Today it is dust(灰尘)break outside loop. The wind is whipping (拍打)at the earth and sending clouds

> 【答案带解析】阅读与回答问题 Today it is dust(灰尘)outside. The...
阅读与回答问题Today it is dust(灰尘)outside. The wind is whipping (拍打)at the earth and sending clouds of brown dirt all around the town.I sit there on the doorstep and watch the woman come back from work.Finally, I see Grandma carrying her basket. She is covered in dust and looks tired, but she smiles when she sees me.“What are you up to, Kemzie?” she asks.“Waiting for you! I say. “I want you to come and help me plant trees.”“Trees?” asks Grandma.I tell Grandma that someone came to speak to us at school today about tree planting.I tell her I want to help out in the nursery(苗圃) just out of town where they grow the trees.“We need the trees to give us wood, shade and fruit, and to help keep the earth well,” I say quickly.Grandma laughs, and puts her basket down.“You go if you want, but I have to make dinner,” she says. For a moment I feel bad. I shouldn’t leave Grandma now. I should help her chop(砍)wood for the fire and cook the food she got at the market.Mum and dad died, Grandma is looking after all our family. It’s hard work for her. (改编于《新理念英语》初中一年级第一册)回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过6个词。1.What does Grandma do when she sees Kemzie?__________________________________________________________2.Where does Kemzie want to work?__________________________________________________________3.What can trees help us?__________________________________________________________4.How does Kemzie feel when her grandma would plant trees with her?__________________________________________________________5.What do you think of Kemzie?__________________________________________________________ 
1.She smiles.
2.In the nursery.
3.To keep the earth well.
4.Kemzie feels sad.
5.Kemzie is kind/nice/helpful.
&阅读表达是阅读理解题的一部分,它是近年来出现的新题型,它要求学生在阅读文章后对文章中的某些内容或整篇文章做出概括,是一种读写结合题,所以大家在做这类题时首先要弄清完成的是什么任务,然后有的放矢地去阅读,最后进行归纳与总结. 一般任务型阅读的题型多为细节题,好的方法是先看问题,然后带着问题读文,把细节画出来,还有一种题型是归纳题,它又分两类.一类是段落性的,一类是概括中心内容(全文性)这种较难,不过是有方法的.都是要通读全文,至少3遍. &
任务型阅读理解题型的特征和一般解题方法 : &
& &第一步:认真阅读试题背景,了解阅读材料的背景、话题或主题,确保解题时不脱离阅读的主题和正确思维的主线索。
& &第二步:仔细阅读题目,找出不同人物的不同要求,并在关键词下划线,以便有利于为第三步的的顺利解题创造良好的和必要的条件。 & & &第三:对照题目的要求,从A、B、C、D、E和F六个备选项中选出符合以上要求的对应条件。有时,我们只要顺着关键词的线索就能轻松找到正确的答案。例如,有一篇有关体育题材的任务型阅读理解的题目要求中涉及到姚明的NBA生涯,考生只要在备选项中找到”姚明”这个关键词,不用阅读整个题目和备选项就能轻松找到正确的答案。但是,在大多数情况下,还要从提出的若干备选项选择符合条件中的内容。同学们需要根据具体的情况灵活地选择解踢方式,跳读、扫读还是细读。在此,特别提醒各位同学:选项中肯定有一项是多余选项。 &第四步:快速对照“要求”和“条件”这一主要线索通读一遍,做到万无一失,提高答题的准确率,增强应试的信心。
& 阅读表达题步骤和技巧 &
& &1.认真审题,读懂题意。由于题目要求形式多样,在同一篇阅读材料中会要求完成不同的任务,因此解题前要先明确任务,做到心中有数。 & &2.快速阅读,掌握大意。在做题时要快速扫视一下文章的大意,然后结合前面的题目的要求,大致明白所要完成的任务。
& &3.细读题目,完成任务。在明白题意和文章意思的基础上,仔细阅读后面的题目要求,在原文中找出问题题干所包括的信息部分,这样就可以快速准确地抓住有效信息,确保答题的准确性。如果是根据英文释义写单词的题,则一定要确保所填的单词来源于原文,切不可脱离原文,随意发挥。
& &4.复读文章,核实任务。在初步完成所要求的任务以后,学生必须再仔细阅读所提供的短文,结合题意、文章和文后提供的任务信息、认真核实任务以保证答题正确。 &&
& &5.注意读写结合。任务型阅读不仅考查学生阅读理解层面的能力,更加注重考查学生“写”的能力。若是写单词,则要注意拼写正确,词形、词性有无变化,是否需要大写;若所要完成的是短语或句子成分,则需谨慎对待,依据所给题干分析要完成的是什么句子成分,需用什么样的表达方式,不可简单草率地将文中信息直接挪用。
& &总之,阅读理解不同于传统的阅读理解,它介于阅读理解与写作之间,教师应该适应新课改的要求,掌握阅读理解的特点,加强学生阅读能力的培养。
Here are some short messages. Emma got all of them on her mobile phone yesterday. Please read them carefully and find the answers to the questions.Hey, Emma. I’m going to have a party this weekend. Would you come and join us?SusanEmma,Home Alone V is now on show at People’s Cinema. See the film?JessieEmma,Mr. Lee said your computer is OK now. You can go and get it from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.JamesEmma,Call me, please.VickyEmma,Buy some fruit on your way home. Thanks.VickyEmma,Language Centre needs English teachers with computer skills(技能).Jane1.What is Susan going to do this weekend?A. Buy some fruit.
