ga是什么标准酸 p

铝酸酸性弱于镓酸———次级周期性 严宣申
(北京大学化学学院 100871)
周期系中同族元素及其化合物的性质改变有2 种情况,其一呈单调地增或减,如HF HI ,H2O H2 Te 酸性、还原性增强;其二呈锯齿状改变,如和H3PO4 相似,H3AsO4 也是中强酸,H2SeO4 、HBrO4 的酸性分别和H2SO4 、HClO4 相当??就是次级周期性。本文重点讨论四、五、六周期p 区元素最高价化合物的性质。1
第四周期p 区元素最高价化合物的性质(1) Br ( Ⅶ)
1968 年首次合成高溴酸盐,比氯、碘的相应化合物晚了百余年。期间具有代表性的、失败的思路是基于KClO3 受热发生自氧化还原反应4 KClO3 = 3 KClO4 + KCl ,想到Br ( Ⅴ) 化合物也可能发生类似反应,1965 年有人制备了17 种金属溴酸盐,分别进行加热试验。结果,以失败告终。多次实验失败提示人们此路不通,要另辟蹊径。1968 年Appelman 籍83Se (β蜕变) 同位素方法制得BrO4-目前用F2 、XeF2 氧化BrO3 - 制备
XeF2 + BrO3- + H2O = BrO4- + Xe + 2HF
(产率,20 %)
KClO3 KClO4 KCl KBrO3 KBrO4 KBr△f Hmθ/ kJ / mol - 391. 2 - 433. 5 - 435. 9 - 359. 8 - 287. 4 - 392. 2分解温度/ ℃
472 534 - 390 275 -SO2 SO3 SeO2 SeO3 HSO4- (aq) HSeO4- (aq)△f Hmθ/ kJ / mol - 296 - 395 - 230 - 184 - 753 - 453制备并研究(Br ( Ⅶ) ) 性质后知道:4 KClO3 = 3 KClO4 + KCl 是放热反应(171. 6 kJ / mol ) ,而4 KBrO3 =3 KBrO4 + KBr 是吸热过程(184. 8 kJ / mol) ,再者KBrO4 分解温度低于KBrO3 ,即使生成KBrO4 ,在KBrO3 分解时,KBrO4 已经分解了。( 2 ) Se ( Ⅵ)
SO2 和O2 生成SO3 是放热反应( 9 9 kJ / mol ) , 而SeO2 +O2 = SeO3 是吸热过程( 4 6kJ / mol) ,因此要用其他方法制备Se ( Ⅵ) ,如H2SeO3 + H2O2 = H2SeO4 + H2O。其他Se ( Ⅵ) 化合物的能量也高于相应S( Ⅵ) ,如HSeO4-(aq) 和HSO4(aq) 。(3) As ( Ⅴ)
P 和空气中O2 反应,主要产物是P2O5 ( △f Hmθ= - 1506 kJ / mol) ,而As 形成As2O3 ( - 657kJ / mol) 和As2O5 ( - 915 kJ / mol) 表明As2O5 能量显著高于P2O5 。1976 年才首次在- 105 ℃、紫外线照射下AsCl3 和Cl2 结合成AsCl5 ,它在- 50 ℃就分解了。( PCl5 在高于200 ℃才明显分解,表明PCl5 比AsCl5 稳定)( 4 ) Ge ( Ⅳ)
生成GeO2 、GeCl4 释热量分别为- 5 9 0 kJ / mol 、- 5 6 9 kJ / mol , 都低于SiO2 ( - 8 9 4 . 5kJ / mol) 、SiCl4 (l) ( - 640 kJ / mol) ,表明Ge ( Ⅳ) 化合物能量高于相应Si ( Ⅳ) 化合物。(5) Ga
Ga 的金属性弱于Al ,Ga (OH) 3 也是两性物,但酸性略强于Al (OH) 3 。此两性质均不同于“同主族内从上而下,单质金属性增强,含氧酸酸性减弱”的“规律”。地壳中,镓主要分散在铝矿中,在用碱处理铝土矿(主要成分是Al2O3 ,含少量Ga2O5 ) 时得AlO2- 、GaO2- 。通入CO2 ,得更弱的弱酸HAlO2·H2O 沉淀,而GaO2- 留在母液中。母液经多次循环,含镓量增大到一定程度成为提镓的原料。
上述Br ( Ⅶ) 等化合物在同族中的特殊性,主要是和三周期过渡到四周期p 区元素的原于序数增大18 ,电子填满(外数第二层) 3d 轨道,发生了和57 号- 71 号镧系元素电子充填(外数第三层) 4 f 轨道———镧系收缩相似的钪系收缩,从21 号元素钪到28 号元素镍,原子半径平均收缩5 pm/ 核电荷(镧系收缩平均1 pm/ 核电荷) ,所以从三周期,即从Al 、Si ??等到四周期Ga 、Ge ??等原子半径增大有限(数据见表2) ,也就不难想象后者最高价化合物的能量较高。
表2 主族元素原子的共价半径/ pmLi
3 列出ⅠA、ⅡA 原子半径是为了比较2
三、四周期p 区元素最高价含氧酸(盐) 的性质(1) 酸性四周期p 区元素最高价含氧酸的酸性和三周期相应元素含氧酸的酸性相近; HClO4 和HBrO4 都是极强酸;HSO4- 酸性( K = 1. 1 ×10 - 2) 和HSeO4- ( K = 1. 0 ×10 - 2) 相近;H3PO4 和H3AsO4 都是中强酸。若把在族内从上而下酸性不减弱理解为( 相当于) 增强,就不难接受Ga (OH) 3 的酸性略强于Al (OH) 3 。(2) 含氧酸盐的溶解性 相应盐的溶解性常相近,如KClO4 、KBrO4 都是性常相近,如KClO4 、KBrO4 都是O4 (黄色) 和Ag3AsO4 (棕色) ,Al (OH) 3 和Ga (OH) 3 都是难溶物??(3) 氧化性四周期p 区元素最高价含氧酸的氧化性较强:HBrO4 氧化Mn2 + 为MnO4- (HClO4 不能) ;H2SeO4 (50 %) 氧化Cl - 为Cl2 (浓H2SO4 和NaCl 生成HCl) ; H3AsO4 氧化I - 为I2 (浓H3PO4 和KI 生成HI) 。3
五周期p 区元素最高价化合物的性质四、五周期p 区元素原子的次外层都是1 8 e , 由于原子半径大, 最高价含氧酸为六配位氧, 如H2Sn (OH) 6 、HSb (OH) 6 、H6 TeO6 、H5 IO6 、H4XeO4 (高氙酸) ,它们都是弱酸,如H5 IO6 的K1 = 5. 1 ×10 - 4 , K2= 4. 9 ×10 - 9 , K3 = 2. 5 ×10 - 9 ??H6 TeO6 的K1 = 6. 8 ×10 - 7 , K2 = 4. 1 ×10 - 11 ??因配位氧数不同,无法讨论、比较同族含氧酸盐的溶解性。最高价含氧酸的氧化性强于三周期相应元素的含氧酸,如H5 IO6 氧化Mn2 + 为MnO4- ;45 ℃ H6 TeO6 和浓HCl 生成Cl2 ;酸性条件下Sb ( Ⅴ) 氧化I - 为I2 。4
六周期p 区元素最高价化合物的性质六周期氧族元素钋、卤族元素At 都是放射性元素,所以主要讨论Bi ( Ⅴ) 、Pb ( Ⅳ) 、Tl ( Ⅲ) 的性质。(1) 铋酸钠至今尚未制得铋酸,所以讨论它的盐,NaBiO3 是难溶物,在酸性介质中是强氧化剂,氧化Mn2 + 成MnO4 - :
5NaBiO3 + 2Mn2 + + 14H+ = 5Na + + 5Bi3 + + 2MnO4- + 7H2O
