
  到达Coura房子的时间是下午1点50分,我取了钥匙开门进屋,小心地拎着行李,生怕弄脏地板被罚钱。到自己的房间后,我坐下来给房东发邮件,告诉她我已经到房间。房东的邮件回得非常快,出乎我意料的是,Coura居然非常生气,说我没有遵守她的入住须知,没到入住时间就自行进入房间。她重复了好几遍:“You’ll be charged 10 dollars(你将被罚10美金)!”我一头雾水地回复她,我严格遵守了“入住须知”,并没有看到所谓的入住时间。她回复说:“把入住须知重读一遍!”
1.有次房东问我did u eat anyting yet? 我说no.(没吃)
她听后重复了一遍so u didn't eat anyting. 我说yes...(吃了)
房东老太太犹豫了下,又问did u eat ?我说no.(没吃)
她接着说so u didn't eat .我说yes ......(吃了)
2.刚上班不久,有个公司的A/R打电话来催支票,我循例问了一下他是哪间公司打来的,那男的很有礼貌的说:&Thisis xxx calling from Beach Brother.& 听懂了很开心,不过由于对公司名字还不熟,心想先用笔记下来公司名,省得等下忘记了,正得意忘形之间,顺嘴开始拼写人家公司的名字,还说得一本正经:&b.i.t.c.h......bitch, correct?&&&那男的终于还是没能忍住怒火,近似于怒吼似的对我喊道:&NO!!! B.E.A.C.H.....BEACH!!!!!!&
3.我男朋友以前在温哥华乘skytrain的时候,一个白人女人说:I am sorry. 他直接说:you are welcome. 对方都呆了。
4.第一次跟老外去打paintball,玩的是抢旗的那种。由于第一次玩,一直跟着个看起来很专业的队友跑,一路上躲着子弹跑到对方的base.我们人都挂了,对方就剩一个人在看老家。就听那老外跟我说了一大堆术语,我也没听懂。他看我没听懂就跟我说:it&s easy just cover me when I go out. 说完了就喊了一声cover me! 然后跑了出去,我也不懂他是让我掩护他,没等我想清楚他就跑了。
5.剛來的時候有一次跟一個兄弟去吃饭,那大哥吃飽以後指著滿桌剩下的碟子一邊劃圈一邊問服務生how much, all this, how much?服務生五官扭曲的看著他。。。。。我最後實在忍不住了,告服務生說他想買單,結果服務生走以後他還不爽,說人服務生就快明白了我打什麼岔。。。
6.刚来的时候看到很多大厦门口都有smoke free..... 我由衷的感叹..加拿大就是好,抽烟都免费...朋友那个汗......
7.还有一次是去MC,问朋友圣代的英文怎么说,他就说是音译sundae, 我茅塞顿开,恍然大悟,十分自信的说了一句....那奶昔是不是叫nancy ???? 朋友当场喷可乐.........
8.第一次打电话叫TAXI......对方问where you from.....我回答CHINA,还在奇怪叫taxi还分国籍~?对方可能以为我在搞笑,很郁闷的说sorry, we can not do that.....我一听...火大...怎么有种族歧视啊..就问: why~?对方楞了半天,挂了.....
9.有一天去kfc,要土豆泥,不会说,就在那里根cashier苦喊potato sauce, 她以为我sb呢,然后,丫给我了7,8袋ketchup........被鄙视了~~~~~
10.在加拿大帮老外拔火罐,但是罐很容易掉,我的英语不好,我解释说you have too much fur.他听了之后大笑:it is hair ,not fur, fur is for animal.我也大笑了起来。
11.我朋友刚来的时候不认识什么人,所以在班上试图交朋友,一日,觉得一白人哥们人挺好,于是想要人家电话号码,日后做朋友, 于是问:HOW MANY IS YOU PHONE NUMBER? 白人说:TEN.(加拿大号码是十位的)
12.刚来的时候,去BURGER KING去吃饭,点完汉堡,人家问我要酱不,我说要,人家问,哪种?我忘了番茄酱咋说了,想了半天,想出了个JAM,人家还听不懂,最后一赌气说,IT&S UP TO YOU.
