bump是什么意思是white bump

are what happen when the oil
in your skin get
is what comes out when you pop them.
But don't pop them! It only spreads infection and can make your embarrassing zits even worse!
Zits do not care about color, sex, or age, everyone from teenagers to
get zits. In fact, zits can be found on the faces and bodies of over 70 million people!
A lot of things can cause zits. Including stress, and a build-up of
including infection. Stress is not just a mental state of being, it can also affect your physical wellness. If you have an infection, it will find an outlet through .
During your teen years your body starts to do some things while it grows up, including producing more
(a male hormone found in females as well as males, but in varying amounts), which tells your body to start producing more oil. As a result, the dead skin cells mix with the oil and clog your , causing zits.
There are a few kinds of zits, all undesirable, but some more than others. When your skin is clogged up with enough skin cells and oil, a small white bump under the surface of the skin. When it reaches the surface, it appears black and a blackhead develops. It isn't a dark color because of dirt, but rather from
(the stuff that gives color to your skin and hair).
If the wall of the pore breaks, it can become inflamed and red. If it breaks further below the skin's surface
can form. It is important to get these treated, unless of course you want permanent scars.
Did you know?
Chocolate doesn't cause acne. Experiments conducted at the University of Pennsylvania and the U.S. Naval Academy found that consumption of chocolate - even frequent daily
intake - had no effect on the incidence of acne. Professional
no longer link acne with diet.
Think that only dirty people get zits? Nope. Clean people get zits too.
(the good and bad kinds) in everyone's skin.
Will scrubbing my face a lot get rid of my zits? Sorry Snoopy, although washing your face is necessary,
your face of the natural oils cause your glands to go into hyper-drive to make up for it, which will lead to even more breakouts! You should only wash your face gently with a mild cleanser no more than twice a day.
把青春痘简单地分成轻中重度其实是毫无价值的,应该分成炎性和非炎性两种对采取什么样的治疗比较有帮助。非炎性的包括黑头粉刺、白头粉刺与毛孔扩大。所以,黑头、白头、毛孔大,这些都是青春痘的早期阶段,一般属于轻度,只要及时治疗,一般不会留下斑痕。但是,如果用手挤压,或者使用粗暴的方法也可能发炎,同样会留下斑痕;油脂在毛孔中越积越多,痘痘越来越大最后形成面泡和脓疱,出现&红肿&和&触摸痛&,这就是炎性青春痘。 &炎性&痘痘会留下斑痕,这些斑痕不可能完全消退。所以,&炎性&青春痘要尽早治疗,以免留下永久性斑痕。越早治疗,越不易留下斑痕。I have always had pretty clear skin until I was about 15 or 16 when I developed a little red bump on the right side of my nose.&&I never worried about until everyone asked me about it and I don't know what it is.&&I am almost 21 and it still has not gone away.&&I know its not a acne cause it should have gone away.&&Is it a wart by chance and how do I get ride of it?
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Let me just ask you a few questions:
Does this lesion have any pain or swelling or change in size?
Does it have any discharge?
Do you have any other such lesions?
Do you have warts at any other part of you body?
A wart is a growth out of the body and may be clear only on inspection of the area. You may have to consult your dermatologist to know more about this,
Unless it is clear what may be causing this, it may not be possible to comment on its removal. Nevertheless, you should try and not touch or scrap the lesion, lest it spreads to other areas.
Best regards
Let me just ask you a few questions:
Does this lesion have any pain or swelling or change in size?
Does it have any discharge?
Do you have any other such lesions?
Do you have warts at any other part of you body?
A wart is a growth out of the body and may be clear only on inspection of the area. You may have to consult your dermatologist to know more about this,
Unless it is clear what may be causing this, it may not be possible to comment on its removal. Nevertheless, you should try and not touch or scrap the lesion, lest it spreads to other areas.
Best regards
No Pain or change in size
only discharge is blood if it pick at it
there is a bump on the palm side of my ring finger but it is a smooth flat white bump, i think that might just be a wart though.
No Pain or change in size
only discharge is blood if it pick at it
there is a bump on the palm side of my ring finger but it is a smooth flat white bump, i think that might just be a wart though.
