
09-04-26 &匿名提问
就是:xing (二声)xiao(一声)
xíng xiāo 行销
here has been no application to build extra floors under Harrods, perhaps because the Egyptian tradition is to build upwards, with the building coming to a point, instead of downwards, with a secret chamber below the Food Hall, the secret chamber joined by a tunnel to Buckingham Palace so that ninja-clad operatives of Mr Fayed's elite security staff can place listening devices in order to be apprised in time of the Duke of Edinburgh's plans to release moths in the men's wear department.But not very far away from Harrod's there is a startling application for subterranean construction from Mr Jon Hunt, who founded the Foxton's estate agency and made £370m when he sold it in 2007, which, in retrospect, was a good year to sell. Indeed, in retrospect, 1066 would have been a good year to sell, or any other year except late last year, when suddenly there was nobody to sell anything to.But Mr Hunt sold at the right time, which is the whole art of getting rich, and now he wants to improve his property in Kensington Palace Gardens, that exclusive part of London in which members of the British royal family, if they have the right credentials, are allowed to live among people from all over the world who have more money than the entire populations of the countries they come from.Mr Hunt wants to improve his already very large property by going downwards. Among the many other rooms and galleries he wants to build down there, he wants to build a museum in which he can display his collection of classic sports cars. On his planning application it says that the museum will provide an ideal display space for these treasures, but it doesn't say that the public will be invited in to see them.I suspect the public will not be invited. The display of classic cars will be for the delectation of Mr Hunt's dinner guests. But, on the whole, it is wise to avoid invitations from the kind of host who wants to impress his guests with what he owns.I myself, on the few occasions when I am invited as a guest to the dinner party of a rich host, do not find it impressive if - when the easy banter is flowing like the wine on the subject of, say, the later poetry of WB Yeats or Joanna Lumley's obvious qualifications to be the next prime minister - I do not find it impressive if the host breaks into the conversation to insist that all his guests accompany him three flights downwards towards the centre of the earth so that he can show them his collection of classic sports cars.Especially if, when we all get down there and are looking with feigned interest at a Ferrari Testiculone upholstered in tiger skin for the Shah of Persia, the host suddenly holds up his hand and says &Hear that rumble? It's the Bakerloo Line.&Canny moveAnyone who examines my own application to further excavate under my office building in London will soon conclude that I won't be trying to impress my dinner guests. I have a larger and more humanitarian aim in mind. I wasn't on the recent rich list because I knew who to pay off so that I could preserve my anonymity. But I feel that I can reveal here, among friends, that on the day before Lehmann Brothers crashed and the world economic crisis got irreversibly under way, I just happened to sell my Costa Terribla mass luxury housing complex in Spain for a trainload of US dollars to a consortium of foreign ministers from sub-Saharan Africa who had diverted the economies of their own countries through a Russian money laundry in the Cayman islands.Health Top Tips Nutrition Love Lifestyle Happiness Weight Loss  A certain amount of capital accrued, which I have since been putting to constructive use. On levels minus one to minus four of my underground complex will be an assembly shop for a space vehicle designed to leave the solar system looking like a dot in the distance, and travel to a planet beyond the reach of reality television.For a suitable fee, anyone can book a seat on the first flight. Anyone, that is, who shares my belief that civilization might be coming to an end.The chief evidence for this is that people with enough money are starting to dig. It is always an interesting psychological turning point when people with power develop a bunker mentality.What's built up is also built downIn my testament, which I'm currently dictating to my secretarial staff, deep beneath the earth, I explain it all. Signals from below the soil have corrupted the world's media to the point where you can't believe anything any more. How can we believe that man-made global warming is going to raise the level of the sea by 30 feet if the people who own the newspapers that say so are digging holes under their houses instead of heading for the hills?It's just been revealed that in a recent advertisement for the province of Alberta in Canada they used a picture of people on a beach in Northumberland in the UK because Alberta doesn't have a coastline. How could anyone have paid for that advertisement or run that advertisement or even looked at that advertisement and still believed that anything in any publication might be true?What can we be sure of except that nothing we read about or even hear about is certain? Except for one thing, and to this belief I cling, and so should you.If anyone is rich enough to build himself a bunker under London, he's got enough money to pay his taxes. Hitler began tunnelling only a few days after World War II during the course of the war he had dug-outs all over Europe. And by the time the war ended he was occupying more floors under the Reich Chancellery in Berlin than there had even been above ground before it was bombed to rubble. He was down there with his Wagner records, the musical equivalent of a sports car collection.And as with the bad guys, so with the good guys. In the United States, the CIA started to go south as an intelligence gathering organization when it began digging new levels under its headquarters at Langley, Virginia, and finally there was far more of Langley below ground than above.Conspiracy theoryCan anyone doubt that the world is being manipulated from this international network of underground hideouts? It's no use looking for the men behind the men in power. We should be looking for the men below the men