B. See a film.C. Have a party.
D. Do homework.2.Home Alone V is the name of __________.A. a book
D. a story3.When can Emma go and get her computer back?A. 6:00 a.m.
B. 10 p.m. C. 9:30 a.m.
D. 11:00 a.m.4.Who asked Emma to call back?A. Vicky.
B. Jessie.
D. Susan.5.What kind of teacher does Language Centre need?A. Computer.
B. English.C. History.
D. Geography. 
One day, a little mouse jumped onto a sleeping lion. The lion woke up. "Got you!" he said. "Eee-eee!" said the mouse." Please let me go!" Please let me go! One day I may help you.""Ha-ha-ha," laughed the lion." A little mouse like you can't help a lion like me!" But he let the mouse go."Thank you," said the little mouse, and away she ran to her hole. The lion laughed at the little mouse. He laughed and laughed. He did not see the big net by the trees, and he walked into it."Help!" he roared." I can't get away! Who will help me? Who will come and help me?" But no one came, all day.Then, after the sun went down, the mouse came out of her hole."The lion is roaring for help!" she said." I'm coming!"The mouse ran to help the lion. "I can make a hole in that net with my teeth." she said. And she did."You can get out now," said the mouse." See! Little mouse like me did help a big lion like you.""Yes, I see," said the lion. "Yes, a mouse can help a lion.Thank you, little mouse, " "I am pleased I let you go, little mouse," said the lion. "So am I," said the mouse. 1.The lion was ______when the little mouse came.A. playing
B. swimming
C. sleeping
D. eating2.The mouse ran into______ after the lion let her go.A. a box
D. a hill3.The lion was in the net for _______.A. some hours
B. half a dayC. all day
D. a few days4.The mouse made a hole in the net with ________A. her teeth.
B. her mouthC. her legs
D. her head5.From the story, we know we can________ each other.A. dislike
D. help 
完形填空,阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Hello, My name is Millie. I am a
at Sunshine Middle School. I love my school. It’s very big. I am in Class1, Grade 7. I like my classroom because it is
and bright.There are lots of nice people
my class. Amy is my best friend. After class we often chat with each other or
games in the playground. My new classmates are all nice to
. All my friends are really great! I love them very much.The school day
at eight every morning. We do morning exercises first. Our lessons begin at 8.25 a.m. My favorite
are Chinese and English. I like math, too.
takes me about two hours a day to do my homework.I like reading very much and I am a member of the
Club. We often read books there after school every Tuesday and Friday. I also like playing volleyball. I
practice with my friends after school, but not very often because we have too much homework.I always have a good time at our school.1.A. teacher
B. student
D. master2.A. small
D. free3.A. in
D. of4.A. learn
D. play5.A. I
D. mine6.A. begins
D. goes7.A. subjects
C. teachers
D. activities8.A. There
D. It9.A. Art
B. Computer
C. Reading
D. Music10.A. seldom
C. sometimes
D. always 
—What's Daniel like?—_______.A. He likes football.
B. He's 12.C. He is short.
D. He is fine. 
—Tom, it’s time to go to bed.—OK, Mum. ________.A. Goodbye
B. Good eveningC. Good afternoon D. Good night 
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阅读与回答问题Today it is dust(灰尘)outside. The wind is whipping (拍打)at the earth and sending clouds of brown dirt all around the town.I sit there on the doorstep and watch the woman come back from work.Finally, I see Grandma carrying her basket. She is covered in dust and looks tired, but she smiles when she sees me.“What are you up to, Kemzie?” she asks.“Waiting for you! I say. “I want you to come and help me plant trees.”“Trees?” asks Grandma.I tell Grandma that someone came to speak to us at school today about tree planting.I tell her I want to help out in the nursery(苗圃) just out of town where they grow the trees.“We need the trees to give us wood, shade and fruit, and to help keep the earth well,” I say quickly.Grandma laughs, and puts her basket down.“You go if you want, but I have to make dinner,” she says. For a moment I feel bad. I shouldn’t leave Grandma now. I should help her chop(砍)wood for the fire and cook the food she got at the market.Mum and dad died, Grandma is looking after all our family. It’s hard work for her. (改编于《新理念英语》初中一年级第一册)回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过6个词。1.What does Grandma do when she sees Kemzie?__________________________________________________________2.Where does Kemzie want to work?__________________________________________________________3.What can trees help us?__________________________________________________________4.How does Kemzie feel when her grandma would plant trees with her?__________________________________________________________5.What do you think of Kemzie?__________________________________________________________ 
1.She smiles.
