英文造句 sb+believe/think of造句/find/+it+OC(adj)+to+v

Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesn’t correct them too often or because other students can 36 them.Pronunciation is the area which is 37 the least attention to in language learning. Most teachers 38 just let their students speak. The teachers stop them 39 the students say something completely wrong. Working on each student’s pronunciation in class is just 40. Also, the students who are 41 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if they help 42 their mistakes.Although you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 43, you may be 44 when you actually go to a foreign country. One of my friends was the best student in his 45 class in Poland. However, when he went to America, he found Americans didn’t understand 46 of what he said.Your pronunciation may still be quite 47 that of a native speaker. If this is the 48, other people will find it 49 to understand what you’re saying and will not be comfortable with you. 50, don’t think you can communicate in a foreign language 51 you’ve tested your skills on real native speakers. 52 for native or near-native pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 53. In order to achieve this goal, there’s no 54 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 55 time on it.【小题1】: g4 e! O4 ]
X0 V2 [3 Z( Y A.mistake- i" X" W/ Y/ N9 X2 \ B.watch: j2 N* `. b& j C.surround: K4 h6 O; S4 U8 ^/ Q D.understand, Q8 S2 a& g! F6 K7 d4 \3 U2 N7 i 7 B) g1 a( E) U- [ 【小题2】( L- H9 ^/ h/ F
V9 H0 U# j9 \, X A.made. g8 N: H9 e& N# X B.found2 C1 C+ H0 X) L C.paid# J* f! Z, K3 W: E) C. h2 c- R* A D.called+ V8 h5 e+ N- f
f" _2 H* _# i. K 【小题3】' F- I4 N6 i. [! \6 M. A; f) X5 D A.never, D. X: B7 T- e2 J. U$ c. A B.ever$ [0 U" @4 i4 Q2 V
P8 d C.even, I# c' _+ b/ J& S) e D.usually$ `" I6 C
W0 d0 g# ] 2 A6 f9 j! B1 W% Q& h9 [1 X, P1 F 【小题4】8 e. Z% e5 Y' D; a2 G7 F: P( I' h3 X& U6 J A.only if9 D5 Q7 Z% [) ^0 `8 M B.as if& e: D( G) \- Y: _8 M: b C.even if$ b7 P, K% g2 Q2 d D.so that4 D# X( G+ A) S ! F" O2 H/ X$ E$ E; c4 N! O. M 【小题5】# a. S- W0 ?/ V' _ A.fantastic+ P/ @, a% a3 c6 W B.impossible6 ^& R8 ]5 T8 F C.necessary$ d1 Q7 W* O1 X D.important. ]& B$ V9 B8 V% R/ i- F/ Y" g' R- E ! a( M) W! h6 j' O9 G% J# \ 【小题6】0 a4 O/ `$ h: F1 J$ h6 A1 d A.poor2 U1 D
Q6 M5 N, M
F B.well* I- Z# `4 J) ^& G C.good2 ]8 W; a7 M0 T, _0 i% Q D.strict) S8 K$ [, F" M1 Z3 E# U ; J$ H. @' [" i+ a4 f