Masses are the true heroes of view, for the benefit of the masses is the starting point of the Revolutionary Communist Party members and end views, opinions and experiences of the masses is the basis of party policy-making point of view, the liberation of the people, their own point of view, only the masses of students to do President to do the views of the masses, not only against the order and also objected to the tail's point of view. June 1943, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong as the drafting of the &leadership on a number of issues,& the decision incisively expounded the basic content of the mass line and the implementation of steps to a thorough explanation &from the masses, to the masses &,& together &,& carry on &such a way to correct the entire process of leadership and its various links, and pointed out that this process of infinite loop, every time to a more accurate and vivid, even richer. This is the Marxist theory of knowledge. Marxist theory of knowledge into a leadership principle, which is the Marxist philosophy of history of the development of an innovation.
 All the party's task is to wholehearte the party for the leadership role of the masses of the people, that is, to the masses of the people correctly pointed out that the direction of the fight and help the masses to do-it-yourself, to strive for and create their own happy life. ... ... On the other hand, it considers whether the party's leadership to maintain the right to decide on whether it can take 'from the masses, to the masses' approach. &He highlighted in the ruling position of our party to implement the mass line of the significance:& As our party is now the ruling party in the country, the risk of being divorced from the masses, than in the past has increased greatly, and divorced from the masses that may arise for people hazards, but also than in the past greatly increased. &As a result, the whole party publicity and seriously implement the mass line, the opposition organizations and state organs in the growth of all kinds is the tendency of the bureaucracy, with special significance. The mass line of the theory of precision and creative use of Mao Zedong Thought greatly enriched the theory on the treasure-house of the mass line and become part of our party the most precious spiritual wealth, and from generation to generation, continue to carry forward the fine tradition. This clearly shows that the formation of Mao Zedong Thought and development, as a result of how difficult and tortuous of course, no doubt about the Party and the people a product of collective struggle, which itself is the concrete practice of the mass line and its achievements, it shows that the mass line and the power of science. Deng Xiaoping's philosophy is the basic tenets of Marxism with China's socialist modernization drive combines the philosophy summed up the experience, inheritance, enrichment and development of Marxist philosophy. Deng Xiaoping's minds, seek truth from facts of the dialectical thinking of the inheritance and development of Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism theoretical system. Mao Zedong had in the 40's &realism& of this proposition has been a profound philosophical exposition. Deng Xiaoping's rich, developed a &seeking truth from facts,& the philosophy of the meaning of the proposition, the proposition that there are four basic points, namely, proceeding from reality, theory with practice, in practice, testing and development of truth, of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts the dialectical unity. Exposition of Deng Xiaoping, the reality is from the premise of seeking truth from facts, integrating theory with practice is a way of seeking truth from facts, in practice, testing and development of the truth is an important condition for seeking truth from facts, insist on the unity of mind and seeking truth from facts is the purpose of seeking truth from facts, soul the four unifying philosophy of Marxism, Mao Zedong's philosophy of a major contribution. Thus, Deng Xiaoping's minds, seek truth from facts is the dialectical thinking of Deng Xiaoping's philosophy, the essence of Deng Xiaoping Theory, inheritance, enrichment and development of a theoretical system of dialectical materialism is to ensure that building socialism with Chinese characteristics will continue to make new magic weapon for the victory. Adhere to the practice of this thinking is the sole criterion of truth, productivity standards, &in favor of the three criteria& laid the theoretical foundation, adhering to these standards has been and will continue to promote the reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the development of . This idea laid the ideological line of the party's philosophical foundation. The essence of Deng Xiaoping's philosophy - our minds, seek truth from facts is the party's ideological line of the core of reform and opening up and socialist modernization achievements, thanks to adhere to this ideological line. Deng Xiaoping as the representative of the Chinese Communists uphold the mind and seeking truth from facts, and explore the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics of the roads, the creation of the Deng Xiaoping Theory, the scientific answer to what socialism is the most important basic theoretical issues, the first time systematically to resolve this in China is relatively backward economy and culture of the country how to build, consolidate and develop a series of basic questions of socialism. Qualitative analysis of Deng Xiaoping, Mao's dialectic thinking of the inheritance and development of Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism. Adhere to act in accordance with dialectics is the consistent style of Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping's socialist modernization drive on a number of significant relations (contradictions) of discourse, there shone a brilliant ideological and materialist dialectics. Deng inherited and developed the Marxist concept of dialectical development. Materialist dialectics holds that the world is generally associated, is a dialectical development. Deng Xiaoping to the Marxist concept of dialectical development as a guide, combined with China's socialist modernization drive practical, comprehensive and systematic exposition of all-round social progress, the idea of dialectical development, such as thinking on the comprehensive reform, with regard to the overall development goals of thinking and so on and scientific analysis of the emergence of the socialist modernization drive in a variety of complex contradictions, the Marxist concept of dialectical development to a new stage and level. Insist on universality and particularity of the contradictions of the dialectical relationship between the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Mao believes that the universality of contradictions (common) and the particularity of contradiction (personality) is the relationship between the essence of the problem on the contradictions. Deng knows the secret of the quintessence of that: the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of their combination, which is truth itself. It includes two aspects, on the one hand, truth is called, on the other hand, combined with their actual name. The so-called universal truth, that is, adhering to Marxism-Leninism, adhering to the socialist road, which is con so-called light of national conditions, that is, from the various country-specific national conditions, it is the p a combination of common and individual characteristics, it is necessary to of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Insist on two points and focus on unity, tightly grasp the Center, both hands, both hands, Deng Xiaoping not only recognize the particularity of contradiction, and the specific application of the party and the country's major policies, the focus on the overall situation of China's social the initial stage and the principal contradiction - the people's increasing material and cultural needs and the backward social production of the conflict between the development of the productive forces and the establishment of the main aspects is contradictory to the work of the party shifted to economic construction, social modernization and, unless the outbreak of large-scale war, we must firmly focus firmly onto the center. At the same time, around the central work, do other work to complete the various tasks. Deng Xiaoping on different occasions for different problems, em the one hand the reform and opening up with one hand and the fight ag the one hand the reform and opening up with one the one hand and economic construction with one hand and democracy
the one hand the building of material civilization, and so on the one hand the building of spiritual civilization. Both hands, both hands, it is necessary to take economic construction as the center. Insisted that the development of the concept of dialectical negation, Deng Xiaoping said: &we have a thorough materialist communists, and seeking truth from facts can only be sure of certain things, negative things should be negative.& On the relationship between socialism and capitalism of Deng Xiaoping maintained that the struggle against capitalism, the Chinese can not take the capitalist road, but to pay attention to fully absorb all the positive results of it to expand and develop the socialist. Capitalism has been for hundreds of years of history, people of all countries under the capitalist development of science and technology, the accumulation of a variety of useful knowledge and experience, we must carry on and learn. Deng Xiaoping as the core development of the productive forces of the inheritance and development of historical materialism of Marxism-Leninism and the philosophy of the theoretical system of historical materialism. To emancipate and develop productive forces into the understanding of the nature of socialism, the scientific solution to what is socialism and socialist liberation and development of why the issue of productivity. Deng