氧化性显著强于As ( Ⅴ) 、Sb ( Ⅴ) ,甚至N( Ⅴ) 。(2) 二氧化铅至今尚未制得铅酸。①PbO2 热分解350 ℃分解为Pb3O4 ,接着分解为Pb3O4 (铅丹) ,550 ℃得PbO。(SnO2 、GeO2 对热是稳定的)②PbO2 氧化性和浓HCl 生成Cl2 (SnO2 、GeO2 不能氧化Cl - ) ;在浓H2SO4 中,氧化Mn2 + 为MnO4- 。(3) 铊( Ⅲ) 和铝、镓、铟相同,Tl ( Ⅲ) 也有Tl (OH) 3 、Tl2O3 、TlF3 、TlCl3 、??因Tl ( Ⅲ) 的氧化性,所以不可能和有明显还原性的S2 - 、I - 生成相应化合物。(4) 铋( Ⅴ) 、铅( Ⅳ) 、镓( Ⅲ) 等具有强氧化性的原因四、五、六周期元素原子的次外层都是18e ,因六周期57 - 71 出现镧系收缩,所以71 号元素原子半径和第五周期同族元素原子相同,如铪(Hf) 和锆(Zr) ,钽( Ta) 和铌(Nb) ;或增大有限,如Tl 、Pb、Bi 。外层电子充满4 f 、5 d 轨道后,6 s2能量下降,表现为Hg (6 s2) 的第一电离能居于金属之首。化学上把6 s2叫做“惰性电子对”。因此不难想象,位于Hg 后的Tl 、Pb、Bi ,也较难失去6 s2电子,即Tl (6 s26 p1) 的第二、三电离能,Pb (6 s2 6 p2) 的第三、四、电离能,Bi (6 s26 p1) 的第四、五电离能都较大,所以也就不难想象: Tl ( Ⅲ) 、Pb ( Ⅳ) 、Bi ( Ⅴ) 具有强氧化性。
表3 硼族、碳族、氮族元素原子的电离能/ kJ / mol电离能B Al Ga In TlI1 801 578 579 558 589( I2 + I3) 42 ( I1 + I2 + I3) 21 C Si Ge Sn Pb( I1 + I2) 99 ( I3 + I4)
75( I1 + I2 + I3 + I4)
9341N P As Sb Bi( I1 + I2 + I3) 77 ( I4 + I5)
9770( I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 + I5)
次级周期性(1) 二周期p 区元素最高价化合物性质氟、氧没有最高正价化合物,所以讨论N、C。HNO3 是具有强氧化性的强酸,和N 原子次外层为2e (对核屏蔽作用小) 、半径小(含氧酸中N —O、P —O、As —O 键长依次为122 pm、152pm、167 pm) 、三配位氧有关。同理,H2CO3 酸性强于H4SiO4 ,C( Ⅳ) 虽无明显的氧化性,但发生CO2 + C = 2CO 反应温度低于SiO2 + Si& 1250 ℃2SiO(单氧硅) ,后者在低于1250 ℃完全转化为Si 和SiO2 ;显然,H3BO3 酸性强于Al (OH) 3 。(2) 次级周期性以氮族元素为例,把最高价含氧酸性质列于表4
氮族元素最高价含氧酸(盐) 的性质HNO3 H3PO4 H3AsO4 HSb(OH) 6 HBiO3 ?酸性强中强, K1 = 7. 6 ×10 - 3
K2 = 6. 3 ×10 - 8 ,
K3 = 4. 4 ×10 - 13中强, K1 = 6. 3 ×10 - 3
K2 = 1. 0 ×10 - 7 ,
K3 = 3. 2 ×10 - 12弱?配位氧3 4 4 6 ?氧化性强不明显氧化I - 氧化I - 氧化Mn2 +盐的溶解性易溶和砷酸盐相似和磷酸盐相似难(微) 溶?基于二、四、六周期最高价化合物不稳定性、“强”氧化性或(和) 含氧酸酸性特殊提出次级周期性。早在1915 年俄国Biron 在得不到HBrO4 时,对“三素组”质疑并进行研究后,将同族内从上而下呈现锉齿状变化的周期性称为次级周期性。附1
有些元素非最高价化合物也有次级周期性,如XO3- + 6H+ + 5e =1/2X2 + 3H2O 的电极电势依次为1. 47 V(Cl) 、1. 51 V(Br ,最大) ,1. 20 V ( I) ;AO3 - + 6H+ + 4e = A + 3H2O 的电极电势为0. 45 V (A 为S) 、0. 74 V(Se ,最大) 、0. 53 V( Te) ;A( Ⅲ) + 3e = A 的电极电势依次为1. 39 V (N) 、- 0. 50 V ( P) 、0. 25 V(As) 、0. 21 V(Sb) 、0. 32 V(Bi) 。附2
非p 区元素的某些性质也呈现次级周期性,如ZnO、CdO、HgO 的△f Hmθ依次为- 348 kJ / mol 、-255 kJ / mol 、- 91 kJ / mol ,若以纵坐标表示△f Hmθ ,横坐标表示原子序,连接3 点得到的线段的“形状”,被认为是次级周期性的体现。
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董晨钟,甘肃人,博士,教授,。现任副校长、主任,兼任全国近代物理研究会理事长、中国物理学会原子分子物理专业委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委数理学部评审委员会专家组成员、兰州重离子加速器国家实验室学术委员会委员、兼职博士生导师,北京师范大学兼职博士生导师、复旦大学“上海EBIT实验室”学术委员会委员、甘肃省物理学会副理事长、甘肃省侨联常委、甘肃欧美同学会副会长等职务。国内外重要刊物 J.Phys. B、EPJD、Phys.Lett.A、JQSRT、Chin. Phys. Lett.及《中国科学》、《物理学报》等特约审稿人及《JAMS》和《原子分子物理学报》杂志编委。曾获全国优秀教师、国务院政府特殊津贴、全国侨联创新人才贡献奖、甘肃省优秀专家、甘肃省教学名师、甘肃省跨世纪学科带头人和领军人物等荣誉。先后承担国家自然科学基金项目9项、国际合作项目3项、教育部、科技部和省级项目5项。 发表研究论文233篇,其中SCI期刊收录论文137篇。研究成果获甘肃省自然科学二等奖1项,甘肃省科技进步二等奖1项、三等奖4项,甘肃省高校科技进步一等奖6项,甘肃省教学成果奖1项。目前,与德国卡塞尔大学、德国重粒子研究中心(GSI)、日本聚变科学研究所(NIFS)、日本北里大学、爱尔兰都柏林大学、立陶宛Vilnius大学、瑞典马尔默大学及国际原子能机构(IAEA)等大学和研究机构建有密切的人员交流和科研合作关系。[1]
1. Chen Zhan-Bin, Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-You, Jiang Jun, Influence of quantum interference on the polarization and angular distribution of x-ray radiation following electron impact excitation of highly charged H-like and He-like ions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A90, 14)
2. Zhan-Bin Chen, Chen-Zhong Dong, and Jun Jiang, Dominance of the Breit interaction in the cross section and circular polarization of x-ray radiation following longitudinally-polarized-electron-impact excitation of highly charged ions, PHYSICAL REVIEW A90, 14)
3. Y.P.Yin,L.Q.Du,F.X.Wu,and C.Z.Dong, A Theoretical Studies on Structures and Chemical Bonds of Neptunium(III) Molecules by Density Functional Method, Eur. Phys. J. D(4
4. Ismail Abdalla Saber, Dong Chen-Zhong, Wang Xiang-Li , Zhou Wei-Dong and Wu Zhong-WenTheoretical study on K, L, and M X-ray transition energies and rates of neptunium a.nd its ionsChin. Phys. B. 23, 4).
