求大神解答miscreated内核汉化和miscreated内核汉化 4-pack有什么区别

你就TM是个权限狗 操在新城遇见你们几个人 搞尼玛重启 就你们3人不掉线 你在新城警局门卫室 我打死你们
上游戏就遇见了两个 感觉老外都好变态 在你面前说我是你的朋友 走远了就fuck you man 然后我就把他们两个
YY 本人每日天天在线 战斗战斗 日他
如题 ,求解答 怎么破 看见开车的人 连跑都跑不掉
本人大概也玩了几百小时了,对于目前大多数玩家来说。造家不一定是放东西,更多的是给人归属感! 以
看了几日直播然后就迷上了 但是一个人玩很寂寞 需要人陪
末日联队大胜利 嘻嘻
我有弓有弩都有箭 听说 只要有一个就可以搞很多箭?怎么弄
带萌新 带你翱翔整个地图 还有就是正在造家的朋友需要大箱子的可以私聊我qq
本帖特邀各位大神炫富 2楼给图
在酒店的那个小队=_= 。要一起玩吗
★实力上传一波300小时的图,欢迎交流★ 交流群号:
之前有玩家的确是数据回档了!之后找到我们!我们积极的向服务器官方要求给个! 以下是I3D服务器官方
我见一个人,打招呼说hai,你打死我,我没意见,还跟我来一句hi ni ma bi.面对这人渣我骂你不想带上父母
介绍包括建造、搜刮、战斗、系统设定、玩家素质等一列的介绍。帮助新人快速了解此游戏 持续更新,点
还剩440+天 有意者私聊或者加q
昨晚香港999服在机场最高瞭望塔成功用小刀砍死一高富帅 拿了大狙跟at15 以及子弹若干。 关键是还从他队
大家昨天打的激烈 玩的开心 出现掉线 我只能表示无奈 当时那种情况 谁都无法预料 如果 服主重启 第一
枪法好的独狼优势被大大削弱了。 小队行动更加有威慑力了。 单发的步枪以前打头都是一枪死,所以对高
助攻总额: 43W
使用签名档&求大神解答Miscreated和Miscreated 4-pack有什么区别_百度知道新手求教Miscreated_miscreated吧_百度贴吧
Miscreated和Miscreated 4-pack两个版本不一样钱,我想知道这两个版本什么区别?我应该买哪个?
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Title: Miscreated
Genre: , , , , , , ,
Release Date: 30 Oct, 2014
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&Miscreated Early Access is to provide you with the opportunity to play the game now, and also help provide important feedback to the development team to make the game the best that is possible.
Miscreated is expected to have issues during the early access phase, so if your are not comfortable playing a game that is being actively developed, then we highly recommend you wait to purchase the game until a later date.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&It is expected to be in early access for approximately one to two years.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&For the full version we plan to add customization weapons, vehicles, crafting, and base building into the game, as well as many more items for the player to find - weapons, clothes.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&The game client appears to be very stable at this point and the servers are working well also.
There are many videos of people already playing the game around on social media sites.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&The game price is not expected to decrease, but may increase as it gets closer to release.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We are actively involved with our community.
We post regular updates on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, ModDB, and CryDev.net, as well as on our active forums .
We have already incorporated several of our community's suggestions into the game.&
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Recent updates
18 October
BugSplat Integration
BugSplat support has now been added to the client and server executables.
When a crash occurs the crash information will be submitted to BugSplat so we can then analyze it.
This will help us to find and fix more game issues and increase the overall stability.
Disconnect/Logout Timer/Combat Logging
The 30 second leave server timer in the in-game menu is now enforced.
If the game is exited for any reason without waiting the full 30 seconds, then your character will remain in the world for 30 seconds and can be killed during that time.
You will also be unable to rejoin the same server for 45 seconds - a message will be displayed when attempting to join a server in this case.