Xiaoping pointed out: the nature of socialism is the liberation and development of productive forces, eliminating exploitation, slashing of the polarization, and ultimately to achieve common prosperity. His first scientific solution to what is the long-standing problem of the socialist people's most important theoretical issues, from whether it is stated in theory building, consolidating and developing socialism and the socialist relations of production or transformation, to achieve the ultimate goal of socialism should be liberating and developing productive forces of the problem. &Reform is the liberation of productive forces&, &revolutionary reform& of the proposed new point of view, has greatly enriched and developed socialist society on the development of historical materialism, the theory of motivation for the development of the socialist productive forces a fundamental method specified. The basic contradictions in socialist society characterized by movement decided that under the conditions of socialism there is also the question of the liberation of productive forces. As a result of reform and revolution are the same as the meaning of the liberation of productive forces, so many of Deng Xiaoping pointed out: &Reform is the revolution& point of view. Deng Xiaoping proposed the &liberation of productive forces of reform,& &revolutionary reform& of new ideas, in fact, the reform of the formation of a socialist society is the ideological driving force for development, forming a new impetus to the development of socialist theory. &Science and technology are primary productive forces& of the proposed new point of view, the enrichment and development of Marxist philosophy on the basic social contradictions, historical materialism theory. Science and technology are the productivity point of view, is a basic Marxist point of view. Deng Xiaoping summed up the contemporary world in a new form of economic development and new trends on the basis of &science and technology are primary productive forces& new ideas, not only affirmed the qualitative nature of science and technology in the areas belonging to the productive forces, but also from the volume pointed out the aspects of modern science and technology elements in the modern productive forces of &first& status and role. Point of view this new proposal to resolve the key is to develop the productive forces of socialist development of the issue of what, for a correct understanding of contemporary international issues, implementation strategies and sustainable development through science and education strategies, guiding the socialist modernization drive of great and far-reaching significance. Everything for the people to rely on the masses, the masses came from the masses to the masses in history. On historical subjects and the value of the main concept of unity of the people. Deng Xiaoping first put forward a socialist spiritual civilization is the basic feature of the construction of socialist material in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. In short, with Deng Xiaoping's pragmatic philosophy, innovation, and is characterized by the Chinese Marxist philosophy, it is the guidance of building socialism with Chinese characteristics of the theory of arms, is the philosophical foundation of Deng Xiaoping Theory. Deng Xiaoping's thinking on philosophy and methodology is the methodology of Marxist philosophy in contemporary China and its application and development of the latest achievements of the whole National People's Party of the precious spiritual wealth, is to build a powerful modern socialist state, so that a bold gesture of the Chinese nation stand strong in the world Major ideological weapon. Its distinctive personality characteristics, highlighting significant performance pragmatic, clear-cut times, courageous and innovative exploration of creativity. Study and master these features persist for the party's basic line, a correct understanding of and promote the reform and opening up the development process, to take advantage of China at the turn of the century The historical position, be more conscientious in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, has important theoretical and practical significance.
          First, the pragmatic nature of significant
  Marx's famous saying: &Philosophers only interpret the world in different ways, but the problem is to change the world.& The practice of the scientific concept, is a horse Kern inherent philosophical soul of the world, is the starting point and support points. Thus, in Marxist view, regardless of theory to guide the establishment of war Made a little mission, methods and strategies to develop these measures can not be separated from the basis of practice. Scientific theories, not only from practice, but also to return to Practice to guide practice and tested in practice enriched and developed. Practice is the creation of the building of Deng Xiaoping's theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics Philosophical foundation. He has profound respect for the practice of respect for the masses, the majority of the people always pay attention to the interests and aspirations of the people be good at summing up the experience and creativity, Min Sharp grasp the pulse of the times and opportunities, both inherited and break the convention and shows the methodology of its philosophical characteristics of pragmatic thinking.
