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英文破折号(em dash)、连接号(en dash)与连字符(hyphen)的区别及各自用法是什么?在科技写作中有何特点?
LaTeX的标签是我加上去的,此答案为TeX用户准备,非TeX用户慎入。这几个在符号在TeX中的用法,来自TeXbook:Book printing differs significantly from ordinary typing with respect to dashes, hyphens, and minus signs. In good math books, these symbo in fact there usually are at least four different symbols:   a hyphen (-);   an en-dash (–);   an em-dash (—);   a minus sign (-?).Hyphens are used for compound words like ‘daughter-in-law’ and ‘X-rated’. En-dashes are used for number ranges like ‘pages 13–34’, and also in contexts like ‘exercise 1.2.6–52’. Em-dashes are used for punctuation in sentences—they are what we often call simply dashes. And minus signs are used in formulas. A conscientious user of TeX will be careful to distinguish these four usages, and here is how to do it:   for a hyphen, type a hyphen (-);   for an en-dash, type two hyphens (--);   for an em-dash, type three hyphens (---);   for a minus sign, type a hyphen in mathematics mode ($-$).在TeX中,连字符需要使用手动添加的并不多,因为TeX的断词算法相当强大,断行+断词的情况下会自动添加连字符。如需添加其他的断字选项,可使用\hyphenation{mom-ent}这个命令进行仿制。而对于连字符的形式,你都可以换成任意的符号形式,这需要使用\hypenchar命令进行调整。而em-dash和en-dash的生成机制是TeX的tfm中预先设定好的ligature作用得到的。这个方法省事一点。TeX用户需要的只是多敲入-即可。减号呢,也是用连字符可以输入的,在TeX中会自行转换。至于混用,则就不是TeX的问题,是作者的偏好了。
这个题目可以分解为两个问题,第一个问题:hyphen、en dash、em dash 三者的一般用法为何?第二个问题:这三者的用法在科技论文中有什么特别需要注意的地方?关于第一个问题,知乎上其实已经有不少问答,@Lawrence Li 和@梁海 都解答过。不过我还是想重新梳理一遍,下面我把美国人奉为圭臬的 The Chicago Manual of Style 中关于这几种符号的用法摘译出来,并作了一些补充:HYPHEN (-)1. 用于复合词,如:upper-case letter2. 用于分隔数字或字母,例如电话号码:或名字的拼写:1-800-621-2376My name is P that's p-h-y-l-l-i-s.3. 用于排版时连接因断行而被打断的单词,例如:Trust Law ranks the Congo as one of the most dangerous coun-tries for sexual violence.EN DASH (–)1. 相当于 to。主要用于连接数字或单词,表示「到并包括」(up to and including)。不过应注意,在 from...to... 和 between...and... 的结构中,不要用 en dash 去替代中间的 to 和 and。例句:Her college years, , were the happiest in her life.For documentation and indexing, see chapters 16–18.In Genesis 6:13–22 we find God's instructions to Noah.Join us on Thursday, 11:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m., to celebrate the New Year.The London–Paris train leaves at two o'clock.I have blocked out December 2002–March 2003 to complete my manuscript.Her articles appeared in Postwar Journal (3 November 1945–4 February 1946).Green Bay beat Denver 31–24.The legislature voted 101–13 to adopt the resolution.2. 后面什么也不接。比如用于表示年代,若事件仍在进行中,en dash 后面不要加空格。例句:Professor Plato's survey (1999–) will cover the subject in the final volume.Jane Doe (1950–); or Jane Doe (b. 1950)3. 代替 hyphen 的用途。在复合型形容词中,如果其中一个构成元素是开放型复合词,或者如果其中两个或多个构成元素是开放型复合词或带 hyphen 的复合词,那么应使用 en dash。例句:the post–World War II yearsa hospital–nursing home connectiona nursing home–home care policya quasi-public–quasi-judicial body (or, better, a judicial body that is quasi-public and quasi-judicial)在上述前三例中,post 和 World War II,hospital 和 nursing home,以及 nursing home 和 home 都是所属新的复合词中的元素,这些元素本身已经是开放型复合词,为了避免混淆和层次清晰,应使用 en dash 来连接。第四例中,quasi-public 和 quasi-judicial 是两个独立的均带 hyphen 的复合词,它们需要进一步连接起来,所以中间用了 en dash。用来对照的反例如下:non-English-speaking peoplesa wheelchair-user-designed environment (or, better, an environment designed for wheelchair users)U.S.-Canadian relations上述前两例都是单个词的复合,尽管由三个以上元素构成,一律都用 hyphen。第三例中,复合词的缩写(U.S.)视为一个词,所以也用 hyphen。4. 其他用法:en dash 有时用作减号,尽管两者原则上并非同一个符号。另外,它也可以用于连接拥有不同校区的大学。例句:the University of Wisconsin–Madisonthe University of Wisconsin–MilwaukeeEM DASH (—)1. 它的用法最复杂、最灵活。为了避免混淆,一个句子不应包含超过两个 em dash,如果实在需要,应使用圆括弧。