2.In the nursery.
3.To keep the earth well.
4.Kemzie feels sad.
5.Kemzie i...完整答案请点击下面按钮查看学年度第一学期期中考试;七年级英语试卷;(试卷满分:120分考试形式:闭卷);第一部分(选择题,共65分)听力部分(共20小题;A.听对话回答问题;本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段;A.B.;C.;()2.HowdoesPeterusuallyg;A.B.C.;()3.WhatisSandydoinginth;A.B.;()
学年度第一学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷
( 试卷满分:120分 考试形式:闭卷) 第一部分 (选择题,共65分)听力部分(共20小题,每题1分,计20分) A. 听对话回答问题。 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 (
) 1. What is Simon good at?
) 2. How does Peter usually go home after school?
) 3. What is Sandy doing in the classroom?
) 4. When does the woman get up on Sunday? A.
) 5. How often does Millie go on picnics with her family?
A. Once a month.
B. Twice a year.
C. Three times a year. (
) 6. Who does Simon often play football with at weekends?
A. His cousins.
B. His classmates.
C. His friends. (
) 7. When is School Open Day?
A. On November 14th.
B. On November 15th.
C. On November 16th. (
) 8. What is Mr Wu?
A. A Chinese teacher.
B. An English teacher.
C. A Math teacher. (
) 9. Where is David?
A. At home.
B. In the supermarket.
C. In the school. (
)10. When is the reading room open?
A. In the morning.
B. At noon.
C. In the afternoon. B. 听对话和短文回答问题
你将听每段对话或短文前听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的作答时间。 听下面一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 (
)11.How many children are there in Kristy’s family?
C. Eight. (
)12. What does she really want to be?
A. A doctor.
B. A teacher.
C. A singer.
Jessica’s life
Go to school at
after school
Watch a film
at weekends
Go on a holiday In
)13. A. 7:00
)14. A. basketball
B. volleyball
C. tennis (
)15. A. June
听下面一段短文,完成16~20小题。 (
)16. What is the school like?
A. Beautiful.
)17. How many classrooms does the school have?
C. Twenty. (
)18. Where is the library?
A. Beside the classrooms.
B. Behind the playground.
C. Near the playground. (
)19. Which floor is the art rooms on?
A. On the first floor.
B. On the ground floor.
C. On the second floor. (
)20. What can the students do in the hall?
A. Have meetings.
B. Draw pictures.
C. Play music. 二、单词辩音。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 从下列四个选项中选出一个划线部分发音与其他三个不同的选项。 (
)21. A. game
)22. A. sun
)23. A. meat
)24. A. cool
)25. A. bike
D. rice 三、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 (
)26. Mrs Green is _____good English teacher in our school. A. a
)27. My _______is Ma Yun. What about you?
)28. I like watching TV ______ Friday evenings.
)29. These new and beautiful buildings make our school look _______.
)30. Amy loves Eddie. _______ takes a walk with him every day.
B. between
D. Him D. in front of
)31. Millie is very tall but sits ___________ me. So I can’t see the blackboard.
)32.―Does your mother often go shopping at weekends?
―Yes, she ______.
D. doesn’t
)33. Look ! There ______some interesting books on the desk.
)34. Millie enjoys ________ with her friends on Wechat at the weekends.
A. to chat
B. chatting
D. chats A. look
D. watch A. or
D. because (
)35. My father says he has no time to ________ newspapers in his office. (
)36. We do not have a library, ________ we have a reading room. (
)37.―Do you often play computer games, John?
―No, _______. I don’t like playing computer games at all.
C. usually
D. always (
)38. ______? Daniel, I can’t hear you well on the phone. B. Pardon
C. Excuse me
D. Hello (
)39.―Tom, it’s time to go to bed.
―OK, Mum. ________. A. Goodbye
B. Good evening
)40. ―What's Daniel like?
―_______. A. He likes football.
C. He is short.
B. He's 12.
D. He is fine.
C. Good afternoon D. Good night
四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Hello, My name is Millie. I am a
at Sunshine Middle School. I love my school. It’s very big. I am in Class1, Grade 7. I like my classroom because it is
and bright.
