它让人轻松用英括号 日语怎么说说只有两个括号

······我经常到楼下的餐馆去吃午饭。那儿新来了一个服务员,特别会拍顾客的马屁,有时让人很不舒服。他第一次见面时问我,&Haven't I seen you in a movie before?& 我知道他这么做的目的是什么,这在英语里这叫,cozy up. Cozy在中文里有舒适的,亲密的意思。Cozy up作为习惯用语,意思就是为了得到某种好处去巴结别人、讨好别人。大家肯定能猜到,那个服务员跟顾客套近乎,不为别的,无非是想多拿些小费。 That's why he was trying to cozy up to me.
我先生昨天跟我说,他有个同事叫Gladys, 最近一直讨好老板,为什么呢,让我们听听看。
例句-1:Ever since Gladys got put on the night shift, she's been cozying up to the boss. By baking him cookies and showering him with compliments, she's trying to get him to switch her back to the day shift. We'll see if her efforts have any influence on him.
我也有个特别会拍马屁的同事,动不动就跑到老板的办公室里,称赞老板多有领导能力,今天的衣服穿得多么得体。He cozied up to her all the time. 在英语里,我们说这种人是bootlicker, 舔靴子的人,马屁精。
我女儿班上,有一位家长,特别喜cozy up to the teachers, 她在百货公司工作,动不动就主动帮老师买便宜货,就是为了老师对自己的孩子好一些。这就叫可怜天下父母心。
例句-2:The Smith Development Company is so predictable. Once it discovers farmland that could be turned into new housing, it cozies up to local politicians. With the access it gains, building plans are soon approved. Before long, construction crews are busy at work!
也许商界和政界的关系本来就是如此。政府的很多决定恐怕都是由幕后这些利益集团推动的。They cozy up to the politicians to get what they want.&
I shall never forget the experience of travelling to
Shenzheng for the first time during my last summer holiday。I took a bus alone in shenzheng and since it was a
brand-new experience I was a bit alarmed。But something
interesting happened on the bus that a pick-pocket was
caught red-handed 。I had never seen such a scene and felt quite surprised,while the person who would have been stolen was rather frightened 。As for the pick-pocket,he was kicked out of the bus embarrassedly under people's glaze。
In a whole,I was very pleasant with the trip to Shenzheng。
I went to Shenzhen for the first time last summer and the travel impressed me so much. My first bus journey there by myselfh made me a little alamed and amused.It occured to me that a thief was catched when he was making a theft in the bus.I became very surprised while the victim was great frightened.Finally the embarrassed thief was urged to get off the bus under the eyes of us.
In a word,I was satisfied with this trip to Shenzhen.
(For my unskillful translation,any citicism was accepted.Thank you for your attention)放轻松用英文怎么说?_百度知道有括号的数学算式用英语怎么读 25×(267-225).我知道×是-是minus 但是括号怎么读出来啊?
英语括号是 bracket (复数 brackets)左括号 = left bracket右括号 = right bracket25×(267-225)这样读:twenty-five times left bracket two sixty-seven minus two twenty-five right bracket希望帮到了你我是加拿大人,前英语老师.


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