F! d7 _! U6 F0 F 【小题7】% ^5 N8 D7 d8 `. T) G6 N A.put out5 E# j8 Z& A3 K, a0 S; A B.work out" _& f! V7 a3 h& e4 B: M6 G C.try out+ L6 H1 B* ]8 ]/ A D.point out2 P2 Z1 P% b1 Q, P! d" b: A" J7 T& I$ e/ R # E( f7 C! f1 R7 h& M 【小题8】: W# ]0 Y: H, ] A.communicate1 a3 P1 E' `. Y# A B.travel
J* E# P2 F. F4 Y0 c. B) G C.pronounce" P) V) `8 S5 G& B* ? D.exchange* i' b) g" U8 F* B9 [$ b ( C3 g4 ^8 \5 i3 T- D: N 【小题9】
f2 S. g& R4 L! Z! F* F; ` A.happy" `: C/ C" i, j B.sad6 B% f2 R8 ?+ J" Z7 M8 b C.surprised2 V2 b
U4 e2 I( F: A7 [( Q D.excited4 i. E, Y1 T( M, S8 g , M: @7 a+ h3 i 【小题10】" ?2 A- U5 X8 b" h. V A.Polish% [: P: Y) i: C* D" N* ` B.French( [/ C1 X" i
C$ T/ K C.German- Z/ c+ D9 @6 N0 N& S$ Z D.English+ O2 K2 ?5 i6 \" f- B % a: W& Y* E5 d' j+ [+ B$ S 【小题11】7 X& E% T7 E/ K
H1 F/ X5 G5 Z* b A.none7 a4 A5 H) b4 O8 G) _ B.half" E+ O. Q9 I% g3 h& _* S C.rest- i/ D9 C4 Y- U% H D.lot9 M) g, d$ G! f) a' f, ` ) U1 E, ^& [" d4 f' F$ X# ^- M 【小题12】8 b& R- _% j, C( Z9 B+ A A.near to0 c& i+ `: G; D/ j8 h3 O5 C: M B.near from, M7 G7 `" M- E
R; N C.far from0 i4 V2 ]# _3 E# Z# T D.next to( e/ V2 @! D
e& V# [ 5 A& Z: _/ G) g2 E3 H: K" O+ P& T 【小题13】9 U7 G1 I" J% i' P7 C A.same! T% Z1 Z
T' @' R1 g. J; \ B.matter( S/ Z" f. ]" C C.case# Y* _; f
E& [) d( A D.fact8 ]8 M- ^6 \- h5 ? ! ]0 d: b# g) J5 N7 Q 【小题14】( X) K' O! a+ f2 N A.easy% B6 C- H# [+ a3 K0 f: C B.beneficial
e3 T8 L+ f* Z0 G0 H& K
C" A3 E C.convenient( `
W( a$ h5 R D.hard! e# N) b* B: B- D, H2 P2 V , V3 _' j8 E* ?3 d. P4 Y# S) Y0 @% f7 _ 【小题15】( _8 b* A) ]' W5 U8 G2 U1 R A.In conclusion: O( a
d, a' H, c3 A3 X5 H B.In other words0 F$ e) d, ?2 @% f, K C.In total8 I2 P3 R. X% @ D.On the contrary( T/ V2 ^, X4 f# [7 N ' `: H4 K, @$ j. J 【小题16】- U, H
E$ F0 I; _* a% _ A.when( [6 T" ^3 @5 C# L B. d- Z) [. Y% Y0 U+ V C.after+ N& i2 L+ i6 ?" M/ b/ ^& L D. D- O9 X$ C4 `" C, ^
R' F1 B$ W4 S: H9 Y. ] 【小题17】
S/ S, P% ^. H5 M7 ? A.S d$ h* L$ ^! e' X+ e0 \- B9 V B.Look0 G, Q4 j$ i( [; ^, j* F! ]" B C.Aim: \4 K6 h3 O$ h! M D.Search2 \) X8 Y. N1 T% T7 L ) U5 N8 G1 L& ?. S 【小题18】
h4 \& M% H& `* I0 I A.smoothly! [3 V/ h+ Q( \. F) P B.difficultly+ A9 I0 B* K( O C.truly6 V- d& D5 T* K: i3 Q+ ? D.practically( [3 g6 ]& `9 ]5 R, d! I4 `) h 1 ?" @) L, a( D& H 【小题19】2 d9 ]& H8 E( [ A.way- d/ G0 j9 f& ?% Z# O B.need! O; L% V2 N4 T, _ C.doubt: [3 S- W* d% ?6 D3 Y3 \$ V3 i D.wonder* _! b! S1 i& j, M3 h ) P8 R! f0 O
b# [! ?$ @ 【小题20】5 K