  First of all, the resumption of the practice of the authority, hold high the banner of practice. &Cultural Revolution& after the end of the work of a multitude of things, many problems, 100 Rebuilding, the Chinese face a critical moment go, it was suggested that in accordance with the &two whatevers& and the &established policy& to act. Deng Xiaoping put forward the loud & Two whatevers &inappropriate and not in line with Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, and that seeking truth from facts, bring order out of chaos, all the time, location, condition for the transfer, &Comrade Mao Zedong's not speaking on this issue to the other issues, said in this place to other locations, said at this time In addition to time, in this condition to talk about other conditions, do not do it! &[①] He stressed the need to& complete and accurate Understand and grasp the scientific principles of Mao Zedong Thought, and in the new historical conditions for its development. &Mao Zedong's style of advocacy, the most fundamental way that the masses Line and seeking truth from facts, on the status of our party, the &mass line and the particular importance of seeking truth from facts.& [②] &Mao Zedong Thought, the basic point is Seeking truth from facts, is that the general principles of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution to combine. Comrade Mao Zedong in Yan'an title for the Central Party School of the 'real Things for the 'four characters, Mao Zedong Thought is the essence of words. &[③] Therefore, he unequivocally supported the practice standards The great debate, to regain the authority of the practice, played in the ideological front of adherence to the truth and eradicating superstitions, bringing order out of chaos and restore the role of seeking truth from facts So that our party will return to Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, the correct path for the restoration and re-establish the party's work style and the correct ideological line, the creation of Socialism with Chinese characteristics theory, laid the ideological and theoretical basis.
  Second, to emphasize the purpose of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. Mind is a prerequisite for seeking truth from facts, seek truth from facts is the purpose of emancipating the mind With the end-result. Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts is the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the essence of the theory. Deng Xiaoping that &only by emancipating the mind, Kennedy Who seek truth from facts, proceed from reality in everything, theory with practice, our socialist modernization construction can proceed smoothly, we are the party of Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought to the smooth development of the theory. &[④] This is because, regardless of construction and reform, only to emancipate our minds, seek truth from facts, To remove all obstacles and dare to explore, innovate, and constantly sum up new experiences, lead us to continue to advance the cause. The substance of mind is The courage to persist in seeking truth from facts, and resolutely reject books only, but, the idealism of the ideological line. Deng Xiaoping's historical experience and lessons learned, clearly pointed out that solution Thinking is to put real thought and combined with the subjective and the objective is to seek truth from facts. Therefore, the mind and seeking truth from facts fundamental to Order, that is, the subjective and the objective to achieve the same unity of theory and practice, in practical work to solve the contradiction between subjective and objective. This unity, Is the specific historical unity. In the new historical period, that is, requires us to emancipate and develop productive forces to further emancipate the mind, absorb and learn in Developed countries, advanced science and technology, business and management methods to further emancipate the mind, in establishing and improving the socialist market economic system to Face further emancipate the mind, in culture, the discovery and use of talents to further emancipate the mind, and so on. To this end, we will not be able to stay in the Marxist And some of the principles of the dogmatic understanding of books, the remaining number of socialism in some distortion of scientific knowledge, or stay in those Beyond the socialist stage of incorrect thinking, and must be based on Marxism, Mao Zedong established practice based on a scientific world outlook and methodology As a guide to practice as a sole criterion for testing truth, so that ideas and theories of development and changes to adapt to new situations, new circumstances.
  Third, a clear measure of the work is to develop productivity standards. Marxism holds that the development of productive forces is the root cause of social progress is a Social development, the ultimate shear strength of the decision, Mao also said that all political parties in China's policy and practice in the performance of the Chinese people in the role of the good and bad , Size, look at it for the final analysis, the development of productive forces &is to help and to help the size of it is bound to see the productive forces, or the liberation of the production Force. &[⑤] Deng Xiaoping's succession to determine the ideas and methods, and to further the productive forces as the fundamental criterion for all the work. He 1 The beginning of the South's 992, according to the nature of socialism and the fundamental task for the name &capital& name &social& argument, clearly the three & In favor of &standard, that is,& mainly to see whether it is conducive to the development of the socialist productive forces of society, whether it is conducive to enhancing overall national strength of the socialist countries , Is conducive to improving people's living standards. &This is a standard Marxist thinking on the wealth of the productive forces and development of all aspects of work to determine Gains and losses for non-objective scale. We could not leave the fundamental criterion for the argument name to the abstract &capital& name &social& problem of thinking of their detention Up. Of course, the fundamental standards does not mean that the only criterion, all walks of life have their own specific standards, but the work of these specific criteria must be Conducive to the development of productive forces and promoting social progress. We only have to adhere to this standard in order to break through behind the shackles of the traditional concept of the party line , Principles, policies and departments in the region combined with the specific circumstances of a creative way to fulfill all the tasks.