13.刚来加拿大的时候去酒吧玩。。而且还带了一个MM去的,她在国外呆了很一段时间。。。我看她很吊的样子,于是我就装的很帅,走过去打算请她喝酒,于是我问她,喝什么酒,她说。。sex ON THE beach...但是当时很吵,我也压根不知道酒吧里都啥酒名,听成son of bitch...当时我也愣了下,然后吧台很性感的bartender已经在等我叫酒,我回头大声地喊,can I have a son of bitch....... 接下来。。我不想再回忆
15.刚来上发现老外都喜欢用铅笔,所以去book store跟风买铅笔和橡皮。找不到橡皮就问do you have rubber. 人家笑笑说让我去pharmacy买。郁闷。。。为什么去药店买橡皮,去了药店问do you have rubber.人家笑笑拿给我一盒避孕套。我倒~~!!原来加拿大管橡皮叫eraser。
16.刚来的时候经常说you too....结果我生日那天我的homestay mom 买了个生日蛋糕给我,还跟我说happy birthday...结果我很快的就来了句you too...
17.想起来一个是一同学第一次去吃McDonald,结果进去后一紧张,大声说了句:I want to this han baobao,边说边指对方一时不知所措,我那同学又重复了n遍...
18.有个朋友来加拿大第一次去吃牛排,服务员问How would you like your steak done? 我朋友没听懂,就听别人点的时候说medium , 他就想&我不能跟他们学&。他就跟服务员说,large please.服务员一愣,说sorry we don&t have that. 然后他又说,small please.服务员又吓了一跳,说sorry we don&thave that.
他身边的朋友着急了,告诉他,人家问你牛排要几分熟。他随口就说80%。服务员又一愣说,sorry we don&thave that......
&-- Hello &#¥%&&&*#¥%, Itis a great day. @#$%^
&--Hello, is it BMW?
&--No. It&s Toyota and Lexus
20.有个ESL的女老师,在白板上写字,我冲她的背影大叫&excuseme, sir.& 她转过来说&I need to consider which washroom I should go.&
21.刚来的时候去麦当劳吃饭没有餐巾然后跟人说要paper那人过会给我拿来了张白纸还问do you need a pen? 我狂晕了半天然后去厕所洗手的.
22.同样发生在麦当劳.我的某人初来报道.跑到M记买面包.之前表现很是不错,一直维持到服务员问here or to go?.第一次接触外带餐这词,还好思维敏捷马上明白过来了,可是嘴上紧张,对着那男服务员直接喊出&Let&s go!&......服务员石化1秒后,说了句OK.
23.我一朋友,中午去吃汉堡,厨子问他要加什么,他说:tomato,cheese, and washroom ( mushroom) . 当时所有人流汗到地 -_-
24.一个朋友给我讲的,他刚来的时候去M.C说了一句&I want a combo 1&,就听casher说&@#¥#@&&%&&&(因为不习惯听不懂),我朋友就说&yes&,然后casher又说&!#¥%@#¥%&。我朋友说&yes&
25.还有我听朋友讲的。他们一起上ESL,有个大哥每天都坐第一排,特认真的听课,然后有一天老师看他这么认真,上课就主动和他讲话。老师说:how are you?他说:twenty-two.老师忍了下说:what did you do yesterday? 他说:yes......从此老师再没和他对过话~~~
26.我朋友刚来,坐公车。有个传教士类的人特友好的跟他打招呼,说How is going. 他说go to school~~~~~那个人一下就不会了。。。
27.刚上初中那会儿第一次去学校厕所而且一般都要和OFFICE里的人报告就屁颠屁颠地跑去了,一到那里是个白人大妈值班看到我问我要干啥。。。我想想说厕所washroom是不是太土了点就和她说:Where is the bedroom located? I need to pee。然后就看那大妈瞪着我问:excuse me? 我就特傻地继续问:Bedroom,u know where u pee and poo =.= 大妈想了想就微笑地和我说:I&m sorry honey we don&t have a bedroom in school, but if u r looking for a bathroom it&s down the hall. 我当时就汗了,把bathroom说成bedroom=.=|||
