There's a house in the forest lakewhere her days are forgotten By the lake she dropped her dreams

We have been driving in fog all morning, but the fog is lifting now. The little seaside villages are 36 , one by one. "There is my grandmother's house," I say, 37 across the bay to a shabby old house. I am in Nova Scotia on a pilgrimage (朝圣) with Lise, my granddaughter, seeking roots for her, retracing (追溯) 38 memory for me. Lise was one of the mobile children, 39 from house to house in childhood. She longs for a sense of 40 , and so we have come to Nova Scotia where my husband and I were born and where our ancestors 41 for 200 years.We soon 42 by the house and I tell her what it was like here, the memories 43 back, swift as the tide (潮水). Suddenly, I long to walk again in the 44 where I was once so gloriously a child. It still 45 a member of the family, but has not been lived in for a while. We cannot go into the house, but I can still walk 46 the rooms in memory. Here, my mother 47 in her bedroom window and wrote in her diary. I can still see the enthusiastic family 48 into and out of the house. I could never have enough of being 49 them. However, that was long after those childhood days. Lise 50 attentively as I talk and then says, " So this is where I 51 ; where I belong. " She has 52 her roots. To know where I come from is one of the great longings of the human 53 To be rooted is "to have an origin". We need 54 origin. Looking backward, we discover
learn the 55 of "I". We must all go home again—in reality or memory.【小题1】* X7 P: Y; N$ N) C2 M& hA.appearing. Y
S6 D+ `( \& \B.moving5 G3 T: d) B2 @6 R0 KC.exposing) `5 K. Z/ ]& U6 g, A' O& [D.expanding4 P4 V, d/ X# L7 C9 f2 i* `8 P! d- D4 ?5 e4 e【小题2】: K! W4 G& c# \1 ?0 Q& X( B1 eA.referring- j5 P- i+ U/ \2 D# GB.travelling! V# d: a( \: jC.pointing) E% P2 A7 C- G' \) Q- G, G% J* YD.coming# g4 B: J0 b
L1 E+ Y" F! E$ P# C" S% N- J8 L! g: j( h1 _【小题3】3 N6 J' Z' c) H; [- ]/ UA.shared& F7 e8 I; @* D& Z/ D& W4 S% cB.short& Z/ [6 Y. `, G% I1 a' hC.fresh' W! \+ W) ^% `/ j. ^1 W2 fD.treasured, [, a" ^; Y7 g3 U; R) ?. g: G+ Y$ W& ?【小题4】6 F5 I4 L% K2 OA.passed: M' H9 L4 c$ @7 G& ^" ?B.raised. A2 O# P
_; V( X( V, GC.moved0 J2 X' N; W# CD.sent% g# d+ E! P4 C) P3 h7 d2 b& K+ G4 E7 \+ V( @【小题5】3 i& R" U, g* `A.home( O. e: H1 _; g: ]9 dB.duty: h% j2 X/ U3 b6 gC.reality0 F4 M8 g4 X9 e% H; h( d: E( Q- [( ID.relief* C) ?* F6 W# L* [5 c3 B0 U( f) b4 _: Q' G% O【小题6】' g9 g" h' i5 \) eA.built( ]- V& \% I0 f- f1 i7 G' IB.lived7 Y) g7 F9 Q$ h3 [7 N6 R7 M% _2 MC.remained$ W$ j& M5 U7 F7 g8 H/ P3 ?D.explored5 h) g- _3 O; b4 V* T0 I. _. e2 S6 I' \2 ^【小题7】8 Y) H: P7 L2 G0 c& OA.catch up4 I8 a' I5 e1 a1 X, XB.pull up+ U9 W1 V$ Y4 g2 @# h7 _C.step down8 h! h$ d6 `1 Q5 jD.come down+ i1 b+ V1 C% L4 R9 i. A1 N) J6 E* I【小题8】# c# S% ?' _- @$ @( XA.falling. @/ ?1 R