Chat log bug fix
Anti-cheat updates
Issue fixed where banned/not whitelisted players could still join servers at times
Arrows no longer will stick into players/objects
Shadow cache update fixed - was causing stalls/freezing while playing
Network performance improvements
Fixed issue with some entities remaining on the clients when they shouldn't be (minor performance improvement)
Spawn/Despawn item rate improvements
Improved accessibility for controllers (rebind all analogue axes)
Ability to turn off controller support (i_xinput = 0 in user.cfg)
Server browser History, Favorites (Favoriting+Unfavoriting) and Friends
Trim whitepace characters around server name
Base Building
Colored work lights can be crafted for bases - blue, green, pink, red, and yellow
Some placeable items, including plot signs, can no longer be placed on top of other items
Red dot sight on crafted weapon improved
Hoodies updated to have three slots (was two)
Crafted weapons have a higher recoil then previously
Several generic Kythera improvements/fixes/optimizations
AI now turn smoother
Deer AI are now moved to the new animal system instead of the default CryEngine AI system
Radio select sounds now play
AI turning animations are now used
General improvements to ragdolls
Fixed magazine location on some weapons
Hotfix #41a - 10/17/2016
Fix for other players getting kicked from a server when a banned, non-whitelisted, or on hold player tries to join and is kicked out
Five crashes fixed (most related to starting or exiting the game) thanks to new BugSplat information
Few days late on the Steam announcement, I apologize.
22 September
Daily Deal
Miscreated is 50% off today for a Steam Daily Deal! If you've been waiting or missed the last sale now is a great time to check it out.
CryEngine Indie Development Fund
Please take a minute and vote for Miscreated for the CryEngine Indie Fund.
More information can be found on this Steam page:
The last day for voting is tomorrow!
Now on to the Patch Notes.
Survivotron VI
The Survivotron VI supports communication
after it has been turned on with a mouse click.
The modes can be toggled between using CTRL. All keys can be rebound.
In navigation mode it will display the longitude, latitude, a compass, the speed overground, and the elevation.
In communication mode it will display the band, frequency, and the current game time.
Each of the bands have their differences (bands can be changed by pressing HOME and PAGE up/down)
- CB 26.965 MHz - 27.405 MHz / 40 channels (Low quality communication)
- FM 87.8 MHz - 108.0 MHz / 5 channels (High quality receive)
- VHF 6M - 50 MHz - 54 MHz / 40 channel (Medium quality communication)
- VHF 2M - 144 MHz – 146 MHz / 20 channel (High quality communication)
- VHF 1.25M - 222 – 225 MHz
/ 30 channel (High quality communication)
The channels can be switched by pressing or holding the PAGE up/down keys.
Survivors will are able to hear the output in a 7 meter range (same as whisper) around someone using the radio.
More server and client networking performance improvements
Improvements so servers don't run out of network IDs as fast
Fixed several things that were causing a navigation mesh update on the server (performance improvement)
Adjusted jump so you can jump one more time than before without running out of stamina
Can now join a friend's game via Steam (when game is closed and while ingame)
Can now join a game from the steam server browser or steam://open/servers - Steam & View & Servers & Filter: Miscreated (works when game is closed and while ingame, with history and favorites)
Can now join a game from our server browser -
(only while game is closed, with favorites function and search by name)
Taxi cab added - three variations
Adjusted proxy on the 5-ton truck so you can shoot into it
Slightly reduced the maximum speed for the bus
Adjusted sedan speeds so faster than pick up truck, police slightly faster than all
Simplified police light setup
Police siren sound stops when vehicle is destroyed
Police siren sound should be on/off at the same time as the lights
New Survivotron VI - multi-purpose, multi-channel and band radio/GPS device
New M-16 style weapon
New MK-18 style weapon
New Sako 85 style weapon
Reduced explosion damage on the molotov
New additional map with GPS coordinate grid lines
Adjusted material on the barbed wire so it can be packed up easier
Removed old .223 ammo spawns (correct ones are still in game)
Fixed some chemlights not being shadow casters
Fixed spawn in orientation of the crafted weapons
AI is now attracted to the whistle emote
Improvements to wolf turning animation system
Improved deer alert action
Added 2 new Radio tower prefabs with Items spawners on them
Sun position updated to be more accurate with a real world counterpart
Minor improvements around Hayward Valley
New bridge prefab for the Sultan Bridge (will update the others over time with more details)
Added Taxi spawners to the map
Removed floating leaves in a domestic garage prefab
New animations for the Survivotron, M16, MK18, and the Sako 85 styled weapons
Mutants now have running back animation for when throwing rocks instead of using the forward run animation
Some alterations for the wolves' movements to improve the animation system
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
This is an early ALPHA release of MISCREATED. The current feature set is limited, but will be increased as development continues. You will experience issues during gameplay - incomplete features, bugs, game crashes, performance issues, and even complete character wipes.