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I have always had pretty clear skin until I was about 15 or 16 when I developed a little red bump on the right side of my nose.&&I never worried about until everyone asked me about it and I don't know what it is.&&I am almost 21 and it still has not gone away.&&I know its not a acne cause it should have gone away.&&Is it a wart by chance and how do I get ride of it?
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White Bump on Penis
I've actually written in before on this subject.&&You can find my previous post here:
I'm following up for a related symptom/issue. There is a small pimple-like white bump on the upper shaft of my penis, on my circumcision scar tissue.&&I noticed this just today - it is certainly a new development and was not there yesterday or, for that matter, this morning.&&I would assume it has puss in it due to its white colour.&&There is no pain, no tingling sensation.&&Moreover, at this stage, it's hard to say whether it will crack open (erupt) or simply subside and go away, although I would suspect (and hope) the latter.
If you reference my earlier post, I've come to regard the bumps described there as possibly being benign 'Fordyce spots&, although they have not been formally diagnosed as such.&&The white bump in question in this post seems to have appeared amongst the other bumps which I had inquired about in that post.&&It's worth noting that those bumps have been there for quite some time with no noticable change and, per Dr. Hook's previous advice and my Doctor's own examination, I assume they're nothing STI/STD related.&&It's also worth noting that there is just the one white bump and not multiples at this time.
Nothing has changed in my personal circumstances since that post with the exception that I had protected sex roughly three weeks ago with a woman.&&I have no reason to believe she has an STD/STI.&&I should also note that I did masterbate this morning with moisterizer cream, which could have irritated the skin and may be the cause.
Does this resemble something like an STI, specifically herpes, or something more benign?&&Is it common for white bumps like the one described here to appear on a penis from time to time but not be STI/STD related, but rather something benign like a subcutaneous cyst?
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Welcome back to the Forum.&&I'll try to help.
This does not sound like herpes.&&It has been two long since your last sexual exposure (3 weeks, lesions typically appear within two weeks) and what you describe, a solitary, white (thus likely pus filled) bump is not typical of herpes either.&&The lesions of herpes are typically, multiple, occurring as a group, and rather than appearing white, are filled with clear fluid.&&
What you describe sounds much more like a cutaneous cyst or possible folliculitis (pimples arising from hair follicles) rather than herpes.&&As before, to be absolutely sure, the best approach would be not to manipulate the lesion but to see your doctor tomorrow and request a PCR or culture test. If this is HSV, the tests should be positive.&&I suspect a PCR test will be negative and would urge you not to worry.
Hope this helps.&&EWH
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I should note that, despite having referenced the old post, there is a distinct difference with the bump I've noted above in that it is distinctly more white and pimple-like than the other bumps.&&Noticably so.&&
Just wanted to make that clear so that it doesn't appear I'm bringing up the same issue.&&
Thanks in advance.
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Thanks again, Dr. Hook.&&
It certainly doesn't appear to have clear liquid and is cleary white in colour, almost like a &white-head& pimple you might get on your face.&&It also has no other like bumps grouping around it and at this point is not a lesion.&&If anything, it looks like it might be receding or becoming smaller.&&
I'll see if I can get in to see my doctor sometime tomorrow.&&In the meantime, your advice has been a comfort.
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Glad to help. EWH
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Hi Dr. Hook.
I had an appointment with my doctor today and thought you might be interested in hearing that he did not see anything &pathological& about the white bump I described above, and chalked it up to a pimple or boil.&&
He asked whether I'd experience any pain or tingling or whether it occured in groups, the answers to which were no.&&I explained my sexual history and it didn't seem to trigger anything for him.&&I pointedly told him that I wanted to check it out to determine whether it was an STD and he indicated that he thought it was not.&&
As a matter of fact, by the time I'd gone to see him the bump had all but completely resolved itself.&&So much so that I was slightly embarrased trying to describe to him what it was not 8 hours earlier and even had a bit of a hard time identifying the site.&&As of this writing it seems to have practically resolved itself completely which is crazy fast, in my opinion.&&And when I say &resolved&, it was not characteristic of something like herpes: no bursting open of the bump, no lesion/sore/ulcer, no apparent scabbing over.&&It just seemed to recede entirely.&&
Anyway, thanks for your help.&&Seems as though this issue got settled as it was barely getting started.