N' G# B$ CB.turning5 Y6 R) I+ A& ?; DC.rushing# ?$ Y/ I6 I9 F3 ?D. b/ \. ?7 I1 _* X( G" M& K5 K9 W, N
R7 ^& ^& i. G【小题9】4 P+ R7 J! ]0 L' EA.yard2 G3 B4 A" K$ AB.village' O3 H( f8 D! [
X6 QC.room3 P# [. Q, g2 A# A3 X- TD.house4 R: B7 \# Q7 d3 V1 B$ @" D! _, \
R- D. i1 H【小题10】: Z, N: D3 H" \
B5 D( bA.adapts to1 P' _* F( K, Z! `) ?B.appeals to. B/ X. A0 H. [# iC.belongs to6 H8 T# Z0 [! _- J+ YD.occurs to& M( Q3 ?+ A. f( T- R2 f+ h& H7 Q$ F$ B! J# a% e7 E$ K3 A【小题11】. f1 F
_) \) K) O6 O$ \A.across7 K6 C7 ^3 F& ]B.through0 U8 P6 B8 J+ W% ]1 C6 A4 U3 OC.along1 N9 J4 R
V' M: L% ID.past7 U1 A* f% e# A
F8 _* d2 T- U8 j( R/ a8 [) O. c- \【小题12】" W: d0 X7 g0 D/ h( h. i6 dA.lay% T* d- U
c/ ]: Z1 D( `B.played* ]8 W
R+ K4 F7 C9 @C.stood2 Q: g# G( Y! @! P' L; E; B# S8 RD.sat, X$ c, Z2 U) C7 V& C% f8 ^! R4 H/ K4 A% g$ Q# R【小题13】9 f4 B3 C1 T
Q5 f5 L0 G0 cA.marching8 N; B, M/ O0 G0 M& P) A" ?B.looking3 I$ D2 U: [, i7 aC.breaking. h- \, \) a) E1 P! K4 `D. S1 F& S1 O# J8 a& V: U3 P5 i2 A* b' N【小题14】3 g+ `* Q: `+ g' B+ eA.between( L2 d" ]- d" B3 ?B.with" H) \7 P& F; C0 G- e$ HC.near) U- g( g1 _. L6 _, ^1 CD.behind3 I6 H/ A. W( Z. `9 e" \; @$ a/ g! O6 A【小题15】) R& b* S3 Z# [% ?: N7 @A.wonders. D' ?1 Q5 R4 ?9 e6 Q- FB.listens0 ^0 _+ ^5 @. Y: @( B4 aC.reacts& j7 O3 c/ c9 ID.agrees4 \3 A/ f5 X. _/ a, V
g5 `9 K. L: C【小题16】& U( `' T# b2 T1 J9 e- PA.began3 H$ E
_- @# C+ F5 a0 M* PB.grew8 c# d5 i! U& b. LC.studied5 N- N
E. LD.stayed$ T3 E5 Y; K" e' Z9 a, X8 P' F4 B" V【小题17】* Y0 Z. B2 K7 [! J: `: c* c9 b1 E2 iA.deepened6 R: j7 j' R% E7 aB.recognized. P1 e% O% V- M/ V6 @2 EC.accepted8 b* L/ `$ d, j& Y2 A' K) F0 VD.found0 \& S: A
f- ^* a- E* ?8 ]5 C8 T1 ]# T+ [【小题18】9 E- I/ O0 A7 K0 H1 Q9 c: CA.heart/ N6 K+ H. B8 d) S3 U* U8 OB.rights9 H8 R3 X9 X5 A# C0 h9 L3 gC.interest& A' `4 F( j" ^$ C( ^2 W) c- ?3 ]& ID.behaviors6 b: Z3 d3 W* L6 T8 J: R, T) \1 Y) ]+ U0 O【小题19】; \; C/ `/ V' S. e
V/ h& j7 jA.one3 G8 b7 Z) e6 D0 i6 GB.its( I9 a
H# T/ S" \C.that+ E: S0 @* \9 D3 e/ J
`1 Y' iD.every- K/ R) g, L6 d2 ?