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Top - definition of top by The Free Dictionary /top
top Also found in: , , , , , , , .
The uppermost part, point, surface, or end: wrote on the top of the box.2.
The part farthest from a given reference point: took a jump shot from the top of the key.3.
The crown of the head: from top to toe.4.
The part of a plant, such as a rutabaga, that is above the ground.5.
Something, such as a lid or cap, that covers or forms an uppermost part.6.
A garment worn on the upper half of the body.7.
A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the topmast rigging is attached.8.
The highest degree, pitch, the peak, acme, or zenith: "It had come at a time when he was not feeling at the top of his form" (Anthony Powell).9. a.
The highest position or rank: at the top of his profession.b.
A person in this position.10.
The highest card or cards in a suit or hand.11.
The best part.12.
The earliest part or beginning: She played the piece again, from the top.13.
The first half of an inning.14.
A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin.b.
A forward spin on a ball resulting from such a stroke.15.
One who penetrates the other person or is the dominant partner in a sexual encounter or relationship.adj.1.
Situated at the top: the top shelf.2.
Of the highest degree, quality, rank, or amount:
the top ten bestsellers.3.
In a position of preeminence: the top historian in her department.v.
topped, top·ping, tops
To form, furnish with, or serve as a top: topped the ice cream with jimmies.2.
To reach or go over the top of: The car topped the hill.3.
To exceed or surpass: The car's speed topped 80 miles an hour. Her performance really topped his.4.
To be at the head of: She topped her class.5.
To remove the top or crop: topped the fruit trees.6.
To strike the upper part of (a ball), giving it forward spin.b.
To make (a stroke) in this way.v.intr. To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.Phrasal Verbs:
To fill up (a container), especially when it is almost full to begin with.2.
To finish up. top out1.
To put the framework for the top story on (a building).2.
To fill up (a ship, for example).3.
To cease rising: Interest rates topped out at 16 percent.4.
To give up one's career just as one becomes highly successful.Idioms:
off the top of (one's) head Informal
In an impromptu way: She recited the poem off the top of her head. on top1.
At the highest point or peak.2.
In a dominant, controlling, or successful position. on top of Informal 1.
In control of.2.
Fully informed about: a senator who is always on top of the issues.3.
I besides: On top of this, several other benefits are being offered.4.
F coming immediately after: Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm. on top of the world Informal
In a position of great happiness or success. over the top1.
Surpassing a goal or quota.2.
Excessively expressive or dramatic.3.
Over the breastwork, as an attack in trench warfare: "a whole battalion, onto the beachhead, over the top" (Margaret Atwood).[Middle English, from Old English.]top 2
(tŏp)n. A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.[Middle English, from Old English.]top (t?p) n1. the highest or uppermost part of anything: the top of a hill. 2. the most important or successful position: to be at the top of the class; the top of the table. 3. the part of a plant that is above ground: carrot tops. 4. a thing that forms or covers the uppermost part of anything, esp a lid or cap: put the top on the saucepan. 5. the highest degree or point: at the top of his career. 6. the most important person: he's the top of this organization. 7. the best or finest part of anything: we've got the top of this year's graduates. 8. the loudest or highest pitch (esp in the phrase top of one's voice)9. the beginning: the top of the hour; at the top of the programme. 10.
(Automotive Engineering) short for 11.
(Card Games) cards the highest card of a suit in a player's hand12.
(General Sporting Terms) sport a. a stroke that hits the ball above its centreb.
short for 13.
(Nautical Terms) a platform around the head of a lower mast of a sailing vessel, the edges of which serve to extend the topmast shrouds14.
(Chemistry) chem the part of a volatile liquid mixture that distils first15.
(Clothing & Fashion) a garment, esp for a woman, that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips16.
(Electronics) a. the high-frequency content of an audio signalb. (as modifier): this amplifier has a good top response. 17. blow one's top informal to lose one's temper18. on top of a. in addition to: on top of his accident, he caught pneumonia. b. informal in complete control of (a difficult situation, job, etc)19. off the top of one's head with no
(Military) over the parapet or leading edge of a trench21.
excessive(ly); lacking restraint or a sense of proportion22. the top of the morning a morning greeting regarded as characteristic of Irishmenadj23. of, relating to, serving as, or situated on the top: the top book in a pile. 24. informal Brit excellent: a top night out. vb (mainly tr) , tops, topping or topped25. to form a top on (something): to top a cake with whipped cream. 26. to remove the top of or from: to top carrots. 27. to reach or pass the top of: we topped the mountain. 28. to be at the top of: he tops the team. 29. to exceed or surpass30. slang to kill31.
(General Sporting Terms) (also intr) sport a. to hit (a ball) above the centreb. to make (a stroke) by hitting the ball in this way32.
(Chemistry) chem to distil off (the most volatile part) from a liquid mixture33.
(Dyeing) to add other colorants to (a dye) in order to modify the shade produced34. top and tail a. to trim off the ends of (fruit or vegetables) before cooking themb. to wash a baby's face and bottom without immersion in a bath[Old English
related to Old High German zopf plait, Old Norse toppr tuft]top (t?p) n1. a toy that is spun on its pointed base by a flick of the fingers, by pushing a handle at the top up and down, etc2. anything that spins or whirls around3. sleep like a top to sleep very soundly[Old English, of unknown origin]top1
topped, top•ping. n.
the highest point, part,
the uppermost or upper part, surface, end, etc., of anything.
a lid or covering of a container.
the highest or leading position or rank:
at the top of the class.
a person or thing occupying such a position.
the highest pitch or degree:
at the top of one's voice.
the fi beginning:
Take it from the top.
a garment for the upper body.
a rooflike upper part or cover on a vehicle.
tops, the part of a plant that grows above ground, esp. of an edible root.
the head or the crown of the head:
from top to toe.
the best or choicest part:
the top of the lot.
a part considered as higher:
the top of the street.
high gear of an automobile.
a platform surrounding the head of a lower mast on a ship and serving as a foothold, a means of extending the upper rigging, etc.
(in bridge) the best card of a suit in a player's hand.
(in duplicate bridge) the best score on a hand.
the first half of an inning in baseball.
(in sports)
a stroke that hits a ball above its center.
the forward spin given to the ball by such a stroke.