Nobody knows what started the Final War — it was over too fast, fought with the last of the belligerent nations’ nuclear stockpiles, and the ones who pulled the triggers didn’t survive. It was the Final War because after that there was really nobody left we were all too busy surviving. Half a century of wars using nukes, bioweapons, nanoweapons, and even kinetic-kill weapons, gave us the Empty World: population 100 million and falling fast.
Who’s to blame? Depends on who you are, but you could just as easily blame
by the end, virtually every arms dealer in the world was owned by Amalgamated C while everyone was fighting they’d been buying up what Karl Marx used to call “the means of production,” and in the end missiles on both sides proudly wore the AC label.
Hell, in the end AC made just about everything, AC Sportsdrinks, AC Icecream, AC Battlegear, even AC Happytabs. I miss those. AC even gave us our wond the “vaccine” they developed when radiation sickness became as common as seasonal pneumonia from all those dirty battlefields — all the weapons-grade isotopes getting into the water table, or the fish, or the air — reacted with some of the leftover bioweapons and made lots of people go as squirrely as tab-pumped cannibals. You can ignore a neighbor developing neo-elephantitis or novuleprosy, but when he tries to eat you, you’ve got to take an interest.
So that’s it, we’re done, civilization is taking a breather. In 2089, anyone left alive and unmutated is just focused on staying that way. There are stories of enclaves here and there, where they’re lucky enough to have plenty of food stockpiled and mutants are thin on the ground or there’s lots of ammunition to throw at them. My advice is find one. Or make one. The Earth abides, all this too shall pass away, and if Darwin blesses you then you or your kids will inherit what’s left. For now, it’s one day at a time.
Only a portion of the current map is available to play on.
We will expand it as fast as we can.
Base Building:
Completely freeform basebuilding system - the Miscreated basebuilding system is different from all of the other existing survival games available and it gives you total control to make as complex and pretty of a base as you want. This is not the typical, snap-together Lego style system other games have.
Over 100 different parts are currently available for your base, with more coming soon.
Several different categories (with many subcategories and types) of parts available - wood, sand, tires, powered. Metal to be added in a future patch.
Anyone can interact with your base - repair parts, turn lights on/off, open/close unlocked doors, turn generators on/off.
Non-clan members cannot alter the structure of your base - add/remove parts, attach/detach parts to power.
Find crafting guides to learn more advanced basebuilding recipes.
You can also find someone that knows a part's recipe you don't and politely ask them to make the part for you.
Join a clan to have fellow clan members help you build your base.
Basebuilding restrictions - bases cannot be placed in towns or some other key areas to prevent griefing in those areas.
Other players also cannot build bases very close to your base.
Pack up and move undamaged parts - if damaged, you can repair them first, or you can dismantle damaged parts to get one of the crafting materials back.
Damaged states for parts - at each 25% damage the color of a damaged part will darken more.
Clans are persistent (remembered between server restarts and logging in/out) and per server.
Clans can be created, disbanded, and you can invite other players to your clan by targeting them and using the mouse wheel option.
Invited players can decline an invite or accept it.
Clan owner can promote other clan members to be a clan captain, so they can invite new, or remove existing, clan members.
For this release, all clan members can alter the structure of any clan owned bases.
In a future release there will be more specific permission controls added.
In-game VoIP with distance attenuation
Five vehicles are currently fully functional in the game.
Scavenge for parts to get them running!
A basic crafting system is implemented allowing you to make more powerful melee weapons and items such as advanced bandages.
The crafting system is being expanded as the game progresses.
Realistic Bullet Physics:
Bullet trajectory will change based on gravity, air resistance, and wind.
Random Encounters
Encounters can be spawned dynamically and located anywhere on the map.
Dynamic Item Spawns
Weapons and items will usually be found in logical places, but can also be found anywhere in the world. Be sure to check everywhere for items – lockers, stoves, cupboards, and many more. Some appliances can be opened to look inside.
Persistent Characters
Your character’s stats and items will be saved when you exit the game. When you log back in, you will have your health, items and location all restored.
Comprehensive Inventory System
Store items on your character and collect weapons, ammo and other useful items.
You can also find additional items to increase the amount of storage space your character has – like backpacks, shirts, and pants.
Food and Water Systems
Keep your hunger and water levels up in order for your character to function at maximum efficiency. Low levels of food and hunger have a negative impact on your character’s performance.
When you die all of the items you were carrying stay with your character’s corpse.