( K9 D) Q( V5 I9 L5 F1 d8 J【小题20】) N( M+ C9 T. FA.meaning0 W5 c$ e( a$ f7 i' f9 @) b. gB.expression8 G2 Y9 \* D/ Q1 @% Z& JC.connection6 V& C# j4 e8 b1 S1 M( VD.background" E0 R' Z& ^. A5 f& N; G% ?! f, `. \% g/ \) I$ J0 \ - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:We have been driving in fog all morning, but the fog is lifting now. The little seaside villages are 36 , one by one. "There is my grandmother's house," I say, 37 across the bay to a shabby old house. I am in Nova Scotia on a pilgrimage (朝圣) with Lise, my granddaughter, seeking roots for her, retracing (追溯) 38 memory for me. Lise was one of the mobile children, 39 from house to house in childhood. She longs for a sense of 40 , and so we have come to Nova Scotia where my husband and I were born and where our ancestors 41 for 200 years.We soon 42 by the house and I tell her what it was like here, the memories 43 back, swift as the tide (潮水). Suddenly, I long to walk again in the 44 where I was once so gloriously a child. It still 45 a member of the family, but has not been lived in for a while. We cannot go into the house, but I can still walk 46 the rooms in memory. Here, my mother 47 in her bedroom window and wrote in her diary. I can still see the enthusiastic family 48 into and out of the house. I could never have enough of being 49 them. However, that was long after those childhood days. Lise 50 attentively as I talk and then says, " So this is where I 51 ; where I belong. " She has 52 her roots. To know where I come from is one of the great longings of the human 53 To be rooted is "to have an origin". We need 54 origin. Looking backward, we discover
learn the 55 of "I". We must all go home again—in reality or memory.【小题1】* X7 P: Y; N$ N) C2 M& hA.appearing. Y
S6 D+ `( \& \B.moving5 G3 T: d) B2 @6 R0 KC.exposing) `5 K. Z/ ]& U6 g, A' O& [D.expanding4 P4 V, d/ X# L7 C9 f2 i* `8 P! d- D4 ?5 e4 e【小题2】: K! W4 G& c# \1 ?0 Q& X( B1 eA.referring- j5 P- i+ U/ \2 D# GB.travelling! V# d: a( \: jC.pointing) E% P2 A7 C- G' \) Q- G, G% J* YD.coming# g4 B: J0 b
L1 E+ Y" F! E$ P# C" S% N- J8 L! g: j( h1 _【小题3】3 N6 J' Z' c) H; [- ]/ UA.shared& F7 e8 I; @* D& Z/ D& W4 S% cB.short& Z/ [6 Y. `, G% I1 a' hC.fresh' W! \+ W) ^% `/ j. ^1 W2 fD.treasured, [, a" ^; Y7 g3 U; R) ?. g: G+ Y$ W& ?【小题4】6 F5 I4 L% K2 OA.passed: M' H9 L4 c$ @7 G& ^" ?B.raised. A2 O# P
_; V( X( V, GC.moved0 J2 X' N; W# CD.sent% g# d+ E! P4 C) P3 h7 d2 b& K+ G4 E7 \+ V( @【小题5】3 i& R" U, g* `A.home( O. e: H1 _; g: ]9 dB.duty: h% j2 X/ U3 b6 gC.reality0 F4 M8 g4 X9 e% H; h( d: E( Q- [( ID.relief* C) ?* F6 W# L* [5 c3 B0 U( f) b4 _: Q' G% O【小题6】' g9 g" h' i5 \) eA.built( ]- V& \% I0 f- f1 i7 G' IB.lived7 Y) g7 F9 Q$ h3 [7 N6 R7 M% _2 MC.remained$ W$ j& M5 U7 F7 g8 H/ P3 ?D.explored5 h) g- _3 O; b4 V* T0 I. _. e2 S6 I' \2 ^【小题7】8 Y) H: P7 L2 G0 c& OA.catch up4 I8 a' I5 e1 a1 X, XB.pull up+ U9 W1 V$ Y4 g2 @# h7 _C.step down8 h! h$ d6 `1 Q5 jD.come down+ i1 b+ V1 C% L4 R9 i. A1 N) J6 E* I【小题8】# c# S% ?' _- @$ @( XA.falling. @/ ?1 R