E/ \6 E5 V- O% `9 A$ f+ e A.take- @$ ?' R* O' @5 f B.cost* C* J7 ?, Q/ G9 L7 i6 E C. O0 P7 ]9 V% [& A4 E& G D.kill8 E$ h1 \6 ^* O7 K1 H9 E3 @ 7 Q' a1 [( _5 Q# X
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesn’t correct them too often or because other students can 36 them.Pronunciation is the area which is 37 the least attention to in language learning. Most teachers 38 just let their students speak. The teachers stop them 39 the students say something completely wrong. Working on each student’s pronunciation in class is just 40. Also, the students who are 41 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if they help 42 their mistakes.Although you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 43, you may be 44 when you actually go to a foreign country. One of my friends was the best student in his 45 class in Poland. However, when he went to America, he found Americans didn’t understand 46 of what he said.Your pronunciation may still be quite 47 that of a native speaker. If this is the 48, other people will find it 49 to understand what you’re saying and will not be comfortable with you. 50, don’t think you can communicate in a foreign language 51 you’ve tested your skills on real native speakers. 52 for native or near-native pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 53. In order to achieve this goal, there’s no 54 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 55 time on it.【小题1】: g4 e! O4 ]
X0 V2 [3 Z( Y A.mistake- i" X" W/ Y/ N9 X2 \ B.watch: j2 N* `. b& j C.surround: K4 h6 O; S4 U8 ^/ Q D.understand, Q8 S2 a& g! F6 K7 d4 \3 U2 N7 i 7 B) g1 a( E) U- [ 【小题2】( L- H9 ^/ h/ F
V9 H0 U# j9 \, X A.made. g8 N: H9 e& N# X B.found2 C1 C+ H0 X) L C.paid# J* f! Z, K3 W: E) C. h2 c- R* A D.called+ V8 h5 e+ N- f
f" _2 H* _# i. K 【小题3】' F- I4 N6 i. [! \6 M. A; f) X5 D A.never, D. X: B7 T- e2 J. U$ c. A B.ever$ [0 U" @4 i4 Q2 V
P8 d C.even, I# c' _+ b/ J& S) e D.usually$ `" I6 C
W0 d0 g# ] 2 A6 f9 j! B1 W% Q& h9 [1 X, P1 F 【小题4】8 e. Z% e5 Y' D; a2 G7 F: P( I' h3 X& U6 J A.only if9 D5 Q7 Z% [) ^0 `8 M B.as if& e: D( G) \- Y: _8 M: b C.even if$ b7 P, K% g2 Q2 d D.so that4 D# X( G+ A) S ! F" O2 H/ X$ E$ E; c4 N! O. M 【小题5】# a. S- W0 ?/ V' _ A.fantastic+ P/ @, a% a3 c6 W B.impossible6 ^& R8 ]5 T8 F C.necessary$ d1 Q7 W* O1 X D.important. ]& B$ V9 B8 V% R/ i- F/ Y" g' R- E ! a( M) W! h6 j' O9 G% J# \ 【小题6】0 a4 O/ `$ h: F1 J$ h6 A1 d A.poor2 U1 D
Q6 M5 N, M
F B.well* I- Z# `4 J) ^& G C.good2 ]8 W; a7 M0 T, _0 i% Q D.strict) S8 K$ [, F" M1 Z3 E# U ; J$ H. @' [" i+ a4 f