          Second, a distinct times
  Any great theoretical and scientific methods are generated in a great era. Engels said. &We can only stand in the times under the conditions of understanding, but To what extent these conditions, we can understand to what extent. &[⑥] Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up and socialist theory theory is made in the peace and Exhibition theme and the new technological revolution era.
  First, grasp the theme of the times. Deng Xiaoping on the international situation that the world is shifting from confrontation dialogue shifted from easing tension. When Although this world is not yet peaceful, but World War II will be postponed, and ultimately may be avoided. Although the danger of war still exist, but the power constraints of war has been gratifying Development. The world is in a major change in the historical period, have been the end of the bipolar pattern, combination of various forces to re-differentiation, moving in the direction of the development of multi-polarization. Overall, therefore, peace and development have become the main trend of the contemporary world and the two main themes. Real world problems, global Strategic issues, one is the issue of peace, one is the economy, or development issues. In this connection, science and technology is undergoing a great revolution and The new leap forward. Changes in the characteristics of the times is not only beneficial to China's socialist modernization construction of the external environment is also a serious challenge. Deng Deng Xiaoping is the basis of this situation and the characteristics of China's reform and opening-up to determine the general guidelines in order to fully absorb and use of capitalism made the world, including Created by the State of the results of all advanced civilizations to the development of a socialist. He believes that the world is now open to the world, closed doors can not engage in construction, the Do not show up. Can only lead to conservative behind closed only reform and opening up is the only way out. Deng Xiaoping's view, in order to achieve the four modernizations, reforms and market openings Release is a way out, science and technology is the key to culture and education is the foundation. And our education must be &oriented toward modernization, the world and the future&, the Must work to keep up with the times, the current reforms to create a better future development conditions. We will not only focus on this century, more Many also focus on the next century.
  Second, the historical position accurately. Deng Xiaoping's thinking on the methodology, despite the attention to vertical compared its historical progress, but his vision of a more Concern within the scope of the world's largest horizontal comparison, which found the country in the world and the position of the gap. He said, &hundreds of millions of the population engaged in food, food issues Have not really pass. We are the iron and steel industry labor productivity advanced only a few one-tenth of the level. The gap between emerging industries is even greater. At Needless to say in this area behind one or two decades, even eight years a decade behind, and even three years, five years, is a big gap. &[⑦] In his view, our ancestors The achievements of the first invention, a firm can only be used to catch up with world's advanced level of our confidence, which can not be used to comfort behind our reality. We are now In science and technology to create, with our status as a socialist country is not proportionate. We should actively carry out international academic exchange live Action to strengthen the countries of the world scientific community with the friendly exchanges and cooperation. Not behind closed doors, do not use their brains not always caught in backward. &Now the world We count on the poorest countries, is in the third world, we also belong to that part of the less developed. &[⑧] Therefore, if we do not benefit International environment for speeding up the development of their own, there is the risk of being beaten backward, directly related to the socialist motherland's future and destiny.
  Third, to seize the historic opportunity. The creation of the inevitability of human history, always through the chance and opportunity to pave the way for their own. Seize the historical opportunity , Is to appear in the history of the rare opportunity to chance and the inevitability of opportunities through the creation of the history and strength of the main body, and is likely to become Real. Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening-up of a number of expositions and propositions, that is built on the premise that awareness of the times to seize the opportunity, on the basis of economic development. In his view, a major turning point in the world is an opportunity, &Now is the best opportunity.& He repeatedly emphasized and reminded the people, not to miss while you're hard to Of every opportunity to accelerate efforts to reform, opening wider to the outside, we should be good to seize the opportunity to address the issue of our development. Only speed up the reform and opening up, in order to seize the Opportunities on the stage. For China, opportunities in the development are not many, especially the use of the opportunities the country has developed in order to enhance our comprehensive national strength , Prosperity of our people.