Chem. the part of a mixture under distillation that volatilizes first.
of, situated at, upper.
to pay top prices.
foremost, chief, or principal:
the top players.
highest in rank, quality, or popularity:
the top ten movies.
t put a top on.
to be at or constitute the top of.
to reach the top of.
to rise above.
to exceed in height, amount, number, etc.
to surpass, excel, or outdo:
That tops everything.
to surmount with something specified.
to top a tree.
to get or leap over the top of (a fence, barrier, etc.).
Chem. to distill off only the most volatile part of (a mixture).
to strike (a ball) above its center, giving it a forward spin.
to make (a stroke) by hitting the ball in this manner.
to rise aloft.
to climax or complete, esp. in a finish.
to fill (a partly filled container, as a gas tank) to capacity.
to finish the top of (a structure).
to reach the highest level.
at the top of one's lungs, a with full voice.
off the top of one's head, without th extemporaneously.
on top, dominant.
on top of,
over or upon.
over and above.
in complete control:
on top of the problem.
very or overly close to:
living on top of each other.
following upon.
informed about.
on top of the world, exuberant.
over the top,
over the top of a trench, as in charging the enemy.
surpassing a goal, quota, or limit.
[before 1000; Middle E late Old English topp, c. Old Frisian topp tuft, Old High German zopf plait, tress, Old Norse toppr top, tuft] top2
a toy, often inversely conical, with a point on which it is made to spin.
sleep like a top, to sleep soundly.
[before 1100; Middle English, Old English, c. Frisian, dial. Dutch top] top-
before a vowel:
Top&a tuf a bundle of combed wool ready for spinning, 1637.topPast participle: toppedGerund: toppingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativetoptopPresentI topyou tophe/she/it topswe topyou topthey topPreteriteI toppedyou toppedhe/she/it toppedwe toppedyou toppedthey toppedPresent ContinuousI am toppingyou are toppinghe/she/it is toppingwe are toppingyou are toppingthey are toppingPresent PerfectI have toppedyou have toppedhe/she/it has toppedwe have toppedyou have toppedthey have toppedPast ContinuousI was toppingyou were toppinghe/she/it was toppingwe were toppingyou were toppingthey were toppingPast PerfectI had toppedyou had toppedhe/she/it had toppedwe had toppedyou had toppedthey had toppedFutureI will topyou will tophe/she/it will topwe will topyou will topthey will topFuture PerfectI will have toppedyou will have toppedhe/she/it will have toppedwe will have toppedyou will have toppedthey will have toppedFuture ContinuousI will be toppingyou will be toppinghe/she/it will be toppingwe will be toppingyou will be toppingthey will be toppingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been toppingyou have been toppinghe/she/it has been toppingwe have been toppingyou have been toppingthey have been toppingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been toppingyou will have been toppinghe/she/it will have been toppingwe will have been toppingyou will have been toppingthey will have been toppingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been toppingyou had been toppinghe/she/it had been toppingwe had been toppingyou had been toppingthey had been toppingConditionalI would topyou would tophe/she/it would topwe would topyou would topthey would topPast ConditionalI would have toppedyou would have toppedhe/she/it would have toppedwe would have toppedyou would have toppedthey would have topped
Switch to - the up "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page", ,
- the upper part of a column that supports the entablature - the head or top of a mast - the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel,
- the extended spatial l "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space" -
"the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list",
- the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other - the highest or upperm "put your books on top of the desk"; "only the top side of the box was painted", , ,
- the center of a cambered road - the part of the head between the ears, ,
- the top of the head,
- a surface forming part of the
"he examined all sides of the crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf" - the top of a desk - the top of a (usually flat) roof - the extreme top or - the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill); "the view from the peak was magnificent"; "they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"; "the region is a few molecules wide at the summit", , , , ,
- "the sun set behind the brow of distant hills" - a lofty peak, ,
- a point located with respect to surface fea "this is a nice place for a picnic"; "a bright spot on a planet" - the summit of a - the fir while the vis "a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth",
- (baseball) one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat, ,
- (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive,
- the seco while the home team is at - the highest level
the highest
"his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession", , , , , , , , , , ,
- a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or esp "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?" - the greates "he screamed at the top of his lungs",
the property of being - platform surrounding the head of a lower mast - a raise "the speaker mounted the platform" - a vessel that carries passengers or - a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday", ,
- a top that makes a humming noise as it spins - a pear-shaped top made of wood with a metal center pin,
- an artifact designed to be played with,
- a top that is spun by - covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle" - a top (as for a bottle) - an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it) - a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening at the top of a box, chest, jar, pan, etc.; "he raised the piano lid" - a flush iron cover for a manhole (as in a street) - the top of a container that must be screwed off and - a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders
"he stared as she buttoned her top" - a top worn by women - part of a dress above the waist - a close-fitting and strapless top without sleeves that is worn by women either as lingerie or for evening dress - a woman's top that fastens behind the back and neck leaving the back and arms uncovered - clothing that is designed for women to - a canvas tent to house the audience at
"he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent"; "they had the big top up in less than an hour", , , ,
- a tent made of canvas fabric - an arena consisting of an oval or circular area enclosed by tiers of seats and usual "they used the elephants to help put up the circus" - be superior or bette "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year", , , , , ,
- "She excelled in math" - pass by, over, or under wi "the balloon cleared the tree tops", ,
- "The sports car passed all the trucks" - "He hopped the bush" - be at the top of or constitute the
"A star tops the Christmas Tree" - be located o occupy a certain - "she topped her class every year" - provide with a top or finish the top (of a structure); "the towers were topped with conical roofs", , ,
- give something us "We provided the room with an electrical heater" - reach
"The hikers topped the mountain just before noon", , , , ,
- reach a destination, eit "We hit Detroit by noon"; "The water reached the doorstep"; "We barely made it to the finish line"; "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts" - strike (the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool) giving it a forward spin - cause "hit a ball" - "top trees and bushes", , , , , , ,
- cultivate, tend, and cu "dress the plants in the garden" - remove the stalk of fruits or - be t "The speech crowned the meeting",
- end, especially to reach a fina "The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace" - f "They topped off their dinner with a cognac"; "top the evening with champagne",
- come or bring t "He finished the dishes"; "She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree"; "The fastest runner finished the race in just over 2 others finished in over 4 hours" - situated at the top "the top shelf" - (superlative of `good') having the mos "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit" - (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high" - situated at the botto "the bottom drawer" - "side fences"; "the side porch"topnoun1. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
I came down alone from the top of the mountain. peak , , , , , 2. upper part, upper layer,
Bake the biscuits until the tops are lightly browned.3. , , , , , ,
the plastic tops from aerosol containers4. , , , , , , sweat shirt Look at my new top.5. , , , , highest rank,
The US will be at the top of the medals table.6. highest level, utmost extent He shouted to us at the top of his voice.7. , , ,
Rabbits have eaten the lettuces and the tops of the carrots.adjective1. , , , furthest up, ,
Our new flat was on the top floor.2. , , , , , , , , , ,
(informal), , , , ,
He was the top student in physics. leading , , , , , , , , 3. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
I need to have the top people in this company work together.4. , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
(informal), , ,
(informal), ,
a candlelit dinner at a top restaurant5. , , , ,
The car-ferry has a top speed of forty-two knots.verb1. , , , be at the top of, be first in What happens if the socialists top the poll?2. , , , , ,
Imports topped ?10 billion last month.3. , , , , , ,
To serve, top the fish with cooked leeks.4. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , go one better than How are you ever going to top that? surpass , fail to equal, not be as good as5. reach the top of, , , , , , ,
As they topped the hill he saw the town in the distance.over the top , , , , over the limit,
(informal), ,
The special effects are a bit over the top, but I enjoyed something up1. fill (up), , , , ,
He topped her glass up, complaining that she was a slow drinker.2. , , , ,
The bank topped up their loan to ?5000.topnoun1. The highest point:, , , , , , , , .2. The outer layer of an object:, .3. The highest point or state:, , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.4. The greatest quantity or highest degree attainable:, , , , .Idiom: .5. The superlative or most preferable part of something:, , , , , , , .Idioms: , flower of the flock, pick of the bunch.adjective1. Of, being, located at, or forming the top:, , , , .2. Greatest in quantity or highest in degree that has been or can be attained:, , , , , .3. Exceptionally good of its kind:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
, , , , , , .Slang:
.Chiefly British:
.4. Preeminent in rank or position:, .5. Most important, influential, or significant:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , .verb1. To put a topping on:, , .2. To be greater or better than:, , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: , .3. To reach or bring to a climax.Off or out:, , , , , .phrasal verbtop offTo put a topping on:, , .
??????????? ????????????? ??????? ??????????????? ?????????????vrcholhorníod?íznout vr?ekpokr?tpovrch?versttopl?goverdeloverstigehuippuhuippu-hyrr?kansilatvanajvi?ipoklopacvrhtet?bor?plataefstur í bekknumfjarlaegja efsta hluta tappisem er efstur/fremstur í flokki一番上の上蓋??? ?? ??atsegtaug?aaug?da?aaug?galsaugstākā pakāpeda? navrchodreza? vrch/vr?okprvé miestovekovrchnajvi?jipokrovstrogo zaupenvrhvrhnjitopplock?versta?vertr?ffasnurra???????????????????nh??ng ??utop1 [tɒp]A. N1. (= highest point, peak) →
f; [of hill] →
f; [of tree] →
f; [of head] →
f; [of building] →
m; [of wall] →
m; [of wave] →
f; [of stairs, ladder] → lo alto; [of page] →
f; [of list, table, classification] →
m, primera
fat the top of the hill →
make it to the top [of career etc] →
(del éxito)the men at the top (fig) →
executives who are at the top of their careers →
que están
de sus top of the charts (Mus) → el
unoto be at the top of the class (Scol) → ser el/
Liverpool are at the top of the league →
la at the top of the page →
top of the range (Comm) →
at the top of the stairs →
at the top of the tree (lit) →
(Brit) (fig) →
, en lo at the top of the pile or heap →
, en lo see also
2 A32. (= upper part) →
f ; [of bus] →
m ; [of turnip, carrot, radish] →
fplhe lives at the top of the house →
the top of the milk → la at the top of the street →
he sits at the top of the table → se
3. (= surface) →
foil comes or floats or rises to the top →