Other player’s can take them, or you can retrieve them yourself if they are still there when you get back to the corpse.
Free-for-all PVP
Kill anyone at anytime and steal their loot. There are no safe zones.
However, it will be very beneficial in the long run to make a few friends.
Dynamic Weather System
Rain, fog, wind, and other weather patterns are all dynamically generated and will create unique game play opportunities.
The intensity of weather patterns will also be supported – from light fog to dense fog, for example.
Full Day/Night Cycles
Charge in during the day or wait until night time for a sneaky approach. The game features a real 24 hour clock based on the location of the server you are playing on.
First and Third Person Camera Views
Switch views based on personal preference
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit, Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Processor: Quad Core CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 11 graphics card with at least 1GB Video RAM,
minimum resolution.
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit, Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Processor: Processor - Quad Core CPU (Intel Core i7-4770K or comparable)
Memory: 12 GB RAM
Graphics: GTX 670 or greater with at least 2GB VRAM,
minimum resolution.
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 30 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX
(C) 2015 Entrada Interactive LLC. All rights reserved.
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104 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
&randomly discover small base in woods&silently crawl under it, since they built it a bit above ground&suddenly hear steps&look through cracks of the wooden beams and see 2 guys&take aim and kill one &other one runs away out of fear&loot dead guy, get his gun and put his clothes on&wait 10 minutes checking out their cars and whatnot&other guy comes back&ok here you go, let's hope they're not on comms or steam chat&jump around waving&&hey emre, is that you?&&can't really reply in chat, so i give him the thumbs up emote&&man ????, i'm glad you got back. that guy really ????ed us&&mission commence, i am emre now&start building up base again, putting food, water, ammo into &our& crates&I'm starting to like this guy, it's almost as we were old friends&&hey, how come you're not using VOIP as usual? your mom again?&&???? ???? ????&&also where did you find this sick mask you're wearing?&&oh ???? i forgot to put my mask off after looting his friend&shoot him in the head because i didnt know what else to do&as his dead body slowly rolls over the car he was standing behind, I put my mask off and say via VOIP&&sorry pal, emre is no more. There is no hope, only suffering&10/10 awesome deceiving simulatorwould recommend becoming emresorry random guy, i'm sure emre was a good person.Unfortunately the shining garden gnome in your crate was more important.
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51 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
so this is my experience of miscreated.....I ran into a youtuber/twitch steamer named Mr. moon. Mr.Moon took my friend and I hostage... then he killed my friend and told me to get new friends.After that I drove off to the distance. I hid my car and never played the game ever since.
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1 person found this review funny
Early Access Review
A hard-core survival game that leaves you checking around every corner.Miscreated is a beautiful game, the forest and grass look amazing and as you wonder though the open world you really do get the feeling that you are in fact surviving.
The player v player aspect is brutal, almost everyone will shoot first and ask questions later so keep your whits about you and trust no one.
The PVE aspect is somewhat lacking.. in the 9 hours I've played I've only seen 3 zombies, but do remember that this is an early access game and I am sure this will be changed as the game develops.
Looting is a long task, finding a weapon is quite hard and ammo the same story but both can be found with a bit of persistence, food and water can easily be found within any of the built up areas and random tools and items can be found throughout these areas also.
There are vehicles on the game and most require you to collect parts to get them functioning (batteries, spark plugs etc) but again this is a quite easy talk.All in all I am very impressed with this game so far, when you spot an enemy you have to make a quick decisions, Kill/be killed or Run and hide and this really does increase your heart rate, especially if you have just found some good loot and dont want to lose it. A totally absorbing survival game.I would definitely recommend this game to any survival game fan.