5. Chen Zhan-Bin, Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-You, Jiang Jun, Electron impact excitation of xenon from the ground state and the metastable state to the 5p57p levels. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 31, No. 3 (.
6. JIANG Jun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, Electron Impact Excitations and Linear Polarization for 1s2-1s2p lines of Fe24+ Ions under Screened Coulomb Interactions, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 31, No. 2 (.
7. L.Y. Xie, X.Y. Ma, C.Z. Dong, Z.W. Wu, Y.L. Shi, J. Jiang, Polarization of the nf-3d (n = 4, 5, 6) x-rays from tungsten ions following electron-impact excitation and dielectronic recombination processes , Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 141 (
8. MA Kun, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, Ding Xiao-Bing, QU Yi-zhi, Polarization and Angular Distribution of Ll X-Ray Following Inner-Shell 2p Photoionization of Magnesiumlike Ions, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 31, (
9. MA Kun, Dong Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-you, Qu Yi-zhi, Polarization Tranfer in the 2p3/2 Photoionization of Magnesium-Like Ions. , CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 31, (
10. SUN Duixiong, SU Maogen, DONG Chenzhong, WEN Guanhong, A Comparative Study of the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Single- and Collinear Double-Pulse Laser Geometry Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.4, Apr. 2014
11. Li Maijuan, FU Yanbiao, SU Maogen, DONG Chenzhong, Koike FUMIHIRO, Dielectronic Recombination of Br-Like Tungsten Ions, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.3, Mar. 2014
12. 武芳线,杜磊强,董晨钟,王永成,镎氧化物分子结构和光谱的理论分析,原子核物理评论,31,75(2014)
13. 孙对兄,苏茂根,董晨钟,马云云,杨峰,曹世权,激光诱导击穿空气等离子体光谱及半经验理论模拟,光谱学与光谱分析,34,)
14. 王鹏展,孙对兄,苏茂根,张倩倩,董晨钟. 蚊香元素成分的LIBS检测分析[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 51,14)
15. 杨宁选,张建军,董晨钟,金等离子体M 带谱3d→ 4f 和3d→ 5f 电子离子碰撞激发强度,原子与分子物理学报,31,260(2014)
1. L C Gao, D H Zhang, L Y Xie, J G Wang, Y L Shi and C Z Dong, Theoretical study of the photoionization process of Ne-like Ar, Fe, Kr and Xe ions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 13)
2. Shi Ying-Long, Dong Chen-Zhong, Fritzsche Stephan, Zhang Deng-Hong, Xie Lu-You, Theory of X-Ray Anisotropy and Polarization Following the Dielectronic Recombination of Initially Hydrogen-Like Ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 13)
3. Shi Ying-Long, Dong Chen-Zhong, Ma Xiao-Yun, Wu Zhong-Wen, Xie Lu-You, Fritzsche Stephan,Polarization of M2 Line Emitted Following Electron-Impact Excitation of Beryllium-Like Ions,Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 13)
4. 王金霞, 师应龙, 张登红, 颉录有, 董晨钟类锂离子双电子复合过程中辐射光子角分布和极化特性的理论研究,物理学报62 13)
5. Bo-Wen Li, Chen-Zhong Dong, Relativistic theoretical study on atomic structure and photoionization of A@C60 Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 388 12)
6. Yong-Jie Zhou, Qiang-Hua Yuan,Fei Li, Xiao-Min Wang, Gui-Qin Yin, and Chen-Zhong Dong,Nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jet using a combination of 50kHz/2MHz dual-frequency power sources,Physics of Plasmas, 20, 13)
7. Hongwei Hu,Yongtao Zhao, Fuli Li, Chenzhong Dong, and Wencong Chen, Energy levels of a heavy ion moving in dense plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 13)
8. Dui-Xiong Sun, Mao-Gen Su, and Chen-Zhong Dong, Emission signal enhancement and plasma diagnostics using collinear double pulse for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of aluminum alloys, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 61 3)
9. Bowen Li, Gerry O’Sullivanand Chenzhong Dong,Relativistic R-matrix calculation photoionization cross section of Xe and Xe@C60,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 13)
10. 常志伟, 张登红, 董晨钟, 超重元素Uus(Z=117)在酸溶液中标准电极电势的理论预测,中国科学G,43 61–68 (2013)
11. 马新泽,符彦飙,李麦娟,张国鼎,张义钊,董晨钟,W44+离子双电子复合速率系数的理论研究,原子核物理评论,30,214(2013)
1. ZW Wu, CZ Dong, J Jiang.Degrees of polarization of the two strongest 5f→3d lines following electron-impact excitation and dielectronic recombination processes of Cu-like to Se-like gold ions[J]. Phys.Rev.A.86.2)
2. BW Li, GO Sullivan, Y. Fu, CZ Dong. Dielectronic recombination of Pd-like gadolinium[J]. Phys.Rev.A.85.2)
3. Jiguang Li, Per J¨onsson, Michel Godefroid, Chenzhong Dong, Gediminas Gaigalas. Effects of the electron correlation and Breit and hyperfine interactions on the lifetime of the 2p53s states in neutral neon[J].Phys.Rev.A.86.2)
4. BW Li, GO Sullivan, Y. Fu, CZ Dong. Dielectronic recombination of Rh-like Gd and W[J]. Phys.Rev.A.85.2)
5. WD Zhou, CZ Dong, QM Wang, XL Wang, IA Saber.Theoretical studies on level structures and transition properties of neptunium ions[J].Eur.Phys.J.D.66.260(2012)
6. LY Xie, JG Wang, RK Janev, YZ Qu, CZ Dong.Energy levels and multipole transition properties of C4+ ion in Debye plasmas[J].Eur.Phys.J.D.66.125(2012)
7. Fan Jian-Zhong, Wang Qing-Min,Chang Zhi-Wei, Dong Chen-Zhong.Transition probabilities and lifetimes of the low-lying levels of Fe XIV[J].Chin. Phys. B.21.2)
8. Zhang Deng-Hong, Shi Ying-Long, Jiang Jun, Dong Chen-Zhong, Fumihiro Koike. KLL dielectronic recombination process of He-like to O-like xenon ion[J].Chin.Phys. B.21.2)
9. WANG Xiang-Li, DONG Chen-Zhong, XIE Lu-You, SHI Ying-Long, SABER Ismail Abdalla, ZHOU Wei-Dong.The Radiative and Auger Decay Properties of K-Shell Ionized Np Ions[J].Chin.Phys.Lett.29.2)
10. WANG Xiang-Li, DONG Chen-Zhong, SU Mao-Gen, KOIKE Fumihiro. Fluorescence and Auger Decay Properties of the Core-Excited F-Like Ions from Ne to Kr[J]. Chin.Phys.Lett. 29.2)
11. DING Xiao-Bin,DONG Chen-Zhong, Gerard O’Sullivan.Shake-up Processes in the 3d Photoionization of Sr I and the Subsequent Auger Decay[J].Chin.Phys.Lett.29.2)
12. Fan Jian-Zhong, Zhang Deng-Hong, Chang Zhi-Wei, Shi Ying-Long, Dong Chen-Zhong. Energy-Crossing and Its Effect on Lifetime of the 4s24p 2P3/2 Level for Highly Charged Ga-Like Ions[J].Chin.Phys.Lett.29.2)
13. Cao XN, SU MG, SUN DX, FU YB, DONG CZ.Theoretical Analysis of 4fand 5p Inner-Shell Excitations of W-W3+Ions[J].Chin.Phys.Lett.29.2)
14. Xiang-Li Wang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Mao-Gen Su.Energy shifts of Ka,b,c X-ray satellites for atoms with 13 6 Z 6 90: A systematic calculation and a new analytical description[J].Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B.280.93(2012)
15. Lingling Peng, Duixiong Sun, Maogen Su, Jiantong Han, Chenzhong Dong. Rapid analysis on the heavy metal content of spent zinc–manganese batteries by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J].Optics&Laser Technology.44.)
