take care forgood care的中文

Take care的中文意思?_百度知道take good care of是什么意思_take good care of在线翻译_take good care of什么意思_take good care of的意思_take good care of的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
take good care of是什么意思
take good care of是什么意思 take good care of在线翻译 take good care of什么意思 take good care of的意思 take good care of的翻译 take good care of的解释
take good care oftake good care of 网络解释1. 好好照料& & 52 play with pieces of string 玩线段 | 53 take good care of 好好照料 | 54 keep her on a lead 用链子栓着她2. 照管好,照料好& & take advantage of 利用 | take good care of 照管好,照料好 | take off (飞机)起飞,离开3. 好好照顾& & 14. 他(她、它)们them | 15. 好好照顾take good care of | 16. 年轻的,幼小的young4. 悉心照料& & take off 脱下 | take good care of 悉心照料 | take a bus 乘公共汽车take good care of 网络例句1. I will take good care of you. & &我会好好照顾你的。2. I'll take good care of her. & &我会照顾好她的。3. I will take good care of their own. & &我也会好好照顾自己的。4. I will take good care of myself. & &我会照顾好自己的!5. I'll take good care of her, I promise. & &我会照顾她的,我保证。6. I`ll take good care of myself. & &我会照顾好自己的。7. M: I know. I`d take good care of it. & &我知道。我会照顾它的。take good care of是什么意思,take good care of在线翻译,take good care of什么意思,take good care of的意思,take good care of的翻译,take good care of的解释,take good care of的发音,take good care of的同义词,take good care of的反义词,take good care of的例句,take good care of的相关词组,take good care of意思是什么,take good care of怎么翻译,单词take good care of是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 Take good care of yourself.
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翻译结果(简体中文)1:采取照顾好自己 更多: 。
翻译结果(简体中文)2:好好照顾自己 更多: 。
翻译结果(简体中文)3:好好照顾你自己 更多: 。
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單字take care的中文意思與發音
take care be careful 當心;注意;小心 In busy city streets special care should be taken.在繁忙的城市街道上,應該特別小心。 Care should be taken to see that a letter is properly addressed.要注意把信封上的地址寫對。 Take care that you don't slip on the icy roads.注意,不要在結了冰的路上滑倒。 Take care not to make the same mistake again.當心,不要再犯同樣的錯誤。
單字take care的中英文例句與用法他大了, 能照顧自己了。He's old enough to take care of himself.再見, 多保重!Good bye, and take care!青年志願者分隊的隊員向與會者贈送了宣傳手冊並號召廣大青年珍愛生命。The group members handed out publicity material to the participants and appealed to young people to take care of their lives.我寧願照顧活人的肚子,也不願以石碑的形式來照顧死者的榮耀。I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.我想你不要為他歉疚;這得怪他自己。誰讓他不照顧好自己呢?I don't think you nee he had only himself to thank. He didn't take care of himself.我們給他的勸告可歸結為:他該注意自己的健康。The advice we gave him boiled down to this: he should take care of his health.我不明白她怎能從一個社交集會趕到另一個社交集會,忙個不停,同時又能處理好家務。How she manages to tear about from one social function to another and take care of her family at the same time is more than I can understand.去年我創辦了一個孤兒院。我覺得有責任去照顧那些小孩。I founded an orphanage last year and feel obliged to take care of those children.看在姐妹的份上,你應該照顧你的侄女。You should take care of your niece for the sake of your sister.敬請將品質最高級的物品,能以最低廉的價格向我提供,謝謝。Kindly take care to get goods of the prime quality, and at the lowest quotation.別著急,安心養病。Just take care of yourself and don't worry.工時成本估計的乘數及以滿足福利費和經營管理費的需要。The multiplier for the estimate of man-hour costs to take care of overheads and fringe benefits.請告訴他當心點兒。Please tell him to take care.不是有我們的化妝師全包了嗎?Do we have our cosmetician to take care of all that?“該死的東西,”沙比脫勞說,“我定要叫她一輩子待在瘋人院或監牢裡,或者兩處都待,因為她既瘋癲又狡猾。Damn her said sharpitlaw I will take care she has her time in bedlam or bridewell or both for she's both mad and mischievous.提交更多take care的相關例句
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