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Glad to help. Take care. EWH
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Itchie Skin
For about the past two weeks, my skin has been very itchie.&&It doesn't look like a common rash.&&It's also not in one targeted spot.&&I itch everywhere, but at different times.&&My feet and hips could be itching.&&Or my hands and head.&&It's different body parts at different times.&&The place that itches looks red.&&There is almost like a raised white bump.&&Not a perfect circle.&&Some are oval or square.&&Some will be 1/2 an inch long.&&They don't look like pimples, but like blisters, but there isn't anything in the bumps.&&I haven't exposed myself to anything new like soaps or foods.&&Please let me know what the possiblities on what this is.
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Jan 31, 2000
What you describe could be &winter itch,& from cold and low humidity.&&You might also have a mild case of hives, which are not usually from changed soaps and detergents, despite their reputation.
At your pharmacy you can pick up some Sarna lotion (OTC), an excellent anti-itch lotion.&&Apply this liberally and often, mositurize after showering, humidify your bedroom if it's bone-dry, and see what happens.&&If this fails, see a doctor.
Jan 30, 2000
Actually the red marks look like welts.&&But they show up sometimes and other times they aren't there.
Feb 02, 2000
I've had the same problem with iching all over my body lately.&&However, I have no particular areas of redness or anything.&&I thought maybe it was the soap or even the lotion I have been using, but to no avail.&&So I stopped using soap when I shower (just use soap on my private areas).&&It is winter here (even in Florida) and the weather has been pretty cold, so maybe it is winter itch.&&All I know is that it has been driving me crazy.&&I never knew there was such a thing a &winter itch&.&&Generally, I have allergies to pollens, etc.&&I'm glad we have this forum available to check things out without running to the doctor for every little thing.&&Thank you.
Feb 03, 2000
My skin is itchy, and small flakes only on face, I thought it could be winter skin itch but my head always feels like bugs are in it but there arent any.&&This is on my face, my chest, my legs, on my eyebrows,my back, sorta all over, but especially on my head and around my eyes.
Feb 03, 2000
I have also been having problems of itching all over. It has really been driving me nuts! I too have white little bumps, like blitsters, just as Kara said she did. Its mostly on my arms and hands. I'm also having alot of problems with dry splitting skin on my fingers and the bottoms of my feet. It is very painful. I wrap my fingers and heels up in gauze pads with ointment hopeing it will get better but it doesn't. What can I do for this?
This Forum is a very big help. I am going to get the sarna lotion that Kara was told to get for the itching and see how it does for me.
Thank you,
Feb 04, 2000
i have had very itchy skin for three years now but what worries me about it is that i have permanent blotches on my tummy back and mostly my legs which appeared three years ago and when i get hot or after a bath or sometimes i can be just sitting relaxing the itching starts and these browm blotches turn red and then they go in a lump and drive me mad. The lumps also go a clear colour so you cannot see where the blotches were. After a while i stop itching and eventually the lumps disappear and the dark blotches appear. What is this condition and can it be treated, as my doctor in england where i live has given up and told me i have to live with it.
Feb 04, 2000
The other morning I woke up with small red bumps over my entire body.&&They did not itch at first but now they are really beginning to itch.&&They are also beginning to spread.&&it does not sound like Hives because i was told hives were more like a raised rash, and that Hives were larger.&&These bumps are very small and they are beginning to itch worse.&&i was wondering if you could give me some information.&&Also, nine days before this all started i was taking Augmentin for an ear infection.&&However, once these red bumps started to appear i discontinued use of the drug.&&But now it is still getting worse.&&it has been 24 hours since i quit taking the drug.
Feb 06, 2000
I have had ithcie skin for the past month.&&It seems to have gotten worse within the past week.&&I don't itch in the same place every time. I itch a lot in the morning after a shower, after I come home from work, and before I go to bed.&&The more I scratch, the more tiny litte bumps or welts appear.&&Once I am over the itch, the bumps/welts tend to go away.&&I thought maybe it could be related to shingles.&&I had a tiny episode with them about 6 years ago.&&My question is:
Could this be nerve related?&&I tend to itch more when I am under a lot of stress.