F! d7 _! U6 F0 F 【小题7】% ^5 N8 D7 d8 `. T) G6 N A.put out5 E# j8 Z& A3 K, a0 S; A B.work out" _& f! V7 a3 h& e4 B: M6 G C.try out+ L6 H1 B* ]8 ]/ A D.point out2 P2 Z1 P% b1 Q, P! d" b: A" J7 T& I$ e/ R # E( f7 C! f1 R7 h& M 【小题8】: W# ]0 Y: H, ] A.communicate1 a3 P1 E' `. Y# A B.travel
J* E# P2 F. F4 Y0 c. B) G C.pronounce" P) V) `8 S5 G& B* ? D.exchange* i' b) g" U8 F* B9 [$ b ( C3 g4 ^8 \5 i3 T- D: N 【小题9】
f2 S. g& R4 L! Z! F* F; ` A.happy" `: C/ C" i, j B.sad6 B% f2 R8 ?+ J" Z7 M8 b C.surprised2 V2 b
U4 e2 I( F: A7 [( Q D.excited4 i. E, Y1 T( M, S8 g , M: @7 a+ h3 i 【小题10】" ?2 A- U5 X8 b" h. V A.Polish% [: P: Y) i: C* D" N* ` B.French( [/ C1 X" i
C$ T/ K C.German- Z/ c+ D9 @6 N0 N& S$ Z D.English+ O2 K2 ?5 i6 \" f- B % a: W& Y* E5 d' j+ [+ B$ S 【小题11】7 X& E% T7 E/ K
H1 F/ X5 G5 Z* b A.none7 a4 A5 H) b4 O8 G) _ B.half" E+ O. Q9 I% g3 h& _* S C.rest- i/ D9 C4 Y- U% H D.lot9 M) g, d$ G! f) a' f, ` ) U1 E, ^& [" d4 f' F$ X# ^- M 【小题12】8 b& R- _% j, C( Z9 B+ A A.near to0 c& i+ `: G; D/ j8 h3 O5 C: M B.near from, M7 G7 `" M- E
R; N C.far from0 i4 V2 ]# _3 E# Z# T D.next to( e/ V2 @! D
e& V# [ 5 A& Z: _/ G) g2 E3 H: K" O+ P& T 【小题13】9 U7 G1 I" J% i' P7 C A.same! T% Z1 Z
T' @' R1 g. J; \ B.matter( S/ Z" f. ]" C C.case# Y* _; f
E& [) d( A D.fact8 ]8 M- ^6 \- h5 ? ! ]0 d: b# g) J5 N7 Q 【小题14】( X) K' O! a+ f2 N A.easy% B6 C- H# [+ a3 K0 f: C B.beneficial
e3 T8 L+ f* Z0 G0 H& K
C" A3 E C.convenient( `
W( a$ h5 R D.hard! e# N) b* B: B- D, H2 P2 V , V3 _' j8 E* ?3 d. P4 Y# S) Y0 @% f7 _ 【小题15】( _8 b* A) ]' W5 U8 G2 U1 R A.In conclusion: O( a
d, a' H, c3 A3 X5 H B.In other words0 F$ e) d, ?2 @% f, K C.In total8 I2 P3 R. X% @ D.On the contrary( T/ V2 ^, X4 f# [7 N ' `: H4 K, @$ j. J 【小题16】- U, H
E$ F0 I; _* a% _ A.when( [6 T" ^3 @5 C# L B. d- Z) [. Y% Y0 U+ V C.after+ N& i2 L+ i6 ?" M/ b/ ^& L D. D- O9 X$ C4 `" C, ^
R' F1 B$ W4 S: H9 Y. ] 【小题17】
S/ S, P% ^. H5 M7 ? A.S d$ h* L$ ^! e' X+ e0 \- B9 V B.Look0 G, Q4 j$ i( [; ^, j* F! ]" B C.Aim: \4 K6 h3 O$ h! M D.Search2 \) X8 Y. N1 T% T7 L ) U5 N8 G1 L& ?. S 【小题18】
h4 \& M% H& `* I0 I A.smoothly! [3 V/ h+ Q( \. F) P B.difficultly+ A9 I0 B* K( O C.truly6 V- d& D5 T* K: i3 Q+ ? D.practically( [3 g6 ]& `9 ]5 R, d! I4 `) h 1 ?" @) L, a( D& H 【小题19】2 d9 ]& H8 E( [ A.way- d/ G0 j9 f& ?% Z# O B.need! O; L% V2 N4 T, _ C.doubt: [3 S- W* d% ?6 D3 Y3 \$ V3 i D.wonder* _! b! S1 i& j, M3 h ) P8 R! f0 O
b# [! ?$ @ 【小题20】5 K