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Early Access Review
this game is amazing, dont let yourself be discouraged by some minor bugs here and there, mostly desync and server disconnects. the map is awesome, not that big like dayz but really well designed, atmospheric and you have the feeling that your actually part of the world, the lightning is the best i have seen in a long time. pvp is good, you can actually hide in foliage and shadows, ive had great pvp moments so far. the community is friendlier than most survival games. open world survival game in cryengine as what everyone dreamt about. some people might take some time to adapt to the menus and UI but after that is smooth experience. i have played several open world survival games and this is the one that nailed it the most, the devs are really good and actively communicate with the players, and they know what they are doing regarding the game progression. there is no microtransactions so this is not a moneymilk scheme like H1*cough*... its really world the 20EUR but at 10EUR you are picking up a relic. give it a try, playing solo is great but with friends its even better. &the game dont have advertisment but is now gaining popularity, support this game by buying it if you like survival games, you will surely not regret it, just make sure to have a good gaming machine because it is a bit demanding :)
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Early Access Review
This game is the apotheosis of amazingIn the like 2 hours I played with my homie we hunted a Truck through a stormy night like spec ops, we got to an amazing radio tower that's like the absolute definition of &Athmospheric& (and I found 7 buckshot rounds for my shotgun which was awesome too) we wrestled with a ????ING TORNADO on our way to Pinecrest for food and my homie Space Pickles BARELY made it out he was already getting whirled aruond by it, then we came across a perfectly secluded and beautiful patch of nature with a big mesmerizing waterfall where we found a small adorable frog that I decided to call Fronko the Froggo HE MADE THESE CUTE BWORK BWORKING NOISES AND JUMPED AROUND AND WAS JUST ONE OF THE MOST ADORABLE SENTIENT BEINGS TO HAVE EVER EXISTED ON THIS PLANET, then we made it to pinecrest but encountered a group of like 8 players, I heard gunfire so I thought pickles died but WRONG SIR WRONGPICKLES IS THE ONE WHO ******** KNOCKSHE MURDERED LIKE 5 PEOPLE WITH HIS PISTOLAND THEN I SAW HIM DIE AND SAW THE MUZZLE OF THE PERPS RIFLE AND I STORMED IN AND I SHOTGUNNED HIM, THEN HIS BACKUP CAME AND I SHOTGUNNED THE OTHER 3 WHEN I WAS LOOTING THEIR BRAIN MATTER STAINED CORPSES THOUGH... I got killed.AND THIS WAS THE FIRST EVER DEATH I HAD IN A SURVIVAL ONLINE GAME THAT FELT REWARDING AND ACCOMPLISHING!!!!!I AM STILL ADRENALINE PUMPED AND ON EDGE FROM THIS; MY SPECS ARE INTEL i3 4GB RAM AND AN NVIDIA 430 GT WHICH IS LIKE THE GHETTO CHILD ABANDONED BY ITS FATHER OF THE GRAPHIC CARDS AND MY GAME RUNS PERFECTLY CRISP AT AROUND 30-40 FPS FOR ME IN WINDOWED
RESOLUTION.THIS GAME IS AWESOME.THANK YOU WHOEVER DEVELOPED THIS I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!BEST OF ALL, we played for prolonged amounts of times now and we STILL haven't even explored most of the map nor have we ever carried any of the bigger guns yet.I can't wait to log like 2000 hours playtime into this.I usually write gramatically correctly but this game is so amazing and adrenaline pumping in nearly every single aspect that I literally can't control myself boasting how awesome this is.also add female characters and more apocalyptic looking clothing when you have the time to :D9/10 This is a screenshot from pickles with the frog standing next to me :)
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
I have over than 1600 hours on DayZ and havinh only 400 on Miscreated i can say that is the best survival game at the moment. There are wolves, different speces of mutant, each one different and most powerful. You can play PVE or have PVP. Be an explorer, an hero or a bandit, you can find so many weapons and cars. You can build up a base where you can store your stuff, change your clothes to adapt the bihome and backpacks to carry more loot. the map is not finished yet and when it will be is gonna be enough if you think about all the details all around the game world. Developers are quick to answer questions and solve your problems, they release updates frequently.The best at the moment.
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Early Access Review
Pros:I have to say, this game is pretty good. Yes it might have been bad before, but with the constant development from the developers from the last few months have really improved the game. The game itself have made me feel like I was actually in the aftermath of an viral apocoplyps with its surroundings, landscapes, and weather.The things I hope for in the future is a bigger map, more items/vehicles, NPC traders, etc. But who know what will come ^^.Con: Some minior crashing, glitching, and bugs (though its what to expect from a Early-Alpha Game). More spawn rates of vehicles and the ability to add more storage. My opinion rating 9/10
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Early Access Review
In my opinion it's an Interesting game, it has a good gameplay, awesome locations, pretty big map,(and still not finished, probably gonna be about 2x bigger than it is now) realistic weapons, very useful items and good graphics, the only thing that makes a disappointment for me is the lack of mutants, there should be more of them in cities and towns, also they should spawn in buildings too(the amount and locations of spawns will be updated for sure anyways). Summarizing, this game is Amazing as for Early Access and the devs aren't lazy, the game gets better with every update and it has got a lot of potential, so if You are a fan of MMO Survival Horror games, then it's one of the best options for you.