16. Jiantong Han, Duixiong Sun, Maogen Su, Lingling Peng, Chenzhong Dong.Quantitative Analysis of Metallic Elements in Tobacco and Tobacco Ash by Calibration Free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy[J].Analytical Letters.45.)
17. Ning-Xuan Yanga,Chen-Zhong Dong, Jun Jiang. Electron impact excitation cross sections of the 1s2s 3S metastable state of helium[J].J.At.Mol.Sci.3.49(2012)
18. 汪青敏,董晨钟,F Stephan. Ga原子亚稳态超精细结构常数及其同位素核矩的理论计算[J].中国科学G,42,)
19. 马小云,董晨钟,武中文,蒋军,颉录有.W65+-W71+离子2s1/2-2p3/2电子碰撞激发过程及相应辐射跃迁谱线极化度的理论研究[J].物理学报.61.2)
20. 刘丽娟,颉录有,陈展斌,蒋军,董晨钟.镁原子碰撞激发微分截面和Stokes参数的理论研究[J].物理学报.61.2)
21. CZ Dong, J Jang, DH Zhang, YL Shi, ZW W, LY Xie, XB Ding, JJ Wan. Theoretical study on electron impact excitation and recombination of highly charged ions[J].J.Phys:CS 388.2)
22. BW Li, CZ Dong. Relativistic theoretical study on atomic structure and photoionization of A@C60[J]. J.Phys:CS 388.2)
23. XB Liu, CZ Dong, XB Ding, F Koike. Role of electron correlation on the satellite structure of 2p inner-shell ionized sodium[J]. J.Phys:CS 388.2)
24. ZW Wu, GF Du, J Jun, CZ Dong. The linear polarization of emission lines from EIE and DR of highly charged tungsten ions[J]. J.Phys:CS 388.2)
25. QM Wang, JG Li, S Fritzsche, M Godefroid, ZW Chang, CZ Dong. Theoretical study of hyperfine structure constant of Ga isotopes[J]. J.Phys:CS 388.2)
26. ZW Chang, P Jonsson, M Godefroid, CZ Dong, G Gaigalas. Studies of atomic properities and chemical stabilities in acid solutions of element Uus(Z=117) and Astatine[J].J.Phys:CS 388.2)
27. Xiao-Bin Ding, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato,Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Chen-Zhong Dong and Nobuyuki Nakamura.M1 transition energies and probabilities between the multiplets of the ground state of Ag-like ions with Z = 47–92[J].J.Phys.B.45.2)
28. 刘尚宗,颉录有,丁晓彬,董晨钟.相对论效应对类锂离子能级结构及辐射跃迁性质的影响[J].物理学报.61.2)
29. 陈展斌,刘丽娟,董晨钟.64.6eV电子碰撞电离氦原子(e,2e)反应的理论研究[J].物理学报.61.2)
30. 张国鼎,符彦飙,董晨钟,张义钊.Xe8+离子双电子复合速率系数的理论研究[J].原子核物理评论.29.178(2012)
1. Jiguang Li, Chenzhong Dong, Per J?nsson, Gediminas Gaigalas,MF-dependent hyperfine induced transition rates in an external magnetic field for Be-like 47Ti,Physics Letters A 375,914–917 (2011)
2. Jiguang Li, Elmar Tr?bert and Chenzhong Dong,Energy levels, transition rates and lifetimes for low-lying levels in Cu-,Zn-, Ga- and Ge-like ions of iodine,Phys. Scr. 83,11)
3. Deyang Yu , Yingli Xue, Caojie Shao, Zhangyong Song , Rongchun Lu, Fangfang Ruan, Wei Wang,Jing Chen, Bian Yang, Zhihu Yang, Jianjie Wan, Chenzhong Dong, Xiaohong Cai, Observation of K- and L-REC in 200 MeV/u Xe54+-N2 collisions at HIRFL-CSR,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B269, 692–694 (2011)
4. Xiaobin Liu, Chenzhong Dong, Xiaobin Ding,Jun Jiang, Jianjie Wan and Fumihiro Koike,Theory of conjugate shake-up resonances adjacent to the sub-valence 2p photoionization of sodium atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 11)
5. Y. B. Fu, C. Z. Dong, and M. G. Su,, F. Koike,1 G. O’Sullivan, and J. G. Wang, Theoretical investigation of dielectronic recombination of Sn12+ ions,, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 83, 11)
6. Xiao-Bin Ding, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato,Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Chen-Zhong Dong, Nobuyuki Nakamura,Akihiro Komatsu and Junpei Sakoda, Ab initio multi-configuration Dirac–Fock calculation of M1 visible transitions among the ground state multiplets of the W26+ ion, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 11)
7. G.F. Du, J. Jiang, and C.Z. Dong, Electron impact excitation into the 3p54p levels from the 3p54s metastable levels of argon, Eur. Phys. J. D 63, 103–109 (2011)
8. G.-C. He, D.-X. Sun, M.-G. Su, and C.-Z. Dong,A quantitative analysis of elements in soil using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique,Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 55, 3)
9. Jianjie Wan and Chenzhong Dong, The effects of quantum interference between direct and resonant photorecombination of H-like Ar17+ ions, Phys. Scr. 84 (
10. Zhong-Wen Wu, Jun Jiang, and Chen-Zhong Dong,Influence of Breit interaction on the polarization of radiation following inner-shell electron-impact excitation of highly charged berylliumlike ions,PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 11)
11. 王云荣, 刘晓斌, 丁晓彬, 董晨钟,高离化态A u离子光电离过程的理论研究,原子核物理评论 2 8,(
12. 张义钊,符彦飙,董晨钟,苏茂根,W37+离子双电子复合速率系数的理论研究,强激光与粒子束 23 (
1. J.G. Li, P. J?nsson, C. Z. Dong and G. Gaigalas, Two-electron-one-photon M1 and E2 transitions between states of the 2p3 and 2s2 2p odd configurations of B-like ions with 18& Z& 92, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 10)
2. S. Fritzsche, C. Z. Dong and F. Koike, Isotope shift calculations for open-shell atoms and ions: an extension to the RATIP program, Hyperfine Interactions,
3. P. J?nsson, J. G. Li, G. Gaigalas, C. Z. Dong, Hyperfine structures, isotope shifts and transition rates of C II, N III and O IV from relativistic configuration interaction calculations, Atom. Data Nuclear Tables 96, 271 (2010)
4. X. L. Liu, C. Z. Dong, X. B. Ding and J. Jiang, Theoretical study of the 4d photoabsorption of the Cs+ ion, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 10)
5. H. H. Kang, J. G. Li, C. Z. Dong and G. Gaigalas,The effect of hyperfine interaction on the lifetime of the 3s3p 3P2 level of Mg-like ions,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 10)
6. X. L. Wang, J. J. Wan, Y. J. Wang, and C. Z. Dong, Theoretical study on the Ka transition properties of F-like ions, J. At. Mol. Sci.1, 134 (2010)
7. B. W. Li, C. Z. Dong, J. Jiang, et al,, Atomic structures and radiative properties of He-like ions in debye plasma,Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 12, 372(2010)
8. 杨宁选蒋军颉录有董晨钟,Theoretical study on electron impact excitation of highly charged Ne-like ions,物理学报 59,918(2010)
9. 桑翠翠,王永军,万建杰丁晓彬董晨钟Theoretical study of radiative recombination and the sub-sequent radiative decay processes in highly charged Au ions,物理学报 59,).