Could it be the &winter itch& and it is something that I will suffer through?
Feb 08, 2000
i itch on my arms and legs only. i tried everything for two months now . lotions and creams . the nurse even gave me more lotion. is there any other explanation?
Feb 08, 2000
I've had this rash for at least 1 Year and a half it started on my shoulder then moved to my right breast. then moved to below my belly button area just scratch scratch away i've been doing and when i scratch it relieves the itch and feel much better it's moved to my pubic area where the hairs are. then it moved to my back then last on my left breast..... I vistit the doctor finally this year about it cause now it leave permenant scares all over my body in the spot's i said....what's going on what should i do the doctor perscribe me with a fungas cream It relieved the itch sometimes but i felted the cream was'nt working so I just used my palmers skin success with coca butter and vitamin e but this isn't doing anything for my skin either I already have a dry skin problem alway's did and alway's used a coco butter lotion what should i do now.....the rashes stay in one area they are like at first when i start scrathing red bumps then they turn into little sores till I scratch them till they bleed.....It's agreavating what else should I do before this takes over my body.....Tanya
Feb 17, 2000
I have this terrible itch, just on and round my knees .&&It is very red and soirritating.&& I have some itching on my ankles and some of my legs, but not like around and above my knees.
Feb 17, 2000
I have never had itching, but now after reading all these comments I am itching like crazy.....
Feb 19, 2000
itchy skin can be a symptom of an underproducing thyroid gland, correct doctor?
Feb 23, 2000
I have been having severe itching on both of my forearms for about 6 months.Little white patches and red bumps.Ive almost scratched a balled spot on one of my arms.the spots dont stay.they come and go.but the itching is pretty often. HELP!!!
Feb 24, 2000
Hello All,
&& What you are all describing, sounds like you have very very Dry Skin either becoming Eczema and / or Psoriasis.&& We are a Distributor of Totally Natural Body & Home Care Products for a Company called: & Druide Laboratories Inc. from Monteal, Canada & and we have specialized in Skin Problems.&& If you wish our help, please, Email us at: medals.***@**** & and visit our Web Site at: & http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/medals.cmms/ & and it will be a pleasure to help all of you out.
&& We have formulated a Psoriasis and Eczema Cream which is Totally Natural without no after Effect and we are have great succes all over the World.
Best Regards
Joe & Ghislaine
Feb 27, 2000
I sympathise with many of you!&&I have had a problem with itching for the past year.&&It started when I moved about 1 1/2 years ago.&&I have experienced lots of stress with this move and the loss of a loved one.&&My doctor suspected that my itching might be stress related and subscribed an anti-depressant medication.&&I didn't like the way the medicine made me feel dizzy and stopped taking after two doses.&&My itching is mostly concentrated on my arms leaving small red itchy bumps which take somtimes weeks to subside.&&My head and back also itch at times, and sometimes seem to get worse when I am under stress.&&But other times it starts itching when I'm relaxing in front of the T.V.&&Help!&&I don't think it's winter itch because it continues during the summer which is very hot here in Florida.
Feb 29, 2000
My husband has suffered with severe itching for several years. There is no rash, no bumps, just itching. Particularly where there is body hair. It seems to be related to pollen, not winter weather. The only relief is from Eucerin cream but it is not enough. Any ideas?
Mar 05, 2000
I too have started getting very itchy all over.&&It started about 2 weeks ago.&&Sometimes it stops and other times its unbearable.&&I asked the pharmacist what I should take and he recommended B however, that makes me tired and I don't take it during the day.&&I don't have a rash with it, but of course, after scratching, I'll get red in the afflicted area.&&I never heard of winter itch. I live in NY and yes, it can get very dry.&&But, this has never happened to me and its making me crazy.&&The pharmacist said - that if I went to a doctor, he or she would tell me to use benedyl - so I don't know if its even worth going.&&Its mostly in the stomach area, even though at times its generalized all over.&&I was also advised to use cortizone.&&Does anyone have other recommendations?&&Like, should I start taking Vitamin E????