N' G# B$ CB.turning5 Y6 R) I+ A& ?; DC.rushing# ?$ Y/ I6 I9 F3 ?D. b/ \. ?7 I1 _* X( G" M& K5 K9 W, N
R7 ^& ^& i. G【小题9】4 P+ R7 J! ]0 L' EA.yard2 G3 B4 A" K$ AB.village' O3 H( f8 D! [
X6 QC.room3 P# [. Q, g2 A# A3 X- TD.house4 R: B7 \# Q7 d3 V1 B$ @" D! _, \
R- D. i1 H【小题10】: Z, N: D3 H" \
B5 D( bA.adapts to1 P' _* F( K, Z! `) ?B.appeals to. B/ X. A0 H. [# iC.belongs to6 H8 T# Z0 [! _- J+ YD.occurs to& M( Q3 ?+ A. f( T- R2 f+ h& H7 Q$ F$ B! J# a% e7 E$ K3 A【小题11】. f1 F
_) \) K) O6 O$ \A.across7 K6 C7 ^3 F& ]B.through0 U8 P6 B8 J+ W% ]1 C6 A4 U3 OC.along1 N9 J4 R
V' M: L% ID.past7 U1 A* f% e# A
F8 _* d2 T- U8 j( R/ a8 [) O. c- \【小题12】" W: d0 X7 g0 D/ h( h. i6 dA.lay% T* d- U
c/ ]: Z1 D( `B.played* ]8 W
R+ K4 F7 C9 @C.stood2 Q: g# G( Y! @! P' L; E; B# S8 RD.sat, X$ c, Z2 U) C7 V& C% f8 ^! R4 H/ K4 A% g$ Q# R【小题13】9 f4 B3 C1 T
Q5 f5 L0 G0 cA.marching8 N; B, M/ O0 G0 M& P) A" ?B.looking3 I$ D2 U: [, i7 aC.breaking. h- \, \) a) E1 P! K4 `D. S1 F& S1 O# J8 a& V: U3 P5 i2 A* b' N【小题14】3 g+ `* Q: `+ g' B+ eA.between( L2 d" ]- d" B3 ?B.with" H) \7 P& F; C0 G- e$ HC.near) U- g( g1 _. L6 _, ^1 CD.behind3 I6 H/ A. W( Z. `9 e" \; @$ a/ g! O6 A【小题15】) R& b* S3 Z# [% ?: N7 @A.wonders. D' ?1 Q5 R4 ?9 e6 Q- FB.listens0 ^0 _+ ^5 @. Y: @( B4 aC.reacts& j7 O3 c/ c9 ID.agrees4 \3 A/ f5 X. _/ a, V
g5 `9 K. L: C【小题16】& U( `' T# b2 T1 J9 e- PA.began3 H$ E
_- @# C+ F5 a0 M* PB.grew8 c# d5 i! U& b. LC.studied5 N- N
E. LD.stayed$ T3 E5 Y; K" e' Z9 a, X8 P' F4 B" V【小题17】* Y0 Z. B2 K7 [! J: `: c* c9 b1 E2 iA.deepened6 R: j7 j' R% E7 aB.recognized. P1 e% O% V- M/ V6 @2 EC.accepted8 b* L/ `$ d, j& Y2 A' K) F0 VD.found0 \& S: A
f- ^* a- E* ?8 ]5 C8 T1 ]# T+ [【小题18】9 E- I/ O0 A7 K0 H1 Q9 c: CA.heart/ N6 K+ H. B8 d) S3 U* U8 OB.rights9 H8 R3 X9 X5 A# C0 h9 L3 gC.interest& A' `4 F( j" ^$ C( ^2 W) c- ?3 ]& ID.behaviors6 b: Z3 d3 W* L6 T8 J: R, T) \1 Y) ]+ U0 O【小题19】; \; C/ `/ V' S. e
V/ h& j7 jA.one3 G8 b7 Z) e6 D0 i6 GB.its( I9 a
H# T/ S" \C.that+ E: S0 @* \9 D3 e/ J
`1 Y' iD.every- K/ R) g, L6 d2 ?( K9 D) Q( V5 I9 L5 F1 d8 J【小题20】) N( M+ C9 T. FA.meaning0 W5 c$ e( a$ f7 i' f9 @) b. gB.expression8 G2 Y9 \* D/ Q1 @% Z& JC.connection6 V& C# j4 e8 b1 S1 M( VD.background" E0 R' Z& ^. A5 f& N; G% ?! f, `. \% g/ \) I$ J0 \We have been driving in fog all morning, but the fog is lifting now. The little seaside villages are 36 , one by one. "There is my grandmother's house," I say, 37 across the bay to a shabby old house. I am in Nova Scotia on a pilgrimage (朝圣) with Lise, my granddaughter, seeking roots for her, retracing (追溯) 38 memory for me. Lise was one of the