10. 孙对兄,苏茂根,董晨钟,王向丽,张大成,马新文, Quantitative analysis of element concentration in Al alloy by using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 物理学报 59,).
11. B. W. Li, C. Z. Dong, J. Jiang and J. G. Wang,electron-impact excitation of Ti 21+ in Debye plasmas, Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 201–207 (2010)
12. LI Jiguang, DONG Chenzhong, Interference Effects in Hyperfine Induced 2s2p 3 P0,3P2 -- 2s2 1S0 Transitions of Be-like Ions, Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,364(2010)
13. SUN Duixiong, SU Maogen , DONG Chenzhong, ZHANG Dacheng, MA Xinwen, A Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Essential Micronutrient in Folium Lycii Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Technique, Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,478(2010)
14. Yang Ning-Xuan, Dong Chen-Zhong, Jiang Jun, Xie Lu-You, Electron Impact Excitation Rate Coefficients of N II ion, Chin Phys.B19, 0)
1. 郑曙东, 李博文, 李冀光, 董晨钟, 袁文渊, 原子核的有限体积效应对高离化态离子能级和波函数的影响, 物理学报58, )
2. 师应龙, 董晨钟, CII离子内壳层激发态的结构和衰变特性的理论研究, 物理学报 58, )
3. 王永军, 万建杰, 丁晓彬, 董晨钟, 马新文, 王建国, 吴勇,类氢U91+离子的辐射复合及其辐射退激发过程的理论研究, 物理学报 58,
4. 刘延君, 蒋军, 董晨钟, 颉录有, 电子与类铍N3+和O4+离子碰撞激发截面的相对论扭曲波计算, 物理学报 58, )
5. 王向丽, 董晨钟,桑萃萃, Ne原子的1s 光电离及其Auger 衰变过程的理论研究, 物理学报 58, ) .
6. 李博文,蒋军,董晨钟,王建国,丁晓彬, 等离子体效应对类氢离子能级结构和跃迁性质的影响,物理学报 58, ) .
7. YANG Ning-Xuan, DONG Chen-Zhong, JIANG Jun, Relativistic Distorted-Wave Collision Strengths of Ni-, Cu- and Zn-like Au Ions, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 26, 09)
8. J.G. Li, P. J?nsson, G. Gaigalas and C.Z. Dong,Hyperfine induced 1s2s 1S0 → 1s2 1S0 M1 transitionof He-like ions,Eur. Phys. J. D51, 313 (2009)
9. Jian-Jie Wan, Chen-Zhong Dong,Xiao-Bin Ding, Xin-Wen Ma, Jacek Rzadkiewicz, Thomas St?hlker, and Stephan Fritzsche,Radiative electron capture and subsequent radiative decay in collisions of U89+ ions with N2,Phys. Rev. A 79, 09)
10. M. G. Su, C. Z. Dong, N. Murphy, and G. O’Sullivan, Analysis of the xuv photoabsorption spectrum of Au2+, Au3+, and Au4+, Phys. Rev. A 79, 09)
11. YANG Ning-Xuan, DONG Chen-Zhong, JIANG Jun, Theoretical Study on Inner Shell Electron Impact Excitation of Lithium, Chin. Phys. Lett. 26, 09).
12. Huihui Kang, Jiguang Li,Chenzhong Dong,Per Jonsson and Gediminas Gaigalas, Hyperfine quenching of the 3s3p 3 P0 level in Mg-like ions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 09)
13. Wan Jian-Jie and Dong Chen-Zhong,Doubly excited 2s2p 1,3P1 resonances in photoionization of helium,Chin. Phys. B18, )
14. G. O’Sullivan, A. Cummings, C. Z. Dong, P. Dunne, P. Hayden, O. Morris, E. Sokell,F. O’Reilly1,M. G. Su and J. White, Emission and absorption in laser produced plasmas: processes and applications,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 163 (
15. Jiguang Li, Huihui Kang,Chenzhong Dong,Per Jonsson,Gediminas Gaigalas,Hyperfine induced transitions in He-like, Be-like and Mg-like ions,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194 (
16. Maogen Su, Chenzhong Dong, Nicola Murphy, Emma Sokell and Gerry O’Sullivan,Extreme ultraviolet inner shell photoabsorption of iodine and gold ions,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194 (
17. 李博文, 蒋军, 董晨钟, 杨宁选, 康伟民,等离子体屏蔽效应对类氢离子束缚态的影响, 原子分子物理学报, 26, 107 (2009)
18. 李继弘, 罗月娥, 王学文, 董晨钟, 丁晓彬, 蒋军, 强组态相互作用对Sn离子谱线分布的影响, 原子分子物理学报, 26, 20 (2009)
1. Ding Xiao-Bin, Dong Chen-Zhong, Fumihiro Koikec, Takako Kato, and Stephan Fritzsche, Excitation and decay dynamics of 1s2s inner-shell double-vacancy states of neon atoms,Chinese Physics B 17,)
2. FU Yan-Biao, DONG Chen-Zhong, SU Mao-Gen, Gerry O’ Sullivan,Dielectronic Recombination of Sn10+ Ions and Related Satellite Spectra, CHIN.PHYS.LETT.25,1 (2008)
3. 师应龙,董晨钟,张登红,符彦飙,高离化态离子的双电子复合过程的理论研究,物理学报 57, ).
4. Y. J. Yu, C. Z. Dong, J. G. Li, and B. Fricke,The excitation energies, ionization potentials, and oscillator strengths of neutral and ionized species of Uuq Z=114 and the homolog elements Ge, Sn, and Pb,THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 128, 08)
5. Y. L. Shi , C. Z. Dong,D. H. Zhang,Theoretical study of the KLL dielectronicrecombination for highly charged iodine ions,Physics Letters A 372,(–4917
6. 桑萃萃,万建杰等,锂原子的光电离过程的研究,物理学报 57,)
7. 杨宁选,蒋军,颉录有等,Breit相互作用对类氦等电子序列离子的亚稳态1s2s 3S1电子碰撞激发截面的影响,物理学报57,)
8. 蒋军,颉录有,董晨钟,万建杰,高离化态类Ne 离子的与X射线激光有关的3p-3s跃迁的理论研究,原子分子物理学报 25, )
9. 罗月娥, 董晨钟,颉录有,丁晓彬, Xe 离子的 f 波函数的塌缩,原子分子物理学报 25,)
10. 窦义芳,符彦飚,董晨钟,颜君,类Zn金离子M壳层激发态的结构及衰变性质的理论研究,原子分子物理学报 25,)
11. 王向丽,胡宏伟等,L壳层双洞态氩离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布,原子分子物理学报 25,)
12. Ding Xiaobin,Dong Chenzhong,and Stephan Fritzsche,Theoretical study on the decay of the 4d core--excited states of Cs III,Chinese Physics B, 17,(-07
13. Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, Jian-Guo Wang, Resonance electron-impact excitation and polarization of the magnetic quadrupole line of neonlike Ba46+ ions,PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78, 08).