E/ \6 E5 V- O% `9 A$ f+ e A.take- @$ ?' R* O' @5 f B.cost* C* J7 ?, Q/ G9 L7 i6 E C. O0 P7 ]9 V% [& A4 E& G D.kill8 E$ h1 \6 ^* O7 K1 H9 E3 @ 7 Q' a1 [( _5 Q# X Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesn’t correct them too often or because other students can 36 them.Pronunciation is the area which is 37 the least attention to in language learning. Most teachers 38 just let their students speak. The teachers stop them 39 the students say something completely wrong. Working on each student’s pronunciation in class is just 40. Also, the students who are 41 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if they help 42 their mistakes.Although you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 43, you may be 44 when you actually go to a foreign country. One of my friends was the best student in his 45 class in Poland. However, when he went to America, he found Americans didn’t understand 46 of what he said.Your pronunciation may still be quite 47 that of a native speaker. If this is the 48, other people will find it 49 to understand what you’re saying and will not be comfortable with you. 50, don’t think you can communicate in a foreign language 51 you’ve tested your skills on real native speakers. 52 for native or near-native pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 53. In order to achieve this goal, there’s no 54 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 55 time on it.【小题1】: g4 e! O4 ]
X0 V2 [3 Z( Y A.mistake- i" X" W/ Y/ N9 X2 \ B.watch: j2 N* `. b& j C.surround: K4 h6 O; S4 U8 ^/ Q D.understand, Q8 S2 a& g! F6 K7 d4 \3 U2 N7 i 7 B) g1 a( E) U- [ 【小题2】( L- H9 ^/ h/ F
V9 H0 U# j9 \, X A.made. g8 N: H9 e& N# X B.found2 C1 C+ H0 X) L C.paid# J* f! Z, K3 W: E) C. h2 c- R* A D.called+ V8 h5 e+ N- f
f" _2 H* _# i. K 【小题3】' F- I4 N6 i. [! \6 M. A; f) X5 D A.never, D. X: B7 T- e2 J. U$ c. A B.ever$ [0 U" @4 i4 Q2 V
P8 d C.even, I# c' _+ b/ J& S) e D.usually$ `" I6 C
W0 d0 g# ] 2 A6 f9 j! B1 W% Q& h9 [1 X, P1 F 【小题4】8 e. Z% e5 Y' D; a2 G7 F: P( I' h3 X& U6 J A.only if9 D5 Q7 Z% [) ^0 `8 M B.as if& e: D( G) \- Y: _8 M: b C.even if$ b7 P, K% g2 Q2 d D.so that4 D# X( G+ A) S ! F" O2 H/ X$ E$ E; c4 N! O. M 【小题5】# a. S- W0 ?/ V' _ A.fantastic+ P/ @, a% a3 c6 W B.impossible6 ^& R8 ]5 T8 F C.necessary$ d1 Q7 W* O1 X D.important. ]& B$ V9 B8 V% R/ i- F/ Y" g' R- E ! a( M) W! h6 j' O9 G% J# \ 【小题6】0 a4 O/ `$ h: F1 J$ h6 A1 d A.poor2 U1 D
Q6 M5 N, M