There are lots of nice people
my class. Amy is my best friend. After class we often chat with each other or
games in the playground. My new classmates are all nice to
. All my friends are really great! I love them very much.
The school day
at eight every morning. We do morning exercises first. Our lessons begin at 8.25 a.m. My favorite
are Chinese and English. I like math, too.
takes me about two hours a day to do my homework.
I like reading very much and I am a member of the
Club. We often read books there after school every Tuesday and Friday. I also like playing volleyball. I
practice with my friends after school, but not very often because we have too much homework.
I always have a good time at our school.
)41. A. teacher
)43. A. in
B. student
D. master D. of
)42. A. small
)44. A. learn
)46. A. begins
)47. A. subjects
C. teachers
D. activities (
)48. A. There
)49. A. Art
B. Computer
C. Reading
D. Music (
)50. A. seldom
C. sometimes
D. always 五、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)
A. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。
One day, a little mouse jumped onto a sleeping lion. The lion woke up. \me go!\\laughed the lion.\A little mouse like you can't help a lion like me!\\The lion laughed at the little mouse. He laughed and laughed. He did not see the big net by the trees, and he walked into it. \he roared.\I can't get away! Who will help me? Who will come and help me?\Then, after the sun went down, the mouse came out of her hole. \The mouse ran to help the lion. \she did. \you.\\Thank you, little mouse, \said the mouse. (
)51. The lion was ______when the little mouse came. A. playing
B. swimming
C. sleeping
D. eating C. a room
D. a hill (
)52. The mouse ran into______ after the lion let her go.
)53. The lion was in the net for _______.
A. some hours
B. half a day
C. all day
D. a few days
)54.The mouse made a hole in the net with ________
A. her teeth.
B. her mouth
D. her head
C. her legs
)55. From the story, we know we can________ each other.
A. dislike
(B) C. study
Here are some short messages. Emma got all of them on her mobile phone yesterday. Please read them carefully and find the answers to the questions. Hey, Emma. I’m going Emma,
weekend. Would you show come and join us? Susan
Call me, please. Vicky
Buy some fruit on your way home. Thanks. Vicky at Emma,
People’s OK now. You can go and get it from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. James
Language Centre needs English teachers with computer skills(技能). Jane
to have a party this Home Alone V is now on Mr. Lee said your computer is Cinema. See the film?
)56. What is Susan going to do this weekend?
A. Buy some fruit.
C. Have a party.
B. See a film.
D. Do homework.
)57. Home Alone V is the name of __________.
D. a story C. 9:30 a.m.
D. 11:00 a.m.
)58. When can Emma go and get her computer back?
A. 6:00 a.m.
B. 10 p.m.
)59. Who asked Emma to call back?
B. Jessie.
D. Susan. (
)60. What kind of teacher does Language Centre need?
A. Computer.
B. English.
C. History.
D. Geography.
第二部分 (非选择题,共55分)
B. 阅读与回答问题(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) Today it is dust(灰尘)outside. The wind is whipping (拍打)at the earth and sending clouds of brown dirt all around the town. I sit there on the doorstep and watch the woman come back from work.
Finally, I see Grandma carrying her basket. She is covered in dust and looks tired, but she smiles when she sees me.
“What are you up to, Kemzie?” she asks.
“Waiting for you! I say. “I want you to come and help me plant trees.” “Trees?” asks Grandma.
5 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、专业论文、生活休闲娱乐、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、文学作品欣赏、59江苏省盐城市建湖县学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷等内容。 
 江苏省盐城市毓龙路实验中学学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题_初一英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。2015 ~ 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷...  江苏省盐城市建湖县学年七年级上学期期中考试数学试卷_资格考试/认证_教育专区。 学年度第一学期期中考试 七年级数学试卷注意事项: 1.本试卷...  江苏省盐城市建湖县学年七年级上学期期中考试历史试卷_资格考试/认证_教育专区。2015~ 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 七年级历史试卷(卷面总分:100分 ...  学年上学期初中七年级期中考试英语试卷_初一英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。本试题适用于检测
学年上学期七年级试卷 班级-___ 二、单项填空(...  江苏省扬中市学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题_初一英语_英语_初中教育_教育专区。江苏省扬中市学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试题 ...  江苏省建湖县年度七年级下英语期中试卷含答案_英语_初中教育_教育专区。初一英语期中试卷第一部分 选择题(共 80 分)一、听力 (共 20 小题,每小题 1...  2015――2016 学年上学期期中考试 初一英语试卷(满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 听力部分(共 20 分) 一、听句子,选择相应图片,听两遍。 (每题 1 分,共...  区学年七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷1_英语_初中教育_教育专区。2015 年秋季期中考试初一英语试卷第一部分 听力(共 20 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,找出与其意思...


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