14. L Y Xie, C Z Dong, Two-electron and one-photon transitions in highly charged nickel-like ions,Chinese Physics B17,1-06 (2008)
15. SANG Cui-Cui, DING Xiao-Bin, DONG Chen-Zhong,Photoionization of 1s Electron and Corresponding Shake-Up Process in Ground and Excited Lithium Atoms,CHIN.PHYS.LETT. 25, (
16. M. G. Su,C. Z. Dong,N. Murphy,Theoretical analysis of xuv photoabsorption spectra of laser-produced iodine plasmas,Phys. Rev. A 78, 08)., G. O’Sullivan, P. Hayden and J. White
17. Jun Jiang, Chen-Zhong Dong, Lu-You Xie, Xiao-Xin Zhou and Jian-Guo Wang,Electron impact excitation of xenon from the metastable state to the excited states,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 41, 08).
18. 颉录有,张志远, 董晨钟, 蒋军,高离化态类镍离子电子碰撞激发过程的相对论扭曲波理论研究, 物理学报 57, ).
19. 李继红,杨宁选,董晨钟,CaIII原子波函数的控制塌缩及其对辐射跃迁特性的影响,原子分子物理学报,25,)
1. X.B. Ding, C.Z. Dong, F. Koike, T. Kato,Importance of spectator satellites in 3d–4fX-ray spectra from highly charged xenon atomic ions,Physics Letters A 371,124–127 (2007).
2. 李冀光, 董晨钟, 丁晓彬, 电子关联对类铍离子1s22s2p 3P0,1 能级的超精细结构常数的影响, 原子分子物理学报 24, ).
3. 师应龙,丁晓彬,李冀光,董晨钟,α粒子散射实验的理论模拟,大学物理,26,40(2007).
4. S. Fritzsche1,a, C.Z. Dong2,3, F. Koike4, and A. Uvarov, The low-lying level structure of atomic lawrencium (Z=103) energies and absorption rates, Eur. Phys. J. D 45}, 109 (2007).
5. Y.J. Yu, J.G. Li, C.Z. Dong, X.B. Ding, S. Fritzsche, and B. Fricke, The excitation energies, ionization potentials and oscillator strengths of neutral and ionized species of Uub (Z = 112) and the homologue elements Zn, Cd and Hg, Eur. Phys. J. D44, 51–56 (2007).
6. Fumihiro Koike1, Chenzhong Dong2,Many electron correlations and dynamics in atomsand multi-charged atomic ions,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 72 (
7. C. Z. Dong,D. H. Zhang,Theoretical study of decay processes in Li-like1s2s2 2S1/2 inner-shell excited ions,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 72 (
8. 胡宏伟, 董晨钟, 师应龙,单、双洞态镁离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布的研究,物理学报 56,).
9. J J Wan, C Z Dong, C C Sang, X B Ding, L Y Xie and J Jiang, Theoretical studies on photoionization of Na-like iron ion, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 367 (2007)
10. J Rzadkiewicz, D Banas, H F Beyer, C Brandau, C Z Dong, S Fritzsche, Study of intra-L shell transitions in Be-like uranium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 145 (2007)
11. S Trotsenko, Th Stohlker, D Banas, C Z Dong, S Fritzsche, Investigation of the Decay Properties of the 1s(2s)2 State in Li-Like Uranium, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 58, 141 (2007)
12. Wu Yong, Zeng Si-Liang, Duan Bin, Yan Jun, Wang Jian-Guo, Dong Chen-Zheng, Ma Xin-Wen Low-Energy Rate Enhancement in Recombination Processes of Electrons into Bare Uranium Ions,Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 404 (2007).
13. 李冀光, 董晨钟, 俞友军, 丁晓彬, S. Fritzsche, B. Fricke, Uub(Z=112)和Hg(Z=80)元素的原子结构和激发态性质, 中国科学G 辑, 37, 472 (2007).
14. Jiang Jun, Dong Chen-Zhong, Xie Lu-you, Wang Jian-Guo, Yan Jun, S. Fritzsche, Relativistic distorted-wave calculations of electron impact excitation cross sections of Be-like C2+ ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 691 (2007).
15. Li Ji-Guang,Dong Chen-Zhong, Ding Xiao-Bing, Resonance energies, absorption oscillator strengths and ionization potentials for the element hassium (Z=108),Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 83 (2007).
16. Wan Jian-Jie1) Xie Lu-You1) Dong Chen-Zhong1) Jiang Jun1) Yan Jun2),Relativistic theoretical study on forbidden M1, M2, E2 transitions for highly-charged ions in Nickel-like sequence,Acta Physica Sinica 56,).
1. 胡宏伟,董晨钟,洞态氩离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布的理论研究,物理学报 55,)
2. 符彦飙,董晨钟,张登红等,类氦Mg离子的KLn (n&7) 双电子复合过程的相对论理论研究, 原子分子物理学报 23,)。
3. 曾思良,董晨钟,王建国,李月明,颜君,Xe X离子4d9-4d85p跃迁的理论研究,强激光与离子束 18, 491 (2006).
4. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche, T. Kato and F. Koike, Lifetimes and branching fractions of the high angular momentum states of aluminium--like iron group elements Al-like Fe, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 369, ).
5. J. Rzadkiewicz, Th. St?hlker, D. Bana?, H. F. Beyer, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, C. Z. Dong,, S. Fritzsche et al., Selective production of the 1s2s 1S0 and 1s2s 3S1 states of He-like uranium, Phys.Rev.A 74, 06).
6. Fu Yan-Biao , Dong Chen-Zhong , Zhang Deng-Hong , Koike Fumihiro , Kato Takako, The influence from high-n dielectronic satellites to K resonance line in helium-like aluminium, Chinese Physics 15, ).
7. Zhang Deng-Hong , Dong Chen-Zhong , Koike Fumihiro, Theoretical investigations on the decay of doubly excited 2s^2 ^1S_0 states of He-like ions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, ).
8. C Z Dong, D H Zhang, Th St¨ohlker, S Fritzscheand B Fricke, Relativity, electron correlation and QED effects in the 1s2s2 2S1/2 state of highly charged Li-like ions, J.Phys.B. 39 (.
9. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche and B. Fricke, Theoretical study on the 5p56s -- 5p6 spectra of neutral xenon, Euro. J. Phys. D. 40,317(2006)
10. DONG Chen-zhong, XIE Lu-you, WAN Jian-jie, JIANG Jun, and YAN Jun,Theoretical Study on Energy Structures and Radiative Transition Characteristics of Highly Charged Ni-like Ions, J. Plasma Fusion Res. 7, 220 (2006).
11. 张登红,,董晨钟,,颉录有,丁晓斌, 符彦飚,类氦离子的KLL双电子复合过程的相对论理论研究,物理学报 55,).
12. 李杰, 董晨钟, 颉录有,内壳层电子激发(电离)诱发的电子波函数的弛豫及其对辐射跃迁几率的影响,物理学报 55,)
13. 董晨钟, 符彦飙,高离化态Cu18+离子的双电子复合及共振转移激发过程的理论研究,物理学报 55,).
1. C. Z. Dong, D. H. Zhang,Theoretical study on decay process of inner-shell excited state 1s2s2 2S_{1/2} of Li-like ions,The proceedings of the Pearl 2005 workshop,2005,AIP
2. Fumihiro Koike, Chenzhong Dong, Many electron correlations and dynamics in atoms and multi-charged atomic ions, The proceedings of the Pearl 2005 workshop,2005,AIP
3. 罗月娥,董晨钟,丁晓彬,类氢离子基态超精细结构的理论研究,原子分子物理学报,21, 257 (2005).