2. 用于详述或解释。基本相当于一组逗号、圆括弧,或冒号的用途。例句:It was a revival of the most potent image in modern democracy—the revolutionary idea.The influence of three impressionists—Monet, Sisley, and Degas—is obvious in her work.The chancellor—he had been awake half the night—came down in an angry mood.She outlined the strategy—a strategy that would, she hoped, secure the peace.My friends—that is, my former friends—ganged up on me.3. 用于分隔引导从句的代词。例句:Consensus—that was the will-o’-the wisp he doggedly pursued.Broken promises, petty rivalries, and false rumors—such were the obstacles he encountered.Darkness, thunder, a sudden scream—nothing alarmed the child.Kingston, who firs Barber, who organized the
and West, who conducted the investigation—those were the women most responsible for the movement's early success.4. 表示思考或对话中句子结构的突然中断,有时也可用省略号代替。例句:"Will he—can he—obtain the necessary signatures?" asked Mill."Well, I don't know," I began tentatively. "I thought I might—""Might what?" she demanded.但如果中断来自于所引用材料的外部,em dash 应当出现在引号的外面。例如:"Someday he's going to hit one of those long shots, and"—his voice turned huffy—"I won't be there to see it."5. 替代逗号,或与逗号一起使用。如果在需要使用 em dash 时,需要用逗号来分隔从句和独立分句时,逗号可以省略。例句:Because the data had not been fully analyzed—the reason for this will be discussed later—the publication of the report was delayed.但如果 em dash 出现在引用材料的末尾表示中断,应当在说话人的身份之前用逗号。例句:"I assure you, we shall never—," Sylvia began, but Mark cut her short.6. 和其他标点连用。一般来说,em dash 可以跟在问号、感叹号的后面,但不能跟在逗号、冒号、分号的后面,也几乎不能跟在句号的后面。例句:All at once Richardson—can he have been out of his mind?—shook his fist in the ambassador's face.Only if—heaven forbid!—you lose your passport should you call home.7. 用于代替引号。有些法语作家常用 em dash 代替引号表示对话,每段话另起一段。例句:—Will he obtain the necessary signatures?—Of course he will!8.
用于索引。例句:—body armor: cuirass, 135–36, 147, 152,
244, 258, 260, 311; greaves, 135, 179,
260; helmets, 101, 135, 147, 221, 243,
2582-EM 和 3-EM DASHES (—— and ———)双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。2-em dash 用来表示单词拼写不全,或名字的省略,或粗话的省略,或无法识别的字迹等。如果整个单词都丢失了,2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash 和单词现存部分之间不应有空格。如果 2-em dash 代表整个单词的结束,那么之后应留出正常的词间空格。例句:"The region gives its —— to the language spoken there.Admiral N—— and Lady R—— were among the guests.David H——h [Hirsch?] voted aye.3-em dash 用于参考文献(bibliography),后面接一个句号(.),表示和上一条是同一个作者。例句:———. The Last Dinosaur Book. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.关于 en dash 和 em dash的用法,在英、美略有习惯差异,例如有的英国出版机构,如剑桥大学出版社、企鹅、劳特里奇等,喜欢用两边带空格的 en dash 来替代两边不带空格的 em dash,但这在美国很少见,而另一部分英国出版机构,如牛津大学出版社,也支持美国那种两边不带空格的 em dash 风格。下面解决第二个问题,在科学论文中,这几种标点的使用有什么特殊之处。一般性的使用,如连接复合词、数字、年代等,和上面介绍的普通用法一致,但有两点或许需要特别注意。1. 慎用 en dash为了避免和减号混淆,有的地方最好不要用 en dash。例句:with temperature of -5 to 25°C 【正确】with temperature of -5–25°C 【错误】-4 to -6°C 【正确】-4– -6°C 【错误】2. 少用 em dash有一部分科技论文写作参考书,例如 Mastering Scientific and Medical Writing: A Self-help Guide,认为在科技论文中三种 em dash 一律不应采用,em dash 经常表示一种强有力的打断,如果可能,最好用更平滑、更柔和的圆括弧替代。权威的 Scientific Style and Format: The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers 也不推荐在参考文献中使用 3-em dash 来表示相同作者这一格式。