mobile children, 39 from house to house in childhood. She longs for a sense of 40 , and so we have come to Nova Scotia where my husband and I were born and where our ancestors 41 for 200 years.We soon 42 by the house and I tell her what it was like here, the memories 43 back, swift as the tide (潮水). Suddenly, I long to walk again in the 44 where I was once so gloriously a child. It still 45 a member of the family, but has not been lived in for a while. We cannot go into the house, but I can still walk 46 the rooms in memory. Here, my mother 47 in her bedroom window and wrote in her diary. I can still see the enthusiastic family 48 into and out of the house. I could never have enough of being 49 them. However, that was long after those childhood days. Lise 50 attentively as I talk and then says, " So this is where I 51 ; where I belong. " She has 52 her roots. To know where I come from is one of the great longings of the human 53 To be rooted is "to have an origin". We need 54 origin. Looking backward, we discover
learn the 55 of "I". We must all go home again—in reality or memory.【小题1】* X7 P: Y; N$ N) C2 M& hA.appearing. Y
S6 D+ `( \& \B.moving5 G3 T: d) B2 @6 R0 KC.exposing) `5 K. Z/ ]& U6 g, A' O& [D.expanding4 P4 V, d/ X# L7 C9 f2 i* `8 P! d- D4 ?5 e4 e【小题2】: K! W4 G& c# \1 ?0 Q& X( B1 eA.referring- j5 P- i+ U/ \2 D# GB.travelling! V# d: a( \: jC.pointing) E% P2 A7 C- G' \) Q- G, G% J* YD.coming# g4 B: J0 b
L1 E+ Y" F! E$ P# C" S% N- J8 L! g: j( h1 _【小题3】3 N6 J' Z' c) H; [- ]/ UA.shared& F7 e8 I; @* D& Z/ D& W4 S% cB.short& Z/ [6 Y. `, G% I1 a' hC.fresh' W! \+ W) ^% `/ j. ^1 W2 fD.treasured, [, a" ^; Y7 g3 U; R) ?. g: G+ Y$ W& ?【小题4】6 F5 I4 L% K2 OA.passed: M' H9 L4 c$ @7 G& ^" ?B.raised. A2 O# P
_; V( X( V, GC.moved0 J2 X' N; W# CD.sent% g# d+ E! P4 C) P3 h7 d2 b& K+ G4 E7 \+ V( @【小题5】3 i& R" U, g* `A.home( O. e: H1 _; g: ]9 dB.duty: h% j2 X/ U3 b6 gC.reality0 F4 M8 g4 X9 e% H; h( d: E( Q- [( ID.relief* C) ?* F6 W# L* [5 c3 B0 U( f) b4 _: Q' G% O【小题6】' g9 g" h' i5 \) eA.built( ]- V& \% I0 f- f1 i7 G' IB.lived7 Y) g7 F9 Q$ h3 [7 N6 R7 M% _2 MC.remained$ W$ j& M5 U7 F7 g8 H/ P3 ?D.explored5 h) g- _3 O; b4 V* T0 I. _. e2 S6 I' \2 ^【小题7】8 Y) H: P7 L2 G0 c& OA.catch up4 I8 a' I5 e1 a1 X, XB.pull up+ U9 W1 V$ Y4 g2 @# h7 _C.step down8 h! h$ d6 `1 Q5 jD.come down+ i1 b+ V1 C% L4 R9 i. A1 N) J6 E* I【小题8】# c# S% ?' _- @$ @( XA.falling. @/ ?1 R
N' G# B$ CB.turning5 Y6 R) I+ A& ?; DC.rushing# ?$ Y/ I6 I9 F3 ?D.bringing; b/ \. ?7 I1 _* X( G" M& K5 K9 W, N
R7 ^& ^& i. G【小题9】4 P+ R7 J! ]0 L' EA.yard2 G3 B4 A" K$ AB.village' O3 H( f8 D! [