28.来的第二年了,我去商店买鞋,然后拿着就去问营业员:is this made of beef or pork ( 俺的意思就是猪皮还是牛皮的),那个营业员的表情到现在都记得。
29.刚来,去SENECA体育馆打羽毛球,不会说羽毛球,连手势带比划,看门小姐还是不懂。急了!!!大声的说:I want a ball can fly, like a bird. please !看门小姐一脸迷茫的跟我说了一堆。我还是没懂。同去的朋友告诉我说:她不负责抓鸟。
30.刚来英国的时候跟一个女生去银行开户,一个银行职员很亲切地走上前来,还没开口说话,就听那女生说&May I help you?&职员当时就石化,我就在后面拉她衣服,她侧头跟我说,别捣乱别捣乱。然后又对人家说了一次&MAY I HELP YOU&
31.刚来的时候我们三人行,好朋友,两女一男。有天合伙去市场,那个男生想买茄子,上来就问&how much for one kilometer?&我和另一个女生觉得太丢脸,默默的闪开装不认识他。
32.某某老公刚来的时候英语很不好,坐天车的时候不小心踩了一个白人女的的脚,结果他想躲开的时候不小心又踩了那女的另一只脚&&然后那女的就瞪着他,他想说&I&M SORRY&结果一着急就特别大声的说成了&IT&S OK!&然后那女的就也特别大声的回他一句:&IT&S NOT OK!!&全车人都疯了&&
33.一个朋友,才来英国不都是要去警察局注册嘛,我那个朋友当时英文不是一般的差,他连警察局怎么说都不知道。但是他还是很有勇气,一个人打算去警察局注册。走在路上,他随便抓了一个老爷爷,想问说警察局在哪里。但是他发音不标准,把police说成please,那个老爷爷挣扎了半天,听不懂~于是他着急了:&please啊,wear hat, use gun!&一边说一边还比划动作。终于那个老爷爷听懂了,然后回答他:&you want to find police? they are everywhere!& 他更着急了,于是大声说& no no no, I want a group of please, they stand together....&那个老爷爷这次真的听懂了,原来他是要找police station!于是老爷爷把他带去了,还对police说这个从中国来的小伙子英文不好,他需要帮助.
34.朋友的男朋友好猛,他刚来的时候去超市,人家问他要不要cash back,他还以为买东西还有钱收,就说要!人家问他要多少,他就跟人家说:as much as possible !
35.说个我朋友的,他叫李硕,刚来英国第2天有个老外问他说:r u sure?他想都没想还笑嘻嘻的跟人说:yes, I am shuo lee!
36.刚来的时候,住一个寄宿家庭的男生非要请我吃饭,结果就去了麦当劳。他问我你要什么,我帮你点。我说我就要第一个的那个meal就行。他说行,我跟你吃一样的。结果老哥上去就跟人家说&Number one two.& 点餐的白人听不懂,他跟人家大声地重复了三遍,他自己还特生气。
37.我有一朋友刚来,长的不错,遇一阿&搭讪,那哥们特直接,张口就问我朋友:R u married? 我朋友楞了下,来了句:I am not MARY, I am SHERRY. 她以为人家问她你是MARY吗?
39.刚来的时候和朋友打电话去必胜客。。。他菜单上面是super supreme 我就很激动的对着电话喊我要一个super super me !!!! 对方茫然我还激动的大喊了好几声super super me ! 对方继续茫然啊。。。拼出来以后对方才说哦哦哦super supreme ..... 一年都没有再定必胜客的东西。
40.在网上看到一个人说他同学刚出国闹的笑话,问他最近干什么,他说去看电影,然后问他有什么好电影,他说过两天有一部电影叫&COMING SOON&。
41.当时来英国不久,逛街的时候路上总有很多人发传单,所以就习惯性的说:NO,THANKS.结果有次人家给的是新年宣传纸,然后还跟我说:HAPPY NEW YEAR. 然后我很快回答:NO,THANKS。
42, 上英語課,跟同學做interview....我問她喜歡做什麽..她說...hanging out in the cafeteria with friends...