the top of the table needs wiping → hay que
por la 4. (= lid) [of pen, bottle, jar] →
m5. (= blouse) →
fpyjama top →
I want a top to go with this skirt → quiero algo
con esta 6. (Brit) (Aut) = 7. (US) (Aut) →
f8. (Naut) →
f9. on top → , arribato be on top → estar
(fig) (= winning etc) →
, estar seats on top! (on bus) → ?hay
arriba!let's go up on top (Naut) →
a (subir a) thin on top → con poco ,
on top of → sobre, it floats on top of the water →
sobre el the next second the lorry was on top of us →
the flat is so small we live on top of each other → el
on top of (all) that (= in addition to that) → y
(todo) esoon top of which → y para ,
it's just one thing on top of another → es una
tras otrato be/get on top of things → estar/
I'm on top of my work now → ahora puedo
things are getting on top of me → ya to come out on top →
or to be/feel on top of the world → estar/sentirse en
séptimo 10. tops: it's (the) tops → es , es she's (the) tops → es la 11. (in phrases)from top to bottom → the system is rotten from top to bottom → el
está to be at the top of one's form → estar en
formathe top of the morning to you! (Irl) → ? !over the top (Brit) (= excessive) → , this proposal is really over the top (Brit) → esta
to go over the top (Mil) →
(saliendo de las trincheras) (Brit) (fig) →
(de lo razonable), he doesn't have much up top (= stupid) → no es
que ; (= balding) →
poco , se le
las she doesn't have much up top (= flat-chested) → está
(basilisa) at the top of one's voice → he said it off the top of his head → lo
sin speaking off the top of my head, I would say →
así sin pensarlo, yo
que ...B. ADJ1. (= highest) [drawer, shelf] → , ; [edge, side, corner] → , ; [floor, step, storey] → at the top end of the scale →
at the top end of the range (Comm) →
top note (Mus) →
alta2. (= maximum) [price] → top priority →
m at top speed → a
, a toda 3. (in rank etc) →
the top class at school (= final year) → el
a top executive → un(a) alto/a /aa top job → un
de top management → alta
ftop people →
f bienthe top people in the party → la
top stream (Scol) →
4. (= best, leading) → a top surgeon → uno
the top 10/20/30 (Mus) → los 10/20/30
10/20/30 to come top → ,
el primer to come top of the class → ser
he came top in maths →
en to be on top form → estar en
formato get top marks →
notatop scorer → /a (a) m/f,
mf (Sp) top team →
m 5. (= final) [coat of paint] → the top layer of skin → la 6. (= farthest) → the top right-hand corner → la
the top end of the field → el
C. ADV tops (= maximum, at most) → D. VT1. (= form top of) [+ building] → ; [+ cake] → , a cake topped with whipped cream → una
or (LAm) cremaa church topped by a steeple → una
por un the wall is topped with stone → el
de 2. (= be at top of) [+ class, list] → , estar
deto top the bill (Theat) →
el to top the charts (Mus) → ser el
the team topped the league all season → el
toda la 3. (= exceed, surpass) → , profits topped ?50,000 last year → las
(las) 50.000
sales topped the million mark → las
el millónwe have topped last year's takings by ?200 → hemos
and to top it all → y para
..., y para are you going to top that? (joke, story etc) → ?cómo
eso?, te han
alto4. [+ vegetables, fruit, plant] → ; [+ tree] → to top and tail fruit (Brit) →
5. (= reach summit of) →
de6. (= kill) → to top o.s. → E. CPD top banana N (US) →
m top boots NPL →
fpl de top brass N → jefazos
mpltop copy N →
mtop dog N she's top dog at work → ella es
top dollar N (esp US) to pay top dollar for sth →
the top drawer N (fig) → la , la see also
top dressing N (Hort, Agr) →
m (aplicado a la superficie)top gear N (Brit) (Aut) →
fin top gear (four-speed box) → en cuarta,
; (five-speed box) → en quinta,
top hat N →
ftop spin N (Tennis) →
m top off VT + ADV (= complete) → , he topped this off by saying that → esto lo
que ...he topped off the fourth course with a cup of coffee → para
de top up (Brit)A. VT + ADV → to top sb's glass up →
de algnshall I top you up? → ?te
?to top up a battery (= refill it) →
una her parents topped up her grant → sus
B. VI + ADV to top up with oil →
we topped up with a couple of beers → como
de top2 [tɒp] N1. (= spinning top) →
m; (= humming top, musical top) →
fsee also 2. (Circus)see top [ˈtɒp] n (= highest part) [mountain] →
m; [head] →
m; [container, cupboard] →
m; [page, ladder, stairs, street] →
m; [leg, arm] →
mDon't fill it up to the top → Ne le
pas jusqu'au ., Ne le
.The water reached the tops of my legs → L'eau m'arrivait
des .over the top of sth (= above) →
qchover the tops of the houses →
les at the top of sth →
qchat the top of the stairs →
l'escalierat the top of the street →
go back to the top of the page, go back to top (web page) →
de from top to bottom → I searched the house from top to bottom → J'ai
en .from top to toe →
aux the top of the milk (British) →
(= upper surface) →
mBake the biscuits until the tops are lightly browned →
.a table top → un
(= highest place) (in list, table) →
fat the top of the list → en ,
Welfare reform is at the top of the government's list → La
du .to be at the top of the league → être
(= lid) [box, jar] →
m; [bottle] →
mDon't forget to put the top back on → N'oubliez pas de
le . (= garment) →
m; [pyjamas] →
mShe changed into a clean top → Elle
.That's a lovely top you're wearing → C'est un
là.a bikini top → un
on top (position) → hot chocolate with whipped cream on top → du
on top of sth → sur qchon top of the fridge → sur le
on top (= in addition) → on top of sth →
qchThere's a surcharge on top of that → Il a un
cela. to be on top of sth (= coping) →
qchto get on top of sth →
qch the top (= highest, most successful position) → le to get to the top → at the top → au She is at the top of her profession → Elle au
de sa . to come out on top (= outdo competitors) →
at the top of one's voice (= very loudly) →
over the top adjective [behaviour, reaction] → excessif/ive; adv to go over the top →
(= toy) →
f adj (= highest) [shelf] → I can't reach the top shelf → Je ne peux pas
l'étagère du .Please read the top line of the pageBUT Lisez, s'il vous pla?t, la première ligne de la page.the top part of sth → le
de qchthe top floor →
on the top floor → au
(= very successful) → a top surgeon → un
a top model → un one of the top teams in the country → l'une des
(= best) [speed] → (e); [score] → (e)The top score was 98% →
était de 98%.a top speed of 241 km per hour → une