Mar 09, 2000
I have dealt with this for ten years..I would really like some help.&&I have been to see 4 dermatologists, 2 regular physicians, and one emergency medical clinic.&&The palm of my right hand gets VERY dry, peeling, and small water blisters.&&Most of the itching and blisters occur on the side of my hand near my pinky finger.&&Within the last year, it has spread to the backside of my hand, but in a different form.&&This looks more like poison ivy (I think) but is just an itchy red rash.&&My hand is VERY swollen from this.&&I have noticed that a hot bath, nerves, doing the dishes, etc seem to make it act up.&&I also have the same thing that is on the PALM of my hand on both of my feet.&&I am in a profession that requires alot of meeting people, and I avoid that at all possible cost as it is very uncomfortable shaking hands with someone.&&I have tried steroid creams, and was taking steroids orally at one time.&&During the week that I took the oral steroids, I noticed that it cleared up dramatically, but could only stay on those for a week, then it came back.&&SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!&&Its making me crazy
Mar 12, 2000
Anyone ever think it could be &SCABIES&?
Apr 17, 2000
I am getting an extreem reaction after a nice soak in our new hot tub!&&My skin breaks out in little blisters that are terrible itchie!&&Is this what they call priclie heat?
Someone suggested taking sulpher tablets as that would open the pores?
May 10, 2000
My bofriend is having some kind of itching. It's all over his shoulder, stomach, hands, and legs. ALMOST EVERYHERE around his Body. i told him not to stract but he say if he doesn't it kills him. He just want to put a gun over his head. Its scaring me. He have that sme problem when he was small, now it come back again. Is their any medication to stop this. PLEASE HELP
May 12, 2000
Yes, I too am ICHIE!&&It's become unbearable at this point.&&Fortunately it tends to come and go.&&My symptoms:&&always occur after a shower... small separate red spots on abdomen and forearms. They itch intensely for about 30 mins then fade away.&&I thought that was bad enough, until the warm weather arrived and I am shaving my legs more often now....so suddenly these red spots are appearing all over my legs!! And there are so many there are just big clusters of small red spots.&&And these are not fading as easily.&&Interestingly, while I'm wearing shorts the rashes appear more frequently.&&If I cross my legs, a rash appears wear they touch, or if I brush up to something a rash appears there...this is really strange.&&I put on pants today (90 degrees) wow what a difference.&&No rash whatsoever.&&Anyone out there experiencing simmilar sympotoms.&&I would love to know if there is treatment for this or even a name or diagnosis. Haven't been to a dermatologist yet...maybe when my kids turn 18 and leave home I will manage to find time to take care of myself.LOL Good Luck to all.
May 15, 2000
I have a really large fungal infection of the penis. how can this be cured
Jun 15, 2000
I to have been experiencing itching just like Lisa. It started in November of 99 and i can't seem to shake it. I itch mostly after showering and anytime during the day my hands or body touch water. I have small pimples with blister heads on my body and eventually they go away. I moisturize daily and still no relief. I've seen 2 doctors and they have prescribed anti histamines however I can't function very well being tired all the time. Help it's driving me nuts. Please anyone who can help me or has experienced any of my symptoms please respond. I'm miserable.
Jun 17, 2000
Anyone ever think it could be &SCABIES&?
Just what I was thinking....
Jul 20, 2000
I'm itching since childhood and only after taking a shower. My parents would hold my arms to prevent that I would not scratch till bleeding. I've seen a lot of doctors. They gave me a lot of lotions but nothing helped. I tried cold/hot water, soap/no soap, morning/eveningshower, long/shorttime shower. Just ask and I tried it. What I found out is that I'm very comfortable taking a bath for a longer time and not use a towel for drying. In bath it doesn't matter what kind of soap I,m using. Also for me it's important that after the bath I must not stay in a warm room before my body is dry (I do put on a bathcoat, but do not rub myself dry) As you understand I'm jealous of all those people who can take a quick shower and can go on with their lives and I have this ritual every day that cost me at least one our. And I do hate to stay over with friends where they have only a shower and not a bathtub. They may think that I'm filthy, Im not defending or explaining anymore, I promised myself that I will never take a shower anymore, when I know that there will be a bathtub within three days.