我當時就奇怪...為什麽她喜歡吊在餐廳呢?然後我去問那個助教...我還做了嗰吊死的動作....她看到後...笑到瘋了....我卻很無奈....hanging out...
43.第一次去超市买胶卷,拿着Durex的果味condom隔着半个超市对着朋友大叫:I found it here.
45.我来说一个,03年的时候在多伦多的SENECA读ELI,班上有一哥们英文不好,有天他来迟了,站在门口,说Sorry,I am late for class.我们的Miss是一个要求很严格的老太太,问他 How come?这哥们想了几秒,很认真,很诚恳的回答By bus. 全班爆笑,老太太一脸黑线~~~
此人说完之后准备走进来,老太太好容易克制了一下,说 Hey, you can&t go to the classroom like this, you should ask me &Excuse me, Miss, may I sit down?这哥们很疑惑的看着老太太,不说话,估计是有点长没听明白.老太太很耐心,接着说 follow me, say &may I sit down&?这回他似乎听懂了,很坚定的说了个&Yes&,然后潇洒的Keep walking~~~老太太终于崩溃了,很配合的坐在自己的椅子上,全班狂笑~~~
47.刚去的时候到别人租的房子去买二手货,走到一片住宅区,我心里纳闷四了,心想怎么这一带全是公共厕所,太奇怪了....因为一排屋子前都竖着大牌子写着&toilet&.期间数次想开口问旁边的学长,又走了一段后我猛然回过神来,其实人家写的是&to let&...我硬给看成了toilet...还好没问,不然糗大了..==
那天那小哥下课快到家了,结果看到两辆车撞了,他就出于好心报警了,&Hi, My name is XXX, a car fucked a car, I see red water ,please call wuliwuli come&
解释一下,a car fucked a car 就是car crash, red water他是想说blood,wuliwuli是ambulance,因为ambulance的声音是这个。。。
其实他是想说:there&s a car crash here, someone injured please call ambulance come over. 最搞得是,police竟然听明白了,警车和ambulance马上就到了。。。牛啊!!!查看: 4115|回复: 28
【第二页已上图】求助,房东不退还security deposit,怎么破
在线时间 小时
本帖最后由 一剑终情 于
20:27 编辑
房子的租期是今年6月1日到8月1日,租金750每月,security deposit同样的数目。
8月1日查房的时候房东发现她的granite counter top有一块变色了,很不高兴,想把整块counter top换了,说要扣留.鏈枃鍘熷垱鑷1point3acres璁哄潧
我们的security deposit,会找公司报价之后再联系我们。她说肯定是我们把烫的锅子直接放在台子上造成的。我们一
她说换变色的部分counter top不会太多,也就几百块。
这期间我们问了很多人,有劝我们争取见面好好谈的(虽然我不看好这个建议),实在不行就算了,750不要了;有直. more info
. Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
让我们很烦恼。. 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
Jess Sheng 8月15日 发送至 Vania, shenwei, Rui, 我
Hi all,. 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the status of security deposits.
Also, there is the issue of the granite counter top that was damaged. It was installed just before I left in early June and was damaged by the end of July. We have photos of what the area looks like and have sent them to the company that we purchased the counter top from. They requested pictures and said that would be sufficient and did not need to come to physically see the counter top. Their quote for damages will be finalized and I will share a scanned copy of their documentation with all of you. Because I was not present during this time period, I again will ask you as a group to decide how this cost will be divided. Their documentation will also contain a description of what they believe caused the damage (at the point in time I believe they attribute it to oil becoming trapped inside the stone). I do not know who used the area more or less or if there was any specific incident that happened that caused this. Those of you who were living there probably have a better idea of how things were going during that month.
. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
Please respond as a group reply with any questions or discussion so that everyone can have an idea of what is going on (unless you want to discuss division of costs separately among yourselves that is fine). I will respond when I have time to, just a note that responses may take longer due to my work schedule.
Vania Leung 8月16日 发送至 Jess, shenwei, Rui, 我
主要是反驳清洁问题. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
Dear Jessica,
The state of the kitchen was actually a complete mess when I moved in. I spent an entire day scrubbing the fridge, kitchen floors, appliances, and kitchen pantry.