X6 QC.room3 P# [. Q, g2 A# A3 X- TD.house4 R: B7 \# Q7 d3 V1 B$ @" D! _, \
R- D. i1 H【小题10】: Z, N: D3 H" \
B5 D( bA.adapts to1 P' _* F( K, Z! `) ?B.appeals to. B/ X. A0 H. [# iC.belongs to6 H8 T# Z0 [! _- J+ YD.occurs to& M( Q3 ?+ A. f( T- R2 f+ h& H7 Q$ F$ B! J# a% e7 E$ K3 A【小题11】. f1 F
_) \) K) O6 O$ \A.across7 K6 C7 ^3 F& ]B.through0 U8 P6 B8 J+ W% ]1 C6 A4 U3 OC.along1 N9 J4 R
V' M: L% ID.past7 U1 A* f% e# A
F8 _* d2 T- U8 j( R/ a8 [) O. c- \【小题12】" W: d0 X7 g0 D/ h( h. i6 dA.lay% T* d- U
c/ ]: Z1 D( `B.played* ]8 W
R+ K4 F7 C9 @C.stood2 Q: g# G( Y! @! P' L; E; B# S8 RD.sat, X$ c, Z2 U) C7 V& C% f8 ^! R4 H/ K4 A% g$ Q# R【小题13】9 f4 B3 C1 T
Q5 f5 L0 G0 cA.marching8 N; B, M/ O0 G0 M& P) A" ?B.looking3 I$ D2 U: [, i7 aC.breaking. h- \, \) a) E1 P! K4 `D.pouring; S1 F& S1 O# J8 a& V: U3 P5 i2 A* b' N【小题14】3 g+ `* Q: `+ g' B+ eA.between( L2 d" ]- d" B3 ?B.with" H) \7 P& F; C0 G- e$ HC.near) U- g( g1 _. L6 _, ^1 CD.behind3 I6 H/ A. W( Z. `9 e" \; @$ a/ g! O6 A【小题15】) R& b* S3 Z# [% ?: N7 @A.wonders. D' ?1 Q5 R4 ?9 e6 Q- FB.listens0 ^0 _+ ^5 @. Y: @( B4 aC.reacts& j7 O3 c/ c9 ID.agrees4 \3 A/ f5 X. _/ a, V
g5 `9 K. L: C【小题16】& U( `' T# b2 T1 J9 e- PA.began3 H$ E
_- @# C+ F5 a0 M* PB.grew8 c# d5 i! U& b. LC.studied5 N- N
E. LD.stayed$ T3 E5 Y; K" e' Z9 a, X8 P' F4 B" V【小题17】* Y0 Z. B2 K7 [! J: `: c* c9 b1 E2 iA.deepened6 R: j7 j' R% E7 aB.recognized. P1 e% O% V- M/ V6 @2 EC.accepted8 b* L/ `$ d, j& Y2 A' K) F0 VD.found0 \& S: A
f- ^* a- E* ?8 ]5 C8 T1 ]# T+ [【小题18】9 E- I/ O0 A7 K0 H1 Q9 c: CA.heart/ N6 K+ H. B8 d) S3 U* U8 OB.rights9 H8 R3 X9 X5 A# C0 h9 L3 gC.interest& A' `4 F( j" ^$ C( ^2 W) c- ?3 ]& ID.behaviors6 b: Z3 d3 W* L6 T8 J: R, T) \1 Y) ]+ U0 O【小题19】; \; C/ `/ V' S. e
V/ h& j7 jA.one3 G8 b7 Z) e6 D0 i6 GB.its( I9 a
H# T/ S" \C.that+ E: S0 @* \9 D3 e/ J
`1 Y' iD.every- K/ R) g, L6 d2 ?( K9 D) Q( V5 I9 L5 F1 d8 J【小题20】) N( M+ C9 T. FA.meaning0 W5 c$ e( a$ f7 i' f9 @) b. gB.expression8 G2 Y9 \* D/ Q1 @% Z& JC.connection6 V& C# j4 e8 b1 S1 M( VD.background" E0 R' Z& ^. A5 f& N; G% ?! f, `. \% g/ \) I$ J0 \科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】A【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】C【小题5】A【小题6】B【小题7】B【小题8】C【小题9】D【小题10】C【小题11】B【小题12】D【小题13】D【小题14】B【小题15】B【小题16】A【小题17】D【小题18】A【小题19】C【小题20】A解析【学科网主旨大意】本文介绍了作者和孙女的寻根之旅,通过这次旅行,作者认识到每个人都渴望知道自己来自何方,找到自我,这样可以更加明白“我”的含义。【小题1】考查动词。A出现,B移动;C暴露;D扩大。根据前面的雾在上升the fog is lifting now,说明海边的村子一个一个的出现了appearing。选A。【小题2】考查动词。A参考,所指,B旅游C指向,D,来。句意:我边说边指着海湾对面的破旧的房子。选C【小题3】考查词义辨析。A分享的;B短暂的;C新鲜的;D珍惜的。我去Nova Scotia为孙女寻根,为自己寻找珍藏的记忆。选D。【小题4】考查动词。A通过B抚养C搬家D送,从前面的mobile children说明Lisa经常搬家。选C。【小题5】考查名词。A家B责任C事实D宽慰。因为上句话说Lisa经常搬家。