de 241 km/hat top speed →
(= excellent) → (e)He always gets top marks in French → Il a
d'excellentes notes en . (= first) [priority] → premier/ièrea matter of top priority → une
We need to solve this problem as a matter of top priority → Nos devons
. vt (= exceed) →
(= be first in) [+ list, poll] →
de to top and tail beans →
tops nplto be tops, to be the tops → être le
adv (= at the most) → It should cost ?50 tops → Cela devrait
50 .It will only take ten minutes, tops → Cela ne te
que dix , au .top up (British) vt (= refill) [+ glass, drink] →
(= supplement) [+ salary] →
[+ mobile phone] →
(en temps de communication)to top up one's mobile phone →
des top: topcoat n (= overcoat) →
m; (for men also) →
m (= coat of paint) →
m, →
top copy n →
nt top dog n (fig) he always has to be top → er muss
haben top dollar n (esp US inf) → Spitzenpreise pl; to pay top for something → H?chstpreise für
; I’m paying top (as wage/salary) → ich
einen Spitzenlohn/ein Spitzengehalt; security earns top → mit (sdiensten)
top-dollar adj (esp US inf) →
(inf); top prices → Spitzenpreise pl; top lyrics →
Liedtexte top-down adj approach, view, analysis → von
top-dress vt (Agr) → mit Kopfdünger
top dressing n (Agr) → Kopfdünger mtop: top-fermented adj →
top-flight adj → , ; top football → Spitzenfussball m top-full adj glass etc →
top gear n →
; to be in top (lit) → im
sein; (fig) → auf
sein top hat n →
m top-hatted adj → mit
top-heavy adj (lit, fig) → ; she’s a bit top (hum inf) → sie hat einen
(inf); the army is top with officers → die
hat zu viele
top-hole adj, interj (dated inf) →
(dated), → top: topknot n →
m topless adj →
ohne, ; pictures of top women →
ohne; top waitresses →
f; top model → Oben-ohne-Modell nt; top bar → Oben-ohne-Bar f, → Toplessbar f adv sunbathe, pose, dance →
ohne; to go top →
top-level adj → ; inquiry, negotiations → auf
; top meeting → Spitzentreffen nt; top folder (Comput) → Hauptordner m top light n (Phot, Painting) →
nt top-line adj actor etc → ; news → (r, s); hotel etc → ,
top loader n (= washing machine) → Toplader m top management n → Spitzenmanagement nt topmast n (Naut) → Toppmast m, → Marsstenge f topmost adj → (r, s); on the top floor → im
top-notch adj (inf) → eins a (inf), →
top-of-the-range, top-of-the-line adj attr → , der Spitzenklasse; top model →
nttop: top quality n →
f top-quality adj → ; top quality product → Spitzenprodukt nt top-ranked adj attr (Sport) → ; top player → Spitzenspieler(in) m(f); top Miami → das Spitzenteam Miami top-ranking adj → von
; civil servant, officer also → (r); personality → ; tennis player etc → der Spitzenklasse; top author → Spitzenautor(in) m(f) top-rated adj attr → top: topsail n (Naut) →
nt top-secret adj →
top-shelf adj (Brit) magazine →
topside n (Brit: of beef) → Oberschale f adv (Naut) to go top → an
topsoil n (Agr) →
f topspin n → Topspin m top station n →
ftop1 n (= highest part) →
; (of spire, pyramid, cone etc, fig, of league, company etc) →
f; (of mountain) →
m; (of tree) →
f, →
f; (of pine tree) →
m, →
f; (of branch) →
; (of wave) →
m; (of carrots, radishes) →
nt; (= leafy part) →
nt; (= detachable part: of cupboard etc) →
m; (= head end: of table, bed, sheet) →
nt, →
; (of road, beach) →
; which is the top? →
?; the top of the tree/page/list/wall etc is … → der /die //Wand etc ist
…; the top of the milk → die Rahmschicht (auf der Milch); at the top → ; at the top of the page/list →
auf der /; at the top of the league/pile →
in der /im ; at the top of the stairs/wall/hill/tree →
an der //am /; at the top of the table/road → am
des /der ; to be (at the) top of the class → (r) or -erste(r) sein, der/die
sein; to come out at the top of the list → Erste(r) sein; near the top → (ziemlich)
; he’s near the top in English → in
er zu den ; the liquid was cloudy near the top → die
; she bashed the top of her head on the luggage rack → sie
sich (dat) → den
an der Gep?ckablage an; he looked over the top of his spectacles → er
den Brillenrand (hinweg); he curled his fingers over the top of the window → er
sich mit den
Fensterrand; she fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom → sie
; five lines from the top → in der fünften
von ; from top to toe → von
bis ; from top to bottom → von
bis ; the system is rotten from top to bottom → das
(inf); to scream at the top of one’s voice → aus
; they were talking at the top(s) of their voices → sie haben sich in voller
; to be at the top of the ladder or the tree (fig) →
(des Erfolgs) sein; go to the top of the class (inf) → du bist
so !; off the top of my head (fig) →
; (with figures) →
(inf); just a quick comment please, off the top of your head → bitte einen
; to talk off the top of one’s head (inf) → nur so daherreden; to go over the top (in trenches) → aus dem
; (= exaggerate) → zu viel des
; that’s a bit over the top → das ist
zu ; I find him a bit over the top → ich , er
es ; he’s over the top (= past his best) → er ist
; top of the pops (record) →
m → (in der Hitparade); the top of the morning to you! (Ir) →
! (S Ger, Aus), → (sch?nen)
! ? 2 (= upper surface) →
f; (Comput) →
m; to be on top →
sein or ; (fig) →
sein; it was on top of/on the top of the cupboard/pile etc → es war auf/
/ etc; put it on top of/the top of the cupboard etc →
etc; to go up on top (on boat) → an
; seats on top! (in bus) →
sind noch !; to see London from the top of a bus →
aus ; on top of (in addition to) →
zu; things are getting on top of me → die
mir über den ; then, on top of all that … → und , um das
…; and, on top of that … → und
…; it’s just one thing on top of another → es
anderen; he didn’t see it until he was right on top of it → er
es erst, als er
war; he felt he was on top of the situation → er hatte das , die
zu haben; to come out on top → sich ; (over rival) → die
(inf, of body) →
m; to blow one’s top → in die
(inf), → aus der
(inf); she’s rather big round the top → sie ist
(inf) (= working surface) → Arbeitsfl?che f (= bikini top) →
nt; (= blouse) →
nt (= lid, of jar, suitcase) →
m; (of bottle) →
m; (of pen) →
f; (of car) →
nt; hard top (Aut) →
nt; soft top (Aut) → Weichverdeck nt (Aut: = top gear) →
; in top → im vierten/fünften, im
(inf: = big top) → Grosszelt nt, →
nt (inf) to be (the) tops →
sein (inf), →
sein (inf) (Naut) →