The bathroom was also a disgusting mess with mold everywhere and the grout rotting. My boyfriend actually spent another day scrubbing the mold out as well, and I had informed you about the rotting grout and the board falling off the cabinet.
I did not complain about it, but I feel that it would not be fair to charge the renters as because we (including you) had a part in the &mess& that was left behind. It is actually standard practice for landlords to do a complete professional cleaning at least once a year (and especially when new tenants are moving in), but that was not performed when I moved in and when the other new tenants moved in as well.
In fact, the &dirtiness& is probably part of the &wear and tear& that is found in contracts, and tenants should not be penalized for it. The apartment, from what I understand of it had not been thoroughly cleaned for many many years (at least 4-5 years from what I've observed and heard); it would not make sense to penalize tenants as a result of the lack of professional cleaning that should have been maintained by the landlord.
. Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
Jess Sheng 8月16日 发送至 Vania, shenwei, 我, Rui
I completely understand. Honestly I do not mind paying for the cleaning cost. However if when you move in there are issues it is also your responsibility to bring it up at that time. All these complaints are coming much later than the fact. I have also brought up several times the ion of having professional cleaners come in instead of us cleaning and splitting the cost while everyone was living there. this idea was shot down each time with the tenants opting to not pay instead saying they would keep the area clean on their own.. 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
In conclusion I don't mind paying the cost, but I believe that if you have complaints then as tenants you should also inform the landlord at the time to solve the issue instead of leaving things until the end. Everyone has a part to play in this..鐣欏璁哄潧-涓浜-涓夊垎鍦
Jess Sheng 8月16日 发送至 Vania, shenwei, 我, Rui
. Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
还说到counter top的quote要来了
Just confirmed with my mom to make sure. We will cover the cleaning costs. :) you're definitely right we should get at least once yearly cleaning. But if you do see things at the time, it would be nice to be informed then (aside from the bathroom board/grout) so we can do something about it instead of not complaining and doing it on your own and later bring it up.
The counter top quote should be back later today and I will send that out.. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
. 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
Shen, Wei 8月16日 发送至 Jess, Vania, 我, Rui . 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
. 鐗涗汉浜戦泦,涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
Thanks for your message. I do agree with what Vania said about the cleansing issue. To be honest, I have rented many different places but never heard about that landlord bringing up this issue before. I do understand you, but just feel like it is a sunk cost that the house is getting older if there are people living there. But anyway, you did say you will cover the cleansing cost which is good to us. I appreciate!
In terms of the counter top, I did send you an email regarding this. Since I barely used the kitchen and given that I was not in Chicago from Monday to Thursday, I think I should be the least responsible for that by any means. I would like to have an open talk with everyone someday to discuss the distribution of responsibilities. Just let me know.
Anyway, thanks for summer's rent. I had a great time living there generally.
我 8月17日 发送至 Wei, Jess, Vania, Rui
Hi Jessica,. more info
I and my wife used the kitchen most during the period of June and July, we can take more responsibility for the situation of the counter top.
However, we don't think we tenants (Rui Vania Wei I and my wife) are responsible for the replacement of the counter top.
First of all, the guy named Peter from the company which installed the counter top made a phone call to me yesterday, explaining the situation of the counter top and answering some questions from me..鐣欏璁哄潧-涓浜-涓夊垎鍦
From what he said, we had these conclusions: . Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
1) the reason of the changed color of the granite is probably the penetration
-google 1point3acres
2) this is only a matter of visual. This penetration will probably not effect how long this counter top can be used. This incident is different from things like 'you use hammers to knock the counter top' and 'you stand on the thin part (e.g in front of the sink) of the counter top to change some light bulbs', which both, among other improper ways of using, will do damage to the extent that affects the lif
3) basically speaking, a granite counter top may be used for several decades, sometimes around 100
Thus we do not think it is necessary to change the whole counter top to a new one.
Moreover, we tenants did't know and were not informed that oil and sauces on the counter top would do damage to it. I don't think this is common sense. your mom also thought the damage is due to other reason at the first time. Thus, we think we should be forgiven for this accidental mistake. What we did during these two months is just use the kitchen normally, maybe a little careless, but apparently we didn't DO any damage to it, let alone do any damage on purpose.