Aug 06, 2000
I have these things that I believe to be water blisters on the &webbing& between each of my fingers on both hands.&&They have even started appearing around my fingernails.&&They started on my left little finger, and now, they are all over both of my hands.&&What could it be?&&What can I do to get rid of the annoying itch caused by them as well?
Aug 14, 2000
I have itching feet, it is driving me crazy, I also ahve the white bumps on my feet, after I scratch them so much. I some tiem rip the skin off my feet, becasue I scratch them so much, I have used the Gold Bond's powder and that didn't help, Now the doctor told me to use Cortrate, I am using it but it doesn't seem to help either, can anyone help me please????
Sep 01, 2000
Dear Kara,
My Husband h It strarted when our cat
scatch him,he said it started to itch then it spread and
it looks like small red pimples what should he do?please help.
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Sep 09, 2000
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Sep 11, 2000
I have very itchy skin on my back and chest. My chest and back is spotted with white spots. Do you know what's wrong?
Oct 10, 2000
I think you have athletes foot.
try lamisil, you can buy a tube at the drug store,
always wash your feet and dry them too:)
change your shoes daily, so they can dry out
Oct 17, 2000
i have had this same itching and lumps that people have been talking of. i itch first on my arms, hands, shoulders, bum, hips, legs and feet. then after i scratch large and small lumps appear all over these areas. this is usually calmed down by having a cool bath. for the last few days i have had to wear few clothes because they have been iritating my skin.
Oct 17, 2000
i have had this same itching and lumps that people have been talking of. i itch first on my arms, hands, shoulders, bum, hips, legs and feet. then after i scratch large and small lumps appear all over these areas. this is usually calmed down by having a cool bath. for the last few days i have had to wear few clothes because they have been iritating my skin.
Oct 18, 2000
This reply is primarily directed to Lauren.&&I too have had a similar rash on my right palm, and it itches similar to thousands of ants crawling inside.&&After reading other articles in this forum, I came across one recommending Absorbine Jr (a muscle rub) to eliminate this problem.&&The problem seems to be getting better after about 3 weeks, but the best thing is that this stuff elimnates the itching.&&It only itches after I wash my hands and prior to applying more Absorbine Jr.&&But make sure you try this stuff to eliminate the itching.&&If you have open, cracked areas (like I do), expect it to 'burn' for about a minute.&&I'm guessing this stuff either numbs the area or is actually killing whatever is causing the itching.
Absorbine Jr. does tend to dry-out my hand in the infected area, so after the stuff dries, I usually apply Cortaid cream to keep it moist.&&I've noticed that the combination tends to work best for me, whereas only using 1 of the 2 only solves one of the 2 problems(itch and dry skin), and it doesn't get any better.
Good luck.
Oct 28, 2000
***I have a lot of the symptoms described here.&&I first got a place on my toe that got infected.&&The doctor gave me Augmentin and it cleared up, but now I have intense itching on feet, hands, arms and sometimes my legs.&&I am started to get little white blisters, or bumps on the backs of my hands and inbetween my fingers.&&That's why I have been looking on internet, to find out what it is.&&I saw John Smith's reply to this question, and he had also been taking Augmentin....has anyone else been taking an antibiotic when the itching started?
Dec 14, 2000
i woke up one morning with a few red bumbs, not very big, on my neck, then they began to repidly spread all over my stpmach, back, neck and not one side of my face.&&They don't itch.&&what could they be?&&the only thing i've been doing differently is using anti static drier sheets when drying my clothes.&&could that be it?
Feb 14, 2001
Cat scratch then spreading red bumps really sounds like scabies, which is simply a tiny skin mite that secretes proteins that your immune system responds to--thus the rash.&&Scabies will leave little bitty hash- the rash bumps will not be perfect circles, because the mites burrow in lines.&&A trip to a doctor is a quick determinant for this problem, and the doctor will prescribe a lotion that is used for ONLY 1-2 applications (it is a nerve toxin for the mites, and thus for anything with nerves--that means you, and that is all it takes.&&After applying the lotion, the mites die, but the proteins they secrete may hang around for a few days, so you will still itch, but you should not get any more new bumps.
Dec 30, 2015
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