这个问题我自己也查了一下。在英文中,这三个符号分别叫做 hyphen (-)、en dash (–) 和 em dash (—),下面分别介绍一下这三个符号的使用方法:Hyphen (-)Hyphen 就是连字号,主要用在以下几种情况:行末单词换行,例如We, therefore, the represen-tatives of the United Statesof America…连接前缀与后缀,例如co-workeranti-intellectual连接复合词的各个组成部分,例如28-year-old woman分隔数字,例如Tel: 585-362-4115ISBN: 7-En dash (–)En dash 是连接号,其长度等于大写字母 N,是 em dash 的一半,主要用在以下几种情况:连接数字表示起止范围,相当于中文里的「~」,例如June–July 19671:00–2:00 p.m.pp. 38–55President Jimmy Carter (1977–81)表示两者之间的关系和联系,相当于中文里的「-」,例如The Supreme Court voted 5–4 to uphold the decision.Boston–Hartford routemother–daughter relationshipThe Glass–Steagall Act在复合词构成的形容词定语中替代 hyphen,例如pre–Civil War eraPulitzer Prize–winning novelpublic-school–private-school rivalriesNew York–London flight在使用 en dash 时要注意,其前后都不留空格,除非是不留空格影响美观的时候,例如用「12 June – 3 July」替代「12 June–3 July」。此外,由于 en dash 的长度通常与加号(+)一样,所有有的时候也被用来替代减号(-),但实际上 en dash 与减号是不同的。Em dash (—)Em dash 的长度等于大写字母 M,使用方法与中文的破折号(——)类似, 主要用在以下几种情况:替代逗号,将一个特定的概念从一个句子的主要从句中分离出来,例如Sometimes writing for money—rather than for art or pleasure—is really quite enjoyable.分隔一个插入的想法或从句,例如I can’t believe how pedantic Ken is about writing—I mean, doesn't he have anything better to do?表示对话被打断,例如“I reached in and pulled the spray can out of my pants—” “In front of the police?”在使用 em dash 时也要注意,其前后都不留空格。另外,还有 2-em dash 和 3-em dash 两种用法:2-em dash2-em dash 即两个 em dash 连写,主要用于:表示在单词中省略了字母,例如Mr. H—— and Mr. S—— entered into a legal agreement.表示在句子中省略了单词,这时前面需要加空格,例如I distinctly heard him say, “Go away or I’ll ——”.3-em dash3-em dash 即三个 em dash 连写,主要用于:表示在句子中省略了单词,与 2-em dash 的第二种用法相同在参考文献目录中,如果紧接着的条目作者相同时用以省略,例如Acemoglu, Daron, 1999. “Patterns of Skill Premia” NBER Working Paper No. 7018.———, 2001. “Directed Technical Change”, NBER Working Paper No. 8287.那么,如何在电脑上输入这几种符号呢?Hyphen (-)Hyphen 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2010,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2010 再按 Alt + X。不过在 ASCII 编码系统中,hyphen 被编为45号字符「hyphen-minus」,也就是我们电脑键盘上「0」和「=」之间的那个「-」。在通常情况下我们直接使用这个符号就可以了。En dash (–)En dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2013,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2013 再按 Alt + X,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:按空格,按两下「-」,再按空格,例如输入「this is -- a test」,将转换为「this is – a test」(当然,要注意 en dash 前后一般是不留空格的)。En dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0150 (即按下 Alt 键的同时依次按下 0150)来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ?+ - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 -- 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 & 来输入。Em dash (—)Em dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2014,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2014 再按 Alt + X,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:不加空格,直接按两下「-」,例如输入「this is--a test」,将转换为「this is—a test」Em dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0151 来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ? + ? + - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 ---输入,在 HTML 里可以用 & 来输入。Minus sign (-)减号的 Unicode 编码是 U+2212,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2212 再按 Alt + X。减号在 TeX 里可以用 $-$ 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 & 来输入。
的回答非常详尽,感谢!在此就简单提一下键盘的输入方法(针对一般QWERTY键盘):mac系统:“-” hyphen:直接“-”(数字“0”右边的键)“–” en dash:option + “-”“—” em dash:option + shift + “-”Windows系统(稍微麻烦点,需要你的键盘自带数字小键盘):“-” hyphen:直接“-”“–” en dash:按住alt不动,小键盘输入0150“—” em dash:按住alt不动,小键盘输入0151 (在office word中,连打两个hyphen也可以自动生成一个em dash)(好像有些键盘也有预设的dash键,大家补充了啦)至于Linux……俺不会,等其他人来补充好啦~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
Wikipedia 对此有详尽的解释和示范用例
图片来自The Chicago Manual of Style第15版。与票数多的答案有些出入,这是出版领域的说法:
两边带空格的en dash (spaced en dash) , 两遍带空格的em dash (spaced em dash) 和两遍不带空格的em dash (unspaced em dash) 都可以作为破折号用,这个wiki上有讲到。但 unspaced em dash 应该是最普遍最不会被找茬的,尤其是给美国人看的东西。例子1,我手上的这本Wordsworth Editions (英国出版社) 出版的爱伦坡作品集,全部使用spaced en dash作破折号:
Yet, mad am I not – and very surely do I not dream.