Thus we think the penalty for this kind of mistake should not be as much as paying for replacement of the whole counter top.
Last but not least, this amount of money is really huge for us international students. If we spend this extra hundreds of money out of our budget, it would be a huge burden for us. It's about the beginning of new semester, we are busy and will be more in a week. I think this is true for everyone that this incident affect our life a lot. I hope we can solve this soon.
We agree to pay for reasonable amount of money for the loss of visual appearance of the counter top, but not replacement of it.
I and my wife agree with Wei that we could meet and talk and discuss about this situation face to face, to figure out another solution than replacing the whole counter top.
Thank you all.. more info
Jess Sheng 8月17日 发送至 我, Wei, Vania, Rui
房东在这里用了一个衣服的比喻,来说明灶台的问题已经到了一定要更换新的不可的地步. /bbs
I'm glad that you spoke to Peter and he was able to explain the situation to you. You are right, it is a visual matter, it will not affect the use of the counter top, it is still stone. However, the entire purpose of installing a granite counter top is to enhance the value of the unit for resale in the future. The fact that there is a large oil stain on the counter top completely defeats the purpose of installing one in the first place. And if anything may decrease the value. It is like having a large oil stain on a shirt. It does not affect the wearability of the shirt or the fact that it still functions as a shirt, but it certainly decreases the value. As a consumer, I would not want to purchase a shirt that had an oil stain on it and I would see it as a damaged piece of clothing. The same translates over to the counter top.
As for this being common sense or not being told how to specifically use a counter top. I beg to disagree. Before we had those counter tops, even with the cheaper material we always placed paper towel underneath where we stored the cooking ingredients and this is something that both Rui and Vania can attest to. I would also change it periodically because it would get very oily. Same with putting dirty pots or pans directly on the counter top (don't know if this happened) but we would always use a mat or some sort in between the counter top and the pan unless it was clean/dry. Like I also said to you in a separate email, I've lived at my apartment now for over 3 months, longer than the time you were there, and I have had no issues with oil stains on my granite counter top. In addition, there were no specific instructions regarding care, but I'm sure if I left a large oil stain on it, I would be held 100% accountable even if I say no one told me how to care for it. Same with wood floors. I put felt on the bottom of my chairs so I won't scratch it. This was not told to me specifically, but if I left with large scratches on the floor, I also am sure I would be fined for the costs of repair. This argument can be used for anything in the living area - floor, microwave, oven, washer, dryer, toilet, etc. . more info
. more info
And to address the point of doing damage on purpose or not, no one has ever said it was done on purpose. It simply happened and still, like I said above, has repercussions. Many times damage is doing inadvertently or on accident. It does not draw away from the fact that it happened. Mistakes are mistakes and like we all learn I'm sure in the professional world you have to make up for them in one way or another whether it's something you need to pay for or apologize for or do extra work, etc.
I understand that this is very expensive and that is why I think the discussion of how to reconcile this should be had. I do not think it is possible for everyone to meet face to face (I think Wei is also back at school in Indiana now, as am I for work). But like I said, I am open to discussing anything over email. If it is reasonable I of course will agree, as with the cleaning expenses for the apartment.. From 1point 3acres bbs
And again, to address your last line, the visual issue of the granite counter top is just as important as the functionality. The value greatly decreases when the visual aspect is damaged. Having a granite counter top with a large stain pretty much negates the value that it would add being there. A regular counter top without stains would probably be better. I again draw you attention to the comparison to clothing/purse/etc. A cheaper shirt without a stain still more desireable than one with a large stain.