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Early Access Review
I received a game developer ban from this game. It appears permanently on my profile like a VAC ban would.Miscreated developpers will not comment nor assist with tracking down why the ban occured. My posts pertaining to the ban are censored from the official Miscreated forums and subreddit.I have never cheated.
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Early Access Review
So my experience with this game was shocking. The first server I joined had issues, bugs galore, and hackers everywhere. So I left and joined a different one. By god is this world beautiful. You can do everything, like ride a bike, loot, build, kill (depending on servers), get parts for vehicles, etc. I was having fun running around with my baseball bat, motorcycle helmet and my one 1 bullet for my bolt action. killing the occasional mutant and lots of wolves (scary ??? animals in this game), but I came across a guy who was chilling there in the woods with a huge fortress. Over the comm system he says, &Hey come up here real fast& and being an h1z1 and dayz player I was reluctant. But new game new life. SO i hoped up there, and next thing I knew he gave me all his gear, and said &My time is come to start anew. This base and all the things in it are yours. Keep it safe. And last of all if you decide to leave the server, or start fresh or anything like that. Do the same thing I did. and pass it on like the guy before me.& Then he left, naked and without weapons. screaming &Let's GO MUTANTS I'LL FIGHT YOU BARE NAKED&
never seen him again. So now I watch over his base, killing mutants, and raiders alike. And when I finally leave this server, I will pass down the legacy of this gorgous base and loot to another. Continuing the legacy of the survival man before me. 10/10 Hopefully I'll meet you again someday Survivor Man.
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Early Access Review
Lets start with when i first got it. Its better then dayz thats for sure epic game fun to play with friends.graphics are not horribel, game play is smoth, ai is nice lil work needed but not to bad tho.this game was amazing...then around 235hours in and bam it doesnt work. figured they would fix the issue (crashing out of servers with in 15mins to the server list) then they did the update!!! i was so happy to play again......nvm still happends... oh they got a new bug detection system!!!!...nope its only for game crashing......2 weeks and still waiting to play. fyi bases/cars you have/all my time into the game now gone due to not being abel to play more then 10mins every other hour... gg
Early Access Review
This game was good besides getting tricked to find something that wasnt there ahhhh good times.
Early Access Review
+ good graphics+ lots of weapons+ more types of flashlight+ big map+ lots of vehicles+ base building+ optimalization- can't prone- no gun attachments
Early Access Review
I'd advise everyone to stay away from this game, unless you want to lose your patience.Found a shotgun, 6 buckshots.Guy came into the same house, i landed 2 shots into his chest in point-blank range.He whipped out and axe and beat me to death with 2 hits.Saw a developer post claiming that weapon damage in the game is &realistic& quoting his words &.. 4-6 shots from 9mm pistol into a torso will kill a guy.& Graphics are great, movement and control of you characher.But there is alot work to be done, combat is ridiculous, weapon damage is pathetic.5 Slug shots from a shotgun 20m-30m range isnt enought to kill a butt naked player.
Early Access Review
Early Access Review
i like this game
Early Access Review
If you enjoyed previous hackfest games like DayZ and Infestation survivor stories then boy oh boy is it your lucky day.
Early Access Review
I played this game for a good 40 hours. It was a lonley place filled with inevidable death. It's best played with friends. I won't say it's a bad game but not one for me.
Early Access Review
this game is like a beautiful girl with no personality... enough said.
Early Access Review
ok let me edit this review... so many things wrong with this game its not even funny. Its not even a zombie survival game.. I would call it .. easter egg hunting game. You run around for hours upon hours trying to find things .. that are pretty much random but you will need them. No way to fill up water containers.. You run into a zombie maybe one or two times in 6 hours.. If i had played on a pvp server I would be fighting more players than zombies.. they are pretty rare and they move like grease lighting.. Devs.. ZOMBIES DONT RUN.. its dumb.. and stop making freaking games where zombies run.. they are dead creatures not freaking magic creatures.. that made me dislike this game even more. The ONLY thing that is good about this game is the world is amazingly beautiful. Other than that its not even worth 5.00 .. uninstalling .. not worth the time and effort to even play this game. Its in early release but I honestly dont even see this game going anywhere maybe in about 10 years of developing
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