  Seize opportunities, speed up development, fundamentally speaking, is the essence of socialism, the historical task and the strong desire of the state and the nation determined. Community And as a new social system, to overcome and, ultimately, to replace capitalism, only to create more than capitalism can be real labor productivity Now. Deng Xiaoping said, &the socialist phase of the most fundamental task is to develop the productive forces. The final analysis, the superiority of socialism to be reflected in its production Of capitalist development than faster, higher. And in the development of productive forces based on the continuous improvement of people's material and cultural life. &[⑨ ] Whether it is an essential requirement of socialism, the fundamental task, or the lessons of history and the grim reality, called We must strive for and full The use of peaceful international environment and external conditions, firmly grasp the center of economic construction, seize the opportunity to accelerate the development of its own, this is socialism States to get a firm foothold and re-entered the world's advanced nations the only option. Deng Xiaoping's socialist modernization of China's strategic objectives, tasks and steps , The proposed measures are based on socialist modernization construction as the coordinates of thinking, with strong historical sense of urgency, the main theme of the times closely.
          Third, the exploration of the brave
  From a single model of socialist construction to a variety of development, it is necessary to explore the actual situation in line with the national development. Society with Chinese characteristics The founder of the theory and process of the development of scientific socialism to this stage to explore the latest achievements in bold.
  Reform and opening up and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a brand-new undertaking. Books on Marxism-Leninism did not said that our predecessors Not done, there is no off-the-shelf programs can experience and learn from this lesson. Deng Xiaoping believes that the world's problems can not use a model to solve only Rely on our own in practice, exploration and creation, taking our own road, to create our own. This outstanding performance in the spirit of exploration:
  First, the courage to experiment, not afraid of risk. Reform and opening up in China, though it is a historical necessity and the requirements of the times, but in itself it is very Risk. Moreover, there can be no perfect, fail-safe program. This need for Chuang dare, dare to test the courage and boldness. Deng Xiaoping from the socialist Understanding of the nature of departure from China's long-term interests of the people, not afraid of external pressure, the setbacks are not afraid of mistakes, but also mentally prepared to make a full and Policy measures initiated and firmly support the opening up of special economic zones along the coast and in the Mainland with a combination of individual comprehensive reform experiments, using ahead of Exploration test, for the large-scale reform to provide the necessary knowledge and experience. He has encouraged us to boldly try Chuang bold, bolder, bigger That the liberation of thinking more that big step to that step. He said, &the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is a test, whether or not the road go right, but also take a look at the . This is something new socialism. Success is our desire to experience them is a failure. Engage in socialism, the central task is to develop production Force. All efforts conducive to the development of social productive forces, including the use of foreign capital and the introduction of advanced technology, we have adopted. This is a very big test, is Books do not. &[⑩] he thought the test was the largest reform of the economic system. Reform first started in rural areas, rural areas with the effectiveness, we have the courage The reform of urban air. Urban reform is the reform of the entire economic system, which is to take great risks. He pointed out that the overall economy System reform, &should have the courage, the guts, to a large, steps should be stabilized.& &Future, even if there is turmoil, and reform must also adhere to.& [① ①] &Our Throughout the open-door policy is also a pilot, from the perspective of the world and is also a big test. &[① ②]& reform is a new thing Will inevitably make mistakes, but we can not be afraid of and can not因噎废食can not be stopped. The guts to even the more can be done without the courage to the four modernizations . &[① ③] with a number of his comrades of the Central Government's, stressed that reform and opening-up must not give up, if the stick to stereotypes, according to the last frame of the old one die Engage in the same manner, there is no number of tests, a number of attempts, including a number of setbacks, a number of failed attempts, certainly not our strategic objectives.