F B.well* I- Z# `4 J) ^& G C.good2 ]8 W; a7 M0 T, _0 i% Q D.strict) S8 K$ [, F" M1 Z3 E# U ; J$ H. @' [" i+ a4 f
F! d7 _! U6 F0 F 【小题7】% ^5 N8 D7 d8 `. T) G6 N A.put out5 E# j8 Z& A3 K, a0 S; A B.work out" _& f! V7 a3 h& e4 B: M6 G C.try out+ L6 H1 B* ]8 ]/ A D.point out2 P2 Z1 P% b1 Q, P! d" b: A" J7 T& I$ e/ R # E( f7 C! f1 R7 h& M 【小题8】: W# ]0 Y: H, ] A.communicate1 a3 P1 E' `. Y# A B.travel
J* E# P2 F. F4 Y0 c. B) G C.pronounce" P) V) `8 S5 G& B* ? D.exchange* i' b) g" U8 F* B9 [$ b ( C3 g4 ^8 \5 i3 T- D: N 【小题9】
f2 S. g& R4 L! Z! F* F; ` A.happy" `: C/ C" i, j B.sad6 B% f2 R8 ?+ J" Z7 M8 b C.surprised2 V2 b
U4 e2 I( F: A7 [( Q D.excited4 i. E, Y1 T( M, S8 g , M: @7 a+ h3 i 【小题10】" ?2 A- U5 X8 b" h. V A.Polish% [: P: Y) i: C* D" N* ` B.French( [/ C1 X" i
C$ T/ K C.German- Z/ c+ D9 @6 N0 N& S$ Z D.English+ O2 K2 ?5 i6 \" f- B % a: W& Y* E5 d' j+ [+ B$ S 【小题11】7 X& E% T7 E/ K
H1 F/ X5 G5 Z* b A.none7 a4 A5 H) b4 O8 G) _ B.half" E+ O. Q9 I% g3 h& _* S C.rest- i/ D9 C4 Y- U% H D.lot9 M) g, d$ G! f) a' f, ` ) U1 E, ^& [" d4 f' F$ X# ^- M 【小题12】8 b& R- _% j, C( Z9 B+ A A.near to0 c& i+ `: G; D/ j8 h3 O5 C: M B.near from, M7 G7 `" M- E
R; N C.far from0 i4 V2 ]# _3 E# Z# T D.next to( e/ V2 @! D
e& V# [ 5 A& Z: _/ G) g2 E3 H: K" O+ P& T 【小题13】9 U7 G1 I" J% i' P7 C A.same! T% Z1 Z
T' @' R1 g. J; \ B.matter( S/ Z" f. ]" C C.case# Y* _; f
E& [) d( A D.fact8 ]8 M- ^6 \- h5 ? ! ]0 d: b# g) J5 N7 Q 【小题14】( X) K' O! a+ f2 N A.easy% B6 C- H# [+ a3 K0 f: C B.beneficial
e3 T8 L+ f* Z0 G0 H& K
C" A3 E C.convenient( `
W( a$ h5 R D.hard! e# N) b* B: B- D, H2 P2 V , V3 _' j8 E* ?3 d. P4 Y# S) Y0 @% f7 _ 【小题15】( _8 b* A) ]' W5 U8 G2 U1 R A.In conclusion: O( a
d, a' H, c3 A3 X5 H B.In other words0 F$ e) d, ?2 @% f, K C.In total8 I2 P3 R. X% @ D.On the contrary( T/ V2 ^, X4 f# [7 N ' `: H4 K, @$ j. J 【小题16】- U, H
E$ F0 I; _* a% _ A.when( [6 T" ^3 @5 C# L B.until; d- Z) [. Y% Y0 U+ V C.after+ N& i2 L+ i6 ?" M/ b/ ^& L D.while; D- O9 X$ C4 `" C, ^
R' F1 B$ W4 S: H9 Y. ] 【小题17】
S/ S, P% ^. H5 M7 ? A.Stand; d$ h* L$ ^! e' X+ e0 \- B9 V B.Look0 G, Q4 j$ i( [; ^, j* F! ]" B C.Aim: \4 K6 h3 O$ h! M D.Search2 \) X8 Y. N1 T% T7 L ) U5 N8 G1 L& ?. S 【小题18】
h4 \& M% H& `* I0 I A.smoothly! [3 V/ h+ Q( \. F) P B.difficultly+ A9 I0 B* K( O C.truly6 V- d& D5 T* K: i3 Q+ ? D.practically( [3 g6 ]& `9 ]5 R, d! I4 `) h 1 ?" @) L, a( D& H 【小题19】2 d9 ]& H8 E( [ A.way- d/ G0 j9 f& ?% Z# O B.need! O; L% V2 N4 T, _ C.doubt: [3 S- W* d% ?6 D3 Y3 \$ V3 i D.wonder* _! b! S1 i& j, M3 h ) P8 R! f0 O