4. 刘晓斌,董晨钟,丁晓彬,电子与离子碰撞过程中辐射复合截面的相对论理论研究,原子分子物理学报,21, 257 (2005).
5. 顾娟,董晨钟,丁晓彬,颉录有,高离化态氩离子产生的Kα和Kβ谱线的相对论理论研究,原子分子物理学报,21, 257 (2005).
6. C. Z. Dong and S. Fritzsche, Relativistic, relaxation, and correlation effects in spectra of Cu II,Physical Review A72,05)
7. C. Z. Dong L. Y. Xie,J. J Wan, J. Jiang, Energy-crossing and their effects on the spectra of neon-like ions, Chinese Physics 14,)
1. 丁晓彬,董晨钟,超重元素Bh(Z=107)的激发态结构的理论预言,物理学报,53,)
2. 丁晓彬,董晨钟,高离化态氙离子3d-4f跃迁产生的X射线谱的理论研究,原子分子物理学报,21, (增刊)257 (2004).
3. 丁晓彬,董晨钟, S. Fritzsche, CsIV离子4d内壳层激发态的衰变过程的相对论理论研究, 物理学报,53, 85 (2004).
4. 李鹏程,周效信,董晨钟,赵松峰,强激光场中长程势与短程势原子产生高次谐波与电离特性研究,物理学报 53,)。
1. 李鹏程, 董晨钟,周效信, 颉录有, 丁晓彬, 多组态Dirac-Fock 方法与准相对论组态相互作用方法的比较研究,原子分子物理学报20,)
2. C. Z. Dong L. Y. Xie, X. X. Zhou, X. W. Ma and S. Fritzsche, Strong relaxation and correlation effects on the transition energies and probabilities of the 2p53s - 2p6 spectrum in atomic neon,Hypefine Interaction, 146/147,161-170(2003)
3. M. Sewtz, H. Backe, C.Z. Dong , A. Dretzke , K. Eberhardt , S. Fritzsche , C. Gruning , R.G. Haire , G. Kube , P. Kunz , J. Lassen , W. Lauth , G. Passler ,P. Schwamb , P. Thorle , N. Trautmann ,Resonance ionization spectroscopy of fermium, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, , 58, ).
4. M. Sewtz, H. Backe, A. Dretzke, G. Kube, W. Lauth, P. Schwamb, K. Eberhardt, C. Gr\üning, P. Th?rle, N. Trautmann, P. Kunz, J. Lassen, G. Passler, C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche and R. G. Haire, First observation of atomic levels for the element fermium (Z=100), Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 03).
5. C. Z .Dong,L.Y. Xie, S. Fritzsche and T. Kato, A theoretical study of the 3d–2p resonance to intercombination line-intensity ratio in mid-Z Ne-like ions, Nucl.Instr. and Meth. In Phys.Res. B 205, 87 (2003).
6. S. Fritzsche, H. Aksela, C. Z. Dong, S. Hein?sm?ki, and J. E. Sienkiewicz, Theoretical Auger and photoionization studies for open-shell atoms and ions, Nucl.Instr. and Meth. In Phys.Res. B 205, 93 (2003).
7. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche, B. Fricke , Theoretical transition probabilities and lifetimes in nickel-like Se 6+, Y 11+ and Sn 22+ ions , Euro. Phys. J. D.23,5(2003).
8. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche and L. Y. Xie, Energy levels and transition probabilities for possible X-ray laser lines of highly charged Ni-like ions, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer . 76, 447 (2003).
9. Yuan Ping,Liu Xin-Sheng, Xie Lou-You,Zhang Yi-Jun, Dong Chen-Zhong,Influence of relaxation effects on probabilities of the 2s 2p35S2–2s22p2 3P1,2 intercombination transitions in NII, Chinese Physics 12,271(2003).
10. 董晨钟,符彦飙,颉录有, 李鹏程,丁晓彬, 高离化类Ne铕离子的双电子伴线结构的理论研究,物理学报, 52,).
1. 袁萍,刘欣生,张义军,颉录有,董晨钟,驰豫与关联效应对 NII 2s2 2p3s 3P1–2s22p2 1D2 与 2s22p3s 1P1–2s22p2 3P0,1,2 自旋禁戒跃迁概率的影响,物理学报,52,).2002年
2. 颉录有,董晨钟,周效信,颜君,屈一至, 延迟和相关效应对Ne原子2p53s — 2p6 跃迁的影响,原子分子物理学报,19,54(2002).
3. 颉录有,董晨钟,马新文,颜君,屈一至,类Ne等电子系列离子(Z=11,…,18) 2p53s — 2p6 辐射跃迁的多组态相对论理论计算,物理学报51, 1965 (2002).
4. 李鹏程, 董晨钟,周效信, 颉录有, 马新文, 铑原子基态的理论研究,原子分子物理学报19, 171(2002).
5. 袁萍,刘欣生,颉录有,董晨钟,与闪电过程有关的NII离子能级寿命的理论计算,物理学报,51, )。
6. E. Johnson, B. Fricke, T. Jacob, C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche and V. Pershina, Ionization potentials and radii of neutral and ionized species of elements 107 (bohrium) and 108 (hassium) from extended MCDF calculations, J. Chem. Phys.116,)
7. 董晨钟,颉录有, S. Fritzsche, XeI原子6s[3/2]2亚稳态寿命的理论研究,原子核物理评论,19, 81 (2002).
8. 张树东,陈冠英,刘亚楠,董晨钟,光谱方法研究背景气压对激光烧蚀Al靶产生的等离子体中辐射粒子速度的影响,原子核物理评论,19, 206 (2002).
9. 袁萍, 颉录有, 刘欣生, 张树东, 董晨钟, 相关和延迟效应对NII离子禁戒跃迁几率的影响,原子核物理评论, 19, 107 (2002).
1. C. Z. Dong , S. Fritzsche and B. Fricke ,Theoretical study on the 3d94p - 3d10 spectra of CuII , J. Electr. Spec. Rel. Phenon. , 114-116, 157 (2001) .
2. C. Z. Dong, Z. T. Peng, S. Fritzsche , X. X. Zhou and Y. Q. Zhou, The effects of configuration interactions on dielectronic satellites of Kβ lines of He-like argon ions, Phys. Scr., T92, 297 (2001)
3. Z. T. Peng, Y. Q. Zhou, A. Bartnik, C. Z. Dong, The contributions of the dielectronic satellites to the 4d-2p resonance lines in Ne-like Krypton from laser-irradiated gas puff targets, Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys.,18, 54 (2001).
4. S. D. Zhang, Z. Y. Liu, G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Liu, and C. Z. Dong, Effect of ambient gas to the spectral distribution of laser-produced Aluminium plasma ,Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys.,18, 64 (2001).
5. C.Z.Dong, S.Fritzsche, B.Fricke and W.--D.Sepp, Ab--initio calculations for forbidden M1 transitions in Ar13+ and Ar14+ , Phys. Scr. , T92, 294 (2001).
6. C.Z.Dong, S. Fritzsche, G. Gaigalas and J. E. Sienkiewicz, Theoretical level structure and decay dynamics of nickel-like ions: Search for laser lines in the soft x-ray domain , Phys. Scr., T92, 314 (2001).
7. S. D. Zhang, G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Liu, and C. Z. Dong, The temperature of Laser-produced Aluminium plasma at different laser energy, Chin. J. Quan. Elec.,18, 46 (2001).