m adj (= upper) → (r, s); (= highest) → (r, s); branches, note, honours, price → (r, s); (= best) → , ; pupil, school, marks → (r, s); top athlete → Spitzenathlet(in) m(f); he was the top seed → er war an erste
; top job → Spitzenjob m; top prices → H?chstpreise pl; today’s top story → die
von ; on the top floor → im
; a top-floor flat → eine Dachgeschosswohnung; he’s out of the top drawer (fig) → er
; the top end of the market → das
; the car has a top speed of 120 → das
von 120; at top speed → mit ; in top form → in ; to be top (Sch) → (r) or Erste(r) sein; the top men in the party/government/firm → die -//Unternehmensspitze; the newspaper for top people → die
für ; the top people (in a company) → die
an der ; (in society) → die
; the Top Ten (Mus) → die
pl adv to come top (Sch) → (r)
tops (inf) → , ; it’ll take an hour tops → das
vt (= cover, cap) → ; topped by a dome →
von einer ; fruit topped with cream →
darauf (= reach top of) just as the car/he topped the hill → , als das /er
war or den
hatte (= be at top of) his name topped the list → sein
? 2 (= be higher than, fig: = surpass) → ; that tops the lot (inf) → das
alles; and to top it all … (inf) → und um das
… to top a tree/radish/carrot → die
eines /das
; to top and tail gooseberries (Brit) →
to top oneself (inf) → sich top2 n →
m; to sleep like a top → wie ein
top1 [tɒp]1. na. (highest point, of mountain, page, ladder) → ; (of list, table, queue) → ; (of career) →
mat the top of the hill → sulla
della at the top of the stairs/page/street →
alle /alla /alla at the top of the table → a to be top of the charts →
-paradeLiverpool is at the top of the league (Sport) → il Liverpool è
alla from top to bottom (fig) → from top to toe → from the top → dall'altofrom the top of the hill → dalla
della on top → sopraon top of →
a, sopra (Brit) (in addition to) → to fall on top of sb →
qnhe's going thin on top (fam) →
i to reach the top (fig) (of career) →
l'apicethe men at the top (fig) → quelli che sono al potereb. (surface) →
f; (of box, cupboard, table) → sopra m inv,
f ; (roof, of car) → ; (upper part, of bus) → the top of the table needs wiping →
della oil comes to the top → l'olio
alla seats on top! (Brit) (in double-decker bus) →
di sopra!the top of the milk (Brit) → la c. (Dress) (blouse) → ; (T-shirt) → ; (of pyjamas) → d. (lid, of bottle) → ; (of box, jar) → ; (of pen) → , e. (also top gear) to change into top →
(or quinta)f. (in phrases) on top of (all) that → , it's just one thing on top of another → è una cosa
un'altrato be/feel on top of the world (fam) → essere/sentirsi al settimo to be/get on top of things (fig) → / a
la things are getting on top of me (fam) → mi
tutto to come out on top (fig) →
/I can't tell you off the top of my head →
non te lo posso at the top of one's voice (fig) → over the top (Brit) (fam) (behaviour) → eccessivo/ato go over the top (Brit) (fam) → 2. adja. (highest, floor, step) → ultimo/a; (shelf, drawer) → (ultimo/a) ; (price) → più /a; (in rank) → primo/aat top speed → top gear → la
(or quinta)the top men in the party → i
del a top job →
di she's top dog at work (fig) (fam) → è il
sul b. (best) → to get top marks (Brit) → avere i
to come top of the class → avere i
di tutta la ,
della he came top in maths or (Am) math → ha avuto i
in the top twenty (Mus) → i venti
(della settimana)to be on top form (fam) →
a top surgeon → un
c. (last, layer) → ultimo/athe top coat (of paint) → l'ultima
(di pittura)she is in the top class at school →
l'ultimo 3. vta. → a church topped by a steeple → una
da un to top a cake with cream →
di b. (be first in) →
ato top the bill (Theatre) → avere
sul c. (exceed) → and to top it all ... (fig) →
profits topped ?50,000 last year → i
d. (vegetables, fruit) →
ato top and tail fruit →
alla top off vt + adv (finish) to top off with →
conwe topped off the dinner with a toast to the happy couple → abbiamo
top up vt + adv → to top sb's glass up →
a qnto top up a battery →
alla top2 [tɒp] n (toy) → to sleep like a top → top1 (top)
the highest part of anything.
The book is on the top shelf. top
ponto mais alto
die Spitze
?verst , π?νω μ?ρο? , lo alto
tipp, ülemine (osa)
huippu ; ; ,
vrh, najgornji dio
toppur, efsti hluti e-s
vir?us, vir?ūn?
atas sekali
?????????? ???????? ????
ponto mais alto
v? (partea de) sus ; ;
vrchol, vrcholec, horn?
topp, ?vre del
????????? ,
верх?вка, вершина
????? ?????
ph?n cao nh?t 2.
the position of the cleverest in a class etc. He's at the top of the class. toppunt
???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????
primeiro lugar
p?ední místo, ?pi?ka
die Spitze
a la cabeza,
najbolji u?enik
nomor satu
efstur í bekknum
geriausieji, pirmieji (mokiniai)
būt labākajam klasē
лучший ученик
prvé miesto
prvo mesto, ?elo
topp, [han ?r] b?st [i klassen]
en ba?ar?l? derece
найвище, перше м?сце
???? ???? ????
v? trí s? 1 trong l?p 3.
the upper surface. the table-top. blad
??????????? ????????
die Oberfl?che
bordplade , π?νω μ?ρο? ,
??? ??????
?????? ???????
gornja ploha
(parte superiore)
parte de deasupra
zgornja stran
yta, [bords]skiva
верхня поверхня
上面,上边 4.
a lid. I've lost a bottle-top. dop, deksel
der Deckel
l?g; -l?g; -prop , ,
??? ?????? ??
vā vāci??
vrchnák, veko
lock, kapsyl
кришка, закривка
cái n?p 5.
a (woman's) garment for the up a blouse, sweater etc. I bought a new skirt and top. top
????? ??????? ????????
das Sonnentop
overdel , ,
pluus, ülaosa
????? ???????
gornji dio (odje?a)
blússa, peysa ,
palaidinuk?, megztinis, ?varkas
(ap?ērba) aug?da?a (blūze, d?emperis u.tml.)
top, parte de sus (a ?mbr?c?-mintei)
верхняя деталь одежды; топ
vrch, vr?ok
zgornji del
topp, ?verdel
????? (???????????????)
elbise üstü
блузка; топ
???? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????
áo lót c?a ph? n?
adjective having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class. He's top (of the class) again. bo-aan, beste
???????? ??????????? ????? ??? ????? ?????????
der/die/das erste
bedst , , ,
????? ????
???????? ?????
najbolji, prvi
nomor satu
sem er efstur/fremstur í flokki
labā izcilākais
nombor satu
???? ??? ???? ????
fr?mst, b?st
üst düzey, en üst
займаючий перше м?сце
?????? ?? ?? ????? ???? ???? ????
h?c gi?i nh?t l?p
verb – past tense, past participle topped – 1.
to cover on the top. She topped the cake with cream. bedek
??????? ????????
daekke med
σκεπ?ζω απ? π?νω ,
pealt katma
p??llyst?? ,
pokriti, okruniti
setja/baeta ofan á
pārklāt; uzlikt virsū
membubuh aising
nakrywa?, pokrywa?
?? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ( ???? ???? )? ???? ?????: ???? ????? ??????? ??? ?????
a acoperi, a pune peste
покрывать сверху
pokry?, da? navrch
toppa, t?cka, kr?na
üstünü kaplamak
????? ??? ?? ???????
ph? lên b? m?t
给...加盖(涂上) 2.
to surpass. Our exports have topped $100,000. meer as, meer gekry
overstige ,
????? ????
???? ?? ???????
nadvisiti, prema?iti
vera haerri en
vir?yti, pralenkti
?verstiga, ?vertr?ffa
üstüne ??kmak, a?mak
перевищувати; досягати певно? величини
???? ??? ????
v??t qua m?c 3.
to remove the top of.
bokant afhaal
?????? ?????? ????????
махам върха на
cortar a parte de cima
od?íznout vr?ek
fjerne l?g
κορφολογ?, αφαιρ? το π?νω μ?ρο? απ? κτ.
quitar la parte de encima
otsa maha v?tma
??? ???? ?? ???
poistaa yl?osa
??? ??? ????
okresati, odrezati vrh
fjarlaegja efsta hluta (e-s) ,
(??, ??? ??) ?? ????
atidaryti, atidengti
atsegt (virsu, galotni)
membuang bahagian pangkal
usuwa? wierzcho?ek
???? ??? ??? ???? ??????
cortar a parte de cima
a reteza, a t?ia capul
срезать верхушку
odreza? vrch / vr?ok
odsekati vrh
ukloniti vrh
hugga av (avl?gsna) toppen p?, toppa, besk?ra
(üst k?sm?n?) ??kar?p/kesip atmak
обр?зати верх?вку
????? ??? ?? ??? ??????
di chuy?n ??nh 'topless adjective1.
having no top.
toploos, bopuntloos
???? ??????? ???? ????? ??????
без горна част
sem a parte de cima
ohne Spitze
sin la parte de arriba
?? ???? ?? ?????
???? ???? ??
tet? nélkü fels?rész nélküli
tanpa baju
án efri hluta, berbrjósta
be vir?utin?s dalies
bez aug?as/virsda?as
separuh bogel ,
go?y do pasa
sem a parte de cima
без верха; полуобнажённый
odev hore bez (obna?ujúci prsníky)
brez zgornjega dela
golih grudi
utan ?verdel, topless
такий, що не ма? верх?вки; такий, що з оголеними грудьми
?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??
kh?ng có ??nh
无顶的,上身裸露的 2.
very high.
много висок
nesmírně vysok?
unermesslich hoch
uendelig h?j
πολ? ψηλ??
de una altura desmesurada
l?pmatult k?rge
d'une hauteur démesurée
???? ?????? ???????
vrlo visok
égbe nyúló
tinggi sekali
be galo auk?tas
bezgala augsts
sangat tinggi
gin?cy w chmurach
очень высокий
nesmierne vysok?
zelo visok
veoma visoko
mycket h?g
?ok yüksek
безмежно високий
望不到顶的(极高的) 'topping noun something that forms a covering on top of something, especially food. a tart with a topping of cream. strooisel
?????? ??????????
poleva, ozdoba
die Spitze
-pealne, kate
????? ????
????? ?????
preljev, bilo ?to na vrhu
lapisan atas
krem, glassúr, sykurhú?, rjómi
(??? ??) ?? ??
vir?us, vir?utinis sluoksnis
virskā (ēdiena) garnējums
górna warstwa,
??? ????? ????? ????
topping ; верхнее украшение
poleva, ozdoba
garnering, topp[skikt]
üstüne konulan sos, krema v.b.
верх?вка; глазур; полива
????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???
ph?n trên
涂(盖)在表面上的东西(尤其食品) top hat ('top?)
abbreviation ( topper )
a man's tall hat, worn as formal dress.
???????? ??????????
der Zylinder
ψηλ? καπ?λο ,
???? ??????
topi tinggi
cilindrs (cepure)
topi tinggi
?? ??? ???? ??
visoki ?e?ir
silindir ?apka
????? ????
m? chóp cao ?top-'heavy adjective having the upper part too heavy for the lower. That pile of books is top-heavy – it'll fall over! topswaar
?????? ?????? ??????? ??????
чиято горна част е твърде тежка за основата
βαρ?τερο? στο π?νω μ?ρο?
demasiado pesado por encima/en la parte superior
ülevalt liiga raske
????? ?? ????
yl?osastaan liian painava
trop lourd du haut
?????? ????? ?????????
koji je te?i gore nego dolje, neuravnote?en
berat atas
of ?ungur a? óst??ugur
?? ??? ?, ??? ?, ????
vir?uje perkrautas
berat di sebelah atas ,
przeci??ony u góry
?? ????? ?? ?????
prea greu ?n partea de sus
перевешивающий в верхней части;неустойчивый
te?ji zgoraj kot spodaj
f?r tung upptill, ?vertung
такий, що переважу? у верхн?й частин?
????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ????
n?ng ??u ?top-'secret adjective very secret.
hoogs geheim
????? ???????
строго поверителен
altamente secreto
p?ísně tajn?
altamente confidencial/secreto
????? ???????
?????? ?????????
strogo povjerljiv
hétpecsétes titok
sangat rahasia
sem er algert leyndarmál
labai slaptas
pilnīgi slepens
sangat sulit
uiterst geheim
altamente secreto
prísne tajné
strogo zaupen
velika tajna
hemligst?mplad, topphemlig
абсолютно секретний
tuy?t m?t at the top of one's voice very loudly. They were shouting at the top(s) of their voices. so hard as jy kan
?????? ???????
a plenos pulm?es
z plného hrdla
aus vollem Halse
af sine lungers fulde kraft
(φων?ζω) με ?λη μου τη δ?ναμη , , a pleno pulmón
t?iest k?rist
?? ???? ????? ????
kurkku suorana
??????? ???
??? ????????
iz svega glasa
torka szakadtából
keras sekali
eins hátt og ma?ur getur
(a squarciagola)
???, ? ???
visu balsu
pilnā kaklā
sekuat-kuatnya ,
na ca?y g?os
a plenos pulm?es
c?t ?l ?ine gura
во весь голос
z plného hrdla
na ves glas
iz sveg glasa
f?r full hals, s? h?gt man kan
avaz? ??kt??? kadar
дуже голосно
???? ????? ??
r?t to be/feel etc on top of the world to feel very well and happy. She's on top of the world – she's just got engaged to be married. baie bly, baie gelukkig
??????? ????? ????? ????