我 8月17日 发送至 Jess, Wei, Vania, Rui
Hi Jassica,
I only saw your reasoning for this, but I'm not very sure about your conclusion..鏈枃鍘熷垱鑷1point3acres璁哄潧
I guess your conclusion is that 1) you still will replace the counter top in the near future and 2) we tenants should pay for the 100% of the replacing of it
Is that correct? Please let me know.. from: /bbs
Jess Sheng 8月17日 发送至 我, Wei, Vania, Rui
Whoever the responsible party is for the damage should be held accountable.&&
The counter top needs to be replaced - like I said, there is no point in having it there if it is damaged. . 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
这之后我们就没有回复了,都在迎新和找人. From 1point 3acres bbs
. 涓浜-涓夊垎-鍦帮紝鐙鍙戝竷
========. from: /bbs
Rui Li 8月19日 发送至 Jess, 我, Wei, Vania
-google 1point3acres
so there's no way for them to make the stain less noticeable?
and how much is it to replace it, didn't receive an email with the quote.
Jess Sheng 8月23日 (9 天前) 发送至 Rui, 我, Wei, Vania
. 鐗涗汉浜戦泦,涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
Hey everyone,
I've attached what they sent my mom with the quote and their explanation. From what I've heard and what my mom has gathered from talking to the company, there isn't a way to get rid of the oil stain.
Let me know any questions you have, I'll try to clear them up or talk to the company and whatnot.
. more info
我 19:24 (23 小时前) 发送至 Jess, Rui, Wei, Vania
Hi Jessica, 鏉ユ簮涓浜.涓夊垎鍦拌鍧.
Sorry about the delay.. From 1point 3acres bbs
I kept contacting legal consultation office of UIC during past weeks, but they still don't have an attorney in office now.
I'll keep trying to contact them as well as lawyers of some of my friends. I need to talk to them before I can take next step. I'll let you know.
是不是房东想换counter top就能换掉,不管我们造成的损害是不是必须换,然后找我们出钱?我们需要怎么跟房东理论才能说服她要么不换,我们赔一点美观上的钱,要么我们赔一点钱,她们也出一部分换掉。总之就是deposit有没有希望退回来,能退回来多少?
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RehsuR 发表于
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一剑终情 发表于
你觉得这个事情就只能赔全款了么?. From 1point 3acres bbs
勤奋农民-感谢提供高质量信息和讨论, 积分 963, 距离下一级还需 37 积分
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她未必会换COUNTERTOP明摆着想要钱而已,所谓的估价,你们走了以后她会不会换难道会告诉你么?. From 1point 3acres bbs
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本帖最后由 zach 于
19:09 编辑
1. 你们搬进去的时候那里干净么?谁能证明那里干净?这是一个突破口,即使是打官司,谁主张谁举证,他们说是你们房客弄脏的,那必须证明你们搬进去之前是干净的。如果证明不了,我感觉这官司你们不会输。——这招慎用,先见律师。如果真是你们弄得也别说瞎话败人品。
2. 如果真是你们的调料油瓶弄脏的话,看看租赁合同里有没有相应的条款。这个显然属于日常损耗,让你们100%赔肯定说不过去——就拿他说的,难道我把他的木地板弄了一点磨损他就要换新的然后让我掏100%的钱?或者就算按他说的我给油壶下面垫纸,难道我晚换了1天留下了油渍,也要换新的然后房客掏100%么?除非租赁合同里写了,木地板划伤要赔新的,那么当然不用赔。你仔细看看你们的租赁合同里关于磨损的条款。
3. 除了学校的法律顾问,还可以咨询芝加哥市政府、芝加哥房屋租赁协会、房客保护组织等等。我的感觉是,消费者保护协会肯定有经验,说不定他们一句话你心就安了。
4. 我承认visual是重要的功能,但是显然不是全部功能。所以就算你应该赔,无论如何也不应该赔100%。
5. 同楼上,出于诚意,先看professional清洁公司能不能搞定。卖那玩意儿的公司肯定说清洁不掉,因为他们希望你换新的啊
6. 不怕打官司,小额法庭+学校律师应该要不了多少钱,而且胜诉方的律师费应该败诉方给出吧?我的态度是宁可把钱让律师赚去,也不要惯着这房东。只要律师费没有超过你们的security deposit太多。
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Amanda_QY 发表于
你试试联系 ...