她希望有家的感觉。选A。【小题6】考查动词。A建造B生活C仍然D探险,句意:我和丈夫出生的地方和祖先生活了200年的地方。选B。【小题7】考查词组。A赶上B停靠在一边C走下来D下来,句意:我们很快停在房子旁边。选B。【小题8】考查动词。A落下,B转弯C冲,D带来,句意:记忆像洪水一样涌来。选C。【小题9】考查上下文串联。A院子B村子C房间D房子,从前面一段提到pulled up by the house,可知是house,选D。【小题10】考查词组。A适应B吸引C属于D发生,句意:房子还属于家里的一个成员。选C。【小题11】考查介词。A穿过(表面)B穿过(内部)C沿着D经过,句意:我不能进入房子,但我可以走过记忆中的房间。选B。【小题12】考查动词。A躺B玩C站D坐,句意:妈妈坐在卧室的窗户边写日记。选D【小题13】考查动词。A行军B打破C打破D涌入,我还能看见热情的家人涌入。选D【小题14】考查介词。A在..之间,B和…一起,C在…附近D在…后面,句意:我和他们在一起永远不觉得够。选B。【小题15】考查动词。A想知道,B听C反应D同意,句意:我在谈话的时候,Lisa认真的听。选B。【小题16】考查动词。A开始B成长C学习,D逗留,句意:Lisa说:那么这就是我开始的地方了。和后面的belong对应。选A。【小题17】考查动词。A加深B认识C接受D发现,从前面的seeking roots for her可知Lisa找到了她的根。选D。【小题18】考查名词。A心B权利C兴趣D行为,句意:人类的内心最渴望的东西是知道自己来自何处。选A。【小题19】考查代词:句意:我们每个人都需要那个根。特指前面的an origin。选C。【小题20】考查名词。A含义B表达C联系D背景,句意:回顾过往,我们可以看见独特的自我,明白“I”的真正含义。选A。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
CopyRight & 沪江网 2016&【Beauty Queen】_Foxes-Beauty Queen在线试听,歌词下载,免费无损下载,无损音乐下载,高品质音乐,发烧音乐下载-酷我音乐
Beauty Queen
0906直播间性感尤物,大胆秀身材!Beauty Queen-Foxes, Beauty QueenMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Beauty Queen
Why are we so obsessed with cutting skin
When the real things in our lives can't get in?
Marching to the same drum
Every single beat's gone
I can hear the dark days coming
Another generation
Fighting for attention
Can't you see I'm tired of running?
There's a house in the forest
Where her days are forgotten
By the lake, she dropped her dreams
And now they've sunk to the bottom
Oh, beauty queen
It's only skin deep
It's only thin sheets
There's no audience
Oh, beauty queen
Something's telling me
That you were never meant to be
Trapped in time
Why are we holding hands like paper chains?
Why are we so content to stay the same?
Marching to the same drum
Every single beat's gone
I can hear the dark days coming
Another generation
Fighting for attention
Can't you see I'm tired of running?
There's a girl I remember
Who was everyone's dream
Now her face has become her
It's the saddest thing you'll ever see
Oh, beauty queen
It's only skin deep
It's only thin sheets
There's no audience
Oh, beauty queen
Something's telling me
That you were never meant to be
Trapped in time
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
There's a house in the forest
Where her days are forgotten
By the lake she dropped her dreams
Now they've sunk to the bottom
Oh, oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, beauty queen
It's only skin deep
It's only thin sheets
There's no audience
Oh, beauty queen
Something's telling me
That you were never meant to be
Trapped in time
编辑于 22:47
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