive narrowed my favorites to three:1. Iliad, Homer2. Lorna Doone, Blackmore3. A thousand Years of Solitude, Marquez
I am totally adding your favorites to my _want to read" list!
I tried reading Marquez before but I just couldn't get into it, I should try it again.
I have so many!! And there's ones that are constantly being added. But I'm pretty sure like 99% of them are all series. :D
I've always wanted to read A thousand Years of Solitude! now I have more reason to try it out :)
Its the kind of book that needs a "read through to the end"'commitment. Everyone has the same name
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