You have only to do – and then so – so – so – and then so – so – so – and then so – so – and
2-em dash表缺失用2-en dash代替,
Residing in Paris during the spring and part of the summer of 18––,例子2,刚才上NEJM上看了几篇文章,用的都是spaced em dash, 即 — .
google latex相关的问题进来的。。。hyphen, en-dash, em-dash之类的大家已经说的很详细了,这里补充的一点是关于Latex的,在Latex两个hyphen(-)会被默认处理位en-dash,如果你真的只是想double hyphen怎么办?-{}-
搞定~LaTeX sees two hyphens as a single token representing another sort of hyphen. By using a {} token. You say to LaTeX things before and after the {} chars have another context. TeX can only read multiple chars as one token if they are in the same context.
Attention please, this is the end of Kwun Tong Line.
You can fish in the harbors of Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwun Tong or the Hong Kong Island.
A Mainland visitor was sent to jail for using a forged identity card to secure a job as a foot masseur and breach of condition of stay.
I understand that I have to compensate the Kwun Tong District Office (KTDO) for damages to any facilities on loan.
The bulk of its archival holdings is held at the purpose-built Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong.
在二零零六年,居住观塘的家庭住户是所有区议会分区中最多,有194178 个。
There were 194 178 domestic households residing in Kwun Tong in 2006, which was the highest among all districts.
The Kwun Tong town centre redevelopment project would cover a large area. However, Yue Man Square is not the whole Kwun Tong.
Introduce restaurants providing healthy food in Kwun Tong and promote healthy eating habit - 3 less (salt, sugar and oil) and 1 more (fibre) eating principle.
Yau Ma Tei, This is the end of the Kwun Tong Line, thank you for travelling on the MTR.
九龙, 观塘, 丽港城商场,第一层60-63号。
Shop 60-63, Level 1, Laguna City Plaza, Kowloon.
Trains on the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals.
I also got pics of a few Emperor pieces in Kwun Tong. I didn't realize I drove by these every week.
To place Festival Bunting at main roads in Kwun Tong District to heat up festive atmosphere to welcome the 2009 East Asian Games.
Interchange facilities between the Tseung Kwan O Line and the diverted Kwun Tong Line at Yau Tong and Tiu Keng Leng Stations, with appropriate tunnel configurations in the Black Hill Tunnels.
Yau Ma Tei, end of the Kwun Tong Line, thank you for travelling on the MTR.
Kwun Tong and Shatin centres were established in 2004 & 2005 respectively.
Please return the completed form to Individual Financial Products, Manulife (International) Limited, 22/F. , Manulife Financial Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
历史文献大部分存放于九龙观塘的香港历史 档案大楼。
The bulk of the archival holding is held at the Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong, Kowloon.
These social costs must be ascribed to the Kwun Tong project.
The most densely populated district was Kwun Tong, with a density of 52 123 persons per square kilometer in 2006.
The URA having reduced the plot ratio of the Kwun Tong town centre project, the building density will be lower in the district, and it will have better air flow.
Overall, Shatin, Kwun Tong and Yuen Long would become the most populous districts in 2019.
Tiu Keng Leng, This is the end of the Kwun Tong Line, thank you for travelling on the MTR.
Car park rental $500, 5 mins walking to bus station, direct minibus to: Choi Hung MTR, Mongkok, Kwun Tong, Causeway Bay (Welcome to visit anytime during Easter Holidays, just to call first)
Bus stops along Kwun Tong Road may be reorganised in the wake of the accident.
Applications may be submitted by registered post to the Kwun Tong Licensing Office at P. O. Box 69511, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon.
MTR trains between Kwun Tong and North Point resumed services following a suspension for one hour.
Applications may be submitted by post to the Kwun Tong Licensing Office at P. O. Box 69511, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon.
Applications may be submitted by post to the Kwun Tong Licensing Office at P. O. Box 69511, Kwun Tong Post Office, Kowloon.
- 来自原声例句


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