много съм щастлив
p?r-se a caminho
b?t na vrcholu blaha
oppe i skyerne
ε?μαι πανευτυχ??
sentirse/estar como en las nubes
?nne tipus olema
????? ??????
olla onnensa kukkuloilla
????????? ??????
???? ???????
a hetedik mennyországban érzi magát
merasa bahagia
vera á lei?inni
(essere al settimo cielo)
??? ?? ? ???
būti/jaustis kaip devintame danguje
būt/justies kā devītajās debesīs
berasa sgt bahagia
opgewonden zijn/raken
vaere halvgammel, dra p? ?ra
by? w siódmym niebie
???? ??????
a-?i vedea de drum, a-?i continua drumul
быть на седьмом небе
by? na vrchole blaha
biti v devetih nebesih
biti veoma sre?an
m? toppenbra
?ok mutlu olmak, etekleri zil ?almak
бути на верху блаженства
???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????
h?nh phúc
幸福到极点,心满意足 from top to bottom completely. They've painted the house from top to bottom. van bo tot onder
???????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?????????
de cima a baixo
odshora dol?
fra top til t?
απ? π?νω μ?χρι κ?τω,
üleni, maast laeni
perin pohjin
?????????? ???????
???? ??? ??, ???? ??? ??
potpuno, od vrha do dna
tet?t?l talpig
hátt og lágt
(da cima a fondo)
nuo apa?ios iki vir?aus
no aug?as līdz apak? viscaur
luar dalam
van onder tot boven
od góry do do?u
de cima a baixo
?n ?ntregime
сверху донизу
odhora a? dolu
od vrha do tal
u potpunosti
uppifr?n och ner
ba?tan a?a??
зверху донизу
???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??
hoàn toàn the top of the ladder/tree the highest point in one's profession.
bo-aan die leer
?? ????? ???????? ????? ?????????
на върха
o topo da profiss?o
vrchol kariéry
der Gipfel des Erfolgs
η κορυφ? τη? κλ?μακα?, το απ?γειο τη? καρι?ρα?
k?rgeim aste
uran huippu
?????? ????????
???? ??, ???????? ??
na vrhuncu, na najvi?em polo?aju
a csúcs(on van)
puncak karier
á hápunkti ferils ,
karjeros vir?ūn?
karjeras virsotne
berada di kemuncak
szczyt kariery
o topo da profiss?o
?n v?rful piramidei
достигать высших степеней
vrchol kariéry
na najvi?jem polo?aju
vrh lestvice
h?jden av karri?ren
en üst basamak/a?ama
(職業) 最高位階
визначне положення; вершина кар'?ри
??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????
??nh cao c?a ngh? nghi?p
(同行中的)最高地位,事业的最高峰 top up to fill (a cup etc that has been partly emptied) to the top. Let me top up your glass/drink. maak vol
γεμ?ζω ω? επ?νω
acabar de llenar
t?itma, t?is valama
????? ????
napuniti, nato?iti
fylla, baeta á
a umple (p?n? sus)
napuniti do vrha
üstünü doldurmak
n?ng, làm ??y top2 (top)
noun a kind of toy that spins.
??????? ????????
der Kreisel
zvrk, ?igra
snú?ur, skopparakringla
vilci?? (rota?lieta)
?????????? ???????? ????
??? ??? ?? ??????
con quay sleep like a top to sleep very well. The child slept like a top after a day on the beach. baie goed slaap
????? ???????
спя като къпан
dormir como uma pedra
spát jako zabit?
sove som en sten
κοιμ?μαι σαν αρν?κι
dormir como un tronco/lirón, dormir como una marmota
magama nagu nott
?? ???? ???? ????
nukkua kuin tukki
?????? ????????
???? ???? ????
?vrsto spavati
alszik, mint a bunda
tidur nyenyak
sofa eins og steinn
(dormire come un ghiro)
miegoti kaip u?mu?tam
gulēt kā nosistam
spa? jak suse?
?? ???? ??? ?? ???
dormir como uma pedra
a dormi bu?tean
спать как убитый
spa? ako zabit?
spati kot top
lepo spavati
sova som en stock
deliksiz uyumak
м?цно спати
???? ???? ????
ng? ngon top →
ví?ko, vrchní, vrchol l?g, ?verst, top , ,
huippu-, kansi, yl?p?? , ,
najvi?i, poklopac, vrh , ,
一番上の, 上, 蓋 ??, ? ?, ? ?? , ,
lock, ?versta, topp ??????, ??, ????????? , ,
??nh, ??ng ??u , ,
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I don't remember much about it, except that I was afraid of the cellar and the dark entry, and always liked the cake and milk we had up at the top. If the desire to talk came to him when the two were walking in the fields, he sought out a stump or the top board of a fence and with his hands pounding busily talked with re- newed ease. The point where I believe we should start to dig," said the professor, "is near the spot where the top of the mountain casts a shadow when the sun is one hour high. The top of his left ear was gone, and his skin was brown as an Indian's. There was no sound abroad except the hooting of an old owl in the top of a water-oak, and the everlasting voice of the sea, that was not uplifted at that soft hour. They spoke together earnestly in the Delaware language, th and by the gestures of the white man, which were frequently directed towards the top of the sapling, it was evident he pointed out the situation of their hidden enemy. We proceeded successfully, and after a long and fatiguing journey through a mountainous wilderness, in a westward direction, on the seventh day of June following, we found ourselves on Red-River, where John Finley had formerly been trading with the Indians, and, from the top of an eminence, saw with pleasure the beautiful level of Kentucke. If only that top pattern could be gotten off from the under one 40 steppers and a skeleton buggy to meet you at the top of the hill and drive you over to the cabin. His head was small, and flat at top, with huge ears, large green glassy eyes, and a long snipe nose, so that it looked like a weather-cock perched upon his spindle neck to tell which way the wind blew. but high up, beyond the lawn and at the very top of the tower to which, on that first morning, little Flora had conducted me. First he takes about a double handful of shavings out of his grego pocket, and places them caref then laying a bit of ship biscuit on top and applying the flame from the lamp, he kindled the shavings into a sacrificial blaze.
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