  Second, the determination to a firm and the steps necessary to secure. Deng Xiaoping lessons of our history lessons, if only to emphasize courageous, non-objective laws , Will become acting blindly. Therefore, he proposed to be bolder, but the pace should be steady, in dealing with specific things to be careful and timely sum up experience, To avoid making big mistakes, big storm. Must be built on the basis of scientific follow certain principles, methods. Courageous, is determined to large信心足, Are confident that we have appropriate counter-measures. The goal of the reform and opening-up, direction, determination, confidence, there should be no hesitation shaken errors And to uphold the storm. However, steps should be safe, to identify problems as soon as possible to avoid the big mistake committed a big storm. Impossible not to make mistakes, but for committing A small point on the timely adjustment problems, it is necessary to choose the timing and manner appropriate. At the same time, in the way of thinking, &We should work on the basis To a greater risk, the ready response. In this way, even if there is a big risk, and will not fall down days. &[① ④] In his view, as long as is Indeed to deal with the pace of reform, and stability, so that the building built on a higher speed and effectiveness of national and social tolerance based on licensing, as long as People are more cost-effective, national strength has increased, even if the points are easy to correct errors, not terrible risk to take points. This shows that the exploration of Deng Xiaoping Cable based on the spirit of a scientific basis.
          Fourth, a new creative
  Deng Xiaoping believes that the new ideas, viewpoints, to inheritance, the development of Marxism, is not a true Marxist. Deng Xiaoping is in the solution Place of thought, seeking truth from facts, respect for the practice of respect for the masses and the courage to explore, with great political courage and theoretical courage, made a new thesis, to create A new theory.
  In how to understand the issue of socialism, he socialist productive forces as the core of the problem and the focus of the development of the productive forces of society The fundamental task of Marxism. His theory of the nature of socialism in order to emancipate and develop productive forces as the center, to eliminating exploitation and polarization, to achieve Objective of common prosperity, the creation of a new concept of socialism. From the actual national conditions, through the historical experience of socialist practice and reflection, Ming Indeed put forward the theory of the primary stage of socialism, and all must be from the reality, according to the actual formulation of the rules. The criterion of truth in the process of deepening He put forward a &three benefits& standard, practice standards and deepen the connotation of productivity standards and the scope and role of testing a new Requirements and performance standards. He according to China's basic national conditions and development trend of the world, proposed the &three-step& development strategy and the grand blueprint. He successfully To solve the &Planning and market& dilemma that the plan and the market is not divided into the basic system of social standards, but the manner and allocation of resources in hand Paragraph, the socialist market economy and there is no fundamental contradiction, and thus seize the reform and the establishment of the new system the old system a key element. He did not stick to the socialist Just the basic characteristics of the traditional formulation, the socialist democracy and spiritual civilization as an important feature of socialism. He developed the Marxist Science and technology are productive forces theory, &Science and technology are primary productive forces& argument. He remarked that &reform is the dynamic development of the socialist society &And& reform is a revolution, but also the liberation of productive forces &; China's development is inseparable from the world, one of the basic national policy of opening to the outside world is to be a long Adhere to the idea of a view. He stressed that the four cardinal principles, and given to the reform and opening up a new era in the content of the right to oppose, but primarily against &Left& Thinking. He raised a party of a country should not pin their hopes on the prestige of one or two people, the collective leadership to rely on collective leadership, the leadership of the abolition of the post Services have security of tenure. He respected the history and reality, creatively put forward the &one country, two systems& concept of the brand-new to new ideas and solutions to Hong Kong and Macao return to , The issue of reunification of Taiwan with the mainland in the international community as the &genius of the crystallization of ideas.&
  Theory is broken, policy innovation, institutional reform, so that the whole country full of vitality, so that the social productive forces have been liberated and made new Exhibition. In a short span of ten years, China's economic development, comprehensive national strength and people's life, a higher level. One-fifth of the world's population, China People, in the historic problem of food and clothing after the basic solution is a well-off with pride and enthusiasm to move to meet the 21st century.
  Pragmatic nature of the times, such as exploratory and creative thinking characteristic of the methodology, organic integration and cross-cutting issues in the observation of Deng Xiaoping to solve the problem Theory and practice, so that the socialist system in China changed drastically in the world situation has stood the severe test, not only shows that China's Characteristics, and have shown strong vitality, it is Deng Xiaoping's thinking on philosophy and methodology of the power generated by the host.


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