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lz 加油,虽然我不能提供啥帮助,我很讨厌这种房东,give him some color to see see。。。。
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zach 发表于
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Amanda_QY 发表于
她未必会换COUNTERTOP明摆着想要钱而已,所谓的估价,你们走了以后她会不会换难道会告诉你么?-google 1point3acres
你试试联系 ....
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本帖最后由 一剑终情 于
09:30 编辑
zach 发表于
1. 你们搬进去的时候那里干净么?谁能证明那里干净?这是一个突破口,即使是打官司,谁主张谁举证,他们说是 ...顶,思路很清晰
. 鐣欏鐢宠璁哄潧-涓浜╀笁鍒嗗湴
. 鍥磋鎴戜滑@1point 3 acres
她给我的答复是这不是在中国,人家公司不会骗我们的。。我。。。. /bbs
. 涓浜-涓夊垎-鍦帮紝鐙鍙戝竷
在线时间 小时
. 1point 3acres 璁哄潧
房东弄了个高档货(granite countertop )放在厨房里,遇到了租客,估计一群国际学生以前根本不知道啥是granite吧?自然也就不知道granite这种材料会出问题,然后就真的用出问题了。
如果房东收的deposit离replace granite countertop费用差别很大,她不会罢休,应该是房东告你们要你们出钱,
无论是那种情况,房东要举证是你们弄坏的。最直接的证据就是你们搬进和搬走之前granite countertop 的变化。这里的关键是要证明你们搬进去之前是好的,你们住进去就成坏的了。
房东如果能证明的话,你们就很不利了。房东不能直接证明的话,大概会出间接证据,比如countertop 在你们搬进去之前正好是新装的,有公司安装证据,根据countertop 被损坏程度,只可能是你们造成的;或者出示个你们之间的通信记录,说你们承认了是你们造成的。
. 涓浜-涓夊垎-鍦帮紝鐙鍙戝竷
感觉无论房东还是你们,最好不要花钱请律师,否则怎么都比替换这块石头的费用要贵。她很清楚的。也许你们之间应该就这个问题各自退步、达成协议,但是如果她觉得自己稳稳的可以胜诉,也可以把legal fee再扔到你们头上让你们承担,也许会起诉吧。
最后,granite countertop这种东西,的确是坏了一部分就算坏了,外表上难看就算全废了,得整个replace,因为没办法replace一部分来修复。即使上庭,也很容易获得法官的认可。法官自己家里的countertop是啥材料的我不知道,但是估计他的观念会站在房东一边的。
我不是judge&&:)&&我说的也不一定对。-google 1point3acres
. Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
在线时间 小时
action items:
1)还是去找legal service询问
2)如果legal service不看好,就去房东那里询问能否reduce价钱 -- 你也可以要求自己找人安装,看看能否找到便宜的。前面有人说了,也不是房东说要多少就给多少,并且各个公司价格不同。注意:房东也可能要求你替换成exactly一样的,并不是随便一块就成。
在线时间 小时
granite seal的不够好的确会变色,酱油和油迹要赶快擦
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本帖最后由 Jawley 于
16:39 编辑
我对具体这个东西没概念,但是房东论述里面有个问题,她论述的是这个东西的价值下降了,但是价值下降不等于下降到零。即使他们能证明是你们的全责,你们也只应该负责价值下降的部分,而不是完全更换的价格。我不清楚污渍有多严重,是否就真的使其价值下降到很严重的程度,但如果不是这种情况,你可以以此反驳。实在不行,你可以要求更换后把原来的带走,虽然也没啥用,但是可以防止房东收了钱最后又没换的情况发生。另外不知道这东西能否把污渍处切除后安装在其它厨房,或者你拿回去自用之类。. Waral 鍗氬鏈夋洿澶氭枃绔,
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小K 发表于
granite seal的不够好的确会变色,酱油和油迹要赶快擦
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Jawley 发表于
我对具体这个东西没概念,但是房东论述里面有个问题,她论述的是这个东西的价值下降了,但是价值下降不等于 ...
“另外我怎么记得小额法庭不能带律师?”. 涓浜-涓夊垎-鍦帮紝鐙鍙戝竷
-- 这个我不知道。如果是这样子,那光脚的不怕穿鞋的,上庭吧。
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