b# [! ?$ @ 【小题20】5 K
E/ \6 E5 V- O% `9 A$ f+ e A.take- @$ ?' R* O' @5 f B.cost* C* J7 ?, Q/ G9 L7 i6 E C.spend; O0 P7 ]9 V% [& A4 E& G D.kill8 E$ h1 \6 ^* O7 K1 H9 E3 @ 7 Q' a1 [( _5 Q# X 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】D【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】A【小题5】B【小题6】C【小题7】D【小题8】A【小题9】C【小题10】D【小题11】B【小题12】C【小题13】C【小题14】D【小题15】A【小题16】B【小题17】C【小题18】A【小题19】C【小题20】C解析试题分析:本文讲述了在英语教育上,人们对于发音教育的忽视,在语音教育上所花的时间太少,导致很多人都不能用英语和别人进行流利的交流,并呼吁弥补这种情况。【小题1】D 动词辨析。A错认B注视C包围D理解;因为老师不纠正他们孩子同学能理解,他们就认为自己的英语很好。【小题2】C 固定词组。Pay attention to…注意…;本句是一个被动语态,在语言学习中,发音是最不被注意的。【小题3】D 副词辨析。A从未B曾经C甚至D通常;通常大部分老师只是让学生来讲英语。【小题4】A 连词辨析。A只有B似乎C即使D以至于;只有当学生完全错误的时候,老师才会纠正他的错误。【小题5】B 形容词辨析。A很棒B不可能C必要D重要;纠正每个学生的发音是不可能的事情。【小题6】C 固定词组。Be good at…擅长于…【小题7】D 动词短语辨析。A扑灭B制定,锻炼C尝试D指出;擅长发音的同学当心如果他们指出同学的错误会让同学感觉很尴尬。【小题8】A 动词辨析。A交流B旅游C发音D交换;也许你认为你的发音很好足以进交流,但是当你真正在国外的时候,你很很惊讶地发现你的发音对方听不懂。【小题】C 形容词辨析。句意:但是当你真正在国外的时候,你很很惊讶地发现你的发音对方听不懂。【小题10】D 上下文串联。指这位波兰朋友的英语是他们班上最好的。【小题11】B 形容词辨析。他发现对方连一半也听不懂。【小题12】C 短语辨析。A接近B附近的C远非D在…旁边;你的发音远远不如以英语为母语的人。【小题13】C 固定句型。If this is the case,如果这就是实际情况,那么别人就发现和你交流很困难。【小题14】D 形容词辨析。A容易B有益C方便D困难,,那么别人就发现和你交流很困难。【小题15】A 短语辨析。A总之B换句话说C共计C相反;总之直到你在本地人的身上测试以后你才认为你能与当地人交流。【小题16】B 固定句式。Not…until…直到…才…;直到你在本地人的身上测试以后你才认为你能与当地人交流。【小题17】C 固定词组。Aim for以…为目标;以本地人或者半本地人为目标。【小题18】A 副词辨析。A流利B困难C真地D实际的;以至于人们可以和你流利地交流。【小题19】C 固定句型。There is no doubt that…毫无疑问…【小题20】C 固定句型。Spend…on…在…花费时间;我们需要考虑在发音上多花点时间。考点:考查教育类短文点评:本文讲述了在英语教育上,人们对于发音教育的忽视,在语音教育上所花的时间太少,导致很多人都不能用英语和别人进行流利的交流,并呼吁弥补这种情况。答题前一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系。答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心Sb. find /think/feel/ +it +n./adj.+to do sth.的海词问答与网友补充:
当不定式作find, think, feel,
students find it difficult to study English = Some students find
(that) it is difficult to study English. 一些学生发现英语很难学。考试与评价.cn/te
Gates feels it his duty to help the poor = Bill Gates feels (that)
it is his duty to help the poor. 比尔·盖茨觉得济贫是他的义务。考试与评价.cn/te
think / consider it wrong to do like that = I think / consider
(that) it is wrong to do like that. 我认为那样做是错误的。考试与评价.cn/te x$'[
注意:考试与评价 .cn/te Pv;‑V'
在“find / think / consider / feel 等
+ it + n. / adj. + to do
good”时,“to do
sth.”。例如:考试与评价 .cn/te
think it no use fighting each other. 我认为彼此开战没什么用。考试与评价.cn/te
feel it no good only remembering the grammar rules in language


更多关于 think it adj to do 的文章