1. S. Fritzsche, C. Z. Dong and G. Gaigalas, Theoretical wavelengths and transition probabilities for the 3d9 - 3d84p and 3d8 4s - 3d84p transition arrays in Ni II, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables , 76, 155 (2000).
2. S.Fritzsche, C.Froese Fischer and C.Z.Dong, REOS99: A revised program for transition probability calculation including relativistic, correlation, and relaxation effects, Comp. Phys. Commun., 124, 340 (2000).
3. S. Fritzsche,C. Z. Dong and E. Tr?bert, Energy levels, lifetimes and branch franctions for FeXI, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. , 318, 263 (2000) .
4. F. J. Currell, J. Asada, T. V. Back, C. Z. Dong, H. S. Margolis, N. Nakamura, S. Ohtani, J. D. Silver and H. Watanabe, Application to Argon ions of a new technique to the ground state energy of helium-like ions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33, 727 (2000).
5. S. D. Zhang, G. Y. Chen, Y. B. Fu, P. Yuan, Y. N. Liu and C. Z. Dong, Time-resolved spectra of of laser-produced Alumium plasma, Applied Laser, 20, 155 (2000).
6. C.Z. Dong, Z.H. Gu, J.N. Wei, P. Yuan and Y.B. Fu, Theoretical Study on Ground State of Ce Atom ,Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys., 17, 636 (2000).
1. C. Z. Dong, S. Fritzsche, B. Fricke and W.--D.Sepp, Branching ratios and lifetimes for the low-lying levels of FeX ,Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 307, 809 (1999).
2. S. D. Zhang, Z. Y. Liu, G. Y. Chen, Y. N. Liu, and C. Z. Dong, Observation on spectra of the Stark broadening for laser-produced Al plasma, Chin. J. At. Mol.Phys.,16, 457 (1999).
3. C.Z.Dong, J.G.Wang, Y.Z.Qu and J.M.Li, Dielectronic recombination and resonance transfer and excitation of Ca19+ ion , Phys. Scr. T80, 301(1999).
4. C. Z. Dong, Y. Q. Zhou, B. H. Zhang and Y. B. Fu, X-ray spectra from laser produced highly ionized hafnium plasma in the 4.6-5.0 ? range, Phys. Scr. T80, 542 (1999).
5. J. G. Wang, T. Q. Chang, C. Z. Dong, and T. Kato, Calculation of the contributions from high-n dielectronic satellites to the Kα resonance line in heliumlike iron ,Euro. Phys. J. D5, 167 (1999) .
6. H. S. Chen, C. Z. Dong and X. X. Zhou, Strong local configuration interactions and their influence on the level structure and transitions of 2s2p63l configurations in AlIV-MnXVI , JQSRT 61, 143 (1999).
1. X. X. Zhou, C.Z. Dong, X.Z. Zhang and S.Z. Li, Charge transfer in H+ + H and H+ + He collisions at intermediate and high energies using an asymptotic two-state atomic expansion method , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys. 15, 143 (1998).
2. C.Z. Dong, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu, Resonance contribution to 1s-2s electron-impact excitation of He+ , Acta Physica Sinica 7, 258 (1998).
3. J. G. Wang, T. Q. Chang and C. Z. Dong, Calculation of the high-n dielectronic satellites in Helium-like iron , Chin. Phys. Lett. 15, 101 (1998).
4. C.Z. Dong, J.G. Wang and Y. Z. Qu, The channel dependence of dielectronic recombination rate coefficiences in He+ion , Chin. Phys. Lett. 15, 263 (1998).
5. C.Z. Dong, J.G. Wang, Y.Z. Qu and G.Y.Chen, Theoretical study on dielectronic recombination of C4+ion , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys., 15, 213 (1998).
1. X.X. Zhou, X.Z. Zhang, H.S. Chen and C.Z. Dong, The calculation of cross sections for electron capture in collisions of proton with He+ and Li+ ions at high energies , Acta Physica Sinica 46, ).
1. X.X. Zhou and C.Z. Dong, The mutual neutralisation of Na+/O- ions in slow collisions , Chin. Phys. Lett. 13, 99 (1996).
2. C.Z. Dong, Y.Q. Zhou and B.H. Zhang, X-ray spectra from laser produced highly ionized hafnium plasma in the 4.1-4.5 ? range , Phys. Lett. A210, 195 (1996).
3. C.Z. Dong,H.S. Chen and X.X. Zhou, The strong local configuration interaction and its effect on the energy levels of the 2p44f configuration in ClIX-CaXII ions , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys.13, 99 (1996).
4. C.Z. Dong and X.X. Zhou, Theoretical study of spectra of 3-2 transition and its satellite lines for NeI-like ion of La , Acta Physica Sinica, 45, 556 (1996).
1. C.Z. Dong, Y.Q. Zhou and A.L. Lei, The energy levels and oscillator strengths of the 2p44f - 2p43d transition in PVII , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys., 12, 61 (1995).
2. C.Z. Dong, The energy levels of the 2p4 3p configuration and oscillator strengths of the 2p43p - 2p4 3s,3d transitions in PVII, Acta Physica Sinica, 44, 524 (1995).
3. C.Z. Dong, Y. Zhou, J.G. Wang and J.M. Li, Relativistic theoretical study on dielectronic recombination process , Acta Physica Sinica, 44, ).
4. J.G. Wang, Y. Zhou, C.Z. Dong and J.M. Li, The theoretical calculation of dielectronic recombination cross section for hydrogen like Argon , Chin. Phys. Lett.12, 530 (1995).
5. C.Z. Dong, The energy levels and oscillator strengths of 4s2 4p4 - 4s4p5 transition in AgXIV, CdXV and InXVI , JQSRT, 54, 925 (1995).
6. H.S. Chen, C.Z. Dong and X.X. Zhou, Configuration interaction of the Ne-like AlIV-TiXIII 2p5 5f term systems and 2p5 5f - 2p5 4d,5d transitions , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys.,12, 420 (1995).
1. Y.Q. Zhou, B.H. Zhang, G.H. Yang, A.L. Lei and C.Z. Dong, A study on X-ray spectra of Nickel-like ions of high-Z elements , Acta Physica Sinica, 43, ).
2. C.Z. Dong and C.Z. Zhou, Experimental study of internal resistance of dry cell , Physics Experimentation, 14, 107 (1994).
3. C.Z. Dong, Y. Zhou, J.G. Wang and J.M. Li, The n-dependance of dielectronic recombination rates for 3s1/2 np1/2(J=0) doubly excited state in Fe24+ ion , Book of Abstracts of the Second Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Beijing, China, 1994, page 96.
1. C.Z. Dong, The 4s2 4p3 - 4s4p4 transition in CdXVI ion , Chin. J. Laser B2, 435 (1993).
1. C.Z. Dong, The energy levels and oscillator strengths for 4p3 - 4s4p2 transition in BrV ion, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 12, 1 (1992).
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1. C.Z. Dong, X.J. Yuan and G.S. Yu, The calculation of energy levels and oscillator strengths for KrVI ion , Acta Optica Sinica, 11, 503 (1991).
2. X.J. Yuan, C.Z. Dong and G.S. Yu, The calculations of energy levels and oscillator strengths for RuXIV ion , Acta Physica Sinica , 40, ).
1. C.Z. Dong, G.S. Yu and X.J. Yuan, The energy levels of 2s2 2p5 nf (n=7,8,9,10) configurations in Cl VIII , Chin. J. At. Mol. Phys., 7, ).
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